MacBook Pro :: Large Post SSD Install Slowdown?
Nov 3, 2009
I installed a 180GB Intel SSD about 2 months ago and at first everything was great - very fast, etc. However, over time anything dealing directly with files (such as attaching a file in email, opening desktop folders, etc.) seems to be getting slower and slower. I get the rainbow icon often now whereas before it was quite rare.
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Aug 30, 2009
Once SL is installed, where do I find my iLife 09 cd?
I have a 09 Mini. There are only two discs in the box right?
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Oct 26, 2007
I don't know what to do. I installed Leopard over 10.4.10 as an upgrade on my iMac C2D and after the system rebooted into Leopard for the first time, I can't login to the admin account. I just doesn't accept the password anymore! My second non-admin account works, but I'm completely locked out of the admin account! Even worse, I can't reset the password using the utility on the Leopard Boot Disk. The password reset utility doesn't seem to work! I really don't know what to do. I didn't backup before the install (I bought a second drive and was planning on backing up with Time Machine after Leopard was installed). I'm locked out of my own computer.
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Feb 8, 2012
I am building a 10.7 Lion NetInstall image. What I want to setup at some point during the imaging process be it before the install or post configuration it prompts me to set a hostname for a system and then it auto binds the system to our AD domain using that hostname. Is this possible to setup on a Custom NetInstall image on System Image Utility? If so how would I go about setting that up.
I saw how you can create a predefined list of hostnames or have it auto set a hostname using a prefix and the mac address. However I want to be able to define a completely custom hostname during the image process.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 28, 2009
I have a strange problem with a WiFi slowdown when connected to a TV. Here are the specs of the equipment:
2.2 Ghz white macbook, santa rosa, 4 gb ram, purchased January 2008
Panasonic TV connected via HDMI to DVI cable + Apple Mini DVI to DVI connector
USB Western Digital harddrive connected to a 500 GB Time Capsule (1st edition, no dual channels)
Snow leopard 10.6.1
Before upgrading to snow leopard, I would frequently use the macbook to provide video to the above mentioned TV streamed from a hard drive connected to an imac (connected to the same time capsule). I moved, and upgraded to snow leopard, and haven't tried this until finished setting up my equipment yesterday. I can stream videos to the macbook from this hard drive fine when nothing is connected. However, the moment I plug in the mini-DVI connector, the WiFi drops to a crawl. This applies not only the to air disk but any data from the network (internet, etc.)
A couple of additional notes: Display is set to mirror. Has nothing to do with clamshell mode because the macbook isn't closed. Nothing to do with location/interference- the effect is instantaneous with plugging and unplugging the cable. The base station is actually closer than in my previous setup and is pretty much 20 feet away in direct line of sight. I connect to another external monitor daily at work (vga, again with apple mini dvi to vga adapter)- no issue whatsoever restart did not help. I canceled all time machine backups over the network to limit that as a factor- no effect.
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Jun 6, 2009
I just got off the phone with an Apple Specialist because of some slowdown in web browsing that seemed to be getting progressively worse. The tech had me
go the the primary LIBRARY folder on my mac HD and delete the following folders:
and then go into LIBRARY folder under my user ID and delete the following folder
I then cleaned out the trashcan and restarted the computer. Web browsing is much faster now. He recommended doing this once a month if you do a lot of web browsing. you may get a warning upon restarting your browser regarding the missing cache folders and you just have the OS 'Fix' the problem ( which is one of the options).
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Mar 10, 2012
I just upgraded my iTunes to 10.6. I seem to be having a different issue than most other people. My itunes opens and syncs with everything fine. However, while listening to music, iTunes randomly takes up 80%-105% of the CPU which causes my entire computer to slowdown and everything becomes choppy. eventually the music starts to get choppy and skip, so then i just have to shut down iTunes and the computer performance returns to normal. I can watch the activity monitor with iTunes running and can see the CPU stay around 5-10% and then all of a sudden spikes to around 105% and then back down and then back up to 70-80% and stays there awhile, eventually causing the choppy performance all around.
I didn't have any of these issues before the update. I have tried reinstalling itunes, repairing permissions, zapping the pram, all the usual diagnostic tricks, but i still have the same problem. with all the issues other people seem to be having, i would hope apple will release an update soon, and hopefully that will also fix my issue, but I don't see other people having this problem and was wondering if anyone know anything I could check in the meantime?
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8GB RAM
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Oct 7, 2010
For the last several months I've been running SolidWorks 2010 on a new MacBook Pro (Core i5 M 520 @ 2.40GHz) dual booting into XP. It's been running fine and outperforming my couple year old Dell Xeon Workstation by a few percent when benchmarked using Anna Wood's CPU intensive punch holder, averaging about 88. I decided to upgrade to Win 7, which I've been very happy with on the desktop and showed consistant performance with XP. However, I was very disappointed and confused to find that the Win 7 on the MacBook slowed down to 112 for the 32 bit install and 126 for x64. Test were run with consistant settings and on AC power. 've fiddled with the Windows settings to maximize performance. The windows experience scores, for whatever that's worth, are higher than the desktop. I'm a bit confused as to what's going on. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
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Apr 30, 2012
why does safari hang and slowdown with lion?
