PowerPC :: Wrong Memory In Your Computer Completely Ruin It?
Dec 14, 2008
My ibook was running really slow, so i decided to get some more memory. i'm no computer expert but i used to work in the IT dept and have replaced memory before (in pc's).
Anyway, i went to my local computer store, told the guy there what kind of computer i had. (ibook G4, 14-inch with a built-in memory and an empty slot). He looked it up on the system, figured out what i needed and i bought it. It was a Corsair 1GB DDR2 667mhz. He said it was exactly what i needed. I didn't question him.
Tonight, i go to install it, and it doesn't go in easily. I got it in though, and turned on my computer, and it wouldn't start. i took it out, and it started fine.
I went to some online forums about installing memory on my specific model and people were saying you really need to force it in there, more than you think would even be safe, but it takes a lot of force to get it in, so i thought maybe it didn't work the first time because it wasn't in all the way. i kept trying, and i got it in further, thinking i did it. i went to turn on the computer, dead.
So, i took out the memory, and now my computer still won't start. NOTHING.
I went back to the store, told them what happened, and i spoke to a different salesman than yesterday, and when this guy looked at what i bought, he said it was definitely not the correct one.
He said DDR2 is definitely not compatible with the older iBook. He also said that he looked on his system to find out what type i really need, but the system wouldn't show my model (because its a few years old). Pretty much, he said that the other employee messed up because the computer wouldn't even show him what i would need.
But what i would like to know is what's wrong with my computer exactly? did the mother board fry? did i lose everything? do i need to send it into mac for repair? how screwed am i? and also, is the store responsible for this at all?
The sad part to this story is that in early august of this year, this laptop's battery stopped working, and it was a problem with the power supply. I sent it off to mac and they fixed it, but when it was returned, it wasn't turning on. i sent it back again and they said the motherboard had to be replaced. luckily that happened a month before my extended warranty expired, but this time, i don't have a warranty anymore.
Any insight on my problem? Please someone, cheer me up. Tell me there is something i can do to save my computer and that my motherboard isnt fried again.
Can putting the wrong memory in your computer completely ruin it?
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MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 5, 2009
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Feb 19, 2010
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So, any suggestions on how to do this?I'm running the OpenCL Benchmarking Tool, I don't know if it's effective or not :P
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May 23, 2012
I was playing a flash-based game when the game completely locked up my computer, and the only possible solution was to do a hard reboot (pressing and holding the power key). I waited and then restarted, but the screen had vertical and horizontal pixelated lines running through it all, and it froze several times during the startup process. The computer restarted itself several times, but it kept freezing while still in the grey screen. I tried starting it in safe mode, but I got the same results.
An attempt to run from the Lion restore drive didn't work, either. I reset the SMC and PRAM, and while resetting the PRAM changed the nature of the lines on the screen (narrowed them down), it didn't work, either. I finally got it to boot up, only to have it crash again when I attempted to watch a game on MLB.tv, which uses a Flash player. I have uninstalled and re-installed Flash, to no effect. All of this started after the latest software update from Apple. My data is backed up, but not through Time Machine. I have a 2008 16" MBP running the most updated version of Lion.
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Aug 28, 2006
I opened up Garageband, went into preferences to configure the audio for my peripheral audio device, and the computer and curser locked up, so I had to shut it down by pressing the power button for 4 seconds. I restarted the G4 and it would only boot up to a blue screen with the pointer curser, but would not finish loading anything on the desktop, no icons, no menu, nothing. I tried restarting repeatedly this way, but got the same result each time.
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Aug 1, 2005
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Jan 26, 2009
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Jun 28, 2008
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Jan 26, 2009
I have an old PowerBook G4 which I don't use anymore, due to this problem.I used to run Leopard on it, until it crashed, and I downgraded it to 10.3 (i think.)
Now, I cannot connect to my wifi connection. It reads it, but when I type in the password, (which I assure you is correct) it says that the password is wrong.And when I put in the Leopard install CD (for my macbook) it can't install Leopard, which is obvious, but I can connect to my wifi. How do i fix this wifi problem?
