MacBook Pro :: Two Finger Scroll Randomly Stops And Starts Working
Sep 7, 2014
I'm having trouble with my new macbook pro where in some applications after scrolling down and stopping, I sometimes am unable to resume scrolling. I have tried shutting down the application, rebooting but nothing seems to work. Whenever this occurs I am still able to scroll fine in pages and safari but the preview app and xcode have been problematic for me.Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 17, 2014
Computer suddenly stops working and starts to reboot, Computer suddenly stops working and starts to reboot
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Dec 27, 2010
I have an Unibody MacBook. I've experienced that under OS X "Tap to Click" function of the trackpad stops to work after "some" usage. Then I go to System Preferences, disable the feature, reenable it and it starts working again. OS X is updated and firmware updates are all installed.
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Nov 13, 2007
This is the most obnoxious computer problem I've ever encountered. I'm yet to figure out a pattern, but my Macbook Pro's keyboard will just stop working for several minutes at a time at random points in time. Even if I hit caps or num lock, they don't turn green. Sometimes it'll just happen once every few hours, but I was in class the other day and it would work for a minute, then not work for a few, than work for another minute, etc.
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Jan 22, 2010
Over the past few months, I have noticed that my MagSafe light will randomly stop working when I plug it into my MacBook. I just unplug it, and plug it back in and it works normally. It seems like the computer still charges though.
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Mar 13, 2012
Recently, my MBP's single-tap-to-select stops working, usually after I wake it up from sleep. This happens almost every other day, for the past 2-3 weeks (since 10.7.3 I'm guessing). Double-tap-to-right-click works fine, and keyboard commands all work, but single-tap just doesn't work till I reboot the machine. It's driving me mad. Even plugging in a mouse doesn't help, so it's not a trackpad / hardware issue at all.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 26, 2014
bluetooth on my 2013 MBP. I have a magic mouse and it randomly stops responding. At first I thought it was a problem with the mouse itself. I changed the batteries,To solve the problem and to get the mouse to work again, I have to actually restart my computer. Â
Then I realized that when my magic mouse acts up, if I open the Bluetooth preferences, in the spot where the name of my computer should be is this weird message that says "do not localize, name not available" So I've finally realized that the problems I'm having aren't with the mouse but actually the Bluetooth in the computer, either it's a hardware issue with the Bluetooth hardware or the driver is defective. Again, when I restart, I'm able to use my magic mouse again. And when Bluetooth is acting up, when I do try to open Bluetooth preferences, I get the beach ball and everything starts to hang. Â
I'm attaching pictures of what the Bluetooth preferences screen shows under normal operation with the name of my MBP and showing the mouse is connected and a picture of what the Bluetooth preferences window shows when it's acting up. Is the Bluetooth defective?
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Dec 24, 2009
I have noticed that my keyboard will randomly stop working after switching Spaces or using other shortcut keys. When I hit the CMD-arrow key to switch spaces, the Spaces box that shows which space you just moved to stays on the screen and the keyboard completely stops working. A logout of required.
Running 10.6.2 with all updates applied.
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Dec 5, 2009
For a while now, my Airport will randomly stop working when browsing the internet. What I mean by that is that when browsing the internet and then trying to open a new tab, it will not load the page I am trying to open. The Airport icon still shows that it is connected, but no pages are loading. I have tried multiple browsers to no avail. As well as restarting.
I am running Mac OS X 10.6.2 with all updates applied.
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Jan 3, 2009
My Apple Wireless Keyboard is haunted. It will randomly, in the middle of sentences, or sometimes after I haven't used in a few minutes, stop responding.
The really weird part? I open System Prefs, click Bluetooth, and viola! It works again. I don't have to do anything - just open the Bluetooth prefs. As soon as I do, everything I've typed since it went dead (usually just a word or two) is actually output into the search box in Systems Prefs.
There is no rhyme or reason to this weirdness. Sometimes it will literally happen a few times an hour for days (which drives me up the wall); sometimes it'll go months without doing it. When it's doing it a lot, no amount of rebooting/relogging-in fixes it. One thing I have not tried is using a fresh user account (or Guest), because it's so unpredictable... even on my own account it will take a break and work normally for a few hours, then go right back to freaking out.
The fact that it stores everything I type when it's "not working" is the really weird part. It's like the OS is receiving the data but just forgetting to process it until I poke it and remind it, "you have stuff coming in via Bluetooth, wake up and do something with it!"