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Jan 15, 2010
While I was downloading a file earlier, I clicked on the Airport icon in the menu bar to see which wireless network I was connected to. As Airport scanned for wireless networks (it does it automatically after clicking the Airport icon), I noticed that the speed of the download dropped so far that it practically stopped for a moment. I tried it a few other times and got a similar result. Anyone else notice connection drops/slowdowns when clicking on the Airport icon while it scans for other networks? Is there a way to prevent this? I'm running OS X 10.6.2 on a MacBook Pro. I posted it here because it seemed more of an OS thing than hardware.
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Aug 27, 2010
I'm at the point that I am finally needing to upgrade from my old 15" MBP (1,1), and will be jumping to a 13" MBP base model. I know Apple is currently running the promotion with the (up to) $199 MIR with an iPod purchase, but my trusty 160GB Classic is doing a marvelous job as is, so the iPod is relatively frivolous for me at the moment.
The question is whether or not there's a perk to buying now and just selling off an iPod brand new (aka bigger MBP discount), or if they run some different promotion after the current one lapses on the 7th that I might have an interest in. I'd scour my memory to recall if they do any other fall promotions (but it rarely remembers these sales, been nearly four years since I bought my last Mac), and searching has been fruitless (or I'm just using ill-formed queries). In any case, my purchase isn't terribly time-crucial (in the short term), but I'm certainly not waiting until Nov/Dec to pick one up. Does anyone recall if Apple traditionally does some other sort of promotion after the typical "rake in all the college students and give 'em free iPods to clean house" at the start of the school season?
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Apr 24, 2012
I have included some info that I now want to remove......can I take down an old question?
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Jun 13, 2010
Having trouble figuring out how to post a picture...
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Nov 3, 2010
I walked into work the second day I got my Air, back when a pillowcase served as a sleeve, and a friend handed me a standard padded envelope - except that it's rough cardboard paper on the inside as well. Since I'm waiting for my SFBags Suede Sleeve, I'm too cheap/lazy to get a more decent case, but I've found myself really liking this envelope. It's extremely discreet, and since it's so light, you can really hold it any way you'd like, as if all you have is paper inside. And you can pull it out without anyone really noticing where it came from, since no one cares about paper documents. Or, if you want to impress people, you can plop the envelope on your desk, then slowly and deliberately pull out the MacBook Air, and it's like "what up!" in a Phil Dunphy voice. I'm just worried about one thing - will prolonged use of the rough envelope scratch the hell out of my aluminum?
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Nov 4, 2010
I'm debating getting a 13 inch 4GB for a second/travel computer and have read many threads where folks are speculating that you should be able to or could edit but I'd like to see some links to your YouTube videos that have been edited with your late 2010 MBA and iMovie.
Post the links to em if you got em.I understand that buying a MBP would get the job done but if I could edit the occasional video and upload to the cloud I'd be a happy camper.
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Jan 8, 2011
I am selling my MacBook Pro and some people were asking me to post the serial number so they can verify the warranty, which is still good until November 7th 2011. Is it safe to post the serial number? Could people do anything with it? Use it to login to apple website or something similar?
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Jan 6, 2010
Update: You can read about my Experiences in 12 Hours here: [URL]
Update: You can read about my Experiences in 48 Hours here: [URL]
Download Coconut Battery and post your stats. Capacity only. Here goes mine:
MacBook Air - REV A 80GB HDD
Current: 4651 mAh
Original: 5090 mAh
Loss of: 9% Performance
Load Cycles: 186
Age of Mac: 20 Months
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May 15, 2009
As the title says, can you combine 2 drives to one large without the expensive raid card?
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Mar 4, 2009
I've been seeing all these battery posts and I was just wondering how my batt. usage stacks up with other peoples. I guess posting the health doesn't hurt either. My MBP has been used about 5 and half months, i have 90 cycles and 94% health. Apologies if this thread already exists, blame it on this sites horrible search function.
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Jun 17, 2009
Has anyone experienced unclear, not sharp text, on a new MBP unibody? It feels like the text display is just 'not right'. My display is 9CA3. It uses the 9600m card. I used a 17" MBP with 1920x1200 resolution for 2 years, daily, with no complaints. After working for 1 day on the laptop my left eye is painful and both eyes are much more tired than normal. On the other hand, images and movies are clear and the colors are very impressive. But, how good is it to watch a movie when the eyes are too tired?
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Jun 25, 2009
I know there is another thread, but I wanted to make a poll so people could easily guage the problem.
