MacBook Pro :: Hang Up While Installing Safari Update - Now Not Turn On
May 29, 2012
I had to force it down during the installation cause in hang up. When I tried a restart the grey screen comes up as usually and the small wheel spins underneath. It spins for hrs. I tried the safe mode but it shows that all is good with the HD. Bootcamp works normally as I am writing from that part right now.
I updated with the latest Lion patch yesterday and since then Entourage has either hung or taken a very long time to update from our 2003 Exchange server (I have MS Office 2011 but as you're probably aware, there are issues integrating with a 2003 Exchange server). how this might be fixed, short of updating both our 2003 Windows Server to Windows Server 2008 x64 and Exchange to 2010 so I (the only Mac user out of 85 staff) can use Outlook 2011?
I am running 10.7.4, build 11E53, and running into this problem:Â
The thing hangs here, like so.Â
Thinking it might explain something to someone I ran tail -f /var/log/install.log in terminal and got:Â
Jun 23 23:54:55 EyeToEye-2 diskmanagementd[825]: DM ->T-[DMToolBootPreference recoveryPartitionInfoForVolume:what:dict:]: inHostDiskUDS=0x1058a3c20=disk0s2=Orbit inWhatStr=RecoveryInfoBaseSystemVersion
Jun 23 23:54:55 EyeToEye-2 diskmanagementd[825]: DM ..T-[DMToolBootPreference recoveryPartitionInfoForVolume:what:dict:]: did get booterRecoveryUDS=0x1058a3ae0=disk0s3=Recovery HDÂ
Running OS X 10.9.4 and, ever since the last update, I have been encountering several issues with iTunes (hangs up when trying to open, have to force-quit), Safari (pages not loading, long periods with "pinwheel of death"), Youtube Downloader keeps crashing, Apps like iPhoto, App Store, and Mail taking VERY long to open, if at all...Â
I have a MacBook Pro running Tiger. After installing the most recent update, I find that Safari keeps crashing every time I open a new tab. I've tried cleaning out my plug ins and history.plist, but it hasn't helped.
Long story, but basically I got an "invalid sibling error" on my intel IMac and was told the best fix was to zero the HD and reinstall. I did this and got Leopard running. Now it hangs while I try to update to 5.10.8. I downloaded the combo update from Apple after it failing through system update.
I'm not sure what the issue could be. I've verified the disk, checked it's smart status is ok and run the hardware test from the install disk.
Not quite sure what to do.Installed 10.5.7 on my iMac and my Air with no issues.Was running the update onto one of my mac minis and it hung in the "Running Installer Script" bit. After an hour I decided to power cycle which it had no issues with. When I check the OS now it says it is on 10.5.7. but I'm not sure how to confirm that the update has been completed correctly.
First the specifics: I have a MacPro, Version 10.6.2 for OSX. I did the latest update that showed for Safari. It went to reboot and just sat there and hung. I waited for 10 minutes, then manually restarted the Mac. It came up, but then when I went to open Mail, I got an error that it couldn't open. I then clicked on ok, and tried to open another app, and it wouldn't open. I tried with several apps with the same result. I downloaded the MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.2.dmg and ran it with no problems, and the Apps will still not open?
I've update to 10.7.4, and ever since my iCal and Mail get the beach cursor - I've waited an hour and longer and then forced quit them, after that they work for a few minutes (Mail longer, iCal until you create or change an item). I realise that Spotlight is reindexing (since this morning, and still saying "estimating indexing time".
When adding a bookmark either by dragging to the bookmark bar or using Bookmarks tabs, Safari beachballs.I have to force quit.Just had a new hard drive installed from the Genius Bar. Running OSx10.6.8 .Problem started as soon as I got it home and restored from an external hard drive. Downloaded Safari 5.1.4 and still have the problem.Â
Why are iTunes and Safari the two applications I have ever used that are most likely to hang and/or crash? I mean, what's so hard for Apple to make these two very heavily used applications stable?
Occassionally the web browsers on my system will hang (indefinetly) when trying to load pages, I am connected to the internet and this issue doesnt occurr on my PC so I am assuming the problem resides on my mac, screenshot attached, Â
I have a longish list of bookmarks, which I synchronize to iCloud. When adding new ones or editing existing ones, I find at least 50-75 per cent of the time Safari hangs for a minute or so, spinning beachball and all.
Well, I didn't change or install anything but since this afternoon Safari began to pause about 3/4 of the way loading a page. It would hang for about 3 seconds, give me the color wheel then load the rest of the page.
