This has been occurring more often in the past week or so. I'll open a message that is from Person A with Subject A. The actual message being open will be a previous message from Person B with subject B. Completely different. It just seems like a database error or something. I am using Mail with my Gmail setup through IMAP. A restart does not fix it nor does quitting and re-opening mail. The message comes through just fine on my BlackBerry. Is there some way I can refresh the messages or something?
OS X 10.9.4 / 3.2GHz Quad-Core / 16GB DDR3 Mail 7.3 (1878.6) IMAP Server at InMotion HostingÂ
I continue to see messages in my mail folders that have the header information (From / Subject / Date) from one message in the message listings, and the From / Subject / Date of a DIFFERENT message in the message preview.Â
This is NOT Google. The IMAP server is from InMotion Hosting. On the server, the messages are accurate: the From / Subject / Date information is attached to the message body it represents. It is only in Mail that the information gets scrambled.Â
I have used the Rebuild for this mailbox, which usually corrects the problem. On occasion, I have to delete the mail account from Mail and add it back in again to force an accurate rebuild.Â
I have more than one email account set up on Mail and the strangest thing happens and I can't find out how to stop it.
Here is the problem:
- I have 2 accounts, 'Account A' is for my partner & 'Account B' is for me. - Someone sends an email to 'Account A' (my partner) and CCs 'Account B' (me) into the same eMail. - If I click reply from 'Account B' it sends the eMail from 'Account A' which is my partner, when it should be from me.
I have worked out that this is because 'Account A' was originally sent the eMail in The 'To' field as opposed to the 'CC' field in composing the reply eMail. I know that I can manually change the 'From' field every time when replying to an eMail but it becomes an nuisance. I forget to do it when quickly replying as I consider Mail to reply from the account that I'm reading the email from.
I have gone to the compose section in the preferences and there is an option for changing this when composing a new email but nothing when replying.
This has concerned me ever since I got a Mac. Sometimes I'll open mail, and it'll say (in the bottom left ) receiving 1 of 15. Scroll across to 15 - but I'll actually only get one new email. I have Junk Mail filtering to just mark emails, not delete them.
Once in a while when I launch Mail, it tries to download thousands of mails. Not spam ones, but legitimate mails going right back to when I joined .mac in 2005. Why is this?
I have an e-mail that I tried to send using Mail 3.6. I accidently selected it to send from an account that has an error with the outgoing mail server. Usually when this happens and the error box pops up I just choose another server. The problem is that the email was going to a whole list of people and the options are lost at the bottom of the screen. I can't access the buttons. I have had this message on my screen now for over a month.
So I downloaded the wrong Airplane Mode program for my operating system and I now have AppleScript Error message. It will not allow me to quit the program. Also, once that happens how do I remove the program from the computer?
So to the issue: I tried to send an email, not knowing it was 25mb, and obviously it did not go through. I deleted it out of my outbox, and since then it's been popping up in recovered messages non stop (current count is 96). I've deleted the files from the mail app, deleted the temporary files in the mac mail folder, deleted the contents of the deleted folder, and yet the application still "recovers" the message non stop.
Since this has happened I have not been able to obtain new messages from mac mail because it is busy with whatever it is doing
Mail does not notify me by giving me the "Ping" sound when new mail has arrived. I actually usually know new emails have arrived by my iPhone making the "Ping" Sound. Right now I am in Safari, but mail is running in the dock (I clicked the red X button). - - Just for reference of how I am using Mail usually.
When I hit Reply in Mail and start typing, my message obviously appears on the first line. The annoyance is that the message I'm replying to is on the second line when I want there to be at least a line's space between my message and theirs.So I end up having to hit return and then cursor up every time just to put that space in myself. Is there a way of having this there automatically?
When I open my mail app and delete a message, it deletes it from my mail app inbox. When I log on to gmail, I see the mail still there. Is there anyway to delete from mail, and have it remove the message from gmail altogether?
There are some folks who insist on sending me e mail with either no subject lines or very vague subject lines.