If you have a post-WWDC 7200 RPM HDD in a uMBP, do you have the click-beep problem as described here:
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Mar 17, 2012
I spilled a bit of milk on my computer this morning and managed to move fast enough to drain most of it. I turned the computer off, and on again, just to make sure that it was running. (I know now I shouldn't have...) I was able to log in, etc. My trackpad was going a bit wonkers, but it's done that before, so I wasn't worried. Turned it off, flipped it over, set it aside.
A number of hours later, I turned it on again, and now the keys from A-L (ASDFGHJKL) and T-O (TYUIO) aren't working. I require a password, so now I can't log in. I noticed also that some key types non-stop (in the password box) until I press delete, which stops the typing. I've taken off a number of keys and cleaned them, but even if I press the squishy thing underneath, the keys aforementioned don't type.
Can someone tell me what I can do, if anything, manually before I get an external keyboard? (I won't be going into Apple -- not interested in spending a few hundred+ for cleaning/fixing; my warranty's run itself out.)
And, as a side question: I'm not sure if my Bluetooth is on. What do I have to do to be able to connect a wireless keyboard? Or do I need to get one with a USB? Or, because I'm logged out, am I completely screwed?
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Apr 25, 2012
I successfully migrated from my previous MacBook Air to my brand new one with OSX 10.7.3. using the migration application. Fine, except the Search command does not work, in Finder, Outlook, Word, PPT or any other application. The files are all there, but the search seems to be applied only to very recent file.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 11, 2010
This is a thread for anyone who is experiencing a large slowdown and/or intermittent 10-60 second freezes on Mac OSX Snow Leopard, where the freezes are completely unrelated to anything you're doing, any app you're using, or whether the system is under heavy or little use. I found the issue stems from the use of Mac Fuse (with NTFS-3G installed) and/or Paragon NTFS for Mac OSX, the combination of these 2 apps essentially doing the same job (NTFS write support), conflicts and causes the hard drive to be under constant (although very little) use, which can randomly cause 30-60 second freezes. If anyone is experiencing these same freezes, uninstall either one app or the other, or both, and that might help remedy the situation. EDIT: updated because I didn't specifically mention which macFUSE plugin I had installed....
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Mar 13, 2009
I've had my 8 core mac pro for a bit over a year now, and it's been a great little box---til now. I live in a fairly humid climate, so I've always pretty much left electronic things on most of the time--they seem to like it. However, over Xmas, I took a trip, and turned all my gear off. When I returned, I pressed the button to start my mac pro---nothing, nada, like it was unplugged still. Being an OK troubleshooter, I started by making sure cables were ok etc. Did a search to find if anyone else had a problem. Then, I looked up how to reset the SMC. Up until the 8 core, there was a button. No more on the Mac Pro 8 core. They said unplug for 15 seconds to reset. No joy there. I had determined to take it to a shop, and decided to try one last time before I put it in, a couple of days later. Voila! It booted. Until the beginning of this week. While I was out, there was a short power failure, and it started the same thing.
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Aug 29, 2009
Pre Snow Leopard I ran around 65~ processes
Post Snow Leopard, 63 processes
Take in account about 5-10 processes are my own. I thought SL removed a lot of useless processes. I will try a clean install and report back later.
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May 12, 2010
Prior to installation, I made sure to backup my computer using Time Machine (several copies) and updated all pertinent software. I even made sure to repair/verify disks.
Installation went fairly smoothly with the exception of recovering my Itunes music library (which I eventually figured out).
Herein lies the issue. Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, I have a /library as well as a /library(from old mac). I'm not sure if this is pertinent to my current issue. There are a handful of apps that I simply cannot run anymore. I checked if these were compatible for 10.6 and apparent they are.
Ventrilo is a commonly used program which I can now only open via Terminal. With today's release of Steam, I downloaded the client only to see no response whatsoever when I click on it.
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Feb 6, 2009
Like Milton without his stapler, I am enduring quite a profound sense of loss, here.
My entire dashboard is literally filled with post-it notes. Or was. When I booted my computer, this morning, I discovered that about half of my notes were totally blank. Thinking a reboot might solve the problem and return to me my precious mini memoranda, I promptly restarted. Wrong move.
Having just booted up once more, I returned to my dashboard to find that only two of my yellow friends contained the precious knowledge they once possessed.
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Oct 3, 2007
So I have a 1st Gen G5 1.8 Ghz imac. I had a bad power supply and got it fixed under Apple's warranty extension. Since I had it fixed it runs way warmer than it used to. The fans are also always on. Any idea on why this is and what can be done to fix it?
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Dec 15, 2008
I wasn't sure where else to put this and I know people here have TimeMachine/backup experience. I don't know if this is true after every system software update, but after applying 10.5.6, Time Machine wants to backup 70GB worth of stuff. That's an additional 70GB worth of space taken up on my backup drive. I'm guess that that is all of the file differences because of the update? it so happens that I have a little over 71GB worth of stuff on my drive total. (What can I say, I leave a small footprint and archive a lot off disk). So it basically wants to back up my entire drive all over again. Is this normal? I could nuke the existing backup and just start fresh and not be concerned with losing anything.
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