MacBook :: Can Terminal Commands Really Ruin It

Apr 30, 2012

I've just entered the world of terminal commands. I've only done a few so far. I've also heard that they can cause some big problems with my Mac, is that true?


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MacBook Pro :: Undo The Commands That Tried On Terminal?

Apr 17, 2012

Basically the title says pretty much everything. just want a way in which i can undo commands i did on terminal. and if restarted the macbook does the job?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Unable To Find Terminal Commands...

Aug 16, 2010

My macbook 2006 recently would not boot properly. By that i mean it takes about a good 5 minutes to boot to a messed up looking desktop.

Before i restore the system i need to get some files off of the machine. (The gui side freezes when i try to drag and drop).

I can boot into single use mode and use terminal but i do not know how to do the command mv /documents...etc but i don't know what drive my usb stick is or that it is mounted.

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MacBook Pro :: Installing New Library Commands Within Mac OS X Terminal

Sep 2, 2014

How can I install new library commands within the Mac OS X Terminal. How to do that task? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X ::looking For Commands In Terminal

Dec 5, 2009

I'm trying to change MTU settings in my router using terminal MacOs 10.5.8. eMac 1GHz.All goes well till I get to saving settings. "saveall" or "SaveAll" I get "Invalid interface name specified"It's probabably not saving settings.

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OS X :: Wants To Find Terminal Commands

Jun 3, 2009

If I'm using a PCI wireless card with my Mac that isn't used with Airport Utility, how do I find the MAC address of my Mac?

I tried IPCONFIG in Terminal, but it just gives me "IPCONFIG <command> where command is " a whole bunch of commands.

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OS X :: How Do You Write Commands In Terminal?

Sep 12, 2009

I found some information in another thread that instructed one to write some commands in terminal but I have never used terminal and have no idea what I actually need to write.Can anyone please advise me on how to translate the instructions into what exactly should be typed into terminal?Spaces, special characters, anything?All I know how to do is start the app and then I am faced with some text and characters that are already on the screen.The instructions were:Open a Terminal and run some commands:cd /replace/this/with/the/path/to/contents/of/extracted/zip/file/ #this path probably is Downloads/360ControllerInstallsudo sh

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OS X :: Glitch On My Safari 5.0.2 - Terminal Commands?

Oct 17, 2010

Having some sort of a glitch on my Safari 5.0.2. It turns that if i only have a single window open, the tab will not hide but it will remain. On my macbook though it behaves normally, meaning wear there is only one page on safari, the tab will be hidden.Is there any way i could possibly make my safari behave normal again? Any nifty terminal commands?

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OS X :: Running Terminal Commands Without Logging In?

Jan 22, 2009

I know on windows allows you to run batch files without actually logging into the OS. This allows you to put an base image onto a PC and use batch files to change settings, place on active directory, and other things without having to log in.

How do I do this with a mac? I want to be able to run 2 command line commands, one after the other once the other is finished, and then add it to Active directory. Would I do this in perl? and how do I get it to run without logging in so I can start it and then move on to other stuff?

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Software :: Terminal Commands Gateway

Apr 12, 2009

Is it possible to connect to and send messages via gateways with Terminal in Mac osX?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Reversing The Terminal Commands?

Mar 12, 2012

I looked up an old thread on clearing recently viewed quicktime player videos.The advice recommended was to enter the following three commands into terminal.After entering the three commands the quicktime recent files were cleared. Uninformatively then finder would freeze up and give me to undue these commands?

defaults write NSRecentDocumentsLimit 0
defaults delete RecentDocuments
defaults write RecentDocuments -dict-add MaxAmount 0

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Hidden The Admin Account From Some Terminal Commands?

Nov 5, 2010

1) I had two user accounts: one standard, one admin. I had "hidden" the admin account from prying eyes using some Terminal commands (see here if you're interested some months later, I enabled the Open Firmware Password (hence, I can no longer boot into single user mode, boot from CD, etc)3) at some point, I inadvertently reinstalled OS X (don't ask... or do, I'll explain if necessary)4) when logging in, I ONLY have my standard account. My hidden admin account seems to be gone. OS X won't even accept the admin login/pwd when attempting to execute admin-only commands from within the standard account

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OS X :: Automatically Running Commands Upon Opening Terminal?

Aug 23, 2010

Is there any way to have Terminal automatically run a command each time it is opened? I want to always have my background as my screensaver with the command
Code:/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ -background & and I have made an alias for the command so that I can just type in ss, but I have to type it in every time I open up terminal. I'd like to have Terminal start at login in the hidden state and run my screensaver background command automatically.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Deleted All Data Through Terminal Commands

May 31, 2012

deleted all data by using terminal and time machine was not set up.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: How To Ruin 8600M?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a 2008 MBP with a TON of problems, but out of warranty. Since the logic board is so problematic and Apple is repairing defective MBP's with 8600M's for free, my plan is to ruin the video card so Apple will replace the logic board for free.

