Safari :: Why Does It Hang And Slowdown With Lion
Apr 30, 2012why does safari hang and slowdown with lion?
View 1 Replieswhy does safari hang and slowdown with lion?
View 1 RepliesI have a longish list of bookmarks, which I synchronize to iCloud. When adding new ones or editing existing ones, I find at least 50-75 per cent of the time Safari hangs for a minute or so, spinning beachball and all.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4GB RAM
When adding a bookmark either by dragging to the bookmark bar or using Bookmarks tabs, Safari beachballs.I have to force quit.Just had a new hard drive installed from the Genius Bar. Running OSx10.6.8 .Problem started as soon as I got it home and restored from an external hard drive. Downloaded Safari 5.1.4 and still have the problem.
macbook pro
Why are iTunes and Safari the two applications I have ever used that are most likely to hang and/or crash? I mean, what's so hard for Apple to make these two very heavily used applications stable?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOccassionally the web browsers on my system will hang (indefinetly) when trying to load pages, I am connected to the internet and this issue doesnt occurr on my PC so I am assuming the problem resides on my mac, screenshot attached,
15, Mac OS X (10.7)
Well, I didn't change or install anything but since this afternoon Safari began to pause about 3/4 of the way loading a page. It would hang for about 3 seconds, give me the color wheel then load the rest of the page.
So, I installed Firefox and Chrome and they both do the same thing.
I had to force it down during the installation cause in hang up. When I tried a restart the grey screen comes up as usually and the small wheel spins underneath. It spins for hrs. I tried the safe mode but it shows that all is good with the HD. Bootcamp works normally as I am writing from that part right now.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
After "upgrading" to Lion, my MacPro refuses to complete either a Restart or Shut Down cycle. How can I discover what is hanging up the process? System: MacPro1,1; 8GB RAM, OS X 10.7.3, 4x2TB internal drives, all software updates applied.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've update to 10.7.4, and ever since my iCal and Mail get the beach cursor - I've waited an hour and longer and then forced quit them, after that they work for a few minutes (Mail longer, iCal until you create or change an item). I realise that Spotlight is reindexing (since this morning, and still saying "estimating indexing time".
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
lol stupid as it is x3 crash x sonw n x lion dum x lion uillity
macbook 4.1, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am running 10.7.4, build 11E53, and running into this problem:
The thing hangs here, like so.
Thinking it might explain something to someone I ran tail -f /var/log/install.log in terminal and got:
Jun 23 23:54:55 EyeToEye-2 diskmanagementd[825]: DM ->T-[DMToolBootPreference recoveryPartitionInfoForVolume:what:dict:]: inHostDiskUDS=0x1058a3c20=disk0s2=Orbit inWhatStr=RecoveryInfoBaseSystemVersion
Jun 23 23:54:55 EyeToEye-2 diskmanagementd[825]: DM ..T-[DMToolBootPreference recoveryPartitionInfoForVolume:what:dict:]: did get booterRecoveryUDS=0x1058a3ae0=disk0s3=Recovery HD
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Files send trash hang out in the Finder and never make it there?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I just got off the phone with an Apple Specialist because of some slowdown in web browsing that seemed to be getting progressively worse. The tech had me
go the the primary LIBRARY folder on my mac HD and delete the following folders:
and then go into LIBRARY folder under my user ID and delete the following folder
I then cleaned out the trashcan and restarted the computer. Web browsing is much faster now. He recommended doing this once a month if you do a lot of web browsing. you may get a warning upon restarting your browser regarding the missing cache folders and you just have the OS 'Fix' the problem ( which is one of the options).
I am running Lion 10.7.3 on a 2.8GHz CoreDuo iMac from 2007 and on a Macbok Air 2.13 GHz Core duo from 2010. The iMac has 4GB of RAM the Macbook has 2 GB RAM.
I run Microsoft Office 2011 on both machines. For the same file the Macbook operates normally on Word and Excel. The iMac is slow at best and when I try a Save As it hangs for up to 15 minutes brfor letting me change the FIle Name. This effectively makes it unusable.
As far as I can tell the set up of Office on both Machines is identical and I have eliminated duplicate Fonts as suggested by some posts but the problem remains. I have checked Activity Monitor and I am not getting any Page Outs so RAM does not appear to be an issue.
