OS X V10.7 Lion :: Downloaded Wrong Airplane Mode Program - AppleScript Error Message
Jun 21, 2012
So I downloaded the wrong Airplane Mode program for my operating system and I now have AppleScript Error message. It will not allow me to quit the program. Also, once that happens how do I remove the program from the computer?
What happens when the error message in the Mail program is long that you cannot get to the bottom of it? I cannot click it or even access this email from a folder or mailbox to delete it. Am I going to be stuck with it for eternity???Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
I made the code below to use together with another 2 codes. One that mounts a samba share and another that runs rsync with specific parameters. The script below runs after rsync complete its task.
The 3 codes me to test my HTML/CSS/PHP/Javascript code changes.This code works but I have to repeat it to each browser/app I want and a 10 lines script becomes 40 lines (Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari). Is there a more elegant way to do that? I've tried to use an array/list but didn't work.Â
if application "Safari" is running then   tell application "Safari" activate   end tell   tell application "System Events" tell process "Safari"  keystroke "r" using {command down} end tell   end tellend if
My emails (using the Mail applications) are not downloading from the server anymore. I get the following error message: "The message has not been downloaded from the server. You need to take this account online in order to download it".
I'm using a PC with Windows XP. I'm a private developer. I've written a project in Java and wish to deploy it to other people using email. I've written an Install program (the Main-Class) and successfully packed this in a jar file with the project class files and some data files all as described in the deployment trail in the Java Tutorials. A recipient with a Mac with OS X downloads the jar file and runs it to install the project class files and some data files. The install program then writes an Applescript file (Vocab.scpt shown below) on the Desktop to make starting my downloaded program easier but it doesn't seem to work and I think it may be because the script file is not "executable". Could this be the case? If so, how could I change my install program to make the script file executable or alternatively use some other system to start the downloaded program?
# Script to start: Vocab Version: 1.0.0
do shell script "cd /Applications/Vocab; Java Vocab"
Unfortunately I don't have a Mac to experiment with this problem and although I have spent some days on and off trying to find an answer in the mass of information available on Apple's website I can only find small clues here and there to answer my problem (which I would have thought was quite a common one). In Windows a batch file (eg. Vocab.bat) is automatically executable.
Here is the error message whenever I open up a X86 program. What I did was I've installed Xcode 3 and CUPS 1.4.5, after the restart, it started to appear this message. I don't have Time Machine. And also I've tried to uninstall Xcode but still doesn't work.
I am running 10.7.3, and I am trying to get Mackie Tracktion 3 up and running on my Mac. I've been told tha T3 works on previous version of the Mac OS, but not the last few updates. Is there any way that I can run this program in a compatibility mode, or revert my OS to a version that supports T3?
I get a pop-up: This Item Cannot Be Downloaded on This Network You must connect to a Wi-Fi network or download it on your computer.yet I am on wi-fi using a macbook pro, trying to purchase a movie from iTunes to download onto my computer.Macbook Wi-fi to linksys to DSL to AT&T 3Mb service. I don't know if this is a hardware, OS, iTunes issue or other.Â
This works except for the exit quick mask mode.Anyone else been able to do it? tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1" activate tell front document if (quick mask mode) then exit quick mask mode.end tellend tell
When opening a Mail message with any sort of scripting, many of the menu items remain greyed out, including the one that's important to me, 'Save Attachments...'.Â
If I manually open the same message, the menu items are enabled.Â
Try this script, by resetting the mailbox name to one of your own mailboxes, and you'll see what I mean.Â
(I've lodged a bug report).Â
Regards set SaveAttachmentsMenu to truetell application "Mail" activate set WindowCount to count of windows open item 1 of messages of drafts mailbox set x to 0 repeat # wait until the message is really open. tell current application to delay 0.1 set x to x + 1 if x > 40 then exit repeat if (count of windows) > WindowCount then exit repeat end repeat tell application "System Events" to tell process "Mail" select window 1 tell current application to delay 0.2 if exists menu item "Save Attachments…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1 then keystroke "a" using command down if not enabled of menu item "Save Attachments…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1 then say "attachments disabled" click menu item "Select All" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Edit" of menu bar 1 set x to 0 try click menu item "Save Attachments…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1 end try repeat until exists sheet 1 of window 1 tell current application to delay 0.1 set x to x + 1 if x = 40 then set SaveAttachmentsMenu to false exit repeat end if end repeat end if end tellend tellSaveAttachmentsMenu
Info: iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10), Late 2014 i7 iMac, Epson 730, FX C1110
I composed an email today and it didn't like the way I configured the addresses. I got an error message saying the message couldn't be sent because of the address format. Now, every time I send an email, no matter to whom, that error pops up. My correctly addressed emails go out just fine. How do I get rid of it? Where do I find the draft to delete it so the program doesn't keep trying to send? (It's not in my draft folder)
I get an error message when trying to access the mac app store from my apple menu and any browser. I want to upgrade to iMovie '11 from '09. I also want to upgrade from snow leopard to lion.
