MacBook Pro :: Showing Wrong Amount Of Memory
Jul 5, 2009
I was viewing the specs on my mac, and for memory 2 GB is shown. When I bought it, I chose 4 and I am pretty sure when I checked it few months back it showed 4. I am doing all this in Leopard. Now it's only showing 2 GB, any idea on as to why?
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Mar 18, 2009
I have the 2.2 blacbook, 4gb ram, 320gb hdd. Now when I first bought my macbook, I did not use Illustrator or Photoshop CS3 (for both). Now 1.5 years in, I am using Illustrator and I noticed that when I am working on both (either at the same time, or with one program closed) I sometime get the message in Illustrator "Not enough memory" or "Not enough ram" or when I am saving an image for web and devices "an unknown error has occurred"
BUT if I use Illustrator and Photoshop CS3 (for both) on Vista via bootcamp none of these errors occur. I just don't want to imaging what will happen when I use CS4. Is this due to the way Leopard is setup? I am also looking to upgrade...So do you guys think the new macbook or macbook pros would be better? I mean, my current macbook is holding up well...but I just hate these errors. I prefer to work in Leopard than Vista.
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Aug 23, 2009
I have got a last generation mini with the GMA 950 graphics. What I am wondering is wether I can change the amount of memory that is used by the graphics?
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Feb 17, 2012
probably a slam dunk answer out there. I have been instructed to Open the Finder and Highlight MacIntoshHD. But when I click on the Finder, I see:About Finder, Preferences, Empty Trash, Secure Trash, Services, Hide Finder, Hide Others. What am I missing?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), New to this community.
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Jan 20, 2010
I installed win 7 Home Premium, and I am being robbed of my ram because I can't change the shared video memory settings. Does anyone have a solution to this? I have the iMac with the ATI 4670 so I already have plenty of VRAM for what I do.
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Jun 25, 2014
I apparently have 111gb of music on my computer, but only 55.something in my iTunes library. Every time something is downloaded or added, I add it right to iTunes. There is nothing that has been downloaded or ripped and not added to iTunes. Thus, the amount of music in my iTunes library should match what my memory actually shows.Â
This is what my memory shows: [URL] ...
And this is what my iTunes shows: [URL] ...
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Mar 18, 2012
My Mac Book Pro Mid 2009 (nVIDIA M9400) is showing the wrong colors. Some grey colors are displayed brighter then they should be displayed. They look whiter. If I take a screenshot and display this picture on another screen, the colors are displayed correctly. The I've tried to calibrate the colors. That didn't solve the problem. I also tried to reset the PRAM with pressing CMD+ALT+P+R while booting. No effect. Also I installed the drivers from nVIDIA again. The only method, that worked right now is starting a game, which changes the screen resolution etc. After closing the game, the Mac is showing the colors correct.
Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro (Mid 2009)
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May 30, 2012
MacBook Pro 10.6.8 [url]I need someone to explain this to me...RAM usage of all open programs together amounts to approx 1.5 there should be over 2.0 GB left...why is there only 203 MB left? I'm getting so sick of this.. my computer is incredibly slow.. it's amazing how no matter what you do computers always become slow eventually, no matter what you do.. (mine is about 1 1/2 yrs old) I thought with a mac this might be different, but no dice...4 GB really should be enough, certainly for the programs I have open that show in the screenshot..(I have plenty of free room in HD, by the way, so that's not the problem)
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May 30, 2012
i have installed 2 ssd on my macbook pro 15inch early 2011, one sad is 120gb, second one is 60gb and set them up to raid0, but when i finished it shows only 120 gb memory?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3),
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Sep 1, 2010
I'm using a 1 Gb pen drive, and I've just noticed that I can't even change a file's name because the system says something like "the operation cannot be completed because the disk "x" is full. Delete some files and try again" (please note that my system is in Spanish and the translation might differ).
The point is that I can see "85 MB available" in the status bar... Some files I can change them, some others I can't... I can copy some files and some others I cannot... What's going on here?
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Jun 20, 2009
I had correspondence in recent months with a perfectly normal chap called John Hoekstra. I have recently noticed that his name is appearing as me in my mail. For example in the panel above a mail it will say FROM: John Hoekstra instead of me, and I happen to be another John, John WicXXXXXX, confusing recipients more!
