MacBook Air :: Turn On Computer And It Has A Blank/gray Screen?
Jun 17, 2012I turn on my computer and it has a blank/gray screen. I can turn it on and off, but that's all.
MacBook Air
I turn on my computer and it has a blank/gray screen. I can turn it on and off, but that's all.
MacBook Air
I turn on my computer and all i get is a blank white screen. No logo, no loading symbol, just a blank screen; though the start-up music still plays. I have tried almost all the solutions.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I was using my computer normally, it started to move slowly, so I properly shut it down. After leaving it off for a few minutes, I started it up again. However, every time I press the power button, it comes on and there is just a blank gray screen. No folder with a question mark on it, just a blank gray screen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was using my MacBook Pro and all the sudden the screen started to flash and then went gray with lines and then black. I turned it on and off multiple times, tried to restart it but the screen will never turn back on. The computer makes the noise like it is turing on and the keys light but but the screen doesn't change.
MacBook Pro
I downloaded the latest version of Safari, Lion 5.1.5, now when I try to open a PDF through the browser. I get a blank grey window.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a mac pro 2010 a1186 tower. I turn it on I get a mac chime and a light gray scren no logos or any thing. I've tried resetting nvram and a firmware update using the recovery cd.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy MacBook Pro is turning on to startup screen with apple icon and loading signal, but then after a few minutes the screen just turns white. What is wrong?
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy start up disc is full and when i switch on my computer the screen is blank. how can i get the dock up again
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Yesterday I was working with my MBP in one of my client's office and the computer went blank. The screen turn to black and it was still ON. I had to press the ON/OFF button to shut the computer.
View 24 Replies View Relateda few hours ago my mac froze up so i reset it but when i turned it back on it was just gray with a folder icon with a question mark in the middle blinking. i then turned it off and left it alone for a few hours and when i went to turn it on again the screen is just gray with the apple icon and the loading icon under it, which is what always comes up when i first turn it on but it wont change, its been the same for like a half hour now.
View 16 Replies View RelatedBasically, the iBook G4 (last revision) will not turn on. What is happening I press the power button, the iBook chimes, HDD makes its regular "computer was just turned on" noises and then the computer sits at the Grey Screen and the little swirly loading thing comes up and nothing else happens. What happened before the issue I was browsing the web last night and before turning it off for the night I ran MainMenu's batch tasks. I have been using MainMenu for several months with zero issues up till now. My sister said she needed to use my computer for a few minutes so I turned it back on. It sat at the Grey Screen for 15 minutes so I force shut down and tried again. After another 15 minutes I went to bed (it was getting late) and left it to see what happened over night. Somewhere in my 8 hours of sleep the computer gave up and turned itself off. I have not heard any tell-tale signs of an HDD failure - no clicking, buzzing or scratchy noises. Possible Culprits UNO - has been installed for over a month but it does have access to system files so I'm not clearing its name. MainMenu - Been using for a while but it was the last thing I did before the problem arose. What I've done to fix it - Reset the PMU by pressing Shift + Option + Control + Power Button - Boot off restore disk and repaired the disk in Disk Utility. The volume bit map and volume information needed repair. is the poor sucker dead?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with my mini/quicktime setup and i was hoping for some help from you all at macrumors...
Here is the setup
This system is setup for a admissions office in which we have a mac mini set up to a LCD screen that is all mounted on a wall.
we have the mini on timer to come on from 1230-5pm and when the mini comes on, quicktime is set to automatically open and play the admissions video.
Now here is the problem:
when I turn on the LCD every day, the screen is blank but Ican still hear the video, I figured it was in hibernation so i move the mouse and hit the keyboard and nothing. i need to push the power button and hold it for a couple seconds then the movie comes on but the video is choppy.
here are the specs on the mini: 1.25 power pc G4, 512 Ram.
its old but its only function is to play this video...
When I turn my computer on nothing happens. You can hear the drive or cooling fans but there is nothing on the screen. Normally there is the spinning wheel but now nothing.
iMac, snow leopard
Allright so my girlfriend accidentally spilled a drink on her macbook the other day. We thought we had cleaned it off and everything was fine. We were mistaken. During normal usage the computer crashed so we restarted it and are now greeted upon startup with a gray screen and a gray application folder with a question mark on it flashing repeatedly. What is the course of action guys? I'm not computer whiz and I'm wondering if we can fix this ourselves without having to take it in for repair. And FYI she does not have apple care
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy computer is stuck on gray apple page with swirl moving and never opens-
I hear the computer physically turn on, but a blank screen remains. I recently purchased a new battery for the computer for the battery status read replace soon about a week ago. I sense that maybe there is a shortage in the wiring that connects what shows on the screen to the computer, but I'm not completely sure.
MacBook Pro
So my quicksilver has been working great up until this afternoon. i had to restart and now whenever i turn it on all i get is a blank grey screen and nothing else. i dont hear a startup chime or anything.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am trying to fix a friends macbook pro. When I turn it on the screen shows the apple and the spiral underneath it spinning like it should then when it stalls for .2 seconds it goes to a white screen then there is vertical purple lines in groups across the screen. So the screen is white/purple. Then it fades to just white and I cant do anything.
