MacBook Pro :: Computer's Screen Will Not Turn On Though The Computer Will?
May 13, 2012
I hear the computer physically turn on, but a blank screen remains. I recently purchased a new battery for the computer for the battery status read replace soon about a week ago. I sense that maybe there is a shortage in the wiring that connects what shows on the screen to the computer, but I'm not completely sure.
My laptop was dead then I restarted it. I hear the fan going and the the CAPS LOCK light comes on. But the screen is black. About a minute later the screen turns on and has a message that asks me to pick a language. then asks me what type of problem I am having with using my password. (Which I am not having). So I reset my password then it says itll restart. Only to do it again. I have a 2011 MacBook Pro 15inch.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 2011 15inch
Tried to restart didn't work. Light is on, but nothing makes noise or anyhting. Been charging it for hours so it has power. Tested the chord on my ther computer and it worked
When i turn on my computer it goes to the regular white screen with the apple with the pinwheel. Then i goes to a blue screen and it changes to a different shade of blue and the pin wheel shows up. The two blue screens just alternate untill i hit the power button the shut it off.
Computer starts (keyboard lit, music plays, caps lock light on), but no screen. I need to open and close 2 - 30 times before the screen will turn on. Once on, the computer works perfectly. I've tried PRAM and safemode reset.
My MacBook pro starts up then goes to the white apple screen but after that the whole screen turns blue and has a round loading thing that does not stop spinning and thats all it does. The computer does not turn on past the blue screen?
I turn on my computer and all i get is a blank white screen. No logo, no loading symbol, just a blank screen; though the start-up music still plays. I have tried almost all the solutions.
Turn on computer gets to login in screen. Put in password. Stuck on white screen. Upon logging in. It says we need to delete files. We can't delete files because stuck on white screen.
Most of the time when I turn on the Mac I get the white screen and question mark appear. Sometimes it will turn on and work. But often the coloured spinning wheel starts up especially after trying to use iphoto it freezes and a couple of times the screen has then gone black. The computer seemed pretty warm yesterday when this happened.
I got alerted that I had the flashback virus and was told to download SOPHOS ant-virus software. I did this and did a scan once the scan had found the vrius I cleared it and ended the scan. I then turned off my MacBook and it won't turn back on again. It comes up with the apple symbol and that start up noise but it does not progress from there. The apple symbol turns into and error symbol and then dissapers. My computer then stays a grey colour.
I used my laptop at work. when i got home, i plugged it in to charge, it was at 22% and it turned off after i checked facebook. i thought it was the outlet itself, but it seemed to work when i charged my phone. now my computer will not turn on and the adapter blinks instead of a solid color.
The past couple days I have been using my Macbook and all of the sudden out of nowhere the message that pops up when you press the power button on your macbook while in OSX would pop up out of nowhere. It would just come up out of nowhere without me pressing anything. My Macbook could just be sitting there and it would pop up.
Fast forward to today and I used software update to upgrade the firmware. After I restarted the computer my Macbook would not even turn on. No lights, no chimes, no nothing. I don't even get a light on my magsafe power adapter when I plug it into my Macbook anymore.I tried resetting the PRAM, resetting the SMC, reseating the RAM, and turning it on without the battery in and it still won't turn on.What else can I do? My warranty period JUST expired so I don't want to shell out $500+ to get this thing fixed. Could my logic board be dead?
I have a black macbook. My computer wouldn't turn on, so I plugged it in and turned it on. I noticed that it said "Not Charging". I figured it would go away and start charging. I closed the computer and came back an hour later, and the light on the charger was still green and not amber. Why will my computer only turn on when plugged directly in, and why won't my battery charge? Do I need to get a new charger or a new battery.
When I turn on my Macbook it does not go past the initial screen with an apple and spinning wheel. I took out the battery but am wondering if I need to do something special when turning it on again?
I have a 2008 non-unibody MacBook Pro. When I boot the computer, sometimes the display does not turn on. I've tried using the flashlight technique, and there isn't even anything on the LCD. I know the computer is on because it makes the chime and if I enter my password I can adjust the volume and play music. Occasionally, resetting the SMC will fix the issue temporarily, but it doesn't always work. What should I do?
Just upgraded to a macbook pro and every time i turn on the laptop about four or five programs open. how do i stop this from happening? I have looked in the system preferences and have not been able to find anything?
my Macbook Pro is not powering up, Yesterday I connected a camera that has the USB cable with the little transformer. And the Computer suddenly turn off! It´s not working at all... I really don´t know what happened..These are some of the characteristics of the problem:
1) Not even the battery Light its on when I press the Power button.
2) Not even the Light in front of the Mac is on when I press the Power button.
3) There is not even a sound of the cooler fan or anything.
4) When I connect a the power cable the first 10 seconds the light of the cable is off... Then it appears a little "Orange intermittent" light but nothing more happens.
I have a 2.4 GHZ intel core duo 24" iMac. I just ordered some upgraded memory from a place called ' memory'. I've tried the support line to no avail. The specs on what I ordered is this: 4GB memory 2x 2GB MB413G/A PC2-6400 DDR2 800MHz SO-DIMM. However, when I installed it - my computer did not turn on. The data written on the new memory stick itself reads: 2GB 2rX8 PC2-6400s-666-12-FO. I was hoping some a lot smarter than me can tell me if A. I got what I ordered or B. I ordered the wrong thing or C.
I was trying to download the free version of a game, and immediately after i clicked download, i started to see the computer slow down a bit. However, I just thought that it was a lag and it would fix itself when the game completely dowloaded. Afterwards, it said that there were a few errors that occured during the download, and asked me if I wanted to continue to play. I clicked yes, because I didn't think it would be much of a problem. Afterwards, the mouse was stuck on the middle of the screen, and no matter how much I wanted to click out of the window, quit Safari, or even restart my computer, the mouse would continue to go back to the one spot. I have absolutely no idea what to do to restart the computer, or quit Safari. All I have done is just sleep the computer, but that hasn't helped it at all.