Something like:
Subject: Question about MPT
From: John Hoekstra
Date: 19 June 2009 14:05:25
To: Multipoint
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Jul 4, 2012
The wrong username is showing on my Mac book pro
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 14, 2012
I put a memory card of the camera into CD/DVD player . How do i get it out of there? I can still see it but cant touch it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 9, 2010
My MacBook internal hard disk is currently partitioned into Snow Leopard (JHFS+), Storage (NTFS), and Windows 7 (NTFS). Whenever I try to mount my storage partition, it shows up as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" in Disk Utility, and refuses to mount. My Windows 7 partition, which is also NTFS, mounts automatically when I log in. Is there a way to perhaps force my storage partition to mount as an NTFS-formatted drive? This problem only exists when using OS X though, as it shows up fine on both Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7.
I also have an external hard drive which is partitioned (using MBR) as Storage (FAT32), Backup (NTFS) and Mac Storage (JHFS+). It all mounts properly, with the exception of Mac Storage, which shows up, curiously enough, as an NTFS drive in Disk Utility. Same question as above: Is there a way to force it to mount as a JHFS+ drive? (I'm using Tuxera NTFS 2010.10, if that makes any difference).
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Feb 3, 2009
I have created an iMovie project with iMovie 08. On the project window I could see my pictures as I have imported, in the perfect order and with the correct orientation. I just installed iLife09 and I opened the project on iMovie09. The project window shows pictures in a random order, the orientation of some pictures are wrong (upside down, portrait etc). But to my surprise if I play the video or move the mouse over the pictures it shows the correct picture on the preview window.
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Oct 20, 2009
I've just replaced the hard drive in my macbook, and obviously that meant reinstalling Snow Leopard on my machine. Now I seem to be getting issues with my battery that I didn't before with SL, so I'm not entirely sure that's the root of the problem. Yesterday (day SL was installed) I noticed that my battery showed 0% and wouldn't charge, but I was still able to use my computer, and it was in fact on without being plugged in and absolutely fine for a good hour or so. Eventually the battery seemed to go back to normal, would charge, and showed a real percentage of battery life (i.e. 65%).
This morning I turn on my laptop, realise I'd had it plugged in all night, which I never do, and the light on the lead was still orange. Now my battery icon just shows a cross and says there are no batteries available, though again I'm working without my macbook being plugged in to the mains. Is this just a bug that will eventually be fixed? I seriously doubt it's my battery, that was replaced around April time and though I use my laptop a LOT not enough to screw it up that quickly.
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Nov 15, 2009
I've just updated the os to 10.6.2 and my 16gb mac pro 1,1 only shows 8gb in the system profiler. The memory tab shows they're all working correctly but size says "2gb" where should be "4gb".
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Dec 14, 2008
My ibook was running really slow, so i decided to get some more memory. i'm no computer expert but i used to work in the IT dept and have replaced memory before (in pc's).
Anyway, i went to my local computer store, told the guy there what kind of computer i had. (ibook G4, 14-inch with a built-in memory and an empty slot). He looked it up on the system, figured out what i needed and i bought it. It was a Corsair 1GB DDR2 667mhz. He said it was exactly what i needed. I didn't question him.
Tonight, i go to install it, and it doesn't go in easily. I got it in though, and turned on my computer, and it wouldn't start. i took it out, and it started fine.
I went to some online forums about installing memory on my specific model and people were saying you really need to force it in there, more than you think would even be safe, but it takes a lot of force to get it in, so i thought maybe it didn't work the first time because it wasn't in all the way. i kept trying, and i got it in further, thinking i did it. i went to turn on the computer, dead.
So, i took out the memory, and now my computer still won't start. NOTHING.
I went back to the store, told them what happened, and i spoke to a different salesman than yesterday, and when this guy looked at what i bought, he said it was definitely not the correct one.
He said DDR2 is definitely not compatible with the older iBook. He also said that he looked on his system to find out what type i really need, but the system wouldn't show my model (because its a few years old). Pretty much, he said that the other employee messed up because the computer wouldn't even show him what i would need.
But what i would like to know is what's wrong with my computer exactly? did the mother board fry? did i lose everything? do i need to send it into mac for repair? how screwed am i? and also, is the store responsible for this at all?
