OS X :: Downloading A File / Wireless Connection Slowdown?
Jan 15, 2010
While I was downloading a file earlier, I clicked on the Airport icon in the menu bar to see which wireless network I was connected to. As Airport scanned for wireless networks (it does it automatically after clicking the Airport icon), I noticed that the speed of the download dropped so far that it practically stopped for a moment. I tried it a few other times and got a similar result. Anyone else notice connection drops/slowdowns when clicking on the Airport icon while it scans for other networks? Is there a way to prevent this? I'm running OS X 10.6.2 on a MacBook Pro. I posted it here because it seemed more of an OS thing than hardware.
I recently purchased (as in days ago) a refurbished 13" Macbook Pro. I just noticed today that my wireless connection on my Macbook Pro has been losing it's connection about every other 2-3 minutes. I was on iChat with a buddy this morning, and I must have been disconnected and then reconnected about 8 times in 20 minutes. I first thought it must have been a problem with iChat. That said, I have sat here looking at my screen for the past ten minutes, and I have seen the Airport wireless indicator disconnect and then reconnect again at least three times in the past ten minutes.
I have AT&T U-Verse Service, and I am forced to use their provided 2WIRE router. That said, I have had no problems with any other device that uses the wireless connection, from my iPhone to my PS3. I work from home and have my HP laptop literally sitting right next to my Macbook, and it has not disconnected once from the same wireless connection, whereas my Macbook has literally disconnected at least 20 times.
I have a G4, dual 450, 1G Ram running 10.4.11. Recently after downloading and opening an .rar file, a file named .DS_Store appeared on the desktop. I have since deleted the .rar file, but cannot delete the .DS file. It is appearing now in all of my programs, including my camera when I plug it in. I've tried ClamXav, MacScan, and DnsChangerRemovaltool, also What'sKeepingMe, but nothing can remove it. Info says it's a document, 16 KB, and it reads as date created the last time I turned the machine on. Can anyone tell me what this is and how I can get rid of it?
I just got off the phone with an Apple Specialist because of some slowdown in web browsing that seemed to be getting progressively worse. The tech had me go the the primary LIBRARY folder on my mac HD and delete the following folders:
and then go into LIBRARY folder under my user ID and delete the following folder
I then cleaned out the trashcan and restarted the computer. Web browsing is much faster now. He recommended doing this once a month if you do a lot of web browsing. you may get a warning upon restarting your browser regarding the missing cache folders and you just have the OS 'Fix' the problem ( which is one of the options).
I'm new to mac, so dont know if i'm doing something silly. But i'm downloading apple software in limewire (iWork, iLife, iSkull), whenever i download the files they come out in .exe or .zip, and when i unzip the files they turn into .exe.
These are apple software but i can't open them in .exe.
I just upgraded my iTunes to 10.6. I seem to be having a different issue than most other people. My itunes opens and syncs with everything fine. However, while listening to music, iTunes randomly takes up 80%-105% of the CPU which causes my entire computer to slowdown and everything becomes choppy. eventually the music starts to get choppy and skip, so then i just have to shut down iTunes and the computer performance returns to normal. I can watch the activity monitor with iTunes running and can see the CPU stay around 5-10% and then all of a sudden spikes to around 105% and then back down and then back up to 70-80% and stays there awhile, eventually causing the choppy performance all around.
I didn't have any of these issues before the update. I have tried reinstalling itunes, repairing permissions, zapping the pram, all the usual diagnostic tricks, but i still have the same problem. with all the issues other people seem to be having, i would hope apple will release an update soon, and hopefully that will also fix my issue, but I don't see other people having this problem and was wondering if anyone know anything I could check in the meantime?
Info: iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8GB RAM
bare with me please, but please don't use my age as an excuse to ignore my question. I recently got a MacBook 13 Inch computer, and I want to hook it up to the Internet. Do I need a wireless connection to do so, and if I do would I need to buy a wireless router? Because I can buy it I just don't want to have a whole new Internet connection set up just for my computer.
So Im pretty sure this is just my computer i have clicked on something to make this happen as it never happens at work.
I have a mac mini running the most up to date version of snow leopard
when i down load a file in safari a download box pops up with the download and shows its progress, when this file is downloaded it then just disappears meaning i then have to go find the file where ever i have downloaded it.
For the last several months I've been running SolidWorks 2010 on a new MacBook Pro (Core i5 M 520 @ 2.40GHz) dual booting into XP. It's been running fine and outperforming my couple year old Dell Xeon Workstation by a few percent when benchmarked using Anna Wood's CPU intensive punch holder, averaging about 88. I decided to upgrade to Win 7, which I've been very happy with on the desktop and showed consistant performance with XP. However, I was very disappointed and confused to find that the Win 7 on the MacBook slowed down to 112 for the 32 bit install and 126 for x64. Test were run with consistant settings and on AC power. 've fiddled with the Windows settings to maximize performance. The windows experience scores, for whatever that's worth, are higher than the desktop. I'm a bit confused as to what's going on. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
I just bought an iMac 24" base model and love it. I'm quickly learning the OS, but there is still a lot that is foreign to me.
