MacBook Pro :: After Installing Ram Computer Starts Booting Then Stops
Feb 13, 2012
I am having troubles after upgrading my ram. I went from 4gb to 8gb and after install it starts to boot then stops.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Lion os
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Jun 17, 2014
Computer suddenly stops working and starts to reboot, Computer suddenly stops working and starts to reboot
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 7, 2014
I'm having trouble with my new macbook pro where in some applications after scrolling down and stopping, I sometimes am unable to resume scrolling. I have tried shutting down the application, rebooting but nothing seems to work. Whenever this occurs I am still able to scroll fine in pages and safari but the preview app and xcode have been problematic for me.Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 27, 2010
I have an Unibody MacBook. I've experienced that under OS X "Tap to Click" function of the trackpad stops to work after "some" usage. Then I go to System Preferences, disable the feature, reenable it and it starts working again. OS X is updated and firmware updates are all installed.
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May 30, 2012
I'm really struggling to understand why my 2010 mini has trouble playing some QT videos that my 2006 mini handles just fine! The two machines are:Â
Macmini 1.1 (1.83 GHz)
intel Dual Core
Memory 2GB
Bus Speed: 667
Graphics Card GMA 950
The problem first presented itself as I am working on a generative video installation using Max6. I've used the older mini for the installations for some time with very few issues. I've been using the newer mini for video processing, compression, and editing and making DVDs and blu-ray disks. No issues there that I have noticed either. However, when I recently tried to use the newer mini to run the generative video, I noticed that several of the videos were stopping and then starting up again (skipping). I know that Max can sometimes have trouble with videos due to processing issues - but why would it work fine on the older, less powerful machine and only have issues on the newer one?Â
To begin troubleshooting, I ran one of the videos in Quicktime on the newer mini to see if similar issues arose, and they do. No problem on the older mini. The video is formatted in DVCPRO50 anamorphic format, and I am using the same monitor in both cases (1440x900,60Hz), connected by VGA to the monitor PC input. I know that Quicktime can have similar issues with very large files sometimes, but I still don't see why the newer machine stumbles with the same video that runs fine on the older one.Â
I've been hoping to start using higher resolution videos in this work, but am worried that if a newer machine can't handle these SD videos, HD will be worse. I like the minis for installations because of their small size and portability.Â
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Jun 1, 2008
When I attempt to verify or repair disk permissions the process starts and then stops. The following message appears in a drop down message box: First Aid failed. Disk Utility stopped verifying (repairing) on G4HD because the following error was encountered: no valid packages. My disk verifies in working order. I have used DU from the installer disk and obtained the same resulting error message. I have run Tech Tool Pro's optimization and maintenance sequences. I reinstalled Security Update 2008-003 PPC thinking it might have been the problem. This permissions verification/repair problem and a problem with my firewire external HD and iPod failing to mount started after I installed the security update. (I am not asking for help with the firewire drive problems here - that is for another forum) I am running 10.4.11 on a G4. I guess my next step is to reinstall 10.4.6, the version I bought
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Mar 24, 2009
I received an Acomdata 2Tb external hard drive today from Amazon and plugged it in. Time Machine popped up and I declined to link the hard drive to it. I went into Disk Utility and chose the new hard drive on the left column and went to erase. I chose Mac OS Extended. I named it and hit erase. It started going, and going..... and going... and a half an hour later I knew something was wrong.
Disk Utility was not responding and I eventually had to Force Quit. Now I cannot format the hard drive. I starts and then it stops with a disk error. I tried to run the First Aid verify and repair and both stopped after a few seconds with an error. What do I do?
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Jun 30, 2012
my imac turns on, gets half way through booting up, then just stops.
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Mar 20, 2012
My newest discovery is that when my computer freezes up what ever sound is playing makes a skipping noise and then I have to kill power to shut off what is the cause or how can I find out is there any log I can run or check to see the last action process that went on?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 27, 2014
My MacBook Pro will not start. It chimes and the gray progress bar starts and then the computer shuts off. I am able to start it holding the Command +R keys and access Disk Utility. That is where it says my S.M.A.R.T. drive is "failing". I have a backup from Time Machine from a week ago. I am concerned the computer is going to die. What should I do and is my computer going to die?.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8GB RAM
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Nov 16, 2010
I got my computer yesterday, it's a iBook G4 OS X 10.5.8. The charger worked fine until around six o' clock. Then it wouldn't charge. We switched the power pack and it worked for an hour or so, and then the same thing. What can I do? I CANNOT take it to be fixed.
