I have a lot of PDF and other files in general that I would like to keep sorted by date. Normally in finder options I would sort them by date but the problem is that the bulk of them were added to my laptop by scanning, e mail hard drives so the creation dates of these files is not necessarily the same date as these statements. I tried naming theses files by date e.g. 10/02/12 etc but obviously this did not work as numbers are recognised in sequence and not by calender.
Is there any way to sort files in my finder first by kind (folders, pdfs, jpegs, docxs, etc.) and then by name? Right now I can only sort by one or the other. If I sort by kind, the files are grouped according to kind, but the names are mixed up. If I sort by name, all file types and folders are sorted according to name. I like the column view because directory structure can be seen easily.
how to sort files and folders by date. As all this data is from the last 5 years naming them alphabetically (jan 09, feb 10 etc) was not working. create names numerically yy/mm/dd. While this works I have many folders, sub folders and sub sub folders and it gets somewhat confusing at times. Is there some alternate solution so that I can name folders by month and year alphbetically and force Finder Column view to show me the list in the way I want ( such as Jan09, Feb 09, march 10, april 10 etc)
Via "undelete" on MacKeeper, have reviewed files saved on hard drive & would like to delete them. Have scanned via "undelete" on MacKeeper. Want to clean up hard drive. Have not found directions on how to do that.
Before I upgraded to Lion I was able to edit my .pdf files with Preview. I just needed to rotate and crop scanned book pages. Now I can't do that. What can I use or do instead.
I'll be getting an 80GB Air this week and I'm trying to gauge how much space I'll use up. Right now I have about 80GB of space used up on my hackintosh, but allot if it is junk I probably won't transfer over. Is there a way to look at all the files on my computer in order from largest to smallest?
I need some help to convert .dv and .avi files to ipod touch compatible files using handbrake. When I try to choose either file type as the source file it just says 'no valid title found'.
The .dv file is a clip shot with my video camera and imported onto my mac using imovie, then saved as separate full quality file, in order to have a separate file that is not sitting in imovie.
The .avi file is a downloaded movie.
Both movies play fine in quicktime player and VLC player.
The Handbrake program does work as I have successfully converted a file ripped from a dvd using mactheripper.
I am surprised that I can't get it to work, as other threads on this forum recommends handbrake as the best software for video conversions for ipod.
i've got a massive photo and video library. and would like to know if there's any way i can sort through my files with finder (or any other app) by resolution?
I have a folder where all my downloads are downloaded. Does anyone know of a way or software that will sort the files by the date they were downloaded? Is this info actually stored in the file or anywhere else?
When I import an mp4 or similar file format into iTunes, it gets automatically sorted into either Movies, TV Shows or Podcasts folder in my library.What's the criteria for this? and how can I change it from one to the other folder?Most of the times even search won't find the title I'm looking for. Drives me bonkers ...
I really prefer Windows way of sorting a folder, first folders and then files, is there a way to do it in Snow Leopard? I have done this: [URL:...] But that doest work for me in SL.
I checked the Address Book and specified I wanted the email addresses sorted by first name but it didn't change anything and Mail Mail address book didn't change either. How do I sort email addresses?
Since installing Lion, when I open "Downloads" in Finder and put it to view as "list" it won't stay this way. Each time I open it I have to put it back and also fix it to sort by most recent date. Then closing it down, and opening the icon on the dock, it shows back up as icons and alphabetically. How do you get it to stay on the "list" and by most recent date options?
how to establish the prioritization of the criteria against which which I want mail to sort my email. Said another way, when I click on the "from" header to sort my email, what criteria does mail use to order within that group...and more importantly how do I change it? I have attached two screen shots which demonstrate the source of my confusion.In this example, I know that William James sent me an email sometime in September or October.So I click on the "from" header and all the William James emails are lined up one after the other. Now I try to go find the ones that were send sometime in September and October, and they aren't grouped that way. The first grouping criteria seems to be whether the email was read, replied to, or unopened. So that explains why the two emails with the blue dots are at the top (I don't like it...but at least I understand it).Then all the "replied-to" emails are next.Can someone look at the entries and explain how they are organized? As you can see the dates do not line up at all...so I know the date isn't the next criteria.Once I get past the blue dot, the first email is from Nov 2010, then 2 from May 2011, then 5 from Sept 2011, then two from August 2011...so they are bouncing around. Scroll down one frame, and here are the next set of emails from William James. It now jumps from August 2011 emails to October 2011 emails and back to September 2011 emails.The "to" field doesn't seem to follow a pattern, nor does the subject.
Again, my main goal is to find out how to change it so that the date is the secondary sort criteria.I am incredibly disappointed in the lack of documentation about this seemingly obvious issue.I can't find any questions about it on the support forums, etc....so either people just live with this stupidity like I have for a year or something is wrong with my instance of mac mail.
Is it possible to sort all the messages in my inbox by unread status and then by date?Â
That is, I will have all of my unread emails at the top, but then the first read email will be my most recently received one?Â
At the moment, sorting by unread status means that the top read emails are the ones that have been forwarded/replied to, and then the most recently dated ones.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
About 2 weeks ago suddenly Finder are unable to sort files in alphabetical order in Column mode.About the same time when my external HDD died (don't know whether this has any effect).Â
Sorting by name works fine in icon only mode, but whenever I switch to Column mode its completely disorganized.And when I tried in coverflow mode its alphabetical but in inverted mode (Z to A).Â
I use apple mail for two separate accounts and would really like to be able to sort my messages into folders to make them easier to manage. I can't seem to be able to do so?
This may be a really dumb question. I have an iMac and just bought an all-in-one hp printer. I just scanned a document and now can't find it. Where do scanned docs go?
I have an iMac (Snow Leopard 10.6.2) with a HP Photosmart scanner/printer and have just scanned about a dozen documents. My problem is I can't find them. Where do they default save to and how do I change this default?
I have an iMac running Tiger 10.4.11 and I scanned it using ProtectMac Anti Virus. And it found 2 adware and 1 trojan. How do I get rid of these? Where do I start?
I'm looking for good, low-cost software that can turn my scanned paper into searchable PDF, Word, or other documents. As you know most of the software that comes with a printer is limited and really can not perform searches on documents.
I'm new to the Mac world so I am just learning about the software, In the windows world there is a software package-Nuance PDF Converter Pro that does a very good job. however they do not have aMac version.
I have a lot of scanned documents in pdf and jpg formant. Is there any application that can search for me in them? Evernote does search but you need to upload it to the internet.