Mac Pro :: Hang On Boot Either From HDD Or Install DVD
Apr 6, 2010
My primary machine went down today. Came home from work, went to wake it from sleep, it was unresponsive, black screen, power light constant. Checked all connections, tried powering off, waiting, reboot, grey pinwheel on boot from HDD. Tried booting from OS install DVD, same issue.
Removed all extra RAM, HDD's. Left standard ram and standard drive blank in computer, tried to boot from SL install dvd, hangs at same point. You can hear the DVD spin up, the pinwheel spins and then hangs after a while. I have tried a SMC reset. Zapping PRAM etc.
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Jan 9, 2009
Booting my iMac after a crash the other (leopard 10.5.6) day I came across the problem that the boot sequence would seem to hang. Visibly I would see the apple logo and the spinning bar and it would sit there. Thinking that it may be hardware related I booted up and ran the hardware diags but these showed there was no issues. I then booted off the boot cd and ran diskutil to check the os disk and that check said that the OS disk was fine. I was unable to boot into safe mode at all. I could get into single user without any problems and fsck'ing the root fs didn't highlight any errors. So with the fs ok I'm thinking that this maybe an os problem but when I boot with verbose on I see that when it hangs it gets ioerrors on the root disk rdisk0s2.
In order to prove that there was a physical problem I booted up into single user and ran a dd from the os disk and that proved it. After that preamble, I guess my question here is what should I do now ? Is there an equivilent of the Solaris format command where it could map out any bad blocks ? Or from a safety point of view should I get the disk replaced ? Or maybe I should just reformat the drive and reload the os? I'm a solaris SA by trade and on a dev box I would get format to read analyze the disk and map out any bad blocks but in production I would definitely get the disk swapped so I'm in a bit of a quandary. Also if I get the disk swapped, should apple swap it as I have had the iMac for less than 12 months?
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May 18, 2012
lol stupid as it is x3 crash x sonw n x lion dum x lion uillity
macbook 4.1, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 18, 2010
I have been trying to install Windows 7 (yes, legit copy) to my Macbook Pro the whole day, but I keep on getting this error message saying "Press any key to boot from cd or dvd . . . ."
When I press any key on the keyboard, nothing happens. I know this copy works because I've tried this on VMWare 3. (I'm going to Boot Camp of BIOSHOCK!)
What I've Tried:
Deleted partition, recreate partition and choose the Windows 7 disk as startup disk.
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Feb 19, 2010
Well I installed Vista Ultimate using boot camp on my 27 inch iMac using 10.6.2 and now I can't get it to boot in OSX. I tried holding the command key when rebooting but it just goes into the windows part. Looks like windows took over. Does anybody know how I can get it to boot in Leopard?
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Apr 28, 2010
I got tiger install discs for my emac but I cant get it to run the install. I tried putting the disc in and clicking the restart button on the screen that says "Welcome to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger", but when I click it it just restarts my computer and does nothing. I then tried the alternate install it did the same thing it did nothing but restarted my eMac. I then tried restarting my computer while holding c key nothing once again. Then I tried holding down apple, option, f , and o keys and then typed in cd boot and also tried cdrom boot nether of them worked so i restarted and tried dvd boot/dvdrom boot nothing worked on all the occasion i got a grey screen with a circle with a line through it. What do I need to do to get these install discs to work?
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May 20, 2012
I'm using MacBook Pro 13" Late 2011 with 256gb SSD & OSX Lionafter I install boot camp + Windows 7 Professional when i restart to boot OSX it have blinking folder with question mark I've try using Option button to select drive but it have only internet recovery
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 12, 2009
I installed leopard on it while back but it originally came with tiger. lost the recovery cds. I want it back to tiger. When i put the original tiger dvd in it will say in cannot install the software. so i figured i use TDM to connect it to my imac(running leopard) I used disk utility to erase the HD and did repair disk afterwords. I tried to boot the dvd using the c button on the MB but i would respond and went to the question mark folder.
How can i get tiger back on my MB
please don't ask me why i want tiger back and what leopard off its not really relevant.
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Nov 9, 2009
I have an '08 Octo 2.8.
I created a Boot Camp Partition (an entire drive, actually) and installed XP. The install went off without a hitch ... Except, having rebooted to Mac OS X (10.6.1) there is no way to boot Windows again. Going to Preferences->Boot Disk shows no Book Camp bootable drive.
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Jun 26, 2009
I recently noticed that my DVD drives "hang" when I don't use them for extended periods of time, when I press the open tray button on the keyboard (or use the icon on the menu bar) the drive tries to open (I can hear the tray pull out slightly) but then it doesn't fully extend the tray (bay door on the chassis slightly open).
