OS X :: Finder Won't Remember Viewing Settings?
Jul 22, 2006Probably a simple answer, but everytime I click view in colums, everytime I close out of finder it forgets my settings and goes back to the other setting.
View 7 RepliesProbably a simple answer, but everytime I click view in colums, everytime I close out of finder it forgets my settings and goes back to the other setting.
View 7 RepliesI'm guessing no, since every time I change the window size and position and close Firefox and restart it the next time, the window size/position is right back to where it was before I changed it. This is REALLY annoying. Is there any way to get FF to remember my window settings?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHere's something I've wondered on and off for a while, just remembered it now so I'll ask.
The enduring issue I've had with all of Crudbooks (well, among many other issues - but they've usually been different for all models/refreshes of Crudbooks) is the screen brightness on AC and battery. It doesn't seem to intelligently switch in the way that for example Windows does. Or to put it more specifically, it doesn't seem to remember brightness settings for AC and battery modes that well.
It is of course the matter of a few seconds to adjust the brightness but I wonder if there's a way of doing it automatically. A potentially basic question, but something I've never bothered to find the answer to. Any takers?
Every time I open finder I have to drag it out to the size I want it. It will not remember the size I put it at. How do I get it to remember. MBA Mid-2011 with Lion installed 10.7.4.
If I restart it its back to a real small size again and with a 11" MBA that is small.
MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Finder issues
On Snow Leopard, since 10.6 and still in 10.6.1, I've noticed too high CPU overload after I open folder which contains even one flash video (flv file - downloaded from web using firefox addon DownloadHelper). The name of process which does the overload is: QTKitServer-(243) Quick Look Helper.
This process uses almost 100% of CPU, makes it hot and often leads to black screen, when is not possible see anything, except: I can see mouse cursor, make keyboard commands but due the black screen the only solution is to turn off my MacBook 13" - alu, late 2008. If I am lucky and close Finder window very quickly, this process disappears and overload is gone. Does anybody else have same/similar problem?
See attached capture from activity monitor:
I've got a problem with my Mac - it's a 2.1ghz Macbook (not the new type, the polycarb one) running Snow Leopard 10.6.4 and all of the latest updates. Well, apart from the newest iTunes version as for some reason it won't let me install that...anyway.
Whenever I open a folder with a large number of JPGs in it (about 300, 700mbs worth) in Finder, it only loads that screen of thumbnails. Scrolling up and down will crash Finder for about 3 minutes until those thumbnails load. Trying to Quick Look any of those images will crash Finder completely and bring the whole machine to a standstill with the spinning pinwheel - in the end, it will quit with a EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS) message.
This has only started happening recently. At first I thought it was a problem with Finder, but if it's causing other apps to crash then it's something else...
Opening any of the images in that folder with an app such as Xee will cause that app to crash with the same message.
I've done these things so far:
- Delete preference files
- Clear all DSTOREs from the boot volume
- Reset SMC
Looking at the problems other people have had, it points toward possible bad RAM although the BAD ACCESS message seems to be fairly generic.
I've had a Mac for about a year now and I can't count how many problems I've had like this. Most of them have been solved by Google-ing the symptoms, but I'm at a dead end with this. The last Software Update prevented the machine from booting past the loading screen so I've already had to reinstall once. In the two years before I had my Dell with XP, I never had any problems, however small...and I've had to hard power down this thing due to software crashes more times than the Dell. If these problems are part of Mac ownership, it's a shame as I really like it, but I'm going back to XP otherwise.
Why do some images not display a little thumbnail in finder when viewing in a list format, but they do in all other viewing modes?
And some images will have a thumbnail, and then when I rename the file to organize my folders, etc, the thumbnail disappears, sometimes from Cover-flow ode also. Which I also don't understand.
Similarly with videos, why do some videos not display a thumbnail/screen-cap in any view mode, when other videos, which as the same file type do?
Finally this is only a recent problem for me, but more serious than the aforementioned issues. I've had some images/files, that show an in correct thumbnail/cover-flow image. It shows one thing, but when you open it, it's actually a different picture. Mostly it happens when I rename an image, but its also happened just normally.
Is there a specific cause that I can fix, or is it just one of those things where you run the maintenance scripts, turn you computer off and let/hope it fixes itself?
When I open a new folder and the same again, it shows 2 different folders in 2 different windows. Id like to see only 1 folder, previous folder would be replaced with the new folder. Im awared that there is an option to choose either you want the folder to be replaced or to show all folders in a new window. That setting isn't working for me for some reason. Anyone here with similar problem? What's the solution?
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
Suddenly Mail won't send or receive. When I look in Preferences>accounts the mail server setting is empty. If I set up a new account and manually enter 'url...' it is removed when I hit the button to save the account?
View 8 Replies View Relatedquick question. How do I set global finder settings? I like my finder windows to be sorted by kind, that way they are alphabetical but folders and files arent mixed in the list. I know I can use "show view options" to do this, but I have to do that for each folder seperately. How do I access the global settings? Google, search here, and OSX search haven't found anything.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to set it so that all finder folders have to view property 'Snap to grid' enabled... I've done it before, but can't remember how to on my new MBP.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been customizing my folders using the View Options window in each folder separately, and I was wondering if there was an application or script that would change my view options (font sizes, icon size and spacing, background image, etc) for ALL folders, on a system-wide level.
I know there has to be a way to do it, but every time I try, I only change settings for the parent folder. Sorta 2 part question, I guess... How do I change the text underneath "Macintosh HD" such as "500GB, 457GB free." I know it's a string that can be changed, but I've forgotten where it's located.
is there a way to: reset/apply specific settings to all Finder windows/folders?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt really annoys me that in Finder (in Icon View), when I'm in a given directory and I enter a sub-directory, when I go back up to the original directory, the window scrolls to the top.
