MacBook :: 2007 Starts Up But The Screen Stays Black?
May 10, 2012
My 2007 MacBook is starting up and making all the right noises but the screen stays black - looking on different forums it seems likely it is either the back light or the inverter that need fixing but in the meantime there is some things on there I need - I have an IMac as well and I have tried to connect the too so that I can view the macbook on the imac - I used a firewire cable and held down the t key on the macbook (but obviously couldn't see if it had worked) I then turned on the Imac and held the option key down but it only give me the IMac HD to start from and not the Macbook
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Feb 17, 2012
Mac book pro starts up but screen stays black. I have tried taking the battery out, waiting over night it still is black
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
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May 31, 2010
Loaded pics up for the 1st time from my 7d into Aperture 1.5 and left my computer on, woke up and it wouldn't come out of sleep. I did a hard shutdown holding down the power button and the screen just stays black and I never hear the chime, light on power button is solid white. Since I'm on vacation with my wife and infant daughter I don't have time to mess around troubleshooting but see it may be a failed logic board? Do they just fail randomly or what? My aunt that I'm staying with turned off a surge protector a light was plugged into, I was using her power charger for her MacBook Pro and only this morning found out it was plugged directly into the outlet below the surge protector was on that she flipped off.
Could that have created a surge on the other plug or something? She does this all the time with her MacBook Pro plugged in and its never created a problem, I'm writing this post from her computer right now! (Only brought the Mac out because my iPad wouldn't load the photos for some reason, don't know if it has something to do with the HD video or because I also had photos from my Canon 50d on there or if that has something to do with my Mac's problem?) I've attempted an SMC restart and it does the same thing? I'm now extremely stressed thinking I may have lost all my pics that I haven't backed up in months of my infant daughter. When I start it up I hear an initial sound of a hardrive spin or fan but then its basically silent.
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Aug 31, 2014
I can hear the chime going off, but the display turns on you cannot see through naked eye, you have flash light onto to the screen to see very little, can you tell me why this is happening and how to fix this issue. Secondly, can you tell me how to fix this issue, my keyboard and trackpad doesn't work. Is it the problem of flex cable of both the keyboard and trackpad or is the related to software
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 24, 2012
I came back from work to wake up my iMac. It made the noise but the screen stayed black. I tried restarting by holding the power button- I can hear it start and the chime but still have a black screen. I tried resetting the pram, and unplugging the cord but I still get a black screen. I can hear the chime though; I'm not sure if that means anything. I just had the hard drive replaced in February so I hope it's not that. just wanted to clarify that when I restart, I get the chime but the screen stays black- I don't get to the grey screen. So I'm assuming right now that my display may be shot?
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 27, 2014
Computer starts (keyboard lit, music plays, caps lock light on), but no screen. I need to open and close 2 - 30 times before the screen will turn on. Once on, the computer works perfectly. I've tried PRAM and safemode reset.
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Jun 7, 2012
I have a 2006 Macbook that when powered up, the screen stays black, the machine beeps 3 times, and sleep light blinks 3 times before the process repeats over and over. When doing a search, I saw something about the RAM but
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Sep 11, 2010
I have a MacBook C2D 2GHz, 4gigs of ram from mid 2007. It has snow leo v. 10.6.4.
I cant remember when the problem appeared but maybe 6 months ago.
Every time the mac is rebootet or shutdown the screen goes black the sleep light stays on but I can hear the chime and cd drive make shot start up sound.
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Mar 30, 2012
My MacBook Pro from 2007 has recently been having a problem where the screen will go black without warning. It's been getting progressively worse, staying black for a few minutes, then staying black for many minutes, and now it can't be woken up (writing this on yet another computer!). I had a similar problem with an iBook from way back when, but can't remember whether I solved the problem by some series of keystrokes or by buying a new computer. Â
I tried [Apple]+[Option]+[P]+[R] until it start-up chimed, then start-up chimed again. And I tried holding [SHIFT] while it rebooted. I can hear the volume increase and decrease popping-like sound and it reboots fine (as far as I can tell). This MacBook Pro runs Snow Lion (I think).Â
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Apr 30, 2012
I have a 2007 or so Macbook Pro that when I turn it on, it "dings" and sounds like it's starting up but then the screen is just BLACK. This happened before, about a year ago, so I don't want to fix it as I think it will just keep happening. My question is, can I connect a dual-USB to it and my iMac to transfer files from it? Or how can I get my files off my MBPro to my iMac without spending $$$ to get a pro to take out the hard drive and etc.?
MacBook Pro
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Dec 6, 2014
My MacBook is making the startup sound but goes straight to a black/dark grey screen. In other words you can see the screen switching on but it's blank. It's in charge mode, has no other external peripherals attached and it's updated to most recent OSX Yosemite.
I only purchased it in May of this year (refurbished). I have tried booting in to safe mode but again the screen remains the same. Â
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Apr 1, 2012
This 5 year old iMac makes the seek optical drive sound when switched on, but does not chime, but I can hear the hard drive going afterwards.
