PowerPC :: Dual 500mhz G4 Inside A 400mhz Sawtooth?
Sep 20, 2010
I want to do this to increase the speed of my sawtooth. I think that the dual 500mhz was the last apple processor that is compatible with the sawtooth because they both run on 100mhz busses, correct?
I found one on craigslist for $15 but want to make sure it will work, or if I do get it and try to install it I want to make sure I don't break my computer.
I running a 400MHz sawtooth Family #M5183 my friend gave me with a 40 gig hard drive running OSX 10.3.9. I just picked up at the swap meet a Qwicksilver Model No.M849 PNG4 1GHZ DP/2M CACHE/512MB SDRAM? 80GB HD DVD-R/CDRW/Nv17 DUAL/56k MDM/GIGE it is missing the HD from under the superdrive can I just plug in the HD from my Sawtooth and run her? She still has the HD in the bottom its a 80 gig IBM Deskstar. When I opened my Sawtooth I found that there is a Seagate Cheetah model#*ST118202LW* Its not even plugged in!!! How many gigs is it and can i run it for more space? I have three 512 cards for memory. Can I use the video card from the sawtooth to run a second monitor? If this all works whats the newest operating system I can run? As soon as I get the money I am going to swap the processor and bring her up to speed. I am a singer/songwriter on a budget trying to put my studio together,I run live sound and make Hand Drums.I'm not a computer tech by no means but I do ok running a mouse to get a good sound. If you are going to tell me to wrap machine in tin foil and put it in the freezer PLEASE don't waste my time!!!!! I just want to build my machine correctly and not f@#$ anything up.
Today I was planning to build in a second harddrive into my old G4 tower. So I did this. But after installing the system won't boot anymore from the OS X Tiger partition. I have tried all sorts of jumper settings, from slave to master to cable select. All without success.
When I boot from the Tiger installation CD diskutility does not even recognize my original master drive nor does it recognize the new slave drive. I even tried to boot from an old OS9 disk to initialize the disk. I tried formatting it in another machine to HFS Journaled, no success in booting mounting the disk whatsoever.
I recently added some extra RAM's but i doubt these are the problem since my machine DOES boot without having the new disk installed in the system.
It is a 60GB Maxtor drive, so it is within the maximum amount of GB's possible for these older machines.
I've got a friend that was using her Mac SE original from 1990 or so up until year 2004, at which time I insisted she get hooked up on an iMac g3 333mhz -- and I tried to get her an Apple Tech out to NC where she is to put a new hd in that old machine and some memory.
Well she's been running 9.2.2 and now it's time to go to Panther on an iBook 500mhz that I've upgraded with new hd and memory etc.
But I don't have the original set up guide. Yes, I downloaded a "users manual" off Apple but I need the basic booklet that came with the original machine -- or a download of it.
Anyone got one? Also anyone got a good Panther tutorial for someone who barely knows how to use OS9?
I'm a PC guy (unfortunately), and I wanted to get my wife (graphic designer) a Mac present for our 3 year wedding anniversary (maybe a bad choice). As a cheep axx i looked on eBay for best deals... and happen to stumble upon an old G4 (Gigabit Ethernet) Dual 500MHz tower. I understand that is a old model, but the budget constrains gave me a no better choice... $300-400. For the first Apple it is a start.To make it up i got her a 23" Cinema Display.My dilemma as you see is the old vs new technology. I have not yet received the merchandise, but as i read I'm up for a surprise.
