OS X V10.7 Lion :: Resequencing Secondary Sort Criteria In Mail
May 4, 2012
how to establish the prioritization of the criteria against which which I want mail to sort my email. Said another way, when I click on the "from" header to sort my email, what criteria does mail use to order within that group...and more importantly how do I change it? I have attached two screen shots which demonstrate the source of my confusion.In this example, I know that William James sent me an email sometime in September or October.So I click on the "from" header and all the William James emails are lined up one after the other. Now I try to go find the ones that were send sometime in September and October, and they aren't grouped that way. The first grouping criteria seems to be whether the email was read, replied to, or unopened. So that explains why the two emails with the blue dots are at the top (I don't like it...but at least I understand it).Then all the "replied-to" emails are next.Can someone look at the entries and explain how they are organized? As you can see the dates do not line up at all...so I know the date isn't the next criteria.Once I get past the blue dot, the first email is from Nov 2010, then 2 from May 2011, then 5 from Sept 2011, then two from August 2011...so they are bouncing around. Scroll down one frame, and here are the next set of emails from William James. It now jumps from August 2011 emails to October 2011 emails and back to September 2011 emails.The "to" field doesn't seem to follow a pattern, nor does the subject.
Again, my main goal is to find out how to change it so that the date is the secondary sort criteria.I am incredibly disappointed in the lack of documentation about this seemingly obvious issue.I can't find any questions about it on the support forums, etc....so either people just live with this stupidity like I have for a year or something is wrong with my instance of mac mail.
I checked the Address Book and specified I wanted the email addresses sorted by first name but it didn't change anything and Mail Mail address book didn't change either. How do I sort email addresses?
we are trying to hook up our TV as a secondary monitor (for hulu, netflix, etc) but it defaults as the primary monitor. We would like to keep the imac as the primary monitor, and have the TV as a secondary, but cannot figure out how to do it! The only way we can get the imac back to primary status is if we use mirror mode. Once we take it off mirror mode, the TV becomes the primary monitor again, and there appears to be no way of switching it in OSX display preferences.
I've done similar hookups with my laptop, and the TV defaults as the secondary monitor. Why isn't this happening with our iMac? Any ideas?
By default, the mailboxes in Apple Mail are sorted by Date Received, Oldest first. I tried sorting a few of my folders to be 'Newest First' instead, but I would have to do it for all of my folders, and I have about 150 folders.
What is the fastest way to sort all my folders to the way I want it?
Does anyone know of an easy way to search through Apple Mail to list all the messages with attachments and sort them by size? I was hoping to slim down my mail folder.
Not sure if it is me or this is just the way Apple Mail works. Logic would assume that if you select a message in Apple Mail and that message is highlighted, not opened, and you click the From column so you can sort by that column Apple Mail would make sure that, when it is sorted, the highlighted message would still be in your view. I can get this to work sometimes and other times it does not, so it is starting to bother me. Is there something that I am missing...some step...or is this just the way it works.
As I am working on my mail server I would like to ensure that I have some form of back system to prevent me from looosing e-mail messages in the future, specially those that are business related. Once in a while we experience a power outage and I would hate to loose an important business e-mail sent to us at a time when the mail server is down.Â
1. Is there a way to have/use a remote secondary mail server so that in case an e-mail is sent but can't be delivery to our mail server, it is then re-routed to this secondary mail server so that it isn't lost. In this case how should this be set-up both on the server in OS X 1.6.8 and on the outside?Â
2. I plan to set up an account with Google or another e-mai service provider but would like my e-mail to use my own domain name instead. How simple would this be to set UP? Will Google allow the creation of e-mail accounts with the use of domain names other than its own?            Â
I would like to Sort my Email in Apple Mail by Attachment Size. So I can delete my biggest attachments, so i can get more space. How do I sort by attachment size?
I know it's kind of silly, but is it possible to use Apple Mail's icon and sort of drag'n'drop it to use it on Entourage? I prefer Entourage as my email app, but find Apple Mail's ICON nicer, so would it be possible for my Entourage to use Apple Mail's icon in the dock?
Here is a screenshot of the typical spotlight window on a 10.5.2 machine (Intel Mac Pro). Here is a screenshot of the same window after I click the '+' sign to add an additional search criteria value. In the second screenshot, that extra blank space at the bottom is where is supposed to say Name: or Kind: etc., but its just not there and I have no idea why? I have tried creating a new user account on my machine to see if the same issue occurred their as well, and sure enough, it does not.