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Sep 1, 2009
I always used the upwards four finger scroll to get to the desktop but after installing Snow Leopard it doesn't work, they hide but then pop back straight away or go into expose mode. Is this a known problem?
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Feb 13, 2012
I am having troubles after upgrading my ram. I went from 4gb to 8gb and after install it starts to boot then stops.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Lion os
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Oct 12, 2008
Did apple just recently add two finger scroll to early non-scroll iBooks or was my iBook screwed up that it never showed up before? I was just in the system preferences last week and I'm 100% sure there were never any options for scrolling before. I'm happy it's there and it works, I'm just curious why it wasn't there before.
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Jun 16, 2012
I've a macbook pro 13" with Safari 5.2 on Lion 10.7.4 . When I use Reader, I can't scroll with two-finger multitouch and I need to click on the scrollbar.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 14, 2010
I've just finished installing Windows 7 32-bit on my Macbook which has 4 GB of RAM. But Right Click doesn't seem to work (except by using shift + F10), and double finger scroll doesn't work either. No Driver CD came with Windows 7. So, do I need to download a special driver to get these to work?
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May 1, 2012
Why won't my magic trackpad recognize a 2 finger scrolling motion when it recognizes all of the other motions on the video?
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Oct 18, 2009
I just had to have one. Got it at Best Buy yesterday for $75 including tax.Using a tablet really makes keyboards and mice seem primitive. The Bamboo Touch does two-finger multi-touch gestures, as well as single-finger.So far, I'm mainly using it on my Studio 540 with Sim City 4 Deluxe.
I'd like to utilize Ink on the OS X side of my life, but I need a pen. I know I can get one from Wacom for $30, but will that work with the Bamboo Touch?I noticed in Mail on SL, when I use a two-finger scroll, the list has simulated inertia and momentum, like in iPhone OS. Think it's a sign of a tablet?
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Apr 26, 2012
In the last few days I've had a recurring problem: Randomly and without any obvious context in terms of actions, apps etc, my trackpad simply stops responding. I have all options enabled on the trackpad, such as soft click+drag, and the problem has so far only occured when performing that: drop'n drag.
It get's stuck and I cant release whatever I've gripped. I am now only able to use the keyboard and have to reboot to be able to use the trackpad again. After reboot the problem returns randomly after a while. I can't think of any recent software updates or additions that have coincided with the problem, except installing Livedrive Briefcase recently.
The problem however does not specifically occur when working with that (though Livedrive is set to run in the background). The problem occurs more and more often, usually after I have closed the lid (sleep). Also, I am able to use my Magic Trackpad, which in turn brings the build in trackpad back to working!
MBP: 15" 2.4 Ghz Intel Core i5 (dual core) 2010
System: 10.7.3.
HDD: 240 Gb SSD with 91 Gb of free space
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.4Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 240 SSD HD
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May 30, 2012
I'm really struggling to understand why my 2010 mini has trouble playing some QT videos that my 2006 mini handles just fine! The two machines are:Â
Macmini 1.1 (1.83 GHz)
intel Dual Core
Memory 2GB
Bus Speed: 667
Graphics Card GMA 950
The problem first presented itself as I am working on a generative video installation using Max6. I've used the older mini for the installations for some time with very few issues. I've been using the newer mini for video processing, compression, and editing and making DVDs and blu-ray disks. No issues there that I have noticed either. However, when I recently tried to use the newer mini to run the generative video, I noticed that several of the videos were stopping and then starting up again (skipping). I know that Max can sometimes have trouble with videos due to processing issues - but why would it work fine on the older, less powerful machine and only have issues on the newer one?Â
To begin troubleshooting, I ran one of the videos in Quicktime on the newer mini to see if similar issues arose, and they do. No problem on the older mini. The video is formatted in DVCPRO50 anamorphic format, and I am using the same monitor in both cases (1440x900,60Hz), connected by VGA to the monitor PC input. I know that Quicktime can have similar issues with very large files sometimes, but I still don't see why the newer machine stumbles with the same video that runs fine on the older one.Â
I've been hoping to start using higher resolution videos in this work, but am worried that if a newer machine can't handle these SD videos, HD will be worse. I like the minis for installations because of their small size and portability.Â
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Nov 22, 2009
On a day-to-day basis I run: Adobe PS, INDD, and AI, Microsoft Entourage, Firefox and iTunes. Just recently, after an upgrade to Leopard, I added Things and Simplify Media to the list.The problem that happens before (on Tiger) and now (on Leopard) is command+tab switching stops functioning and Expose hot corners and shortcuts stop working.