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Jul 6, 2006
my 12" ibook is basically retarded. the joint (err whatever it's called) between the lcd and the computer is completely busted and a few of the wires are a bit messed up. one wire (small, thin & black) is ripped in half and the green one is shaved a bit... anyway, what happens is the ibook still boots up, runs fine, but the lcd screen is completely gray, understandably so. but, i am able to use my television and a vga adapter as a monitor and the computer is completely funcitonal.
my question is, can i completely remove the lcd screen (so it can be sold) and basically set my ibook up as a desktop with a standalone lcd monitor? also, anyone possibly know how i could check to see if the lcd screen is still functional? it was working fine if the wires were touching in a certain way previously, but i think my mom kicked it or somethin and now all i get is a gray screen. (funny story ... kinda -- the computer was originally broke from my retarded friend, he left the ****in' thing on the top of my car and forgot about it when getting in... all because he wanted to burn a cd on a road trip. needless to say, he doesn't touch anything valuable of mine anymore. lesson learned.)
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Jun 27, 2007
I've been given an iBook g4 (Late 2004 Model according to apple) and... It's completely dead! No lights come up on the Battery when I press the button. I've tried restting the PMU..But nothing yet. I dont have the offical Apple plug, its a replacement one. Can that make much of a difference?
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Dec 29, 2007
Sometimes while using my Powerbook in the house, the signal on my Airport connection will either drop completely or drop down to 1 bar which makes it extremely slow and barely usable. Normally, I'd blame the router, but the couple times this happened, I grabbed my brother's MacBook, set them side-by-side, and connected to the same access point, my PB had 1 bar or nothing at all, and his MB was at full strength and was working fine. Eventually, the PowerBook will go back up to full strength and be usable again, but after awhile, it will go back down too. It's an intermittent thing.
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Apr 1, 2008
I have an ibook g4 14" since 2003. It always worked perfectly until now. The trackpad is completely disabled. I cannot install, use an external mouse, or use the mouse track from the mac. I found out what the problem is, then trying with the keyboard, I use ctl & O (open) and I got to the preferences, then I type trackpad sensitivity, and it opens. In the trackpad says trackpad gestures: and the Clicking is unchecked, what keys from the keyboard can I use to check that box? And in the trackpack options:
The Ignore accidental trackpad input is checked
Ignore trackpad when mouse is present is unchecked.
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Jul 26, 2008
Purchased this notebook used, but very nicely cared for, excellent condition. I ran the Apple Hardware Test and everything passed including the logic board.
The battery has 500+cycles. The problem is laptop shuts down at 50% or less of battery. Clock is wrong at startup but is correct a few seconds later.
Runs forever and very nicely on ac power.
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Do full formats eventually ruin hard drives?
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May 1, 2012
I'm using a Macbook Pro 15 inch with 2.53GHZ and 4GB of RAM and I use music software on it (Logic, Pro Tools) and I recently just got Omnisphere and it is just slowing my computer down like no other. Is there any way I can make my computer go faster? And if so how and where can I do this?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 30, 2014
I have waited quite some time until a first update to Yosemite was available.
I have installed Yosemite on both my IMAC and my MBP.Â
Since then, both computers behave similarly.
Even when no actions are performed, the memory fills up hour after hour, this takes a few hours.
Eventually the memory is so full that any operation takes 10 mn to complete, and it becomes impossible to perform any work.
In practice it is best to restart the computers every 4 hours.Â
The problem tasks are:
- Folder Actions Dispatcher
- and to a lower extend "kernel_task".Â
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), I7, 2.8 GHz (model 2010), 8 Gb RAM
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MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), TalkTalk; Huawei Echolife HG532
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Dec 29, 2010
07 Black Mac. 1 of the memory slots is flaky and computer will not boot unless memory is removed. Found local tech who said he could fix it for $100 or so. Does it involve changing actual memory slot? Or cleaning it?
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MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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