The screen just stays black, not a flicker.
The problem is that it is located in a small pretty isolated town in NE Brazil, I will be going back out there later in the summer so if anyone has any helpful ideas it would be most welcome. Fortunately we have a full CCC clone of the hard drive and a working MBP so we haven't lost anything, but it would be very good to have it working again.
Does it have a socket for an external monitor, I really cannot remember, as I have not seen it since November, I know the old round iMacs had one.
The nearest Mac store is probably in Rio or Sao Paulo which are a good day travelling by car and plane so there is no chance of getting it there.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 19, 2012
imac turns on but screen stays black ? i can hear it operating ...
imac 20" and macbook 13", Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Feb 18, 2012
I have a 24inch iMac 3.06ghz and seems to be stuck restarting. It will not get to the any screen (just stays black) and constantly restarts, the chime seems to get quieter each time, after about 6 times it comes back to full volume but will not get any further in the start up process.
I restarted it myself because the screen was flickering very quickly and seemed to freeze (this is the first time I have encountered that). I had to power down by the button at the back, then restart using the power button and now won't start up. All software fully up to date. Running Lion.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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May 5, 2012
The latest iMac model. When I click on the power button: I can hear the Hard disk and the DVD drive spin up. The screen stays black. The startup sounds plays half way through the first time, like its being cut off. After the first startup chime has been cut, the chime keeps playing in a loop. The computer doesn't come any further than that.
I have tried: Unplugging all peripherals, with the same result.
SMC reset: Unplug power cord and hold power button for 5 sec. PRAM reset...
It seems like the computer does not even get to boot and ignores all keyboard input. I also tried booting from the DVD drive with the installation disk. But I can't get any further than the repeating startup chimes.
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Sep 5, 2014
I have an early 2008, 24-inch iMac. This problem started after I installed an OS X Mavericks update (and has continued). Basically, after the screen is asleep for a while, if you come back and move the mouse / tap the keyboard, the desktop never reappears. The screen stays black but the mouse cursor shows up and you can drag it around. I've seen some similar issues that said they could get the app switcher, but that never happens for me. Just mouse cursor and black screen, no matter how long you try to wait it out or tap buttons. The only solution is a cold restart, although I think in the past I was able to fix by turning off energy saver settings for putting the display to sleep. It doesn't happen every time, I'd say it happens over 50% of the time. The problem actually kicked in with one particular App Store update of Mavericks. I believe it was 10.9.3 if I recall correctly.
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Jul 19, 2010
My Macbook is brand new! (Barely 4 months old) Just recently my laptop will flash a black screen. It starts from the bottom and quickly flashes up the screen higher and higher each flash! i have read on some other pages it is a bad inverter on the inner core of the Macbook. Other than that I do not know what to do!
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Nov 13, 2009
After installing windows 7 on my new iMac the system wants to reboot, so i let it. When it does, i press down the option key and choose it to start in Widows, but now the screen turns black, and windows never starts. i dont know what to do.
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Jun 15, 2012
additional information: 27" Intel based 64 bit 8GB ram dual boot with windows 7 I tried resetting my pram
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 4.3.1
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Apr 5, 2007
My brother's iBook G4 (I think it's a 2003 model) has a problem with the screen. When the computer is turned on, the screen stays black, although the backlight is on (the apple glows). Sometimes, on start up, the screen works normally for a random amount of time before going fuzzy and then black again.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Is it likely to be a problem with the hardware in the actual computer, or just the screen? Or is it a software thing?
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Sep 8, 2009
I bought my aluminum imac when it was released in late 2007. I had a 1 gigabyte stick up until now, but I decided to upgrade to 2x2 gigabyte sticks. When I took out the 1 stick and placed the new ones in, my computer would sound like it turned on, but the system really did not boot up. I have tried many configurations to see what the problem with the RAM is, and all I could figure out is that the computer will only boot up if the original 1 gig stick is in one slot. I checked both sticks with this, and they seem to register on my mac when I check the "About This Mac" section. Basically, I get a black screen if I use only a 2 gig stick, or both 2 gig sticks. I can have a maximum of 3 gigs so far, but I really would like all 4 that I paid for. I'm not so sure that it's a problem with the ram, especially because it is recognized by the system, but it can't boot up the system, so I am simply dumbfounded. Anyone have an idea what the problem is? I just recently installed Snow Leopard prior to getting the RAM if that has any importance.
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Apr 15, 2010
I've got a 2007 Macbook Pro. It's on its second graphics card (8600M GT), the first one failed on me a year ago. OS X 10.5.7, all firmware updates installed.
I think I have a new graphics card issue, but I can't prove it. In Front Row, after 10-20 minutes, often parts of the screen will start going black. Then it freezes. Sound works fine. It doesn't look like the same kind of wild distortion that I got when my GPU failed the first time, though, it just looks like things have been rendered incorrectly.