1. Do i need a power adapter for the display? 2. Do i need a ADC converter (or something like it)? 3. What (cheep) Graphic card will be a plausible fit to avoid conversions? 4. Will that card work with my motherboard (if there is one inside lol)
So far browsing i got: Recomendations RADEON 9800 Series
Requirements: Power Mac G4 or G5 with NVIDIA graphics card or ATI Radeon 7500 or better graphics card Limitations: The Power Mac G4 Cube computer must have a Nvidia Geforce 2MX graphics card to be compatible with the Apple Cinema Display HD or Apple Cinema Display (20-inch). he Power Mac G4 - (Gigabit Ethernet) video card does not support the Apple Cinema Display HD or Apple Cinema Display (20-inch) unless the original video card is updated to one that meets the specification for the display.
hi all. i bought an ibook g3 500 with a dvd-rom on ebay recently, and just got it yesterday, and noticed something weird. for some reason it doesn't read cd's. when i put a cd in, the tray pops open a few seconds later. is that normal? dvd's work just fine. i would think that a dvd-rom would be able to read cd's. no?
I have a G4 powermac 400 mhz with os panther 10.3.9 installed Can this G4 be upgraded to Tiger and if so which version.There seems to be many versions of tiger ie some say amd or intel etc If i can upgrade which version should i look for
I have a powermac G4 Sawtooth and the power supply recently decided to go, My question is, is there a way to tell if I have a Rev.1 or Rev.2 just by looking at the board? Markings on the case and PSU don't help because I bought a Replacement Motherboard for it which had wider white plastic clips, I need to know because I am not sure if i need the 237W PSU or the 200W PSU.
I'm working on upgrading my 400MHz Sawtooth. I'd like to take it to the maximum 2 GB of RAM, but since I already made the mistake of buying high density instead of low, I thought I'd ask before making another purchase.
As far as I know, these are the right specs for my machine:
so my pc ftp server starts being a bh so i put all the drives into my pm g4, press power it chimes, screen is blank, i have followed the 'my mac won't boot guide' so please don't point me to that
I bought 4 G4 towers of eBay for �85.. none have Hdd's so havent tried them out yet (two also have no graphic cards) I got a mix of ram size and speed (pc100/pc133) however thats not my question
Next to the ram slots theres a red light that comes on, is this normal? I've tried to do some research on it and some people say it is, others say it isnt.
I plan to sell them off again on ebay but I did it mainly as a project to keep the G4's alive. Any suggestions on graphic cards (cheap ones too)?
I've been a PC user for many many years, but have had a G4 Sawtooth for about 3 years now, its only a 400Mhz model, but I have just placed a 533Mhz G4 in there, and apparently I need to use a dip switch? I just got a standard sized dip switch, so thats not a problem, I was wondering two things:
1. If anyone has a Sonnet for sale instead of using the G4 or 2. If you can offer up some advice on the easiest way for my G4 to recognise the new 533 CPU?
I've got GSA-H20L LG lightscribe drive but the only problem is that the lightscribe drivers I got from versiontracker have to no avail helped me, I also tried disclabel.
Is there anyway via drivers/program to get lightscribe to work on this sawtooth?
trying to install Tiger on a 350mhz Sawtooth - problem is the computer won't read the dvd/cdrw drive (it did fine before I formatted the HD). I try holding C, it does nothing, tried reseting PRAM, nothing.
Well, using some guides (check bottom of post), I did some experimenting with my old G4 Sawtooth to see how fast I could run its lame 400mhz cpu. Ultimately, my goal was to make Quake 3 playable at a resolution other then 800x600. These tests were all done with PC-133 ram (896MB), running 10.4.11.
Starting specs: 400mhz (4x100mhz) Xbench cpu score: 19.9 1st overclock (with 400mhz cpu): 500mhz (5x100mhz) Xbench cpu score: 29.3 Note: This was incredibly unstable.
In the process of moving to 450mhz on the 400mhz stock cpu, one of the jumper resistor solder pads came off (lame 10 year old glue). So, I went on ebay and got 5 450mhz G4 cpus for 50$ CDN after shipping. One of them came dead, and one failed after the jumper change.
2nd overclock (with 450mhz cpu): 500mhz (5x100mhz) Xbench cpu score: 22.3 Note: This sucked. Now really stable, but I didn't get a performance gain like I got with the 400mhz cpu, and Quake 3 still ran like crap.
