ITunes 10.6 CPU Hog Causing Overall Slowdown
Mar 10, 2012
I just upgraded my iTunes to 10.6. I seem to be having a different issue than most other people. My itunes opens and syncs with everything fine. However, while listening to music, iTunes randomly takes up 80%-105% of the CPU which causes my entire computer to slowdown and everything becomes choppy. eventually the music starts to get choppy and skip, so then i just have to shut down iTunes and the computer performance returns to normal. I can watch the activity monitor with iTunes running and can see the CPU stay around 5-10% and then all of a sudden spikes to around 105% and then back down and then back up to 70-80% and stays there awhile, eventually causing the choppy performance all around.
I didn't have any of these issues before the update. I have tried reinstalling itunes, repairing permissions, zapping the pram, all the usual diagnostic tricks, but i still have the same problem. with all the issues other people seem to be having, i would hope apple will release an update soon, and hopefully that will also fix my issue, but I don't see other people having this problem and was wondering if anyone know anything I could check in the meantime?
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8GB RAM
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Mar 27, 2012
Every time i open itunes on my Mac, the whole computer freezes. It unfreezes for about 2 seconds every minute and once i eventually quit out of itunes again the computer regains normal function. Â
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Jul 16, 2010
Before anyone says anything: Yes, I did do my research with MRGoogle before creating this thread. Most of the questions people had ever never answered ( or the posts where from 2+ years ago and not that relevant to the newer releases of iTunes.
Anyway, I decided to do a bit of song searching on iTunes today. I have a bunch of songs from the DDR series that I wanted to find the original, full versions of. So I opened up iTunes (which took about 30 seconds to load, mouse cursor pinwheeling the entire time) and opened up a playlist of said songs in a separate window. In the main window I opened up the iTunes store and started my search. To pass the time, I played the playlist in the background while switch between the two windows to check song tiles, artist names, and the like. While searching for songs, iTunes would randomly start pinwheeling for ~5 seconds, music still playing in the background. The same thing happened when I tired to change to a different song in the playlist. I tried to open TextEdit so I could copy down the songs I couldn't find in the iTunes store and the system pinwheeled yet again. It 5+ seconds to open TextEdit. Even when I'm running Firefox with multiple tabs and windows open, it opens instantly.
I know my machine is a bit old (Early 2008 MBP 2.4 C2D) but its not ancient. I'm running 4GB for crying out loud. I've had similar issues in the past that got so bad I stopped using iTunes all together for awhile. I've tried installing iTunes, uninstalling iTunes, even going so far as to remove most of the iTunes-related fumes from my Library. Nothing seems to help.
I'm at a loss to why this is happening. Originally I thought it was a corrupt library or something, but I've rebuilt my library and it was a temporary fix. Anyone here have ideas about what I can do?
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Dec 6, 2014
I had Mavericks previously installed on my iMac mid 2007 and was promoted to upgrade to Yosemite which I did. Now when I try to open iPhoto and it reads unresponsive in red letters on the force quit window. When I select and click force quit computer then freezes. I am however able to open iTunes but when I plug my iPod in computer then freezes.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 6, 2009
I just got off the phone with an Apple Specialist because of some slowdown in web browsing that seemed to be getting progressively worse. The tech had me
go the the primary LIBRARY folder on my mac HD and delete the following folders:
and then go into LIBRARY folder under my user ID and delete the following folder
I then cleaned out the trashcan and restarted the computer. Web browsing is much faster now. He recommended doing this once a month if you do a lot of web browsing. you may get a warning upon restarting your browser regarding the missing cache folders and you just have the OS 'Fix' the problem ( which is one of the options).
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Oct 7, 2010
For the last several months I've been running SolidWorks 2010 on a new MacBook Pro (Core i5 M 520 @ 2.40GHz) dual booting into XP. It's been running fine and outperforming my couple year old Dell Xeon Workstation by a few percent when benchmarked using Anna Wood's CPU intensive punch holder, averaging about 88. I decided to upgrade to Win 7, which I've been very happy with on the desktop and showed consistant performance with XP. However, I was very disappointed and confused to find that the Win 7 on the MacBook slowed down to 112 for the 32 bit install and 126 for x64. Test were run with consistant settings and on AC power. 've fiddled with the Windows settings to maximize performance. The windows experience scores, for whatever that's worth, are higher than the desktop. I'm a bit confused as to what's going on. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
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Apr 30, 2012
why does safari hang and slowdown with lion?
