Applications :: Global Hotkeys For Controlling ITunes?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm looking for an app of some kind that lets me control iTunes playback (play, pause, skip a song) from outside of iTunes. I've tried SizzlingKeys, which works great, but it doesn't work at all in games, which is the reason I downloaded it in the first place.

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Applications :: Tablet Hotkeys Keep Resetting In Photoshop?

Sep 15, 2010

I'm running a Macbook 10.6.4. My tablet is the Wacom Intuos 3. Lastly, I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS3.


As the title says, CS3 doesn't seem to like my tablet's hotkeys. Sometimes I'll find that all of my hotkeys have been reset while other times, it's always just one specific keystroke that I set. That would be the Step Backward key (command+option+Z).

Back when I used Photoshop Elements, I had my undo hotkey on my tablet set to just Undo (command+Z). As we all might know, the functions are different in Elements and CS. So when I earlier said that sometimes I'll find my undo hotkey reset, it actually always reverts back to being command+Z.

I've also tried making application specific hotkey functions but CS3 will always just disappear in the Wacom tablet settings under preferences.

EDiT: Oh, and I thought that I might add that sometimes I get lucky and my hotkey functions remain the way I set them. But that definitely happens way less than not. : Also, lately... when the functions get all crazy, my redo key's function will change to the keystroke for Step Backward.

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Applications :: Email And Spam Controlling

Mar 1, 2009

As I do not yet own a Mac, I am intrigued by the Apple Store Assistants comments that the Email client can be put into some sort of learning mode and will learn to filter spam out.

Is there any guides on how this works and how well does it actually work ?

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Applications :: Controlling Audio Output From Different Program?

Oct 20, 2008

Back on 10.3 I used a Rogue Amoeba program called Detour (I think) that allowed you to control which audio devices played audio from which software programs. I used it to send iTunes music through a USB audio device to powered speakers while playing Office apps noises through the built-in speaker. They discontinued it with 10.4 because Apple changed the way audio is handled. Question: Is there some similar app that maybe let's you control volume of each audio-emitting app? So I could turn Office all the way down (all those grating save chimes are killing me) while keeping iTunes all the way up?

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Applications :: IMovie 7.1.4 Controlling Speed Of Transitions?

Jan 10, 2009

I currently use iMovie 7.1.4 on my Mac OS X 10.5.6.

I was using iMovie to make a video, but I couldn't find how to control the time in which transitions pass by. It looks like 0.4 seconds is the default time for each one, but how do you change it to... say, 2 seconds? And yes, the video before and after the 0.4 transition is not longer than it.

So I'm basically asking: How do you control the speed of a transition in iMovie 7.1.4?

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Applications :: Controlling SMTP Timeout Value

May 21, 2009

Is it possible to control the value of the SMTP time out setting? Occasionally when I send an email, attempts to use an SMTP server that is available only via a VPN connection (such as the SMTP behind the corporate firewall at work). When it can't reach such a server, it takes about 5-10 minutes until it finally brings up a dialog to let me switch to a reachable SMTP host. I would like to change that 5-10 minute value to something more reasonable like 30 seconds.

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Applications :: Controlling Router / Access Point And Gateway

Sep 29, 2009

Are there any Mac software, which controls router/access point/gateway/. I hate to use web browser to change router... settings. If there is such software, then I'm planning to buy hardware, which is compatible with it.

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MacBook Pro :: Hotkeys Rearranged After Fresh Install?

Aug 31, 2009

I have a macbook fairly recent model, and I decided to do a fresh install of Leopard (10.5) but now all my top keys (F1-F12) are all out of order, I know i can assign secondary functions to them, but their main functions don't work properly, for example my mute, lower volume and raise volume keys are assigned to widgets, and expose.

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OS X :: Controlling Music On Cog Player Via The F Keys / Disabling Itunes From The Keys

Oct 25, 2010

I've been using itunes for a while and it just messed my entire music library up! I've found something that is more Winamp style for me named "Cog". Now my problem is that I want to control it with the F7, F8, F9 keys which are the rewind, play and forward keys, but when pressing any of them it works both on itunes and cog player. How can I disable the Itunes link to it? I want it to control only Cog player.

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OS X :: Leopard Glitch - Dockbar Frozen And Hotkeys Stop Working

Nov 13, 2008

I get this once every couple of weeks while performing basic tasks, normally when I'm in a web browser, but the dockbar will freeze, I can't click it or anything, and my hotkeys to switch between programs stop working. I can use all the hotkeys within an app but this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Anyone else been experiencing this problem?

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OS X :: How To Do Global Finder Settings

Aug 9, 2009

quick question. How do I set global finder settings? I like my finder windows to be sorted by kind, that way they are alphabetical but folders and files arent mixed in the list. I know I can use "show view options" to do this, but I have to do that for each folder seperately. How do I access the global settings? Google, search here, and OSX search haven't found anything.

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Software :: Global Styles In NeoOffice?

Aug 27, 2010

I'm editing a book in which the author switched programs and from PC to Mac in mid-stream, so the styling of the footnotes is not consistent. The text of the book is now in NeoOffice, and I've been asked to bring all the footnotes in accord with each other. I wondered whether there is a command that will change them so they all are in the same typeface and size. (I know that by setting up a Footnote style, all new footnotes will be correct, but I'm talking about ones that already exist). The author hasn't yet finished with the book, or I'd just get her to give me a chapter or two at a time and change them manually. Time is too short for us to wait till the end, when she has done all her revisions. I guess you get the picture. If there is no way to do this, please just tell me. If you know of one, though, I'd be grateful. Hoping that this is clear. It's gotten rather late! By the way, I'm working on a MacBook (not Pro) 13" with OS 10.5 and NeoOffice 3.1.1.

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OS X :: Any Way To Make Global Hotkey For New Email?

Dec 20, 2010

I see there are a few apps such as cockpit and keyboard maestro that handle global hotkeys, however I would like to figure out a free solution. I have quicksilver but the mail plugin hardly cuts it for effectiveness and functionality. Basically I'd like to just have a hotkey (any available function keys after F12 for instance), that when I push it, it opens up a "New Mail" message for OSX Mail, without having to go to mail, hitting new, typing out message then hiding mail (it pops up along with new mail). I do a lot of programming and design and it would be great to do this as I send out like 50 emails a day.

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OS X :: Global Folder Settings In Finder

Jun 15, 2010

I've been customizing my folders using the View Options window in each folder separately, and I was wondering if there was an application or script that would change my view options (font sizes, icon size and spacing, background image, etc) for ALL folders, on a system-wide level.

I know there has to be a way to do it, but every time I try, I only change settings for the parent folder. Sorta 2 part question, I guess... How do I change the text underneath "Macintosh HD" such as "500GB, 457GB free." I know it's a string that can be changed, but I've forgotten where it's located.

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Software :: How To Set Global/environmental Proxy

Nov 22, 2009

We have several mac G4's running tiger.

They are setup to connect to an AD server using iHook.

I also have an xserver, but i'm not sure exactly what its configured to do, as i've only recently taken over from the previous network admin.

I can't work out how to set the global proxy settings that will affect all of my users. Is this a setting thats applied via the xserver, or is it something thats been manually configured locally?

How would i go about changing the global proxy settings, so that any user that logs in receives the same proxy settings?

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OS X :: Want A Global Macro To Switch To Finder And Hide Others?

Mar 8, 2010

easy and free way to create a macro that will switch to Finder and hide others from any application?

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OS X :: Global Open Finder Window Shortcut Key Combo?

Jan 26, 2008

Does OS X have a global Open a Finder window shortcut key combo? I've looked but haven't found anything. Looking for something similar to Windows 'Flag + e' to open Explorer.

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OS X :: Flash Global Settings Manager Not Saving On MacBook

Jan 28, 2009

I recently tried to watch videos at The Escapist and was unable to. This has been happening since about Friday last week. I also have found that I am unable to play some flash games. I also found that I can't watch videos at Veoh. I tried to adjust my preferences in the Flash Global Settings Manager to accept third party cookies so that I can do these things. It isn't working. The boxes won't check. Is anybody else having this problem? If so what did you do about it? This problem only occurs on my MacBook. I am still able to do these things on a Windows xp desktop I have in the same house.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Disable Cursor From Blinking On A Global Level

Dec 12, 2014

I've already tried to enter several commands in the terminal, but they don't work on a global level, e.g. defaults write -g CursorBlink -string 0  (did not work) defaults write -g NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriod -int 99999999 .The blinking cursor in Safari and in the menu

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: What Happens When A Global Password Policy Is Enabled

Jun 27, 2012

I have a OD domain that I've been adding systems too, and I've just about got it dialed in. Now I'd like to enable a global password policy, and I'm curious what actually happens when I flip the switch in Server Admin > Open Directory > Settings > Policies > Passwords? If I set a "reset every 90 days" option, is that from the time the policy is enabled, or from the time the user account was created? If I set a "must have one letter" or "numeric character", etc...and the user doesn't currently have a password that matches this criteria, will they be forced to set a new password immediately, or the next time one is initiated? Basically what I'm trying to figure out is how many support tickets I'm going to have, and (almost more importantly) when.  

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OS X :: Accessing (and Controlling) One Mac From Another - Possible?