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Feb 18, 2012
I installed Lion (10.7.3) on my mid-2010 MacBook Pro today. I noticed that when it boots, it starts the normal gray screen with Apple logo, then after a second it flashes and then a warmer shade of gray with Apple logo appears before logging in. Why does my computer do this? I have searched high and low on the internet, only found one thread where anyone mentioned this and that person never received a suitable reply other than "me too!". I've watched YouTube videos of various Macs booting Lion and have not seen this anywhere. Does anyone know why this occurs and if it is normal or what?
MacBook Pro 17, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Intel Core i7 2.8ghz, 4gb ram, 500gb hard drive
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May 21, 2012
Whenever i plug the power cord into my mac book pro my computer never starts to charge? I have tryed this on various different outlets and have also tryed thsi with the two and three pronged adapters and it still is not working.Â
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Sep 3, 2014
Starting abnormally, Like when I start my MacBook pro which is almost new. A bar runs on the white screen and then when it reached half way system shut down. Any way to reset my computer.Â
Also, when I am going to option, the system doesn't allow me by saying hard disk is locked.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Sep 29, 2010
I am trying to fix a friends macbook pro. When I turn it on the screen shows the apple and the spiral underneath it spinning like it should then when it stalls for .2 seconds it goes to a white screen then there is vertical purple lines in groups across the screen. So the screen is white/purple. Then it fades to just white and I cant do anything.
I hooked up my monitor with a DVI cable to see if it was the motherboard that was possibly bad but the monitor works just fine with the cable. I can use the computer with the laptop keyboard/mouse and it works just fine. The laptop screen just stays blank the whole time. I uploaded a vid to utube for it. If anybody has any ideas for me please help. I dont know if this is a monitor problem or the inverter or the motherboard, possibly some other piece of hardware?
Here is the link to the video:
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Nov 5, 2010
I just replaced my HDD with the new intel 160GB SSD. Everything is amazingly fast except for the booting process.
After I shut down the computer(which is extremely fast, about 3 seconds), I start my MBP, yet what's been puzzling me is that the time between pressing the button and appearing of the Apple logo last at least 15 seconds, after that, everything is just normal (fast, fast!!).
I wonder if this is normal,
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Sep 7, 2014
i have with my Mac Pro. When i'm watching videos on youtube on full screen, the computer starts freezing and crashes. it happens almost all the time. and not just streaming, today the computer froze just during checking a website without any "moving" elements.Â
i bought the computer around april 2014, it is a 6-core MacPro with 16 GB RAM, two AMD FirePro D700 video runs on OSX 10.9.4.two displays are connected over thunderbolt.Â
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 24, 2010
I recently attempted to install the most recent firmware and security updates for mac os x 10.5.8 on my macbook pro 17 inch (purchased about 14 months ago). Computer asked me to reboot, i did, it then gave me instructions for firmware updates.
The screen went dark, and it did its thing, and I returned 10 minutes later. The computer had not rebooted.I pressed the startup key and it gave a long beep. Screen remained dark. Some minutes later it ran the boot cycle, but booted into windows (i have dual boot set up). I can only get into windows now.
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Nov 2, 2009
The computer starts just fine, with the bong sound within seconds the computer shuts down. Is it a PSU problem? I need to be sure, before ordering a replacement. The computer is pretty old, G4 MDD.
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Apr 8, 2012
error code 4 mot /1/40000003: HDD having problem starting my imac pc takes about 20 times before i can turn it on.Getting a gray or white screen with error message turn off your computer by holding down the power button and restarting your pc computer running slow when it starts imac 2006 2 GB intel based snow leopard 10.6.8
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), mackeeper
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Nov 12, 2009
I have Snow Leopard installed on an 8GB Flash Drive. It works all good and fine. The only thing is I don't want to do an upgrade, I want to do a FRESH erase and install of my machine (macbook). I tried plugging in the USB drive and restarting the computer while holding down "c", this proved to not work.