A reboot will not fix this issue but a complete shutdown of the system and power-up will, it is the same for both of my SATA drives.
Anyone else has experienced this issue in their system?
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Mar 4, 2009
This may be a dumb question. I know that you press the "c" key on a MacBook to boot from DVD. But what about a Mac Mini with wireless keyboard? Does the Mini see the keyboard when there is a NEW drive inside?
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Mar 4, 2010
other day my Mac Pro froze while just browsing the internet. I had to do a hard restart and the computer will not boot at all now. It hangs up at the Gray Loading screen. It looks like it is loading, and then the spinning circle just freezes and the system never moves from that spot.I've even tried booting to an install disc to run disk utility and such, but it won't even boot to that. It does the same thing and hangs on the gray screen. I feel pretty powerless here not being able to even boot to a DVD/CD. The only other thing that I've noticed is ocassionaly the lower 1/5 of the screen will blip with a horizontal orange bar.
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Apr 27, 2008
I have a mac pro running leopard (purchased in 2/08) and it was running beautifully for almost 2 months with no hangs, crashes or freezes. Then, for some reason, today when I turned it on, it would not boot. It would get to the apple logo, then just sit there for a few minutes, then reboot itself and the same thing would happen.
I pulled out the ethernet cable, unplugged all usb except keyboard/mouse and it would then (sometimes) boot into the system, log me in and present me with the UI. I then quickly performed a soft reboot and it would get to the desktop. However, I can only use it for anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes before it would completely lockup. The clock freezes, the mouse freezes and it just sits there forever. I have tried booting into Vista (BootCamp) and it also freezes before startup is complete....................
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Oct 3, 2010
So I restarted, hit option until "Macintosh HD" showed up. Then I hit "c" and "Mac OS X Install Disc" showed up. So far so good.
I then selected the CD, and hit enter. It started to boot up and my cd drive started to make whirring noises, so I knew it was all good. And then, it went into the grey screen with the Apple logo in the middle. However, with it taking a long time, I went for my usual jog (it was my jogging time anyways). But when I came back (over an hour later) it was still on the grey screen with the apple logo.
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Nov 1, 2008
Basically I'm trying to install XP, via Boot Camp.
I've followed the steps for Boot Camp e.g. Create Partition (i created a 25GB partition), then inserted the XP installation disk, as Boot Camp told me.
However, on start-up, the XP disk asks me to select which option I want to choose; e.g."A - Install Windows XP Professional SP2". It then asks me to choose what I want and press enter BUT the XP installation disk is not recognizing the keyboard.
Do any of you knowledgeable people know how to solve this problem? I wouldn't be installing XP if Microsoft did a Mac version of Flight Simulator.
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Feb 8, 2009
I have a copy of OSX 10.6 and am wondering if by using boot camp I can create a partition and run snow leopard on that. I don't want to replace 10.5 just occasionally run 10.6 on a 10gig partition and an external drive for storage. Is boot camp limited to windows? If I create a partition can I remove it later?
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Mar 10, 2009
I dont know the password to a MAC G5 I bought. I have a G4 install disc and two white install discs witha leapord skin X on them one says install disc 1. the G5 wont boot to the install disc when I push the C key. I have reset the PRAM 1, 2 and three cycles. It wont boot to the G4 disc either. Disc is version 10.2
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May 16, 2009
I've browsed and searched the forums to find a sollution for my problem, but was unsucessful. Sorry if this question has allready been asked.I've finally managed to install Windows 7 on my MacPro 1,1. I have two hard drives: One with leopard installed and another with WinXP and Win 7 on seperate partitons. The Win 7 installation went smoothly as far as I can tell, but now I'm unable to boot into Win 7 without the install dvd.
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May 25, 2009
I have been trying to install leopard on a 867MHz 640mb ram powerbook g4 for about a week. i have restored the dmg to a partition, i have run the installer and successfully installed leopard( green check and prompted to restart). upon restart, system only boots to apple screen with spinning wheel. i let it sit there for approx. an hour and no change. I reset pram and nvram as well as pmu... anyone have any clue as to what the problem is?
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Apr 22, 2010
I've been trying to install XP on my new i5 MacBook Pro but after it gets to the part where it says that it's rebooting and it will run automatically, it reboots and tells me to press any key to install XP. If I click that, it starts the installation over again. I found on the Microsoft KB [URL] that you can either remove the CD or not click a button when it tells you it will boot from CD. The problem is that if I do that, it says "Disk error" and I have to turn it off.
