07 Black Mac. 1 of the memory slots is flaky and computer will not boot unless memory is removed. Found local tech who said he could fix it for $100 or so. Does it involve changing actual memory slot? Or cleaning it?
3yr old black MacBook has bad memory slot. Will not boot with chip installed. Tried swapping chips and slot 1 or 2 and its the slot. So at least computer works. What are the odds 2nd slot will fail? Is that rare? Is it just a bad solder connection on main board for memory terminal? Or some tiny hidden board trace or other hard to find component?
I have a macbook pro 2009. I've barely used the drive. Tried to pop in a disc today and nada ... zilch. The disc won't enter the slot. I don't think any disc is in there, tried ejecting in case.No activity at all. Is it rigor mortis and a trip to the Genius Pub ? Any way to check if my drive has silently passed away. I had to replace my white macbook's drive last year so I'm starting to think they're all a bit c**p.
I called apple today to ask about upgrade to 8GB RAM. They told me that the MBP i7 has 4 slots and since I already have 4 GB I only need to buy 2x2Gb only. I don't know if this is correct??
So I read online that my PowerBook G4 that I've had since about 2004 may have the defective memory slot that caused Apple to introduce the "PowerBook G4 (15-inch 1.67/1.5GHz) Memory Slot Repair Extension Program" in 2008. However, my serial number isn't within the program's parameters, and as I understand it, the program ended in 2008. It says it applies to serial numbers W8503xxxxxx through W8518xxxxxx; mine begins with W84.
Basically, I have a couple of questions before I a) shell out money for diagnostics and possible repairs or b) buy a new laptop: Is this a memory slot problem? My 15" PowerBook G4 (Model A1045; 1 GHz; 256 MB; 60G; Combo; BT) had been getting the beach ball for awhile, and was very slow operating and online. My sound card had been on the fritz. The internal speakers would sometimes not work, but the headphone jack would still work. So yesterday, the mouse froze while in Firefox, and after waiting awhile, I forced it to shut down. When it booted up again, I got a blank screen and three short beeps, followed by the LED light blinking periodically. All these symptoms seem to point to what Apple said was the memory slot problem [URL]
If this is a memory slot problem, what might the repairs involve and are there price estimates available? Is it better to just get another laptop? (I'm thankful I've had it for this long without any major problems, it's had a good life). If I do get another laptop, am I able to retrieve my information from my old laptop and transfer it to the new one? Is this an expensive procedure? Or is this laptop entirely kaput and my files forever trapped on there? What the recommendations out there (if I buy a new one instead doing repairs to the G4) for a laptop that will be used as my only computer (i.e., what's a good workhorse Mac)?
For MacBooks with SSD drives and a SD card slot; is it practical to insert an "empty" SD card there and use it as spare flash memory to store files etc? Any downsides to doing this? Will the OS detect it like its a spare drive?
About 6 months ago my Core Duo MBP shut off and then rebooted with loud post beeps. Everything is fine since except that it can only run with 1 stick of RAM in the lower slot, with both or just the upper filled it doesn't boot and the optical drive sounds like it cant start. My 1 year warranty is out and missed the 2 year upgrade. Also does anyone know if this model can run 1x 2GB of memory? I used to have 1.5GB (came with 1x 512MB and added 1GB) and now been running with just 1 gig and missing the performance albeit a positive is Snow Leopard is a lot more snappy on 1 gig than Leopard .
I have a charcoal iMac DV SE 500 which won't complete a proper start. The machine chimes and begins to start, and then clicks off again before anything can show on the screen. It won't start in Target Disk mode, and zapping the PRAM (starting with alt/apple/P/R, right?) has no effect. Does this sound like a dead PRAM battery, a dead 'Power/Analog' board, or a dead hard drive? Can anyone give me an idea of how much it would cost to fix, and recommend good, reliable, cheap UK repairers It's not worth much, but I have a friend who'd love it if it can be restored to life, and I'd like to get some of the files off it if it's not the drive.