So here I decided to do the FSB overclock. Knowing I would end up with 4.5 x 133 which would be too fast, i jumpered a cpu to 3.5 multiplier for a 466 clock. This never booted. I put in a 450mhz chip and...
3rd overclock (with 450mhz cpu): 533mhz (4.5x133mhz) Xbench cpu score: 25.6 Note: That multiply doesn't make sense. It shouldn't be 533. But hey, it worked, stable, and I got a performance gain.
Note: Ok, the clock is still not right. This is the same cpu that did the 5x100 so I know the multiplier is set right. But hey, its doing better in the scores! Conclusion: Success! 533mhz seems to be the top out with the NVRAMRC script in place. But there is a considerable performance gain everywhere (booting, app loading, etc). Most importantly, my Quake 3 now runs very smooth @ 1280x1024 with max graphics settings. I am a very happy camper. I can take pictures of the solder job if anyone requests them. I do recommend this if you have some good technician skills.
i recently bought a secondhand mac g4/400 and ive been trying to startup to install tiger (am using a macbook pro for work). i tried both of the ultra ata 'bays' but am wondering whether normal IDE drives will work?
i have:
1X western digital (caviar) enhanced IDE drive and 1X seagate normal IDE drive (ST340015A)
the cd-rom works fine on its own and can boot up with panther install discs but when selecting startup disc there is nothing. I connected the cdrom to the far end of the cable (set jumper to master) and WD E-IDE drive to the second 'block' (set as slave)
i am under the assumption that because the cdrom works there is nothing wrong with the cables.
on boot up I cant select the startup drive (just network) as there is only one device detected (CDROM) if harddrives are disconnected
I get the network folder first on boot up then question mark/folder icon
not quite sure how to proceed from here. is formatting a must for the normal IDE drive? or will the mac pick it up regardless.
I connected both drives to existing cables and the normal IDE drive also to IDE (PC) cable also reset the PMU/SMU as well as took out all daughterboards and tested RAM which appears to be ok. i also took out the battery and put it back.
the PSU seems fine, but is there a way i can check with diagnostics or something..
I just restored an old 1999 G3 iMac DV 400MHZ with slot-drive from the dead, and I feel it lacks a bit of power under it's hood. I already put RAM and HDD but the computing power is just not enough. What I want to do is go into OpenFirmware and speed up the cpu and possibly the bus, I remember doing so on my sawtooth but I can't find the code plus that was a G4 and now I have a G3. I also found this page [URL] that shows how to mechanicaly overclock up to 1GHZ but I want to be able to do it non physical if possible. I know this isn't the hot topic now a days but maybe some of you will remember what they used to do and feel some nostalgia(is that a propper word?).
I have a G4 PowerMac 400Mhz running OS 10.4.8. The graphics seem a bit slow at times and I was wondering if upgrading the video card from the current ATI 16MB to a GeForce2 32MB would help? I have 1GB of memory so I know I am good there.
Just installed one of the original airport cards in this machine, and though all indications are that it is working correctly, it doesn't see the USR wireless router sitting 10 feet from it. No networks show up in the dropdown list, and manually adding does nothing. Encryption is a simple MAC filter (this card has already been added), and SSID is broadcast. Did I get a bad card? System profiler seems to think it's fine.
It's an original airport card. Computer's a G3 400 Mhz iMac. A G3 300 Mhz iBook with original airport card is having no troubles. Firmware of Airport card is 9.52 Firware of router is up to date. OSX 10.3.9
All help greatly appreciated; this is my moms little computer, and we're trying to rearrange and loose some wires.
After packing away my little brothers sawtooth 400Mhz with 384mb RAM and an 8Mb ATI AGP graphics card and then unpacking it I've been having a problem. When starting the computer up the screen shows nothing at all I have tested to see if the screen is broken and it seems to be functional. I think the card itself might be broken? BTW, I'm using the VGA slot and not the DVI slot on the back. I have also removed and cleaned the card just incase that might've been the problem.