I just upgraded my iTunes to 10.6. I seem to be having a different issue than most other people. My itunes opens and syncs with everything fine. However, while listening to music, iTunes randomly takes up 80%-105% of the CPU which causes my entire computer to slowdown and everything becomes choppy. eventually the music starts to get choppy and skip, so then i just have to shut down iTunes and the computer performance returns to normal. I can watch the activity monitor with iTunes running and can see the CPU stay around 5-10% and then all of a sudden spikes to around 105% and then back down and then back up to 70-80% and stays there awhile, eventually causing the choppy performance all around.
I didn't have any of these issues before the update. I have tried reinstalling itunes, repairing permissions, zapping the pram, all the usual diagnostic tricks, but i still have the same problem. with all the issues other people seem to be having, i would hope apple will release an update soon, and hopefully that will also fix my issue, but I don't see other people having this problem and was wondering if anyone know anything I could check in the meantime?
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8GB RAM
For the last several months I've been running SolidWorks 2010 on a new MacBook Pro (Core i5 M 520 @ 2.40GHz) dual booting into XP. It's been running fine and outperforming my couple year old Dell Xeon Workstation by a few percent when benchmarked using Anna Wood's CPU intensive punch holder, averaging about 88. I decided to upgrade to Win 7, which I've been very happy with on the desktop and showed consistant performance with XP. However, I was very disappointed and confused to find that the Win 7 on the MacBook slowed down to 112 for the 32 bit install and 126 for x64. Test were run with consistant settings and on AC power. 've fiddled with the Windows settings to maximize performance. The windows experience scores, for whatever that's worth, are higher than the desktop. I'm a bit confused as to what's going on. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed a 180GB Intel SSD about 2 months ago and at first everything was great - very fast, etc. However, over time anything dealing directly with files (such as attaching a file in email, opening desktop folders, etc.) seems to be getting slower and slower. I get the rainbow icon often now whereas before it was quite rare.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhile I was downloading a file earlier, I clicked on the Airport icon in the menu bar to see which wireless network I was connected to. As Airport scanned for wireless networks (it does it automatically after clicking the Airport icon), I noticed that the speed of the download dropped so far that it practically stopped for a moment. I tried it a few other times and got a similar result. Anyone else notice connection drops/slowdowns when clicking on the Airport icon while it scans for other networks? Is there a way to prevent this? I'm running OS X 10.6.2 on a MacBook Pro. I posted it here because it seemed more of an OS thing than hardware.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a strange problem with a WiFi slowdown when connected to a TV. Here are the specs of the equipment:
2.2 Ghz white macbook, santa rosa, 4 gb ram, purchased January 2008
Panasonic TV connected via HDMI to DVI cable + Apple Mini DVI to DVI connector
USB Western Digital harddrive connected to a 500 GB Time Capsule (1st edition, no dual channels)
Snow leopard 10.6.1
Before upgrading to snow leopard, I would frequently use the macbook to provide video to the above mentioned TV streamed from a hard drive connected to an imac (connected to the same time capsule). I moved, and upgraded to snow leopard, and haven't tried this until finished setting up my equipment yesterday. I can stream videos to the macbook from this hard drive fine when nothing is connected. However, the moment I plug in the mini-DVI connector, the WiFi drops to a crawl. This applies not only the to air disk but any data from the network (internet, etc.)
A couple of additional notes: Display is set to mirror. Has nothing to do with clamshell mode because the macbook isn't closed. Nothing to do with location/interference- the effect is instantaneous with plugging and unplugging the cable. The base station is actually closer than in my previous setup and is pretty much 20 feet away in direct line of sight. I connect to another external monitor daily at work (vga, again with apple mini dvi to vga adapter)- no issue whatsoever restart did not help. I canceled all time machine backups over the network to limit that as a factor- no effect.
I updated with the latest Lion patch yesterday and since then Entourage has either hung or taken a very long time to update from our 2003 Exchange server (I have MS Office 2011 but as you're probably aware, there are issues integrating with a 2003 Exchange server). how this might be fixed, short of updating both our 2003 Windows Server to Windows Server 2008 x64 and Exchange to 2010 so I (the only Mac user out of 85 staff) can use Outlook 2011?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
This is a thread for anyone who is experiencing a large slowdown and/or intermittent 10-60 second freezes on Mac OSX Snow Leopard, where the freezes are completely unrelated to anything you're doing, any app you're using, or whether the system is under heavy or little use. I found the issue stems from the use of Mac Fuse (with NTFS-3G installed) and/or Paragon NTFS for Mac OSX, the combination of these 2 apps essentially doing the same job (NTFS write support), conflicts and causes the hard drive to be under constant (although very little) use, which can randomly cause 30-60 second freezes. If anyone is experiencing these same freezes, uninstall either one app or the other, or both, and that might help remedy the situation. EDIT: updated because I didn't specifically mention which macFUSE plugin I had installed....