I'm having some difficulty sending email from my account due to a mail server issue and it would be relly helpful if I could read the error message that drops down and quickly disappears when I attempt to send a test email. Is there any log that captures this so I can read it?
Writing your preferences to disk has failed. Your preferences may not have been saved. The permissions on ~/Library/Preferences may be wrong or your disk may be full.Â
I have read previous discussions on this (2011) and used disk utility to clear permissions, but cannot find any mail.plist in LibraryÂ
Under Snow Leopard, my Photo Booth app stopped working for some mysterious reason. I was never able to debug why it would not run. Now, under Lion, after migrating everything over from my old Macbook, Photo Booth STILL won't open, and now I get a peculiar error message: Photo Booth quit unexpectedly while using the Apple_AUBandpass plug-in. This is peculiar, since I don't know why Photo Booth would be accessing audiounits.
I've been without use of Time Machine for sometime (months) now. I've been getting the following error:
My backup drive (Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex - 320GB) was a attached to my Airport Extreme, but in desperation I moved it to being directly attached to my MBP. I've also excluded large number of files from the back up (reduced the full backup size to half the size of the backup disk). Also, I've erased and reformatted the back up disk - twice. No errors on it either.Â
What would be really helpful, was if there was some indication as to WHAT the problem actually is. This is a rather ambiguous error message, which does little to help a person to troubleshooot. It seems like the backup is being hung up on a file or files...but I'm just guessing.Â
Has anybody out there run into this? If so, what was your solution?
Often I just put my Macbook Pro with Lion OS to sleep manually, instead of shutting down. Since the upgrade to OS Lion, when I return to the computer I often am greeted with a message that I could not be logged out because Firefox failed to quit. Is sleep a logout? I don't intend to logout...though I do require a password to regain access after the computer enters the sleep state. This is a consistent issue with Lion, which never occurred with the earlier OS.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac and Office updates all current
Since upgrading to Lion, I have been having problems backing up to Time Machine using a LaCie external disk. Time Machine worked fine before the upgrade to Lion. The backup usually starts correctly, but after backing up around 1GB, I get the following error message: "The disk was not ejected properly. If possible, always eject a disk before unplugging or turning it off". The disk has over 80GB of space available.
I am getting a pop up error message with a yellow triangle and yellow exclamation point in Safari but it immediately disappears after it appears. This happens so fast that I cannot read the error message. A java applet for my bank's website is not running properly and knowing what the error message is might help solve the problem.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7 mid-2011
This has been occurring more often in the past week or so. I'll open a message that is from Person A with Subject A. The actual message being open will be a previous message from Person B with subject B. Completely different. It just seems like a database error or something. I am using Mail with my Gmail setup through IMAP. A restart does not fix it nor does quitting and re-opening mail. The message comes through just fine on my BlackBerry. Is there some way I can refresh the messages or something?
OS X 10.9.4 / 3.2GHz Quad-Core / 16GB DDR3 Mail 7.3 (1878.6) IMAP Server at InMotion HostingÂ
I continue to see messages in my mail folders that have the header information (From / Subject / Date) from one message in the message listings, and the From / Subject / Date of a DIFFERENT message in the message preview.Â
This is NOT Google. The IMAP server is from InMotion Hosting. On the server, the messages are accurate: the From / Subject / Date information is attached to the message body it represents. It is only in Mail that the information gets scrambled.Â
I have used the Rebuild for this mailbox, which usually corrects the problem. On occasion, I have to delete the mail account from Mail and add it back in again to force an accurate rebuild.Â