I have tried all sorts of maintenance and repair tactics to resolve the issue (such as repairing permissions, running Disk Warrior, Cocktail, Onyx, Leopard Cache Cleaner, etc.) but nothing seems to resolve the issue? In case any does know of any third-party apps that might cause this issue, below are a few screenshots showing some of the apps, system preferences, and processes running on my machine:
Applications Folder: http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/8...sfolderuj1.png System Preferences: http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/9493/sysprefsiq9.png My Processes: http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/1...ocesseseq3.png
I have google as my homepage. Whenever I open safari and type in search criteria and hit enter... it "refreshes" the page and clears what I've written. The second time around always works. I don't understand what is happening. And it is not just when I open safari. I can go to google after posting on MR and type in the search box>hit enter>the page flashes as if I had hit the reset button and clears my text>type in the search box again>hit enter - and it work.
How can I preform a more advanced email search by two or three criteria. For example search for an email from x@y.com containing X within the email, with the subject containing Y?
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), BudiSalim
Is there any way I can have secondary click activated by two fingered tap on trackpad AND by clicking the bottom right of the trackpad? I have a Macbook, Late 2008
I have notice reacently that when i search multiple times in google through the web based search box ( not the safari google bar) and then click on a link to a page, visit the page and the go back page ( via the back button on the two finger swipe) the search term is not the same the same as the last typed search cryteria but corresponds to the first search term used at the beging, thus the result page doesnt have the link to the page that was visited.Â
I have a lot of PDF and other files in general that I would like to keep sorted by date. Normally in finder options I would sort them by date but the problem is that the bulk of them were added to my laptop by scanning, e mail hard drives so the creation dates of these files is not necessarily the same date as these statements. I tried naming theses files by date e.g. 10/02/12 etc but obviously this did not work as numbers are recognised in sequence and not by calender.
Is there any way to sort files in my finder first by kind (folders, pdfs, jpegs, docxs, etc.) and then by name? Right now I can only sort by one or the other. If I sort by kind, the files are grouped according to kind, but the names are mixed up. If I sort by name, all file types and folders are sorted according to name. I like the column view because directory structure can be seen easily.
Since installing Lion, when I open "Downloads" in Finder and put it to view as "list" it won't stay this way. Each time I open it I have to put it back and also fix it to sort by most recent date. Then closing it down, and opening the icon on the dock, it shows back up as icons and alphabetically. How do you get it to stay on the "list" and by most recent date options?
how to sort files and folders by date. As all this data is from the last 5 years naming them alphabetically (jan 09, feb 10 etc) was not working. create names numerically yy/mm/dd. While this works I have many folders, sub folders and sub sub folders and it gets somewhat confusing at times. Is there some alternate solution so that I can name folders by month and year alphbetically and force Finder Column view to show me the list in the way I want ( such as Jan09, Feb 09, march 10, april 10 etc)
Is it possible to sort all the messages in my inbox by unread status and then by date?Â
That is, I will have all of my unread emails at the top, but then the first read email will be my most recently received one?Â
At the moment, sorting by unread status means that the top read emails are the ones that have been forwarded/replied to, and then the most recently dated ones.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
About 2 weeks ago suddenly Finder are unable to sort files in alphabetical order in Column mode.About the same time when my external HDD died (don't know whether this has any effect).Â
Sorting by name works fine in icon only mode, but whenever I switch to Column mode its completely disorganized.And when I tried in coverflow mode its alphabetical but in inverted mode (Z to A).Â
I use apple mail for two separate accounts and would really like to be able to sort my messages into folders to make them easier to manage. I can't seem to be able to do so?
While using Migration Assistant I inadvertently created a secondary "user account." My files are split between users.  Any easy way to eliminate the secondary "user" without losing files?
MacBook Pro OS X 10.8.5 date and time set automatically to use a network time server (domain controller). After a few weeks of the end-user utilitizing it on their home network, the time reverts back to January 6, 2012. How can I set a secondary location if the first location is unreachable?
For the last week I find that after sending an email with attachments that it remains in my draft box after sending. The mail shows up in the sent box, but it never get's deleted from the draft box until I resend it. This is happening on both my MBP and iMac. Both machines connect to iCloud for mail.