Sometimes it doesn't do this, but the majority of the time, it does. There must be a setting somewhere that controls this. Finder is obviously not just arbitrarily choosing which way to do things.
It's really annoying, though, because if I'm doing something in a directory with many subdirectories, I have to find my last place, as I tend to go through things in alphabetical order.
Similar to the original post found here: Re: How to Change View Options for ALL Finder Windows?
I'm trying to change my finder settings across all finder windows... I tried the solution posted in the above thread but get this message in terminal. I'm not all that computer savvy when it comes to terminal so not sure what it means.
Over the years my finder windows have been set to different colors, font sizes and so on. When I make a change I select the make default box in the show view options, but they never default except for that one finder window. I have erased com.apple.finder.plist and just for fun the com.apple.sidebarlists.plist but can not get the finder to go to a true default. Is there another plist that I am missing?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I am not a blonde
Attached you'll see two images. The first, 'Applications Folder', is how I want my Applications Folder to look whenever I access it directly (i.e. from the Go menu in the Finder Menu Bar, or from an alias or from the Dock by right-clicking, Open "Applications").
Finder used to remember this appearance perfectly. I can't remember exactly when this started, but now whenever Finder is restarted (killall Finder or a reboot) it completely forgets the settings for the Applications folder and opens it as shown in the second image, 'Finder Bug'. That's the far right of the screen, by the way. Not only does it forget the size and position of the folder's window, it also resets the grid spacing to the default value.
It only does it for this folder...I've already tried removing the .DS_Store file many times, so it's not an issue with that file. I've also run clean-up scripts and repaired permissions. It's bugs like this that still make me long for Tiger.
I've created a new user account in Mac OS 10.5.7 and I have changed the International settings of this user, in particular, I set the language to Portuguese. Now, when this user logins in, Finder does not start properly. It quits and immediately tries to restart again. The result is that the Finder menu blinks on the screen. I can run other applications normally, Safari, Terminal, etc. The problem is, AFAIK, only with Finder.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a G5 Duel 2GHz Power PC, Recently I was losing the time, date and wireless settings so I assumed as my machine is now 4 years old the PRAM battery was up for renewal.This has now been replaced but I'm still losing my settings, not all the time but randomly, sometimes I lose my wireless key sometimes I lose time and date sometimes both, this can happen daily.
I have removed the (New) Battery and checked the voltage and it reads 3.6 Volts, I haven't checked this under load though, so presuming that the battery is OK, what else could cause this.. a failing System Board?
I have had my MacBook Pro now for a little over 2 yrs and I was very frustrated I could not change any print options in any application. I know that the Triangle button expands print options screen but when I do, I have only two print choices. It gave me Standard or Page Attributes in Office and any other App it is Standard and Last used settings. I can't print in Draft, Best or other setting because it does not even give them as a choice. I have two high end color photo printers, Canon i9900 and Epson Photo series and an old HP830 series. Any app I tried to print from and the same thing. I tried to capture the options on the choices but it would not grab that part of the image but here is my screen shot. I searched many forums and I still get the same answer so something else is not letting me change things so I figured best to ask since I am a 20 year win user now switched to Mac. Well right after I posted this question, my wife found the answer. I never though to check the application NAME in the print setting screen. Example, in the screenshot I am using Preview. I never thought to hit the up/down arrow next to the Preview label and wouldn't you know, that is were the quality and several other settings were. I felt pretty stupid that it took 2 years to figure this out but if I posted the answer maybe someone else will not have to take as long as I did to change their print quality!
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View 1 Replies View RelatedMy mac doesn't save anything i do, lets say i place a new icon in my dock (yes im clicking keep in dock) when i log out and back in its not there anymore.
It wont even save my history however it will still save documents and such.
So this morning I changed my OS X password and didn't write it down anywhere. It was something pretty random, and I don't know if I'd even recognize it if I thought of it. I know, I know, I'm an idiot and didn't do anything right here. I'm the only user on this computer, don't have a master password set up, and don't have my install disc for another month and a half (due to my AmeriCorps program I'm moving around a lot and didn't bring it traveling with me). Is there anything I can do short of taking it to an Apple Store?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI imported some movies into itunes library. But the names of those movies are disordered and confused, so i try rename them to make the style clean.
Since there are a lot of them, i write some python code to do the work. I rename them directly from the source directory which is in iTunes/iTunes Music/Movies. But when I open itunes, the names are not changed. Then I try to use organize library option those names in the source file are changed back to old names.
After that, I move all those movies to other directory, and delete them in itunes. I try to rename those movies in that directory, and then import them to itunes. Surprisingly, when importing to itunes, they all changed to old names! I don't know why itunes still remember them.
I have been trying to change my admin password, but the password keep getting replaced with the old admin password.
I have try resetting it with the Mac CD, but it still return to the old password.
Can anyone give my step by step instruction on changing the admin password.
So i cant rememer this app.
The app is free, and allows you to change some settings to osx, like how list/grid view works.
You get a icon in system prefs, bah, thats all i can remember
Every time I try to connect to VPN I have to re-enter my password. Is there not a configuration setting that remembers the password?
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I have moved and haven't used my Mac in awhile and also didn't have it for very long before the move. I have locked myself out of the computer and don't remember the password to my profile to enter th computer, what can I do?
Info:Mac Pro
I cannot remember my passwork for my new mac book pro