I've been customizing my folders using the View Options window in each folder separately, and I was wondering if there was an application or script that would change my view options (font sizes, icon size and spacing, background image, etc) for ALL folders, on a system-wide level.
I know there has to be a way to do it, but every time I try, I only change settings for the parent folder. Sorta 2 part question, I guess... How do I change the text underneath "Macintosh HD" such as "500GB, 457GB free." I know it's a string that can be changed, but I've forgotten where it's located.
quick question. How do I set global finder settings? I like my finder windows to be sorted by kind, that way they are alphabetical but folders and files arent mixed in the list. I know I can use "show view options" to do this, but I have to do that for each folder seperately. How do I access the global settings? Google, search here, and OSX search haven't found anything.
I recently tried to watch videos at The Escapist and was unable to. This has been happening since about Friday last week. I also have found that I am unable to play some flash games. I also found that I can't watch videos at Veoh. I tried to adjust my preferences in the Flash Global Settings Manager to accept third party cookies so that I can do these things. It isn't working. The boxes won't check. Is anybody else having this problem? If so what did you do about it? This problem only occurs on my MacBook. I am still able to do these things on a Windows xp desktop I have in the same house.
Attached you'll see two images. The first, 'Applications Folder', is how I want my Applications Folder to look whenever I access it directly (i.e. from the Go menu in the Finder Menu Bar, or from an alias or from the Dock by right-clicking, Open "Applications").
Finder used to remember this appearance perfectly. I can't remember exactly when this started, but now whenever Finder is restarted (killall Finder or a reboot) it completely forgets the settings for the Applications folder and opens it as shown in the second image, 'Finder Bug'. That's the far right of the screen, by the way. Not only does it forget the size and position of the folder's window, it also resets the grid spacing to the default value.
It only does it for this folder...I've already tried removing the .DS_Store file many times, so it's not an issue with that file. I've also run clean-up scripts and repaired permissions. It's bugs like this that still make me long for Tiger.
Does OS X have a global Open a Finder window shortcut key combo? I've looked but haven't found anything. Looking for something similar to Windows 'Flag + e' to open Explorer.
Anyway, one of my home folders for a user account has gone missing. when you are logged into the account it belongs to you can navigate to it via finder. However you cannot see the folder via finder from any other account. This account is NOT an admin. I had this problem when I was running tiger and it still remains now that I have leopard. 2Ghz INtel core 2 duo Aluminum iMac.
Probably a simple answer, but everytime I click view in colums, everytime I close out of finder it forgets my settings and goes back to the other setting.
I'm trying to set it so that all finder folders have to view property 'Snap to grid' enabled... I've done it before, but can't remember how to on my new MBP.
It really annoys me that in Finder (in Icon View), when I'm in a given directory and I enter a sub-directory, when I go back up to the original directory, the window scrolls to the top.
Sometimes it doesn't do this, but the majority of the time, it does. There must be a setting somewhere that controls this. Finder is obviously not just arbitrarily choosing which way to do things.
It's really annoying, though, because if I'm doing something in a directory with many subdirectories, I have to find my last place, as I tend to go through things in alphabetical order.
Similar to the original post found here: Re: How to Change View Options for ALL Finder Windows?
I'm trying to change my finder settings across all finder windows... I tried the solution posted in the above thread but get this message in terminal. I'm not all that computer savvy when it comes to terminal so not sure what it means.
Over the years my finder windows have been set to different colors, font sizes and so on. When I make a change I select the make default box in the show view options, but they never default except for that one finder window. I have erased com.apple.finder.plist and just for fun the com.apple.sidebarlists.plist but can not get the finder to go to a true default. Is there another plist that I am missing?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I am not a blonde
I've seen this in the Apple store... different folders can remember different view settings.
On my MBP (10.5.5) different folders can remember their own settings like icon size and spacing, as well as file arrangement and sorting. But the view settings (icon, list, columns, cover flow) do not differ per folder... if you switch in one folder, every folder will have that view setting.
I've created a new user account in Mac OS 10.5.7 and I have changed the International settings of this user, in particular, I set the language to Portuguese. Now, when this user logins in, Finder does not start properly. It quits and immediately tries to restart again. The result is that the Finder menu blinks on the screen. I can run other applications normally, Safari, Terminal, etc. The problem is, AFAIK, only with Finder.
something that really bugs me, all random folders have different View Settings (CMD+J) is there anyway to change EVERY folder on Finder to have the same settings?
I'm editing a book in which the author switched programs and from PC to Mac in mid-stream, so the styling of the footnotes is not consistent. The text of the book is now in NeoOffice, and I've been asked to bring all the footnotes in accord with each other. I wondered whether there is a command that will change them so they all are in the same typeface and size. (I know that by setting up a Footnote style, all new footnotes will be correct, but I'm talking about ones that already exist). The author hasn't yet finished with the book, or I'd just get her to give me a chapter or two at a time and change them manually. Time is too short for us to wait till the end, when she has done all her revisions. I guess you get the picture. If there is no way to do this, please just tell me. If you know of one, though, I'd be grateful. Hoping that this is clear. It's gotten rather late! By the way, I'm working on a MacBook (not Pro) 13" with OS 10.5 and NeoOffice 3.1.1.