My former, babied, 400mhz overclocked by Daystar to 550mhz Titanium Powerbook has a fried logic board. Can I put a the old low resolution Tibook screen on a 1ghz Tibook body with a higher resolution screen?
Would it just power on at the lower resolution or is this just idiotic?
I am looking for a tear down guide for my 4 core power mac. I need some instructions on how to remove the CPU's since I bought this for $100 and found the part for $250.
We got a new furnace today and during the replacement, soot got everywhere. My PowerMac G4 Digital Audio was running the entire time, sucking and blowing the soot (you couldn't see it, but it did happen). My white Apple keyboard and Mighty Mouse are grey as well.
Any tips for cleaning it out? I wiped off one of the HDDs, and it had some soot on it and I'm a bit paranoid about the cleanliness of my computers.
My Mac mini (mid-'07) was also running for the entire time, although because it only has the exhaust vent I'm not as worried, but if you've got tips for cleaning that, I am looking for an excuse to open it .
PS: I'll probably open and clean everything that has either slats on the top or a fan to bring air in that was on.
so today was the day to replace the broken harddrive inside my 12" Al Powerbook and naturally I've ballsed it up.
The problem came at this stage of pbfixit's instructions. In pulling the power cable out of it's socket, I've pulled the bloody socket off the board.
So this is bad, that much is clear, and I need help, and lots of it. What's the best course of action now? It's not under warranty or anything, it was second hand to begin with.
For what it's worth, if anybody else finds this while searching for dismantling instructions, it's actually not too difficult. I would change this section of the instructions though, as I'm sure it'd be easier to lift up the top case slightly and then disconnect these two cables rather than fiddling through the tiny holes. I think going in that way give you a side angle and more opportunity to grip properly. And less opportunity to break your Powerbook. Anyhoo...
i just opened my imac g4 1.25 ghz 17" (lamp imac) and found a wire that is taped at the end and apparently not connected somewhere.. as you can see in the pics, the one i'm holding with an orange tip at the tip.. i dont really know the history of this imac.. :c
is this a cause for concern on my part? i'm replacing/upgrading the dvd rom and hard disk.. that's why i saw that wire.
I have a Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 with 2.5 GB of RAM. My fan starts revving really loud when I am using multiple apps (Adobe CS2, Firefox, iTunes) and while watching a video tutorial or AVI movie (both saved on my desktop). It also happens when I am just watching a AVI movie with no other apps open.
I just added one GB of RAM yesterday thinking maybe this will solve the problem since I am running multiple apps. This did not resolve it. So I searched the messageboard for threads on fan issues similar to mine. I read it may be caused by the tempature in my room. I keep the tower on my floor on top of 2 pieces of wood about a 1/2 inch thick. I live in a small brick studio apartment so the tempature is usaully between 60 to 70 degrees.
I looked into smcfancontrol but it looks like its for laptops only.I also do not have a utilities program for my computer yet. I was wondering what was the best program out there to clean up/tune-up my hard drive so its running at maxium speed.Has anyone had experince with this issue and have any answers? I am concerned this may be very detrimental to my computer in the long run.
I curently have 10.3.9 with a PowerPC G4 dual w/ 1.25 processors and 2 gig of ram. I want the highest upgrade I can get that will be compatibe with my software which is:
Quark 6.5 Acrobat 7.1 Acrobat Distiller 7.0 Illustrator CS1 Photoshop CS1 Microsoft Office (don't know what version but I've had it for years)
I really can't afford to go buy all the software again and I don't want my system to crash. Any suggestions?
This upgrade is mostly spawned due to the recent purchase of a new iPod Nano... Not supported by my current OS! Man, I didn't read the requirements, shame on me. However, the dang thing will work on my kid's PC w/ XP Pro. I only got the Nano cause it's mac - he wanted the Zune that ONLY works w/ PC.