Wireless was easy to setup, however I can't find any type of connection status (as in signal strength). Am I just missing it, or do I need a 3rd party program?
Another quick question while we're here, what OS do I have? It's OS X 10.5.6, would that be Leopard? All these code names are new to me
Another question I see a lot of people talking about using different browsers. Is Safari considered the Internet Explorer of the MAC? Or is Safari a good browser and people just like to try different things?
I just bought a MBP 13 inch in August '09 and Ive been experiencing consistent dropped internet connections wherever I go. I'm in college right now, and I have wireless internet at my dorm and my connection keeps dropping randomly and the only way I can reconnect is by turning on and off Airport. I just went home today and Im experiencing the same scenario with my Home Wireless Network connection. Anyone know whats going on or how I can fix this?
I've recently installed windows xp on my macbook pro (leopard). When I ran windows xp, i got connected to the wireless network (the one i use to connect while running mac os as well); however, it seems to me that now whenever i run my windows xp, it can't find the wireless network. it just shows other wireless networks which are considerably slower than my preference.
Is there a way to add file extensions supported by safari for downloading? Every time I try to DL a .7z file safari opens it as a text file. I could get around this using widget, but there must be a more elegant way of doing this.
Downloading images from the web and saving them to a file has not been a problem in the past - suddenly, when I try to save. I get "document could not be exported as (title)" What is causing this? And what do I need to do to I save images?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have literally just brought a new 15 inch mac book pro late 2013 and just in the process of downloading the things i need however every time i go to download skype when i open the dmg it keeps saying in a small grey box "The Following disk images couldn't be opened.. "Skype_6.18.0.493.dmg/Image data corrupted" I have tried everything tried using a different browser, change the gate keeper setting to allow downloads from anywhere, right clicking dmg file and click open but it just seems that for some reason my laptop will not let me open up this DMG. I want to be able to skype my friends and family.
I installed a 180GB Intel SSD about 2 months ago and at first everything was great - very fast, etc. However, over time anything dealing directly with files (such as attaching a file in email, opening desktop folders, etc.) seems to be getting slower and slower. I get the rainbow icon often now whereas before it was quite rare.
My iMac has been connected wirelessly to my D-Link DI-604 802.11g router for near 4 months now.
About 3 days ago, the iMac started to exhibit strange problems.
Every 3-4 minutes, the connection drops.
The airport icon at the top shows full bars (and the router is about 2 feet from the iMac) but the internet does not work anymore.
Also, if I deconnect and try to reconnect, at first it gives me an error ("there was an error connecting to network XXX"), then my network disappears from the list for 1-2minutes and then I can connect.
I think it has to do with an authentication problem but the password is correct etc.
We have had a little powerbook G4 since about a year now. Such a great little stable machine that we have never had any problems with it. As a consequence, we still know little about it (usually I learn about machines/software by running into problems). Now, the wireless starts working intermittently. Sometimes it works fine and at other times it will not even indicate that our home network is present (whereas we have two other laptops (Win XP) that show that the network is active and has excellent strength). So at these times we are unable to re-connect. This started about two weeks ago and starts to get worse (it will more often not find it). Restarting does not work, but sometimes, when trying again the next day or a couple of hours later, it will work again. Should we just go ahead and get a new wireless card for the p-book?
I am writing on behalf of my girlfriend, whose iMac, running OS X, had to be relocated in the house. Of necessity, I switched it from a wired, high speed internet connection, to a wireless 802.11 connection... or an "attempt" to do so. As a Windows XP user, I was forced to do some research, to even know where to begin, but found that Airport had to be turned on. I managed to navigate my way to the Airport settings window, and clicked it "On". All seemed well, as Firefox loaded all her tabbed pages, without a hitch.
Hours later, when she came home, we found that when she tried to retrieve her email, NOTHING LOADED... the connectivity had been lost. How, or why, this happened, when it had been working fine when I left it, is a mystery that a Windows user fails to discern. Worse yet, nothing we both tried can get the wireless connection restored.
When i wake my 2.4 Ghz aluminum MacBook with 4GB ram from sleep it takes the AirPort about 10 minutes to connect to the internet. The status is that the AirPort is connected but there is no internet coming through. What could be making my MacBook take so long to connect to the internet?
my nintendo wii not being able connect to the internet wireless. It because I updated my imac computer that is not allowing my wii to make connection. Has anyone updated their apple computer and not able to connect to wii now then before?
The connection on my computer some else is using this isp and my nintendo say it connect that.