When Front Row finally quits, I've had black and white bars across my menu bar a couple of times. Once the computer then totally locked up and I had to reboot.
In Windows XP in boot camp, things are worse. I only use boot camp for games, since they use a lot of graphical power, it made sense that the problems happen there more often. After 15-20 minutes, the screen will start stuttering, then the keyboard/mouse will stop responding. The sound will hiccup a few times too. That lasts about 10 seconds, then everything returns to normal for a while (as little as 10 seconds, or as long as 5 minutes.)
The Apple Hardware Test (short and extended) shows no trouble. Techtool Pro shows no trouble. I ran the very thorough memtest86+, and it showed no memory trouble.
Can anybody give me any tips on definitively diagnosing this problem? Is there any kind of really intensive hardware test I can get (a live CD maybe)?
Second question, has anybody heard of Apple replacing a laptop that has had many faults with a brand new unit?
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Aug 22, 2014
FCPX V. 10.1.3 / OS X MAV 10.9.4Â
When sharing "Apple 1080p" the progress bar jumps right to 9% then stays there no matter how long you leave it.I have restarted, shut down, cleared memory, and tried three different destinations (USB, Ex HD, iMac HD)Â
This has happened once before but randomly stopped happening a few hours later but it doesn't seem to be the case this time.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 15, 2012
So my girlfriend boss wanted me to fix her computer. So I brought it home turned it on, and it didnt chime but it booted to the gray screen with apple logo/ slashed circle/and folder with a "?" So I made a USB Mac OS x bootable drive (FLASH) held down alt (try using a windows keyboard its fun) was able to select option and install a fresh copy. all seemed well was running really hot so I poped of the screen. HOLY MOLY! this thing is CAKED with dust, and I am not kidding it has literally piles of dust. So I ran updates, and did firmware updates. Turned it off for the night. Â
The next morning I went to radio shack and got Dust remove spray, opened it up made sure I was carful taking off the screen, and blew the sucker out. now its NICE and CLEAN. then i made sure I plugged everything in and turned it on. Drive spun like normal, Optical checked for a CD, and fans are also running normally. but no chime, no nothing stays as silent as normal but doesnt budge, it is like it hangs. Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Mar 31, 2009
A friend of mine ran into the most surprising thing when he booted up from his MacBook. Instead of seeing the Apple logo, he saw a question mark - ?.
I told him to try and boot from his Install Disc 1 and it managed to as the Apple logo along with the busy progress bar was shown. Then the usual language selection. I told him to select startup disk from the utilities menu and he said that all he could see is network startup and the Mac OS install disk. Even when he tried to repair disk, it said that it wasn't mounted.
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Jun 27, 2010
I'm trying to play counterstrike on this laptop and it doesn't seem like 1GB RAM is enough. I looked it up on apple and it says this macbook only supports up to 2GB RAM and comes with 1GB RAM (two 512MB). Do I need to purchase two 1GB RAM or just use one 2GB RAM? Also, is there any specific brands or models you guys can recommend me?
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Jul 2, 2012
I recently purchased a Mac Mini at the Apple store. I'm using an Apple bluetooth keyboard and trackpad. Problem is, when the mini goes to sleep, it won't wake back up. Nothing I can do apart from a hard restart by pressing the start button will wake the computer up. I don't know what to do to fix this. Is it something in settings?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 18, 2009
There's some known documented issues concerning the Nvidia graphics chip in the particular model of macbook pro I have.
Basically when turning on the machine, the screen is filled with black & white horizontal strips like a piano keyboard, but thats it - it doesn't actually boot up fully at all, you cannot hear the hard drive running !
Would the hard drive have anything to do with this ?
I explained this to apple telephone support & they informed of the article
& stated that the symptoms were linked.
On taking the mac to an apple store they ran a special 'firmware' boot up 'test' using an instore ipod to determine if it was a faulty Nvidia chip, so as to prove to Nvidia, the company funding the repairs whether it is that to blame.
Because the machine didn't even boot up & complete the 'test' they couldn't say whether it was the graphics chip - so 'no free repair' under extended warranty & the final answer was as usual ' buy a new logic board' that will cure it !
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Mar 17, 2012
Tried to restart didn't work. Light is on, but nothing makes noise or anyhting. Been charging it for hours so it has power. Tested the chord on my ther computer and it worked
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Jun 20, 2010
Im really sorry if this is a silly question. I was playing football manager, then had to dash off somewhere for 15 mins, by the time i got back the screen was black, i just assumed it was on standby, i pressed space bar to carry on playing and NOTHING happened.. i pressed the on|off button and nothing happened.. i pressed and held the button to switch it off.. nothing happened..
It is still running now, but nothing is activating it, i pressed the caps lock button to see if the keyboard was operating and it didnt light up as normal.Im just letting the battery drain on it to see if it does anything on the reboot.. i dont know what else to do.. please advise!!!I only purchased it on Fri.. so its 2 days old i really hope it isnt broken already, there must be a simple answer for this? I look forward to reading any advice,
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