So, any suggestions on how to do this?I'm running the OpenCL Benchmarking Tool, I don't know if it's effective or not :P

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Will Cleaning Ruin My Mac

May 17, 2012

if clean my mac will help or destoy my mac

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OS X :: Will Changing ID3 Tags Of MP3s Ruin ITunes Library

Oct 19, 2010

If I want to let a program change ID3 tags of MP3s outside of iTunes, would iTunes not be able to find or recognize the files after this? Would my library be ruined?

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PowerPC :: Wrong Memory In Your Computer Completely Ruin It?

Dec 14, 2008

My ibook was running really slow, so i decided to get some more memory. i'm no computer expert but i used to work in the IT dept and have replaced memory before (in pc's).

Anyway, i went to my local computer store, told the guy there what kind of computer i had. (ibook G4, 14-inch with a built-in memory and an empty slot). He looked it up on the system, figured out what i needed and i bought it. It was a Corsair 1GB DDR2 667mhz. He said it was exactly what i needed. I didn't question him.

Tonight, i go to install it, and it doesn't go in easily. I got it in though, and turned on my computer, and it wouldn't start. i took it out, and it started fine.

I went to some online forums about installing memory on my specific model and people were saying you really need to force it in there, more than you think would even be safe, but it takes a lot of force to get it in, so i thought maybe it didn't work the first time because it wasn't in all the way. i kept trying, and i got it in further, thinking i did it. i went to turn on the computer, dead.

So, i took out the memory, and now my computer still won't start. NOTHING.

I went back to the store, told them what happened, and i spoke to a different salesman than yesterday, and when this guy looked at what i bought, he said it was definitely not the correct one.

He said DDR2 is definitely not compatible with the older iBook. He also said that he looked on his system to find out what type i really need, but the system wouldn't show my model (because its a few years old). Pretty much, he said that the other employee messed up because the computer wouldn't even show him what i would need.

But what i would like to know is what's wrong with my computer exactly? did the mother board fry? did i lose everything? do i need to send it into mac for repair? how screwed am i? and also, is the store responsible for this at all?

The sad part to this story is that in early august of this year, this laptop's battery stopped working, and it was a problem with the power supply. I sent it off to mac and they fixed it, but when it was returned, it wasn't turning on. i sent it back again and they said the motherboard had to be replaced. luckily that happened a month before my extended warranty expired, but this time, i don't have a warranty anymore.

Any insight on my problem? Please someone, cheer me up. Tell me there is something i can do to save my computer and that my motherboard isnt fried again.

Can putting the wrong memory in your computer completely ruin it?

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Applications :: Do Full Formats Eventually Ruin Hard Drives?

Jun 1, 2009

I've got a new mac and a lot of the stuff on it pre loaded I dont want, is there a way of 'quick' formatting the drive or will I have to do a full format?

Do full formats eventually ruin hard drives?

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Applications :: Unable To Use Terminal / Terminal Stucks At Blank Login Window

Oct 20, 2009

Anybody see this before? I opened up and the window is completely blank. There is nothing in it whatsoever. Looks as if bash never started. The title bar simply says "Terminal — login — 80x24". I can type whatever I want in the Terminal window like it's a text document and nothing happens. If I restart the computer, this seems to fix the problem, but it seems to only be a temporary fix as the issue happens again soon after.

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OS X :: Unable To Type Password In Terminal / Terminal Not Reacting To My Typing

Jan 26, 2010

I'm trying to do something in terminal, and it asks for my password. I press a letter on my keyboard, and nothing appears. I am in the right window and everything, terminal just doesn't react to my typing. However, when I click enter, it says 'Sorry,try again'. So it does react to the enter key.

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OS X Server :: Processes Started In Terminal End When Terminal Closed?

Jan 29, 2008

I'm running Symantec Backup Agent on our mac osx server. I start the agent in the terminal (./ It returns a notification that it started the service, however, it doesn't return to the prompt. Closing the terminal gives a warning that the process will be closed if the terminal is closed. Closing it does kill the process. Ctrl+c to return to the prompt also kills the process. So it's as if once the process is started in the terminal, nothing can be altered.

I am not much of a mac guy so please forgive me if this is a stupid question.

Anyone have any advice on how to handle this so the process is ALWAYS running?

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MacBook :: Slow Running Commands?