The sad part to this story is that in early august of this year, this laptop's battery stopped working, and it was a problem with the power supply. I sent it off to mac and they fixed it, but when it was returned, it wasn't turning on. i sent it back again and they said the motherboard had to be replaced. luckily that happened a month before my extended warranty expired, but this time, i don't have a warranty anymore.
Any insight on my problem? Please someone, cheer me up. Tell me there is something i can do to save my computer and that my motherboard isnt fried again.
Can putting the wrong memory in your computer completely ruin it?
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Mar 1, 2012
I have this nagging problem for a while, all the "date modified" in most of my folders (application, documents,utility, libraries, download, etc.) are wrong. They all show up with january dates, some this year, some previous years. Recent modifications are noted as "today" and "yesterday", beyond that I get january dates. My date and hour preferences are set ok. Repaired permissions quite a few times, nothing changed. Waited for few system updates (10.7.3 - 10.7.2 - 10.7.1) hoping it would correct itself, but no.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.2 GHz Intel core i7, 8 Go ram
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Mar 14, 2012
Clicking every playlist folder shows not what actually is there, but the whole library.For example clicking on Bob Dylan folder shows not his albums, but every song in the library, and the same is with every other folder?
iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 19, 2012
The icons for the songs on one of my albums are wrong. How can I correct them to show the correct icons? I've tried the "get album artwork" but it doesn't put the correct icon on the song. (There was a volume 1 and a volume 2 and all the icons are from volume 1).
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Jun 18, 2012
I just tried to re-arrange my launch pad icons (having read these forums searching an answer for my issue, i now realise this is pointless since Launchpad will move them back). Â
However, Google Chrome now has the Skype Icon. Skype now has the Spotify icon etc... How do i change them back? Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Nov 17, 2009
This has concerned me ever since I got a Mac. Sometimes I'll open mail, and it'll say (in the bottom left ) receiving 1 of 15. Scroll across to 15 - but I'll actually only get one new email. I have Junk Mail filtering to just mark emails, not delete them.
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May 19, 2012
I have an odd Mail problem which I can't seem to solve. Yesterday I unchecked my "automatically set date and time" box in order to set the date back to May 7th for a particular printing task I needed to accomplish. I printed the pages but forgot to re-check this box so my system date was wrong for all of yesterday. I was hunting for a sent message later in the day when I realized what I had done.
I was going to report that my sent folder had stopped working, but, naturally, the messages were neatly filed exactly where they were supposed to be, sorted to May 7th, and not May 18th. Luckily I did not send a lot of messages yesterday! My question: Is there a way to manually change the date of a sent message? Is there a way to edit the header of a sent message? (Note to self: If you change the system date change it back)
MB Pro 8,2 (2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 26, 2012
Mail is showing one of my IMAP mailbox inboxes as having 8 unread messages, but there's only 1. I've created a smart mailbox to show only unread messages, and even though there's only one message in there, the badge on the smart mailbox also shows 8. I've quit and restarted Mail in case it was a cache problem, but that made no difference.
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Jun 21, 2012
My USB doesn't seem to be showing in Finder and Disk Utility. Why could this be?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 24, 2009
I have powerbook g4 with 2GB Kingston memory. So far I haven't experienced any hardware issues. However today I've noticed that all of a sudden 1GB has disappeared!! My Mac recognizes only 1GB! What might have happened?
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Feb 7, 2007
I've noticed recently that when in Finder, all folders/files have a Modified Date of somewhere in January 2009 or January 2008, regardless of when it was actually modified/created. My clock at the top left-hand corner says Oct 20 though. Any thoughts?
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May 24, 2009
i've got a niggling problem that i'd like to get sorted. I've searched the forums, but can't find anything that relates exactly to my problem.
I restored my pro from a time machine machine backup and now it displays the time incorrectly (-1hr). 'Set date & time automatically' is checked in system prefs which makes the problem even weirder. I'm using the Apple Europe sever too.
I've read somewhere about deleting a hidden file to solve the problem, but there isn't enough information to execute.
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Jun 24, 2012
I just recently got a Macbook Pro 15" and is wondering how much ram it can hold. It's mid-summer, currently holding 2gb in its 2 memory slots totalling 4gb of ram. It's the $1799 version. I've been trying to find out in the internet but they're all from the older versions.
More Info=Processor 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7Memory 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 384 MBGraphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 512 MBI just want to know how much it can hold so I can plan on upgrading later on.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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