I hooked up my monitor with a DVI cable to see if it was the motherboard that was possibly bad but the monitor works just fine with the cable. I can use the computer with the laptop keyboard/mouse and it works just fine. The laptop screen just stays blank the whole time. I uploaded a vid to utube for it. If anybody has any ideas for me please help. I dont know if this is a monitor problem or the inverter or the motherboard, possibly some other piece of hardware?
Here is the link to the video:
I got a 3 year old white macbook. I was surfing the net when suddenly it turned off. On restart, I got the grey screen for a while, the a picture of a file with a question mark in it, waited for ten minutes, still the file. I have done the following:
1.- Reset the PRAM: I use the combination of keys, and it reboots, but on rebboting it goes back to the picture of the file.
2.- Use the option key on startup: I get a grey screen with the curso on it, which I can move with my mouse, but no buttons to click or nothing.
3.- Use the X key: as if doing nothing
4.- Resseting the SMC: as if doing nothing
I have a ibook G4 that's been randomly shutting down. It started doing this maybe about a month ago but it's started getting really bad lately. At first it would shut down if I unplugged the adapter. Not every time I unplugged it, but probably about 50% of the time. When I press the battery button all of the green lights would light up. About half of the time it will start up again if I just hit the power button but the half of the time I have to reset the pRAM. Lately this same thing has been happening except when the computer is still plugged in. And when in say shutting down I mean essentially instantaneously. One second it's on and then the screen goes black and it makes that turning off noise. Not a chime, but like all the fans and hardware are coming to a stop.
Computer starts (keyboard lit, music plays, caps lock light on), but no screen. I need to open and close 2 - 30 times before the screen will turn on. Once on, the computer works perfectly. I've tried PRAM and safemode reset.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAt start up, my computer shows grey apple screen and then goes blank. Why?
MacBook Pro, iOS 8.1.2
My laptop was dead then I restarted it. I hear the fan going and the the CAPS LOCK light comes on. But the screen is black. About a minute later the screen turns on and has a message that asks me to pick a language. then asks me what type of problem I am having with using my password. (Which I am not having). So I reset my password then it says itll restart. Only to do it again. I have a 2011 MacBook Pro 15inch.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 2011 15inch
im getting a message on a grey screen asking me to restart my computer when i'm trying to start my imac? So, i hold down the on / off button to do a hard restart and i get the same message again.
View 24 Replies View RelatedWhen i turn on my computer it goes to the regular white screen with the apple with the pinwheel. Then i goes to a blue screen and it changes to a different shade of blue and the pin wheel shows up. The two blue screens just alternate untill i hit the power button the shut it off.
MacBook Pro
I have a 20" iMac G5 1.8 GHz which has been pretty reliable since new. A few weeks ago I fitted a new Hard-drive (Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB), other than that the computer is bog standard. For the last few days when I start up, the computer switches itself off straight away and I have to press start again. Sometimes it gets as far as the grey screen and sometimes it gets to a complete desktop screen before this happens. This may happen 2 or 3 times and then the computer works fine all day, I can even restart with no problems once it is running fine. As it stands I can live with the problem but I worry that it may get worse. Anyone know what this might be? Could it be related to the new hard-drive? Could it even be related to the cold weather?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy MacBook pro starts up then goes to the white apple screen but after that the whole screen turns blue and has a round loading thing that does not stop spinning and thats all it does. The computer does not turn on past the blue screen?
MacBook Pro
My computer has started randomly popping up a grey screen which tells me to restart. It keeps happening and obviously something is wrong. Not sure if it is a hardware failure but something's broke! Anyone know what the deal is? Here is my latest panic log:
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
0x000954F8 0x00095A10 0x00026898 0x000A8204 0x000ABB80
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=0x2D9C6780)
PC=0x00306440; MSR=0x00009030; DAR=0x9C95F6DC; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x003063BC; R1=0x1787B9C0; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
0x003063BC 0x002B7FCC 0x004EE0A8 0x004EDB9C 0x004EDA20 0x00465CCC
0x0049A634 0x0049A338 0x0049B6E0 0x0049BA14 0x002D1B8C 0x002D0A54 0x000A9714
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
I have a few month old iMac 27" i7 quad core for music use and did an update this morning which consisted of an itunes update and update to the screen firmware and two other things I can't remember. Do the usual install and restart business and am now met with the following error:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x558271): "Unable to find device driver for this platform: "ACPI".
Debugger called: <panic>
Backtrace (CPU 0) , Frame: Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
7 lines of numbers and letters (please let me know if you need these)
BSD process name correspoding to current thread: Unknown
Mac OS Version:
Not yet set
Kernal Version:
Darwin Kernel Version 10.3.0...............
While working on the computer, sometimes the screen will turn gray (from top to bottom) and a message will appear saying the computer must be restarted.So far the local Apple store has not been able to find the problem. The last solution the store tried was to replace the Airport Card, but that didn't work. Computer was purchased in December 2011.
Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)