So, I installed Firefox and Chrome and they both do the same thing.
I just finish update my MacBook Air to Maverick and it turned off to restart. But it did not. When you try to turn it on it shows you Apple logo, seems like loading and after few seconds it turns off automatically.
Had my MacBook Air for Christmas last year (2010), I've done the new update on it and now it won't turn on last night there was a world sign flashing when I turned it on instead of the apple sign.
After the update, my MacBook Pro is extermely sluggish. Prior to the update, I was zipping along like most happy MacBook Pro owners. After the update, I constantly see the dreaded beach ball when doing almost anything with the laptop, Safari pages take longer to load, etc.
It's almost as if the udpate had the opposite effect and actually throttled down my WD 500GB HDD performance to a large degree.
Like I said, prior to the update all was good. I've been searching to see if there is a way to revert back to the previous firmware to validate that the update caused the problem but I haven't been successfull in finding anything yet.
I installed the latest update 10.7.4. After the nice progress bar finished, I just get a nice Apple logo and a spinning wheel of death. Rebooting gives me a new progress bar and a new spinning wheel of death. OPTION-start does not really help, since there is no DVD drive on the MacBook Air Core2 to reboot from.Â
I have a brand new MacbookPro, bought 2 months ago, so far so good!Yesterday I updated with the lastest update from Apple, but when it reboots, it gets stuck on the Apple Logo screen with the process-wheel.
Whenever I try to install my software updates manually, I get the screen saying I must restart my computer after the updates are installed. However, when I click on 'Install and Restart' the computer immediately restarts without installing any of the updates. This has happened repeatedly.
I've installed Thunderbolt firmware update 2.1. Now, When I've started again my computer, Macbook Pro with retina display and Macbook Air doesn't work. I've tried install this update with Snow Leopard and Lion system.
On my Macbook pro, it starts up, "optimizes movies" and then 5 seconds later crashes. It has never done this before which is why it must have something to do with the recent update (installed in the last week)
While installing software update MacBook pro froze,I could see a white screen without progress bar.the external hard drive was plugged in at the time. It has been 3 hours already.I just unplugged external hard drive and don't know what to do next..
after installing an update I am no longer able to hear sound out of my speakers. A red light comes on where the headphone jack is. I have already attempted to trip to switch with a wooden toothpick in the headphone jack but have not had luck.
I bought an ibook a little while ago because I wanted a small, simple notebook and I love my home iMac. I found one for a good price on eBay and when it arrived everything seemed ok. I wanted to re-install the OS and set everything to my specifications because I was having a little trouble with some of the apps. Anyway, I went through the lengthy re-install and just as it finished counting down the seconds to completion, it shut down. I thought it might be in sleep mode because the little white light was on, so I hit a key and the light went off but nothing happened. Nothing on the screen, no HD noise, nothing. I'm at a loss because I really don't know much at all about hardware or software, which is why I liked the user-friendly Mac so much. The only thing that tells me it's getting power is the little green light at the power connector. I tried a PMU reset (there's no reset button on my model so it was a button combo of shift-ctrl-option-power I think) but that didn't do anything.
Just bought a new SSD I plan to swap into my MacBook pro (mid 2010 6.2). I plan on clean installing osx Lion and thought I would try to make the installation go as smoothly as possible by updatingthe firmware, if needed, on both the new drive and the MacBook pro.
-Model: MacBook Pro 6,2 (mid 2010) - 15" i5 2.4ghz
-Current Boot ROM: MBP61.0057.B0C
I'm wondering if I need to wait until os x Lion is installed before I install this update? Perhaps it will automatically via "software update" after Lion is installed. It looks like the fix is pertains to osx Lion functionality, so maybe it would've already been downloaded via software update if Lion was installed as opposed to snow leopard which is what I have currently.The article says " If you are unsure whether your computer needs a particular update, simply download and open the update installer. The installer will alert you if the firmware update is already installed or not needed." Which update installer are they referring to and where can I get it? I thought it'd be better to update the firmware prior to installing the os, but maybe that's just an old habit I picked upnwhile using windows.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), mid 2010 6,2 15" 2.4 core i5
My safari application wont update my computer keeps displaying that all the applications are up to date and then when I try downloading safari 5 from I am told in the set up box my computer(volume) does not meet the requirements. I have MAC OS X Snow leopard version 10.6.3 on a Mac book pro 13" 2009 mid year 2.26 Ghz intel core 2 duo