OS X :: Sort Video And Picture Files By Resolution?
May 13, 2010i've got a massive photo and video library. and would like to know if there's any way i can sort through my files with finder (or any other app) by resolution?
View 1 Repliesi've got a massive photo and video library. and would like to know if there's any way i can sort through my files with finder (or any other app) by resolution?
View 1 RepliesSorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I have got the cables and connectors that I need to connect my mbp to my tv via the tv's hdmi port. My question is what settings should the mbp screen resolution be set to in order to get the best picture quality / size when playing itunes tv shows? Also what setting should the tv be on as you have the option of widescreen. 4:3, smart etc.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'll be getting an 80GB Air this week and I'm trying to gauge how much space I'll use up. Right now I have about 80GB of space used up on my hackintosh, but allot if it is junk I probably won't transfer over. Is there a way to look at all the files on my computer in order from largest to smallest?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a lot of PDF and other files in general that I would like to keep sorted by date. Normally in finder options I would sort them by date but the problem is that the bulk of them were added to my laptop by scanning, e mail hard drives so the creation dates of these files is not necessarily the same date as these statements. I tried naming theses files by date e.g. 10/02/12 etc but obviously this did not work as numbers are recognised in sequence and not by calender.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I need some help to convert .dv and .avi files to ipod touch compatible files using handbrake. When I try to choose either file type as the source file it just says 'no valid title found'.
The .dv file is a clip shot with my video camera and imported onto my mac using imovie, then saved as separate full quality file, in order to have a separate file that is not sitting in imovie.
The .avi file is a downloaded movie.
Both movies play fine in quicktime player and VLC player.
The Handbrake program does work as I have successfully converted a file ripped from a dvd using mactheripper.
I am surprised that I can't get it to work, as other threads on this forum recommends handbrake as the best software for video conversions for ipod.
I have a folder where all my downloads are downloaded. Does anyone know of a way or software that will sort the files by the date they were downloaded? Is this info actually stored in the file or anywhere else?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I import an mp4 or similar file format into iTunes, it gets automatically sorted into either Movies, TV Shows or Podcasts folder in my library.What's the criteria for this? and how can I change it from one to the other folder?Most of the times even search won't find the title I'm looking for. Drives me bonkers ...
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to sort files in my finder first by kind (folders, pdfs, jpegs, docxs, etc.) and then by name? Right now I can only sort by one or the other. If I sort by kind, the files are grouped according to kind, but the names are mixed up. If I sort by name, all file types and folders are sorted according to name. I like the column view because directory structure can be seen easily.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I want to sort ALL the files on my mac so that no matter what folder i'm in or how deep in folders i am everything is sorted by name.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
how to sort files and folders by date. As all this data is from the last 5 years naming them alphabetically (jan 09, feb 10 etc) was not working. create names numerically yy/mm/dd. While this works I have many folders, sub folders and sub sub folders and it gets somewhat confusing at times. Is there some alternate solution so that I can name folders by month and year alphbetically and force Finder Column view to show me the list in the way I want ( such as Jan09, Feb 09, march 10, april 10 etc)
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I really prefer Windows way of sorting a folder, first folders and then files, is there a way to do it in Snow Leopard? I have done this: [URL:...] But that doest work for me in SL.
View 24 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to take a picture of video clip from the web? I am trying to pull a pic of a video file, a single frame. Is there an app, or a really easy way to crop and save a photo to my library?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I try to play a video on QuickTime I can hear the sound and the bar at the bottom moves across but there's no picture. I have Windows, not a Mac.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a YouTube video via Evom and converted it into MP4, which is supported on my cellphone (Samsung S5603 Touchscreen). However, when I sent it to my phone via bluetooth it said it was an unsupported resolution. How can I change the resolution of the MP4 video to a common phone res so it'll work on my phone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know that I will need to get a Apple Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter and then run that output through a PC to TV Converter.
A converter like this one states that it only supports 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 display modes. If the converter is outputting a 1024x768 then I guess I'm going to have to stretch the screen and thus I will loose some quality, right?
I am a new Mac user and so far I love it! My biggest concern is the quality of video playback when I am watching a DVD movie. On my Old HP laptop, the quality was far better. Is there an issue with playing DVD's, or does it have to do with the screen resolution of the MBP (1440x900)? As far as still pictures go, the screen looks great! Its just video that doesn't look the best...