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Nov 3, 2009
I installed a 180GB Intel SSD about 2 months ago and at first everything was great - very fast, etc. However, over time anything dealing directly with files (such as attaching a file in email, opening desktop folders, etc.) seems to be getting slower and slower. I get the rainbow icon often now whereas before it was quite rare.
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Jan 15, 2010
While I was downloading a file earlier, I clicked on the Airport icon in the menu bar to see which wireless network I was connected to. As Airport scanned for wireless networks (it does it automatically after clicking the Airport icon), I noticed that the speed of the download dropped so far that it practically stopped for a moment. I tried it a few other times and got a similar result. Anyone else notice connection drops/slowdowns when clicking on the Airport icon while it scans for other networks? Is there a way to prevent this? I'm running OS X 10.6.2 on a MacBook Pro. I posted it here because it seemed more of an OS thing than hardware.
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Sep 28, 2009
I have a strange problem with a WiFi slowdown when connected to a TV. Here are the specs of the equipment:
2.2 Ghz white macbook, santa rosa, 4 gb ram, purchased January 2008
Panasonic TV connected via HDMI to DVI cable + Apple Mini DVI to DVI connector
USB Western Digital harddrive connected to a 500 GB Time Capsule (1st edition, no dual channels)
Snow leopard 10.6.1
Before upgrading to snow leopard, I would frequently use the macbook to provide video to the above mentioned TV streamed from a hard drive connected to an imac (connected to the same time capsule). I moved, and upgraded to snow leopard, and haven't tried this until finished setting up my equipment yesterday. I can stream videos to the macbook from this hard drive fine when nothing is connected. However, the moment I plug in the mini-DVI connector, the WiFi drops to a crawl. This applies not only the to air disk but any data from the network (internet, etc.)
A couple of additional notes: Display is set to mirror. Has nothing to do with clamshell mode because the macbook isn't closed. Nothing to do with location/interference- the effect is instantaneous with plugging and unplugging the cable. The base station is actually closer than in my previous setup and is pretty much 20 feet away in direct line of sight. I connect to another external monitor daily at work (vga, again with apple mini dvi to vga adapter)- no issue whatsoever restart did not help. I canceled all time machine backups over the network to limit that as a factor- no effect.
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Jun 11, 2010
This is a thread for anyone who is experiencing a large slowdown and/or intermittent 10-60 second freezes on Mac OSX Snow Leopard, where the freezes are completely unrelated to anything you're doing, any app you're using, or whether the system is under heavy or little use. I found the issue stems from the use of Mac Fuse (with NTFS-3G installed) and/or Paragon NTFS for Mac OSX, the combination of these 2 apps essentially doing the same job (NTFS write support), conflicts and causes the hard drive to be under constant (although very little) use, which can randomly cause 30-60 second freezes. If anyone is experiencing these same freezes, uninstall either one app or the other, or both, and that might help remedy the situation. EDIT: updated because I didn't specifically mention which macFUSE plugin I had installed....
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Aug 27, 2010
My mac is slow, the computer can't even keep up when I type and when I scroll down a page it also can't keep up.
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Aug 9, 2010
I just put a Maxmedia 640 GB SATA HDD in my 2009 Macbook Pro and since then it's been acting wierd. From initial start-up it's really slow but gets faster over time, still there is a persistant lag that kicks in every now and then, mostly when Firefox is involved. I don't think the hard drive is acting up. I can hear the disk spinning and can hear it read and write. Like I said most of the lag is around Firefox but after a while of heavier use the whole system returns to normal.
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Aug 26, 2008
Is this normal? I have an og CD 2.16 macbook pro and every time i watch a flash video, the fans start blowing and cpu usage is through the roof.
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Oct 13, 2009
When I plug an externally powered device (printer, external HD etc.) into my MBP via USB, there are small sparks around the plug and the plugged in speaker makes sounds. I think that this also caused my external HD to die.
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Nov 13, 2009
Every time I navigate to a page that has Flash elements into it (e.g. YouTube), Safari hangs and my computer beach balls. I can't view any pages with Flash elements in them (or at least pages that have multiple Flash elements) without Safari freezing and causing me to kill Safari through Force Quit.