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently noticed that my DVD drives "hang" when I don't use them for extended periods of time, when I press the open tray button on the keyboard (or use the icon on the menu bar) the drive tries to open (I can hear the tray pull out slightly) but then it doesn't fully extend the tray (bay door on the chassis slightly open).
A reboot will not fix this issue but a complete shutdown of the system and power-up will, it is the same for both of my SATA drives.
Anyone else has experienced this issue in their system?
I have a mac pro running leopard (purchased in 2/08) and it was running beautifully for almost 2 months with no hangs, crashes or freezes. Then, for some reason, today when I turned it on, it would not boot. It would get to the apple logo, then just sit there for a few minutes, then reboot itself and the same thing would happen.
I pulled out the ethernet cable, unplugged all usb except keyboard/mouse and it would then (sometimes) boot into the system, log me in and present me with the UI. I then quickly performed a soft reboot and it would get to the desktop. However, I can only use it for anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes before it would completely lockup. The clock freezes, the mouse freezes and it just sits there forever. I have tried booting into Vista (BootCamp) and it also freezes before startup is complete....................
My primary machine went down today. Came home from work, went to wake it from sleep, it was unresponsive, black screen, power light constant. Checked all connections, tried powering off, waiting, reboot, grey pinwheel on boot from HDD. Tried booting from OS install DVD, same issue.
Removed all extra RAM, HDD's. Left standard ram and standard drive blank in computer, tried to boot from SL install dvd, hangs at same point. You can hear the DVD spin up, the pinwheel spins and then hangs after a while. I have tried a SMC reset. Zapping PRAM etc.
It's been happening for a while now and I had hoped 10.5.3 would fix. When I choose to restart or shutdown, 90% of the time it hangs on grey screen after logging out and I have to hold down power button to shutdown. No apps hanging. Also have problem where when I open the cover to bring my MBA out of standby mode, I'll be presented with the logon screen. I'll type my password and my screen goes blank like it's gone back to sleep but the power light is fully lit. Have to close cover, wait till it goes on standby, then open cover to bring up password logon again. Should I reinstall OS X again?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy SL was working perfectly until yesterday. I got my late 08 UMBP back from AppleCare without any replacement (see post here). They just run a kind of apple test suit on an external OSX, I guess they booted from a firewire disk.
Anyway, now I getting very often a system hang with a spinning wheel. When I try to repair permissions in the Disk Utility, the progress it stays like 10 minutes on the same place at the very beginning, then spinning wheel again then the system doesn't react. I can move the mouse that's all.
I don't know what's happened, I restarted my mac and it started doing this: [URL] It's really odd and it happens repetedly and never stops.
View 3 Replies View RelatedLong story, but basically I got an "invalid sibling error" on my intel IMac and was told the best fix was to zero the HD and reinstall. I did this and got Leopard running. Now it hangs while I try to update to 5.10.8. I downloaded the combo update from Apple after it failing through system update.
I'm not sure what the issue could be. I've verified the disk, checked it's smart status is ok and run the hardware test from the install disk.
My mac hangs at login after sleep. Hangs so long that i cant stand to wait and shut it down with the powerbutton. The mac is connected to an AD-server and my account is defined as a mobile account. (also admin)
The strange thing is that we have several other macs and users with the same configuration and I havent heard any complaints from them.
The problem comes about every other day.Se attached picture for the "hang-screen"
Snow Leopard 10.6.4, connected via ethernet, disk permisions repaired and so on.
Not quite sure what to do.Installed 10.5.7 on my iMac and my Air with no issues.Was running the update onto one of my mac minis and it hung in the "Running Installer Script" bit. After an hour I decided to power cycle which it had no issues with. When I check the OS now it says it is on 10.5.7. but I'm not sure how to confirm that the update has been completed correctly.
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