What this ends up doing is associated messages with no subject or vague subject lines together when they really are not related at all. I've attached an example; that four different conversations from four different people, and none of them are related at all, but they are all part of one thread.
how to set a delay for mail to automatically delete specific messages (from specific users, for instance) after a preset amount of time? Maybe something like an applescript that can be run as a rule in mail?
I am trying to send an email with an attached resume to someone but every time I attach the pdf file it appears in the message. I do not want to send that way. I just want them to be able to save and open it.
My message windows now have an annoying additional control to the right of the "Subject" field, which pops a menu that lets me select additional Address fields to show, and a Priority field. It looks like this:
and it selected �*out of order for extra annoying! �*when you hit "Tab" in the Subject field, or shift-Tab in the body area.
I know this thing didn't used to be there, because I didn't used to hate how can I make it go away?
I once chose not to display message headers in Mail 4.2 in the menu. Now, I am unable to get them back. I get the long ones, but not the short. How can I restore it? I am also using Letterbox. I tried to disable Letterbox, but the choice "Short Message header" is still nowhere to be seen.
Somehow a setting got switched so now whenever I reply to a message, a copy of that message is automatically sent to my inbox as a "new message."
It used to be this would only occur when I hit "reply all" - but now it is all the time. I have looked through mail preferences, but am not seeing the fix.
I've not bought my first Mac yet , but I already have a question.
I have a Logitech Trackman Marble FX, Trackball wich I really like. However the penny dropped the other day, that it was of an era of PS2 - serial connections not USB - PS2. So when I do get my shiny new mini, will I be able to get it to work
I Have seen adapters like these and more expensive ones, but will they do the job, Although they imply they will?[URL]
Not fussed about the keyboard. I think I have a couple USB ones in the loft. And If the mouse doesnt work I'll use my graphics tablet for the short term... But I do like my little tracker ball! And I would rather spend the cash on memory than a new mouse/trackerball etc.
Can anyone tell me how I can change my outgoing message font color like from black to Blue and make it default without having to do it manually every time. I can't seem to figure it out.
I calibrated my macbook battery the other day and it went down to 97% (shock horror), its 73 cycles and 8 months old. In desperation I smashed it with a hammer hoping it would fix it. just joking I actually drained it down to 80% and then charged again, repeated this three times. After the first time the battery life when to 4058 mAh, then the second time it went to 4090 mAh and after the third time it rised again to 4126 mAh. Original capacity is 4100 mAh
I had correspondence in recent months with a perfectly normal chap called John Hoekstra. I have recently noticed that his name is appearing as me in my mail. For example in the panel above a mail it will say FROM: John Hoekstra instead of me, and I happen to be another John, John WicXXXXXX, confusing recipients more!
Something like: Subject: Question about MPT From: John Hoekstra Date: 19 June 2009 14:05:25 To: Multipoint
Suddenly having problems with sending emails via Mail for Mac. Some, but not all, messages show in the display window as having been sent to the wrong recipient.However, when you click on them, the details shown are correct and they seem to be getting through to the intended address. So it's a display issue of some sort rather than Mail actually sending to the wrong place.Can't find any reference to this issue in Mail Help or online forums.I'm running OSX 10.4.11, Mail 2.1.3.
I am having this strange issue all of a sudden, where the mail for all of may accounts are being downloaded to just one account and not the correct one it was address to. My junk mail is also being downloaded here. I just upgraded to lion.
Info: MacBook Pro, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4GHz, 4GB DDR2 SDRAM, FCP2, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
my colleague has set up an email account on his macbook pro 10.7 and when he sends an email out the recipients see the email address as glen with one n rather than glenn. so when people reply they send to something that is not there and get a return to sender. This is strange as the sent address in the settings is glenn not glen. Â
This isn't a server issue as it is on his work imac g5 computer and sends correctly. It must be an error when putting the info in but I can't see where. it is an outlook Exchange mail server and not with our company so i can't look at the settings in there a simple way to sort this out or, if not how can I remove the email account, set it up again but retain the old emails?Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)