I am trying to add a PATH input so that I don't have to keep using ./ for commands that aren't system-native. The problem is that bash doesn't seem to be executing any of the .profile commands.
I operate a small business, and need to keep an archive of all email on my computer for at least one year (not on the cloud, as I live on a small island and our internet service is sporadic). I prefer to manually delete all email after 12 or 13 months. It seems like Apple Mail no longer allows this?
Whenever I open a pdf, adobe starts to open every pdf file on my computer. Does anyone know of any way to stop this? I couldn't really find anything on search. I am running OSX 10.6.3
I'll have to provide some background info so you know what's going on. I'm setting up a preconfigured .conf for Viscosity (OpenVPN). What my sh script does is copies all the pertinent files to the correct folders and runs sed to customize it for the particular user. Normally you'd just chmod +x it to make it executable..in this situation EVERYTHING needs to be rolled up into one click as this will be distributed to 'uninformed' users and needs to be foolproof. I've tried "sh->app" rollers such as platypus and they suck and only run half of my script at best. So experts, I Ask, how does one make a self-contained, executable .sh script that can be distributed and executed on multiple computers without ANY user intervention beyond "download this and double click it"
i have a script that changes the permissions for files automatically. Is there a way to make this script run every time a file is added to a certain folder on my computer??
Run in the terminal inside the make command, prompt:"-bash:make:command not found" My system version is Mac OS X 10.7.3 Xcode Version is 4.3. How to execute make Command?
When I create a new file, for example a text file that contains several commands, the new file is automatically only given read and write permissions. I would like the execute permission to also be automatically assigned. How I can change this.
All of my accounting for the past 10 years are in Quick Books 6.0. I have to transfer everything to Quick Books 2009. I backed Quick Books 6.0 onto a jump drive. I have upgraded my old computer with OS 9.2.2 to a imac with OS 10.5.6. When I attempt to transfer the data from my jump drive, I receive the following message: Backup: cannot execute binary file It also says under "kind": unix executable file I called Intuit and they could not help, they said it was a Mac problem. I called Mac, they said it was an Intuit problem.
I have successfully created a script to resize images. Now, everytime I clik on a file or on a folder Automator runs that script and I get promped to select the file to resize. How do I stop or control this?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I had purchased the new retina MBP and i used to have a macbook air. I moved all of my files over to my new computer (NOT using migration assistant, wanted a new setup) and i got everything but my keychains.How can i move my internet keychains over? Â BTW, the computer wont let me export internet keychains...Â
My family all uses one Apple ID based on my husbands email address for all our purchases and it works fine in our family. Over the years as we updated computers however, about one third of our songs became deauthorized on the computer, and no longer play. When I check these songs in itunes it asks me to authorize them using an Apple ID based on an old email of mine. I don't remember ever having another apple ID, but you never know, I may have screwed something up along the way. How can I check out this apple ID? Can I just authorize the computer for this apple ID without losing/deleting/messing up our main normal apple ID? I am happy for all the music to be in one big music account - none of my question pertains to having separate accounts or IDs for family members.I simply want to know if these two apple IDs can exist harmoniously together on one computer without messing things up.Â
I took this 13" macbook off of my sisters hands as she has already bought a new one for college. My hope was to save it, as it had stopped working a few months after she spilled some sort of drink on the keyboard. Here's the short story: Took it to local tech support office once it stopped working. They said logic board needed to be replaced, so it's a done deal. Opened it up, cleaned the entire inside of the computer with 95% alcohol and a toothbrush. Let it sit for a day to dry. Turned it on. It worked! But it was finicky in terms of when it would charge and when it wouldn't. Eventually stopped working again when the battery ran out of power and it would not recharge the battery or start up without the battery and just the power. Took it to a friend's house who has the same laptop. Swapped his charged battery into mine. Computer booted up and ran fine. Forgot to test if it was charging consistently by plugging my AC adapter into my computer.
However I did test my AC adapter on his mac with his battery, and that did work fine. So I had eliminated those as the problems and figured it must be something inside the computer. After researching, figured the problem must have been the DC-in board. And I ordered one of these: [URL] and installed it no problem. Now the computer will only charge when it is on and open. If I close the screen it will not charge. And once I open the screen, it shows that it is charging, but 0 battery life, then corrects to the proper amount, then 10 seconds later the light on the mag-power connector comes back on. Another important detail, the computer will not turn on or run while the battery is removed. Perhaps only the part of the logic board that controls the power directly from the mag-connector is fried, but the part the directs it to the battery is ok?
Also just noticed: When the power chord is unplugged, there is a consistent and accurate display of remaining battery life. However sometimes when I plug the power chord back in, it will read 0%, then random other percentages, while the light flashes between green and orange on the top of the power chord. I would like to be able to charge the thing while its closed. Also does this sound like a quark I could just live with? Or does it indicate it will probably fail very soon? Because I could live with this for another few months while I'm waiting to be able to afford another laptop. Even if it meant finding some alternative way to only run it off of only battery power, buying two batteries, and charging them outside of the computer through some third party laptop battery charger.
I'm trying to get a few files off my old computer. I was able to access my computers backups before i backed up my MBP to the same external HD. I don't want to use migration assasinst. I tried option+clicking and ctrl+clicking on TM to access the backups, but the ones for my iMAC are greyed out. I really need those files and I can't simply 'redownload them'.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
So recently my sisters and my mother bought this used computer called a "IMac's IMac" . It cost $700 . This computer is great the only problem is ... There's a LOCK on the administrator's account . And we need the password so we can download "adobe flash player 11" without adobe there's no watching videos , playing online games , or even me editing photos for my photography class.
More Info: Mac OS X Version 10.7.3 Processor: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Memory: 3 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 20 inch, Mid 2007 Model Identifier: iMac7 , 1
I have bought from the Apple store an Apple computer with model 13": 2,4GHz and I just open the cover ,did not open the inner packing.That is , I havenot used any of this computer.Now I want to change a type of 13":2,8GHz computer .
I have my iphone and ipad and itunes associated with 1 Apple ID and when I went to switch my Imac to icloud it associated it with my me.com ID - i just want to use the one ID i have always used for itunes.
How do I change the asscoaition and stop using my me.com ID?
I have Mail 4.5 working with a POP account on my desktop, and I want this same account to appear on my MacBook.However when I enter the same account details on the MacBook an IMAP account is created instead of the POP account.A different account window appears, which does not seem to allow message headers to to be viewed and deleted from the server before downloading.How can I get Mail to perform identically on both computers?
When I switched to ICloud I thought my Apple ID and password would work for Apple store. It turns out they have a different Apple ID at the Apple store with a diferent password that I do not remember. HOw can I make the ICloud Apple ID and password work for all other platforms?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo