OS X V10.7 Lion :: Move Keychains From Old Computer To New Computer?
Jun 25, 2012
I had purchased the new retina MBP and i used to have a macbook air. I moved all of my files over to my new computer (NOT using migration assistant, wanted a new setup) and i got everything but my keychains.How can i move my internet keychains over? BTW, the computer wont let me export internet keychains...
I have bought the new Macbook Pro and I want to move my programs from my old mac to my new one. How do I do this without damaging the files? Do I have to include a lot of trash files or can I just move the .app file over? I?m using Logic, can you move project files only without moving the program?
I am getting a 2008 Mac Pro and handing off my 2006 mac Pro to the wife. What is the easiest way to move all my stuff. The 2008 comes with Leopard. So I was thinking about putting in an SSD drive in the 2008, loading in Snow Leopard and then copying over my application user folder? Or is there a better way?
I want to move an account from my iMac to my Mac Pro, which would be in addition to other accounts I have on the MP. I know that there is migration assistant, but that imports apps over too doesn't it? Can I combine apps and a user account?
I followed directions to migrate to icloud, however, the calendar set up three new calendars, two of which (home and work) are named the same as two old ones. I have about 6 calendars in cluding home and work that I need to move to icloud and not to create new calendars.
I need to switch the computer I use for synching my iphone, iPad and iPod to another computer. Is there an automated procedure? If not is there a prescribed procedure for doing this manually?
Is it easy to move itunes movies from one computer to another? If I get alot onto my imac and in a few years buy a macbook will i be able to transfer all my movies?
I have an old iBook laptop. I want to move my keychain access passwords from that laptop to my desktop. I tried going to file > Export items in keychain, but it's grayed out. I tried about 10 different items and they were ALL grayed out. Is there a master file in the library (or whever) that I can just copy and paste into my desktop's library? I have nothing oin my desktop keychain, so I don't mind replacing it completely.
Is it possible to move my files and programs that I have backed up on a Time Capsule to my computer without having to restore from a backup?
I had to get my hard drive replaced on my Macbook (running OS 10.5.7) but on all of my backups "Preview" is missing (was somehow deleted when I installed Gimp).
Every time I restore from a backup Preview is gone. Is it possible for me to move all of my files and programs to my MacBook without restoring from a backup?
I own an iPad mini Gen1 with a ton of music, apps etc. from my old computer which broke down recently. I'd like to sync my iPad to my Time Capsule, apps, backups and all without losing any files. I still have access to the old Apple ID. So, how do I sync without deleting everything on it? I already deleted my entire iPod trying to do this.
I tried to move a load of unwanted iTunes files to the recycling bin, but missed! They duly loaded onto the desktop, then the computer hung (there were only about 3,000 of them, by the way!) What can I do to put my little baby's desktop right? On a related issue, my recently purchased G5 dual desktop refuses to acknowledge my G4 (which is in firewire 'target disk' mode') I have connected 6 pin to 6 pin.
My computer keeps stalling and rotating beachball won't allow me to move forwards or backwards. Ultimately I need to turn off the power. I have tried resetting the PRAM and SMC but neither seems to help for too long.
My macbook pro laptop recently died and I am trying to access its time machine backup data through Finder on a different computer. In each one of my folders from different dates, however, the majority of the computer folders I would like to access (i.e. desktop, documents, dropbox, etc) have a little red "no" sign in the corner and prompt the following message when selected:
"The folder “FolderName” can’t be opened because you don’t have permission to see its contents"
How can I gain permission to see its contents? As the former user, I know whatever passwords are restricting these files, but I don't know how/where to go to give permission to these folders. I've tried going into Disk Utility and changing the permissions there, but to no avail, despite successful changing of the "Sharing & Permissions" to "Read & Write" for all listed accounts.
I'm currently trying to view this on an imac OSX 10.6.8. The dead MacBook pro ran OSX
Tried to restart didn't work. Light is on, but nothing makes noise or anyhting. Been charging it for hours so it has power. Tested the chord on my ther computer and it worked
I have all my music on an external HD that I've used for a few years. I told my old computer (1GHz TiBook G4 with Tiger) to export my iTunes library, which it did, as a .xml file. Then, I opened that file on my new iMac, and only about 1/5 of the songs were found, apparently. This doesn't make sense to me, as the iMac is connected to the HD when I import the old library. If it makes a difference, the TiBook was NOT connected to the HD when I exported the library. I have the two computers networked together via Ethernet right now, though.
My computer name always keep changing with a message like "computer name X already exist in your network and your computer name is now X(2)". I have to change the computer name back to X, or the computer will be rename to X(3), X(4) .... etc. I did not change anything in my network.Is there any way to stop this?
I've previously installed OSX on my MBA using an external DVD, using a wifi remote disc option, but because of my current network situation (and current lack of external disc drive) I'm wondering if it would be possible to install OSX on the Air through a direct ethernet connection to another Mac.
Basically it would go like this: MBP <> ethernet cable <> USB ethernet adaptor <> MBA
Possible? Any problems? Any special procedures I need?
The new IMac 21.5" doesn't fit on my desk. I bought an ikea computer desk that has shelves and a place for the monitor. These new widescreen IMacs, don't fit while the old 20" did!
I decided to get a USB cable for the Canon MP650 I bought yesterday. I connected it, aligned the head and printed out a test page and it looks ok.
I used the disk that came with the printer and it said everything was installed successfully. Do I need a driver? That should be on the disk, right?
I'm using an iMac OS X v 10.5.8
I wanted to print a test photo, so I clicked on One-Click Photo Print and received an error message: The operation cannot be continued because a printer supporting Photo Print is not installed.
I clicked on System Preferences-Print & Fax, and there's nothing there. I clicked the + sign and in the window that opened, there's nothing listed there either. Why is installing a printer like operating the space shuttle?
I accidentally set up a computer to computer network and I cannot figure out how to make it go away. I also tried to password protect it, to at least lock it down, but the password is removed from the network as soon as someone logs on (and doesn't require a password to do so). Something is fishy, to say to least. I was told to go into my preferences (through Library) but I don't know what to make of the omnioutliner files. How do I get rid of this network?
I hear the computer physically turn on, but a blank screen remains. I recently purchased a new battery for the computer for the battery status read replace soon about a week ago. I sense that maybe there is a shortage in the wiring that connects what shows on the screen to the computer, but I'm not completely sure.
Is there a way to take my iTunes account off a computer, that I dont have access to, so that I can put it on my new macbook pro? I have already had my iTUnes on 5 different computers.