To try to fix this problem, I reset Safari (resetting every available option), repaired permissions, restarted, and nothing worked. Then I used the Flash uninstaller from Adobe's website to uninstall Flash, then reinstall a fresh copy which did not work.
I reinstalled Snow Leopard, updated all of my system's software, and then tried to view [URL] and the same problem still occurred.
Now I originally thought that the Safari 4.0.4 update caused the problem. However - after I reinstalled Snow Leopard and updated to 10.6.2, I downloaded to Camino to see if YouTube would work, but to my surprise it didn't. The same exact problem I'm having with Safari (entire browser freezing when viewing a page with Flash such as YouTube) is also happening with a 3rd-party browser (Camino).
This leads me to believe that 10.6.2 may be the source of the problem (as I never had this problem with 10.6.1), not the 4.0.4. I cannot go on websites with Flash elements in them, even with a 3rd-party browser.
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May 23, 2010
I have been suffering with this issue for a few weeks now. Any flash snippet on a page causing Safari to crash. I had tried everything to fix the issue. Reinstalling flash player, rolling back to flash player 9, changing my DNS servers, Removing all internet plugins, Firefox, running Safari in 32 bit mode, Terminal hacks...all to no avail. I recently was playing around with my desktop and changed the Name of my Mac HD. I then quit and reopened Safari and to my amazement this had solved the issue. Safari now running faster than ever before. Im not sure how exavtly it solves the issue but it sure worked for me.
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Jul 4, 2010
I was trying to flash my video card but when i tried re-booting all my MacPro does is that it keeps chiming every few seconds and won't bootup.
Video card :
PN 288-2E131-000SA
SKU# 11133-20-42R
MAC OSX 10.6.4
Option - command - P - R Boot it with my uncle's PC running on Win 7, My card doesn't even showed up with I use GPUZ or Atiflash. create a partition using FAT and used Freedos to bootup, tried Atiflash, it still doesn't show up when i use the -i option bootup using bootcamp Win7 on my MAC, it showed unknown device yesterday, I finally managed to get GPUZ to show HD4870 but, its not detectable by winflash and when I rebooted it, the same chiming starts again.
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Mar 2, 2012
Twice recently, when I empty the Trash on my mid-2010 MacBook Pro with OS X Lion (current update), the Trash empties but the CPU goes to 100% utilization, the fans come on high, the CPU temperature as measured by an app exceeds 200 degrees Fahrenheit, and of course any commands produce a long beachball. The computer will only shut down by force via the power button.
Is it harmful for the CPU to max-out like this? The power-on self-test on startup reported "passed" so there doesn't appear to be any damage but I am not sure how much these tests really test. The Apple Hardware Test will not run in Lion. I ran one with my old Snow Leopard startup disk and it reported pass but recorded the test date as in the year 4012.
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Mar 13, 2012
How do I get rid of a what is causing over 1200 emails to be sent out to people I don't know and then bounce back to me as delivery failure?
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Jun 22, 2014
My macbook running mavericks froze earlier today with everything but the mouse becoming unresponsive, since then I have tried rebooting in safe mode (which has been fine) and then normally a number of times, but everytime I do I always end up with the same problem i started with. I managed to get activity monitor open before it froze the last time and found that mds_stores is running at 99.9% CPU.Â
I understand that it is in relation to spotlight but have spotlight set to look at nothing in system prefs.Â
is there any way I can start up without the system remembering to start the process that is causing mds_stores to run as I feel this is the problem. I have tried quitting the process in activity monitor to no avail.
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Jul 1, 2014
I just updated the OS to 10.9.4, and in the ~6 hours since doing so, my computer has locked up twice. Right in the middle of doing a task, all response ceases except for mouse movement. Three-finger salute is ineffective, and the only solution is the power button.Â
Is it possible to roll back to 10.9.3?Â
I have a 2.3 Ghz Intel Core i7 with 16 GB of RAM
Macbook Pro (or whatever it is called now) with Retina display, 256GB SSDÂ
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Dec 31, 2010
Recently I purchased 8GB of G Skill ram from newegg for $90. After installing it in my computer, i thought everything was working fine until I noticed apps crashing more frequently. Is it possible that the ram is causing this to happen? Also, my computer kernel panicked once since installation.