Oct 5, 2010

I've messed up my MacBook and it's now running really slowly (even just clicking on icons, going into folders and suchlike) and I need to find out the best way to sort out the following issue:

I wanted to back up my pictures and (now realise, foolishly) moved them from iPhoto to my desktop so I could transfer it to an external hard drive. It was hanging and had the spinning beachball. This was 7 days ago; it looks like it's done it and is now running very slowly, I know it's lagging because the clocks shows it is sometimes 10 minutes slow and it's whirring and doing something.

I had unplugged the hard drive in case it was slow due to that and from researching other forums for advice I have been able to check the Activity Monitor - the CPU is fine but the disk space is almost zilch (all blue and no green). I now want to delete the pics off my desktop as I'm sure this is the root of the problem. Is there a simple/easy way or do I really have to be patient, delete and trash them one by one?

As you can tell I am not a full on techie but understand simple instruction, so please if you can help me resolve this, I'd be very grateful.

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OS X :: Unable To Install Terminal App - Run Terminal As Admin?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm on a standard user account and I would really like to install icalbuddy which is a terminal app. When I install apps normally I simply have to provide a admin name and pw, but this doesn't work when it is a terminal app because it requires that the 'su' command be run.

So I thought that I could run terminal as admin through 'su - admin' and then install. But of course the admin account doesn't have access to the user folder where the installer is located. I just can't win.

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MacBook Air :: Encountered Beach Balls When Executing Commands

Dec 21, 2010

All I do is to add/remove columns on a spreadsheet using Excel 2011 and I see beach balls every time. I'm using Ultimate 13" Air and only running iCal and Excel concurrently. Activity monitor shows excel using 0.2% of CPU. This puzzles me alot.

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MacBook Pro :: It Won't Accept Commands In Single User Mode

Mar 25, 2012

I have been having problems with my Macbook Pro recently not booting up and stuck on the Apple logo screen. Now my MBP DOES mount the HD, It DOES enter Single User Mode, It DOES enter Hardware diagnostics mode and has no problem. What my MBP DOESN'T do is; accept commands in Single User Mode like the "fsck -yf' or any real command NOR does it boot into Safe Mode. i have tried resetting the PRAM also i have tried booting from an external partition that i made.


Info:MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009)

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MacBook Pro :: Commands And Mouse Selections Take 4-5 Seconds To Respond

Sep 1, 2014

I have a '08 MBP that has the spinning beach ball showing up in all the apps during use and everything runs slower.Web pages take 5-10 seconds to load.Lightroom photos take 5-10 seconds to load. Commands and mouse selections take 4-5 seconds to respond.It slows down even more with an external monitor being used.The fan runs high 85% of the time.

Hard drive was replaced with an SSD about 2 years ago, which calm HD noise.The HD has 15.5 GB left right now, but the beach ball problem has been there even with half the HD full.This issue occurs even with only 1 app running. For instance, I'll shut all apps except one application, and it still drags, whether that one app be Safari or LR. 

I realize the MBP is older, but it used to be very responsive with the same apps. Never used to see the beach ball during app usage, only at startup of app if anytime.

I believe the RAM is maxed out for what this machine can handle at 4GB, but again, the system didn't slow down before. I believe the problem may be some processes running in the background that are dragging down everything, but not sure what to look for.  

Here is the EtreCheck:  Hardware Information: ?  MacBook Pro (15-inch  2.4/2.2GHz) (Verified)  MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro3,1  1 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2 cores  4 GB RAM Video Information: ?  GeForce 8600M GT     - VRAM: 128 MB  Color LCD 1440 x 900  Cinema HD 2560 x 1600 System


MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Air :: Chime Then Grey Screen / No Apple - Start Up Commands Don't Do Anything

Dec 5, 2014

I have a Macbook Air.  I thought I had lost it, so I erased it from Find My Iphone.  Then of course I found it, my computer was completely erased.  When I started my computer I hear the chime, but then a blank grey screen (no apple).  I have tried every start up command and reset.  I have tried Command R, Option, with and without connecting an Toshiba hard drive that has my computer backed up. I have tried disconnecting everything more my computer. I'm not using an external keyboard. 

Again, when I try command R, option, command n, D,T, the shift button, etc. nothing really happens the screen is still grey.

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MacBook Pro :: Stopped Accepting Commands - Screen Freezing On Black Display

Apr 9, 2012

My Mac Book Pro just stopped accepting commands, the screen is freezing on a black screen and the keys have no bearing on the situation. The only way I can get it to stop is pull the battery out. It has been acting funny lately.

MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.6), final cut express

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MacBook Pro :: Using Terminal Without Password / Terminal Asks For Password?

Mar 31, 2010

I do not have a password set on my MBP, but anytime that I have to sudo anything in Terminal it asks for my password. If I just leave it blank like at login, it says the password is incorrect. I have to do is set up a password use it in Terminal then I remove it afterwards. This is very annoying. Is there any way that I can do this without having to set the password every time?

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