I see there are a few apps such as cockpit and keyboard maestro that handle global hotkeys, however I would like to figure out a free solution. I have quicksilver but the mail plugin hardly cuts it for effectiveness and functionality. Basically I'd like to just have a hotkey (any available function keys after F12 for instance), that when I push it, it opens up a "New Mail" message for OSX Mail, without having to go to mail, hitting new, typing out message then hiding mail (it pops up along with new mail). I do a lot of programming and design and it would be great to do this as I send out like 50 emails a day.
They are setup to connect to an AD server using iHook.
I also have an xserver, but i'm not sure exactly what its configured to do, as i've only recently taken over from the previous network admin.
I can't work out how to set the global proxy settings that will affect all of my users. Is this a setting thats applied via the xserver, or is it something thats been manually configured locally?
How would i go about changing the global proxy settings, so that any user that logs in receives the same proxy settings?
I'm doing a clean install of Snow Leopard (the iMac's been acting out a little too much lately, and it's been lagging, even after I upgraded the RAM), so I want to do a clean install.
I'm backing up the information using Time Machine, but I don't want to use Time Machine as a way to get my information back. I'm merely doing the back-up so I can go in manually and copy whatever information I want to keep from the backup folder to where they ought to be now.
I'm asking specifically about application-related settings and information. Things like keys and registration information. Also, as far as my iPhone is concerned, I'd rather not have to go through a whole thing, and since I'll be rebuilding the iTunes library as it was, I would like for the iPhone to not ask to do a clean-install, so if I could copy the back-up information for it as well so that it recognizes the computer that would be swell.
I work for a University and the school bought me an iMac in January. Before giving it to me they had a username and password put on it so that only I could access it. I took it home for the summer and realized that the login info would only work on the school's network. To get around this I erased the account by holding down "command +S" during startup. It solved the problem and I was able to login and use the computer however now it says iTunes cannot be located and therefore cannot be used and when I use Safari it will not save any of the settings changes like changed startup pages etc. I reinstalled Lion by pressing "command + R" during startup but still encounter the same problem. how to completely erase everything and go back to factory settings?
I'm looking for an app of some kind that lets me control iTunes playback (play, pause, skip a song) from outside of iTunes. I've tried SizzlingKeys, which works great, but it doesn't work at all in games, which is the reason I downloaded it in the first place.
I've already tried to enter several commands in the terminal, but they don't work on a global level, e.g. defaults write -g CursorBlink -string 0 (did not work) defaults write -g NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriod -int 99999999 .The blinking cursor in Safari and in the menu
I have a OD domain that I've been adding systems too, and I've just about got it dialed in. Now I'd like to enable a global password policy, and I'm curious what actually happens when I flip the switch in Server Admin > Open Directory > Settings > Policies > Passwords? If I set a "reset every 90 days" option, is that from the time the policy is enabled, or from the time the user account was created? If I set a "must have one letter" or "numeric character", etc...and the user doesn't currently have a password that matches this criteria, will they be forced to set a new password immediately, or the next time one is initiated? Basically what I'm trying to figure out is how many support tickets I'm going to have, and (almost more importantly) when.
My mac with SL is unable to compress a big 1GB folder... It just stays stuck at the end of the process with no activity anymore in the Activity Monitor.
Can you try to reproduce this ? Just pick a big 1GB folder, right click on it and "Compress"... and post if it's successful or not.
I'm using eclipse and a need to select where the LibreOffice is installed. But the Finder.app don't permitte me to select the LibreOffice.app as a folder.
I am making folders for each lecture I have, the names of the folders are the dates of the lectures. Then each folder will have two empty word documents with the date as the name as well, one for the lecture and one for tutorial.
I would like to have it in order and stay that way, right now its all over the place, I've tried organizing by name, and last date modified and no luck.
I accidentally dragged a document into the top bar of the finder. Now when I open the finder, there is a document on the top of the gray bar at the top of the finder window. When I try to click on it to drag it away, it automatically opens the document. Does anyone know how to get rid of this?
Does anyone know where the "Welcome Movie" the one after the finished tiger install is done. Its the movie with 7 or 8 different country welcomes? I'm trying to find it in the OS but the folder is hidden. I wanna see it again before I upgrade to bigger internal HDD.
recently migrated to a new mbp so i didn't have this problem before, but i would set a background pic to my Home folder, turn off or reboot and the next time osx starts up, the pic would be gone and i would have to set it again, very annoying, anyone know how to fix this?