Any way that I can erase the computer completely and fresh install from my USB drive?
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Apr 11, 2010
My newly acquired "ibook G4 1.33ghz 12 inch" is having problems booting just after recently insatlling a brand new WD Scorpio Blue 160GB hard-drive. I installed myself with the very useful [URL] tutorial which ran through the process quite simply. Basically the background story here is, I was given the ibook by a friend of mine who didn't want it as she didn't have the patience, money and time to invest into having it fixed. Some three years ago she dropped it from her coffee table and since then the hard-drive started failing, getting louder and slower to eventually one day not switching on at all. She took the ibook to an Apple Genius bar in LA where they ran diagnostics and resulted it with having a failed hard-drive.
She never had it repaired and has since been keeping it stored away as a spare. She was kind enough to gift it to me, I was well up for the challenge to repair it so here I am!! So, I bought a new hard-drive, successfully installed it and then the moment of truth, the ibook DID switch on, this itself was good news. But ever since I haven't been able to progress any further, as when I switch the ibook on it makes the apple start-up sound then goes to a white screen and says this:
Invalid memory access at SRR0: ff8486a4 SRR1: 00003030
Apple PowerBook6, 7 4.9.3f0 BootROM built on 07/05/05 at 11:14:11
Copyright etc.
Then says:
To continue booting, type "mac-boot" and press return
To shut down, type "shut-down" and press return
Reducing system power
So if I type "mac-boot" it goes to a grey screen with a folder icon in the middle containing a little 'finder' face and a flashing question mark, and then if left for about 5 minutes or so it just switches itself off. Of course it occurred to me that there is nothing on the new hard-drive so it can't boot from anything, I tried using my intel mac's start up disk which has OSX tiger on it, but this doesn't give any better results, I start-up holding C and I here the disk being read but it can't boot from it, it still goes back to the OpenFirmware screen as above.
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Apr 1, 2010
Whenever I open a pdf, adobe starts to open every pdf file on my computer. Does anyone know of any way to stop this? I couldn't really find anything on search. I am running OSX 10.6.3
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Mar 31, 2012
My dest top is not showing after boot up however, some message pop up and screen saver works. Last massage i had was hard drive is almost full?
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 1, 2012
I upgraded my 27" iMac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 duo from 4GB of ram (2x2GB) to 8GB of ram (2x4GB). I followed the instructions and removed the old ram, put in the new ram and after many restarts my computer finally came up. When it did finally come up I had the spinning wheel of death. When the screensaver came on, I heard my skype connect and I moved my mouse and wouldn't you know my computer was working! So to test to see if my computer would work again, I restarted. Same thing - came right up to spinning wheel - screen saver turned on after 30 minutes and again - Skype connected and no more spinning. Memory on Activity Monitor is looking great - but my computer is useless until the screen saver starts.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 27"
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Dec 6, 2014
I've been cleaning my mac (files, etc.) with Cleangenius, then it stopped working. I turned off a computer. I turn it on, put my password, it starts loading and then restarts...
MacBook, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
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Aug 30, 2014
When I turn on computer it starts with a white screen with 5 purple stripes. These turn to a full screen of purple squares.
27, Other OS, iMac11,1 Intel Core i5 2.66GHz
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Aug 3, 2009
When I run the SMC 1.3 update, my computer just stops at a black screen, at which point I have to force shut down the computer and restart it. It then informs me that I need to run the update again.
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Feb 5, 2012
I have just updated OS X to the newest ver. 10.7.3 and WI-FI conection stops when computer sleeps. Using internet conection through Time Capsule. Someone experienced the same?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 2, 2014
I installed Windows 8 with Boot Camp Assistant however I couldn't boot into OS X anymore. I get a prohibited sign on boot. If I press Command+V on boot it says "Error loading kernel cache (0xe)". Windows 8 can still boot without problem.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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