Macbook Pro 15" 2.4 | 2GB Ram | 250GB HDD
I have a powerbook g4 which has a screen resolution of 1280x854. Does that mean I can watch 720p content? Because adobe in terms of coding for mac is a big fail and won't let me watch anything above 480p with a steady frame rate, is this the same for non flash content?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am very close to pulling the trigger and coming over to Apple land. My question is: what is the maximum supported resolution that the MBP 17" will provide so I can figure out what type of external monitor to buy for the home office?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been pondering whether to get the hi res upgrade for my soon-to-be MBP 15''. I was curious as to how HD videos/movies would play with the hi-res. From what I have heard, this upgrade still wont support full 1080 right? will there be a big difference playing 720p on this upgraded screen vs. a non upgraded screen?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI just got a G5 1.8 Dual and have an S-Video connector I would like to run to my 720p tv to view my itunes movies. I am using the s-video in on my HK receiver. The picture is pretty sharp, but it is in black and white. I am running 10.5.8, and I have the same problem when I connect my MBP running 10.6. ?
No worries. A direct connect to tv solves the problem.
I purchased a video of Glenn Gould playing Bach's Partita No 6 in E minor. Preview looked very cool. I bought it but now it is only playing audio. Video is static picture.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am interested in purchasing a 15" macbook pro (unless someone has a compelling reason why a 17" would be better suited to my needs). My primary concern is battery life and capacity decay over time. This computer will be used to produce photo and video content primarily at football games, and need the battery to last about 4 hours (absolutely no less than 3) under intense and constant use to include some pre/post-game content.My needs from a laptop: Store 21mp RAW photos in real timeStore 1080p video in real timeEdit live 480i video feed from 3 cameras, output as low-res stream to web
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have an HD (1080p) .mkv movie with subtitles and surround sound. Is there a way to convert this file into a format that iDVD understands without losing 1080p resolution?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the new quad 27" iMac and record HD video from cable on it. Since those video resolutions are either 1920x1080 or 1280x720, isn't it degrading the video quality by watching it in full screen?
Yes, the added pixels are great for Mac OS windows and stuff, but isn't the high resolution actually a bit of a negative for watching HD video in full screen because it has to stretch the pixels to fill the screen?
On the 2009 iMacs you were limited to a 720p resolution when you for example plugged your Ps3 to the iMac, even though the connector could show 1080p. Does anyone know if this is still the case on the new iMacs? And this is only possible to do on the 27" models, since they have video input.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to do this with VLC. I'm use the streaming wizard and the help files say to input the start and stop times in seconds. Why wouldn't I use the counter on the video? When I tried to pick a start and stop in seconds it didn't seem to have any bearing on the real time counter on the video I had just played. It did save the video, albeit in a lower quality of .mpg.
1: How do I retain full video and audio quality? (I don't care about file size, only quality.)
2: How do I save everything, for example, from minute 10 to minute 11? You'd think that would be 600 to 660 in seconds but it didn't look like that when I played it. Also the counter started at 11 hours.
I have recently found some floppy disks with artwork files on that I created many years ago on an Amiga computer. Thing is most of these files have the .IFF extension.
Does anybody know an a program or a way to either view these files or covert them to .JPEG so that I can see them on my Mac ?
I recently downloaded both foxfire and picassa to my computer because I was having problem sending picture files and now I can't get iphoto to open.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have pictures and music literally buried in multiple old incremental backups on a Seagate external drive. These backups were from an old MacBook utilizing an unknown software. That backup was not used to restore to the new MacBook Pro, rather a more recent Time Capsule/Time Machine backup was utilized. I want to get selected old files (pictures and music) out of that Seagate and onto my new MacBook Pro. I'm presently utilizing Time Machine as the backup on a 2nd new external backup drive. Unfortunately, there were only a couple full backups done years ago on that old Mac and then countless incrementals were piled on top. I know that some of the data has made it to the new Mac by other means but it seems I need to do a file compare somehow to insure completeness. How do I get to these files since all of those incrementals has made it a chaotic mess? How do I compare and merge? First time posting.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
how do i avoid alphabetizing files by name and other options in "Sort by" in Lion finder?
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