I have a MBP and I want to upload pics onto it from my SDcard from my camera. I put it into the memory card slot and i dont think it is recognizing it? Im not really sure what to do
I am thinking about getting a 15 inch MBP and a Sony Bloggie Video Camera. I was wondering if the sony bloggie takes sd or if the MBP recognizes Memory Stick in the SD Card Slot?
I installed 4x2GB memory modules. Now, I have a "Memory Slot Utility" pop-up(The memory modules are installed in the recommended slots) that pops up every time I start my computer. How do I get rid of this notice permanently?
My Mac Pro doesn't boot when I have 16Gb of RAM memory installed. I want to know if is possible to deactivate slots memory in Mac OS X (Lion 10.7.4) because I will use only two slots with two 4Gb modules.
I have a Powerbook G4 that I wanted to upgrade to 1.5G from 512MB. So I added Corsair 1GB DDR RAM to the notebook and it seems to have issues recognizing both at the the same time. When I put both of them in together, it never seems to recognize the bottom slot. Putting in the 512MB in the bottom w/o the 1GB the Powerbook boots up fine. Putting in the 1GB by itself and it gives beeping noises on bootup, but it'll boot up if I put it on the top slot.
I am trying to upload pictures onto my mac using a memory card, but I am not sure if the slot on the left hand side is the right one. It looks kind of big.
How Do I Deauthorize My iTunes Account on an Dead Computer,when I mean Dead it won't turn on anymore..Now how can I do it remotely from my MacBook Pro?
I'm using a Macbook Pro 15 inch with 2.53GHZ and 4GB of RAM and I use music software on it (Logic, Pro Tools) and I recently just got Omnisphere and it is just slowing my computer down like no other. Is there any way I can make my computer go faster? And if so how and where can I do this?
I have a Windows 7 custom-built PC and I also have an old, first generation Intel iMac from 2006. The iMac was running only Windows XP. The reason for that was that the screen of the iMac got cracked. I connected another monitor using mini-DVI connector and installed XP on the thing while I still could see certain things behind the broken screen. The reason I chose Windows was because in the Windows Intel Graphics Configurator program I had the ability to disable the main iMac screen and use the attached display as the main one. I did not have such option in OS X. I could select the attached display as the main one but could not shut down the iMac screen.
Anyway, it has been a year since then. Today my Windows OS on the iMac became corrupted. But, of course.. I cannot see what the error message says during boot because the iMac screen is broken completely now. The attached display only turns on when fully booted into Windows. So, I cannot reinstall Windows.. I cannot do anything. There were some important files on the iMac which I want to recover. I have SATA to USB controller which I used before on my computers but, from what I understand, these iMacs have laptop hard drives with different connectors. Can someone please guide me to a specific controller which I could use to connect the iMac HD to my Windows PC and transfer the files? I would be very, very thankful. My iMac is a late 2006 17'' model with 150GB hard drive.
On one (10.5.8) the screen died but the computer itself is fine. I have it connected through another computer so I can continue working (pain in the butt). My boss bought me a new one (10.7.4). I need to migrate all my old software and files to the new one but Migration assistant tells me I need to open migration assistant on the old one. Obviously I can't see to do that since my screen died.
Is there another way I can migrate without having to open it on the old computer?
When waking from "sleep" the screen appears normal but, the pointer leaves a trail of grey as it moves and the whole screen will turn grey if I keep moving the pointer. The computer is effectively dead. Have to shut down by using power off for six seconds and then re-starting. I know little about computers!
I am trying to transfer some pics and short videos from my camera. When I plug in the memory card with the card reader into the USB nothing happens. I cannot find what tab on this computer to get downloads started.
I would like to set up a mac pro using Slots 1 & 2 for RME ADAT digital audio cards and move the graphics card (geforce GT 120 512mb) to slot 3 or 4 so that I can maximize slot speeds for multiple audio playback via logic. Is this possible?
I have a mid-2010 MBP. Earlier when I was not actively using it, it started beeping very loudly in evenly spaced intervals every few seconds. It seemed unresponsive, so I turned it off by holding the power button. Now it will not boot up. The little white indicator light comes on and I can hear the fans turn on, but that is it. It will not even go to the boot screen.
I had the logic board replaced about a week ago, but otherwise nothing new has been installed software or hardware.