I'm pretty sure this isn't a Finder crash because before, on Tiger, I could quit+restart Firefox and everything would be back to normal. Almost as if some shortcut had causes the system to act differently or there was some app dissonance?
But now, with Leopard, nothing I quit will cause these two features to act properly until I do a restart. Both features (command+tab switching and expose) are very necessary for my work flow. I have checked SysPref to make sure keyboard shortcuts are default and Univeral Access to make sure assisted devices is turned off.
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Jun 1, 2008
When I attempt to verify or repair disk permissions the process starts and then stops. The following message appears in a drop down message box: First Aid failed. Disk Utility stopped verifying (repairing) on G4HD because the following error was encountered: no valid packages. My disk verifies in working order. I have used DU from the installer disk and obtained the same resulting error message. I have run Tech Tool Pro's optimization and maintenance sequences. I reinstalled Security Update 2008-003 PPC thinking it might have been the problem. This permissions verification/repair problem and a problem with my firewire external HD and iPod failing to mount started after I installed the security update. (I am not asking for help with the firewire drive problems here - that is for another forum) I am running 10.4.11 on a G4. I guess my next step is to reinstall 10.4.6, the version I bought
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Nov 25, 2009
I have an iMac - running Snow Leopard:
2.4gh intel core 2 duo
1gb 677 mhz ddr2 sdram
256gb free disk space
Randomly throughout the day, an audio file will start to play and will repeat until I shut the machine down.
The file starts by saying: Mikano (best guess), two seconds later I hear a gong followed by some Asian music.
The file is not in my iTunes.
I may or may not have iTunes open (and if open, the file continues to play when I close iTunes).
I may or may not have Safari open (and if open, the file continues to play when I close Safari).
I will close all applications and the music continues to play.
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Jul 26, 2009
I'm yet to figure out a pattern, but my Macbook Pro's keyboard will just stop working for several minutes at a time at random points in time...Even if I hit caps or num lock, they don't turn green. Sometimes it'll just happen once every few hours, but I was in class the other day and it would work for a minute, then not work for a few, than work for another minute, etc.
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Mar 24, 2009
I received an Acomdata 2Tb external hard drive today from Amazon and plugged it in. Time Machine popped up and I declined to link the hard drive to it. I went into Disk Utility and chose the new hard drive on the left column and went to erase. I chose Mac OS Extended. I named it and hit erase. It started going, and going..... and going... and a half an hour later I knew something was wrong.
Disk Utility was not responding and I eventually had to Force Quit. Now I cannot format the hard drive. I starts and then it stops with a disk error. I tried to run the First Aid verify and repair and both stopped after a few seconds with an error. What do I do?
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Nov 14, 2009
I've noticed that occasionally my IR sensor stops working, and no longer responds to changing the volume, skipping the track in iTunes, etc. It can be resolved by going into Security prefs, disabling and re-enabling the IR sensor. This is annoying, however, and I'm wondering if it's a known issue that might be fixed.
I noticed that when you disable and re-enable the IR sensor, the last few remote button pushes you made while it was broken come through in a burst.
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Feb 21, 2010
So recently I have noticed that my three finger swipe and rotating gestures are not working. I have checked the preference pane and they are turned on. Is there some other setting that I am missing?
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Jun 25, 2008
it just stops clicking. It "moves" fine (moves the cursor around), the red light is on, everything seems to be working. I even unplug it and plug it back in. No clicking. Finally, I have to restart the computer (by holding down the power button on the back of the iMac) and then it will work again.
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Mar 2, 2010
I am brand new to this site. When i swipe four fingers down on the trackpad to show everything I have open it doesn't work. When I try to swipe four fingers up to get to my desktop it doesn't work. When I try to go back a page in safari by swiping three fingers to the left it wont go back. But when I use two fingers to scroll up and down pages that works just fine. I haven't taken it to an apple store due to I am stuck at college and there isn't one around.
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Jun 21, 2008
I got another Macbook and for some reason this one is not letting me do the three finger swipe in Safari. I checked various preferences and didn't see anything related to it.
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Dec 10, 2010
Not sure if this a known issue or just me but I found this morning that two finger scrolling upwards doesn't work on my MBA when I am browsing in Google Chrome. I observed it works in other apps including Safari. Thought of taking it to the Genius Bar then gave up because of the hassle of going through the replacement as I already put in full body zagg on my MBA.
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