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May 5, 2010
24" iMac, 3.06 Ghz CPU, 500GB HD, 2GB RAM
My imac locked up on me the other day while watching a DVD. There were a few lines and splotches on the screen in various colors and the system just became unresponsive. I rebooted and the system came right back up, but when I started the DVD, it immediately crashed again. After that point, every time I tried to boot, it went straight into kernel panic (You must restart your computer message).
I tried resetting the PRAM, but that didn't help. I also did the hardware diagnostic test (hold D during boot) and that said everything was OK.
I was able to boot from the CD. After a few unsuccessful attempts at restoring the OS from backup, it finally worked. Previous tries only resulted in the system locking up. Once I finally got everything running again, the system worked great. I worked it pretty hard in the next 24 hours after fixing it. No problems during use. Then I left for a few hours and came back to LOCKED UP COMPUTER AGAIN! Same squiggly lines on the screen.
Now I can boot into the hardware diagnostic test if need be. However, I can't boot into the computer any other way. Booting from hard disk, installation dvd/cd, and even Safe mode all cause a kernel panic. Also, I might add, that I had all peripherals unplugged from the machine and still got the kernel panic messages.
Any ideas? Closest Applestore is 3 hours away. The closest private licensed repair place is 60 miles away. I called Apple Support and they pretty much blew me off because My AppleCare was up about 6 months ago and I'm sure this would be a hard case to do over the phone. They suggested I take it in to get looked at.
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Jul 31, 2006
So I installed osx 10.4 server on a Power Mac G4 (white/blue)
Went throught the setup screens and did a complete reformat / install. The boot disk is set to the HDD. after the install is complete it just boots to the loader screen. (Where the mac face shows, followed by a question mark) and just cycles over and over.
I can put the DVD in at this point and restart the install.. I did go in and check the disk permissions and disk status and both passed..
I've also checked the open firmware. printenv and it shows the HD and path.
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Jun 25, 2008
It's been happening for a while now and I had hoped 10.5.3 would fix. When I choose to restart or shutdown, 90% of the time it hangs on grey screen after logging out and I have to hold down power button to shutdown. No apps hanging. Also have problem where when I open the cover to bring my MBA out of standby mode, I'll be presented with the logon screen. I'll type my password and my screen goes blank like it's gone back to sleep but the power light is fully lit. Have to close cover, wait till it goes on standby, then open cover to bring up password logon again. Should I reinstall OS X again?
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Oct 16, 2009
My SL was working perfectly until yesterday. I got my late 08 UMBP back from AppleCare without any replacement (see post here). They just run a kind of apple test suit on an external OSX, I guess they booted from a firewire disk.
Anyway, now I getting very often a system hang with a spinning wheel. When I try to repair permissions in the Disk Utility, the progress it stays like 10 minutes on the same place at the very beginning, then spinning wheel again then the system doesn't react. I can move the mouse that's all.
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Mar 26, 2010
I don't know what's happened, I restarted my mac and it started doing this: [URL] It's really odd and it happens repetedly and never stops.
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May 24, 2010
Long story, but basically I got an "invalid sibling error" on my intel IMac and was told the best fix was to zero the HD and reinstall. I did this and got Leopard running. Now it hangs while I try to update to 5.10.8. I downloaded the combo update from Apple after it failing through system update.
I'm not sure what the issue could be. I've verified the disk, checked it's smart status is ok and run the hardware test from the install disk.
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Aug 20, 2010
My mac hangs at login after sleep. Hangs so long that i cant stand to wait and shut it down with the powerbutton. The mac is connected to an AD-server and my account is defined as a mobile account. (also admin)
The strange thing is that we have several other macs and users with the same configuration and I havent heard any complaints from them.
The problem comes about every other day.Se attached picture for the "hang-screen"
Snow Leopard 10.6.4, connected via ethernet, disk permisions repaired and so on.
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May 18, 2009
Not quite sure what to do.Installed 10.5.7 on my iMac and my Air with no issues.Was running the update onto one of my mac minis and it hung in the "Running Installer Script" bit. After an hour I decided to power cycle which it had no issues with. When I check the OS now it says it is on 10.5.7. but I'm not sure how to confirm that the update has been completed correctly.
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Mar 23, 2012
When adding a bookmark either by dragging to the bookmark bar or using Bookmarks tabs, Safari beachballs.I have to force quit.Just had a new hard drive installed from the Genius Bar. Running OSx10.6.8 .Problem started as soon as I got it home and restored from an external hard drive. Downloaded Safari 5.1.4 and still have the problem.
macbook pro
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Apr 30, 2012
why does safari hang and slowdown with lion?
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