MacBook Pro :: Screen Won't Turn On - Computer Starts But Black Screen
Jun 27, 2014
Computer starts (keyboard lit, music plays, caps lock light on), but no screen. I need to open and close 2 - 30 times before the screen will turn on. Once on, the computer works perfectly. I've tried PRAM and safemode reset.
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Nov 13, 2009
After installing windows 7 on my new iMac the system wants to reboot, so i let it. When it does, i press down the option key and choose it to start in Widows, but now the screen turns black, and windows never starts. i dont know what to do.
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Jul 19, 2010
My Macbook is brand new! (Barely 4 months old) Just recently my laptop will flash a black screen. It starts from the bottom and quickly flashes up the screen higher and higher each flash! i have read on some other pages it is a bad inverter on the inner core of the Macbook. Other than that I do not know what to do!
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Feb 17, 2012
Mac book pro starts up but screen stays black. I have tried taking the battery out, waiting over night it still is black
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
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May 24, 2012
I came back from work to wake up my iMac. It made the noise but the screen stayed black. I tried restarting by holding the power button- I can hear it start and the chime but still have a black screen. I tried resetting the pram, and unplugging the cord but I still get a black screen. I can hear the chime though; I'm not sure if that means anything. I just had the hard drive replaced in February so I hope it's not that. just wanted to clarify that when I restart, I get the chime but the screen stays black- I don't get to the grey screen. So I'm assuming right now that my display may be shot?
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 30, 2012
I have a 2007 or so Macbook Pro that when I turn it on, it "dings" and sounds like it's starting up but then the screen is just BLACK. This happened before, about a year ago, so I don't want to fix it as I think it will just keep happening. My question is, can I connect a dual-USB to it and my iMac to transfer files from it? Or how can I get my files off my MBPro to my iMac without spending $$$ to get a pro to take out the hard drive and etc.?
MacBook Pro
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May 10, 2012
My 2007 MacBook is starting up and making all the right noises but the screen stays black - looking on different forums it seems likely it is either the back light or the inverter that need fixing but in the meantime there is some things on there I need - I have an IMac as well and I have tried to connect the too so that I can view the macbook on the imac - I used a firewire cable and held down the t key on the macbook (but obviously couldn't see if it had worked) I then turned on the Imac and held the option key down but it only give me the IMac HD to start from and not the Macbook
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Jun 13, 2012
I hear the initial "turning on" sound, buy after that there is nothing.What is wrong and how can I fix it?
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Dec 6, 2014
My MacBook is making the startup sound but goes straight to a black/dark grey screen. In other words you can see the screen switching on but it's blank. It's in charge mode, has no other external peripherals attached and it's updated to most recent OSX Yosemite.
I only purchased it in May of this year (refurbished). I have tried booting in to safe mode but again the screen remains the same. Â
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Sep 29, 2010
I am trying to fix a friends macbook pro. When I turn it on the screen shows the apple and the spiral underneath it spinning like it should then when it stalls for .2 seconds it goes to a white screen then there is vertical purple lines in groups across the screen. So the screen is white/purple. Then it fades to just white and I cant do anything.
I hooked up my monitor with a DVI cable to see if it was the motherboard that was possibly bad but the monitor works just fine with the cable. I can use the computer with the laptop keyboard/mouse and it works just fine. The laptop screen just stays blank the whole time. I uploaded a vid to utube for it. If anybody has any ideas for me please help. I dont know if this is a monitor problem or the inverter or the motherboard, possibly some other piece of hardware?
Here is the link to the video:
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Feb 9, 2012
It started almost 3 days ago. My 2008 macbook screen would suddenly turn black. When watching a YouTube video, the sound still plays but the screen is black. I tried adjusting the brightness, didnt work. I tried pressing the power button but nothing changed. Then when i closed my screen and opened it, the display would return with the (turnoff, sleep etc) question meaning my button computed something.
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Dec 4, 2014
I have a disfunction on my screen as soon as i turn it on nothing appears and the screen is all black, I tried to restart it several times but it is still the same , nothing happens.
MacBook Air
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Jun 29, 2014
My screen is black but my laptop is not off.. and its not that only the screen is black, my mac on sleep (i think)...When I turn my mac on, it does turn on.. The starting screen comes out.. but the moment the desktop opens, the screen goes black. And if I try to wake my mac up by pressing any key, the mouse shows for like three seconds(on the black screen, not my desktop). So that means that my mac is not totally off, it's just that the screen is black. But once in a while, when I press any button, my desktop shows for five seconds and the screen turns black again. I had yesterday was that the finder was keep restarting. I was still able to go on all the apps except that I could not open any files on my desktop.
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Apr 15, 2010
I've got a 2007 Macbook Pro. It's on its second graphics card (8600M GT), the first one failed on me a year ago. OS X 10.5.7, all firmware updates installed.
I think I have a new graphics card issue, but I can't prove it. In Front Row, after 10-20 minutes, often parts of the screen will start going black. Then it freezes. Sound works fine. It doesn't look like the same kind of wild distortion that I got when my GPU failed the first time, though, it just looks like things have been rendered incorrectly.
When Front Row finally quits, I've had black and white bars across my menu bar a couple of times. Once the computer then totally locked up and I had to reboot.