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Jun 1, 2008
Time Machine was doing its normal hourly backup when all of a sudden I got the multi-language gray shade of death. I restarted and tried to backup again, which resulted in another kernel panic. This time I tried entering Time Machine, and in the middle of "Connecting to Backup Volume," I get another kernel panic. This has never happened before I updated to 10.5.3, but I've had several backups since updating and this hasn't happened before just now, so I'm not sure it's a 10.5.3 issue.
[Log] ...
I have Time Machine pointed at a Time Capsule and I'm on the MacBook listed in my signature. I turned off Time Machine until I can figure this out.
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Feb 23, 2009
I had been moving files back and forth between my WD mybook USB External HD when I pulled it from the imac without ejecting and plugged it into my air. The Air's screen dimmed and this popup came up. Now everytime I plug something in to my USB port, i.e. USB jump drive, External HD, even my External Air DVD drive, the same thing happens, screen dims and this message pops up. THe only item that it has not frozen up on is my Iphone, that connected fine without crashing.
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Sep 5, 2009
To cut a long story short, I'n on my 4th June '09 MBP. Those darn SATA issues have caused freezing and beachballing on each of the MBPs.
I'm taking it back to Apple today for a full refund. I'm convinced this generation of MPS are all affected and I'm staying well clear.
I've been looking on the Refrub Store and this seems to fit my needs but will it also have the SATA issues?
Also, is there anything about this notebook/generation that I should be aware of? I want this to be the last MBP! (well, at least for a couple of years).
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Oct 31, 2009
I just installed Snow Leopard on a white MacBook. Everything was fine until I went to Update the rest of the software on the computer. I hit "Install 11 Updates", it started installing, and then it just turned off. I powered up, hit the update button again, it began downloading and then powered off again. I plugged in power and powered up and now im stuck on a blue screen with the black spinning showing up and hiding repeatedly for 5-7 seconds at a time.
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Dec 2, 2009
I recently purchased a 17 inch MBP with 3.06ghz processor and 7200rpm 500gb HD ticked and fancied playing Dragon Age as i'm giving my old desktop computer away.I installed windows 7 Ultimate (lost my XP CD), cranked the settings on Dragon Age to max, turned x4 AA on and set about from where I left off.After about 30 minutes of playing I noticed my MBP was getting quite hot - not enough to burn me (though getting there) - just enough to cause concern and make me want to stop. I've had the temperature of this up to 90 degrees while doing other things and never felt it this hot before or had the fans going this much. I expected it to heat up and the fans to go somewhat crazy but not this much.
I'd like this laptop to last me at least a good few years so i'm wondering if daily prolong use of doing this could cause damage to the laptop?
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Feb 17, 2010
I have two Macs both of which are running snow Leopard. To back these up I use time machine connected to a single external USB hard drive. I simply connect the drive to the machine I want to backup once a week or so and it will back up. For a while, everything worked just fine, I even needed to recover files from it and did so successfully. Occasionally one or other of the Macs would take a while to recognise the drive but normally it would be OK. Gradually the problem got worse until neither machine would recognise the backup drive. I mean nothing - not only would it not mount on either machine but wasn't recognised in disk utility either. As the disk was about 3 years old I figured it was probably the drive on the way out so bought a new Seagate drive to replace it.
Again, it worked fine to start with, but now after only about two months exactly the same problem has occurred and now the new drive is not recognised at all either. Now it could be that I'm just unlucky and have two dead hard drives but I don't think so, especially as the new drive has had very little use. I'm guessing that somehow using the backup drive with more than one machine has caused the problem but I don't know how to fix it. I have tried everything my (limited) knowledge will allow.
- Repairing disk permissions
- Allow OSX time to find the drive (I've left it for hours but to no avail)
- Booting the machine up with the usb drive already plugged in
As the drives are not recognised by either machine at all, I don't know what else to do. If I could see the drives I'd be happy to format them both and use one on each machine if this would fix the problem but I can't even do that.
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Mar 21, 2010
I just bought an iMac 27" 4 cores, the one with the Intel i5. Sadly, this computer feels like my first iMac in terms of speed - it is sluggish and the reason for this is that the hard drive is being thrashed excessively. By using iStat Menus, I can clearly see that the disk is being constantly read, constantly at 3 MB/s, which is insane since I am not copying anything: I thought the culprit was Spotlight, so I turned off indexing on my main HD and the problem still persists. I cannot find one utility out there that will let me know what process is beating the crap out of my hard drive. Is there such thing for OS X? Something like Windows 7 resource monitor is exactly what I am looking for.
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