In Windows XP in boot camp, things are worse. I only use boot camp for games, since they use a lot of graphical power, it made sense that the problems happen there more often. After 15-20 minutes, the screen will start stuttering, then the keyboard/mouse will stop responding. The sound will hiccup a few times too. That lasts about 10 seconds, then everything returns to normal for a while (as little as 10 seconds, or as long as 5 minutes.)
The Apple Hardware Test (short and extended) shows no trouble. Techtool Pro shows no trouble. I ran the very thorough memtest86+, and it showed no memory trouble.
Can anybody give me any tips on definitively diagnosing this problem? Is there any kind of really intensive hardware test I can get (a live CD maybe)?
Second question, has anybody heard of Apple replacing a laptop that has had many faults with a brand new unit?
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Dec 3, 2014
I just having problem with starting my Macboook. First, at start screen (gray background with the apple logo) appears pink/red horizontal lines over all the screen. Then, when i'm using my computer, screen goes black for no reason and i need to force restart to turn on the Mac.I can't believe this is happening to a "HIGH QUALITY" expensive computer. This seems happening to 2011 Macbook Pros... Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 31, 2012
My dest top is not showing after boot up however, some message pop up and screen saver works. Last massage i had was hard drive is almost full?
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Aug 30, 2014
When I turn on computer it starts with a white screen with 5 purple stripes. These turn to a full screen of purple squares.
27, Other OS, iMac11,1 Intel Core i5 2.66GHz
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Dec 3, 2014
My laptop was dead then I restarted it. I hear the fan going and the the CAPS LOCK light comes on. But the screen is black. About a minute later the screen turns on and has a message that asks me to pick a language. then asks me what type of problem I am having with using my password. (Which I am not having). So I reset my password then it says itll restart. Only to do it again. I have a 2011 MacBook Pro 15inch.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 2011 15inch
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May 13, 2012
I hear the computer physically turn on, but a blank screen remains. I recently purchased a new battery for the computer for the battery status read replace soon about a week ago. I sense that maybe there is a shortage in the wiring that connects what shows on the screen to the computer, but I'm not completely sure.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 5, 2014
my computer turns on but there is only a black screen. i hear the sounds and am able to press buttons but nothing is seen. how to I fix this?
MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
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Apr 20, 2012
When i turn on my computer it goes to the regular white screen with the apple with the pinwheel. Then i goes to a blue screen and it changes to a different shade of blue and the pin wheel shows up. The two blue screens just alternate untill i hit the power button the shut it off.
MacBook Pro
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Apr 9, 2012
Why does imac screen turn black?
Imac, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Jun 3, 2014
I was using my MacBook Pro , which I only bought a week ago , when the screen suddenly went black and the computer seemed to power down , when this happened it was on 40% battery , I plugged In the MagSafe it didn't seem to light but when I looked closely it was on but it was very dim and flashing green and orange . When I put my ear to the case I can hear a faint noise.
MacBook, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Mar 23, 2012
My MacBook pro starts up then goes to the white apple screen but after that the whole screen turns blue and has a round loading thing that does not stop spinning and thats all it does. The computer does not turn on past the blue screen?
MacBook Pro
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Jun 17, 2012
I turn on my computer and it has a blank/gray screen. I can turn it on and off, but that's all.
MacBook Air
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Dec 1, 2014
I turn on my computer and all i get is a blank white screen. No logo, no loading symbol, just a blank screen; though the start-up music still plays. I have tried almost all the solutions.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Dec 24, 2009
My MacBook Pro won't turn on. When I turn it on, I can hear the motor whirring, but the screen stays black. I've tried leaving it off for an extended period, I've tried unplugging the charger, leaving it to charge for 24+ hours, taking the battery out, checked that the screen brightness wasn't accidentally turned down, everything!! It started about 2 weeks ago, since then it's turned on a couple of times, but when I stop using it and it goes into sleep mode, or I turn it off, it won't come back on again. Not sure what's wrong with it, but there's some urgent files I need on that computer! I also have an iMac, which I was hoping to transfer the files to, so I can send the laptop to be looked at. So, I have 2 questions...
1. What is most likely wrong with the laptop, and is it something I can fix so it will turn on again?
2. Is there a way to transfer the files from the laptop to an external HDD or my iMac even though the laptop has a black screen.
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Mar 20, 2012
My Imac---which is less than a year old--randomly goes black but continues to function otherwise. This is happening on a more and more frequent basis.Â
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Dec 15, 2010
I was BBMing while trying to plug in my headphones with my pheripherals, and I accidentally pushed it (not very hard) into the USB port. The tip of the headphone jack connected with the little connector ball at the bottom of the USB port. The screen went black and I instantly hit the power button on instinct, so I don't know if it shut off. Did I do something very bad, or is that normal? I'm not sure if that's even considered an electric shock or what.
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Apr 29, 2012
When I open my macbook, the screen remains black (as though it's in sleep mode). Adjusting the brightness always fixes this problem, but this is a temporary fix. The brightness is not at zero when I adjust it after opening, often I need to dim the screen to reactivate it.
This problem is not: related to *clamshell mode*related to unintentionally dimming the screen. related to any of the settings in the Energy Saving panel in system preferences
Extra info: The computer seems as though it doesn't actually enter sleep mode when I close the computer.I don't think there are any processes running that would prevent sleep mode. I really just want the computer to go to sleep properly when I close the screen and more importantly, that it wake-up when opened, or at least when a button is pushed aside from the brightness buttons.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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