Jan 5, 2009

My dad went to Florida with his brand new Mac (also, new to Mac from PC). Of course, he now has all these issues and questions which he just can't seem to solve when we are on the phone (for example, he doesn't understand the difference between his Mac hardware, OSX, the Broswer and Zillow -- to him they are all "the internet," so phone support is very painful.) I'd like to take control of his machine and just install some software remotely and do some tweaks that he needs. I thought Leopard could do this, but I'm having trouble getting a help/source page on how to do this. Is this possible with just Leopard (i.e. without 3rd party add-ons) and if so, does anyone have any basic directions, or a link to directions, to do it?

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OS X Mavericks :: Mail App Crashes When Sender Is In Local Exchange Global Address Book

Aug 27, 2014

For myself and several others at our organization, started crashing a couple of days ago whenever a message is opened and the sender's email address is in our Exchange Global Address Book.  The question then is, how does Mail display or look up those addresses differently in the message reading window/pane rather than "external" email addresses? 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Remotely Controlling PC From MacBook Via Web?

Dec 19, 2010

I have installed 'Remote Desktop Connection for Mac' on my MacBook as I am looking into being able to remotely control my Windows PC which is in the same house. I don't have a physical network setup, however I wondered if I could control the PC via the WWW on my Mac?

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OS X :: Controlling Text To Speech?

Jan 29, 2009

I have several text files that I would like to have Text to Speech read for me. However the software does not pause at natural breaks like normal speech. For instance after commas, periods, end of paragraphs, etc. Are there control codes that I can put in my text files to cause the software to pause? I can edit my files accordingly but I can't seem to locate control codes.

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OS X :: Where Is Controlling Screenshot Locations ?

Feb 26, 2010

I've gotten into a bad habit of saving everything to the to the desktop for easy access and now I'm having screenshot overload !

i) when taking a screenshot is it possible to override the auto naming function i.e. open the shot to then save as? or

ii) is it possible to take a screenshot and auto-save it into a specific folder, rather than the desktop, even a single desktop folder would help me?

The desktop is a total mess and I've a 50 or so screenshots mixed in with everything else - each screenshot just seems to look for the next available space on the desktop !!!

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Hardware :: USB KVM For Controlling Multiple Systems?

May 25, 2010

I'm in need of a USB KVM that will be used to control 4 Macs from a central keyboard, mouse, and monitor. I'm considering the MiniView USB KVM Switch and was wondering if anyone here had any experience with this unit.

These are the Macs that will be controlled:Intel-based Mac-mini (Leopard) PPC-based Mac-mini (Tiger) G4-based PowerMac (Tiger Server) G4-based PowerMac (OS 9.2) If there is another KVM that would work better, please let me know!

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Software :: Best Way Of Controlling PowerMac Remotely?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a PowerMac (Quad 2.5) running Leopard and a black MacBook, also with Leopard. I'm trying to find the best way to control the PowerMac remotely, not out of a particular need but just to distribute some resources. Is there a better way than OS X's built-in screen sharing?

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Intel Mac :: Controlling Attachments In Mail?

Jul 2, 2012

How do I have more control over attachments in mail? The software always places the attachment in the mail text but does not give my Windows, Outlook users the attachment listed at the top of the message when they open it. They are concerned that they can not zoom into the jpeg image attachment. How can I make this possible for the poor Windows users?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Volume Keys Controlling Desktop

Oct 1, 2010

When I try to use the volume keys on my iMac keyboard (not wireless), it brings in my different desktop windows instead of controlling the volume. However, I can still control the volume using the volume icon on the main desktop - just not from my keyboard. I am not very technical, but I read about resetting the PRAM settings, which I tried.

(Also, earlier in the week, the USB port on the keyboard for my mouse also stopped working, but now it appears to be fine. I'm not sure if this is related or not.) All software is up to date. I am on Mac OS X version 10.5.8.

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Final Cut Pro X :: Controlling Output Video Bitrate

Sep 12, 2014

I created a mp4 file with Share/Export File… (settings: Computer, H.264 Faster Encode, 1920x1080 - edited from an HD camera): its video always freezes at a definite point when played on my BD Player connected to my HDTV through HDMI (audio instead continues on the frozen image).It seem that the issue is a sudden video bit rate pick of almost 50 Mbps while its average is around 20-30 Mbps. It is not clear to me if this freeze is caused by the BD Player or by the HDTV not being able to handle such pick. 

As a test I used Compressor to control the output bit rate (settings: average 20 Mbps and pick 25 Mbps) and this seems to fix the problem. To be more certain I should do more tests. 

if there is a way in FCPX to control such picks (without using Compressor), either in the Share commands (but it seems to me that they don't provide enough setting controls) or in the timeline. By watching the Video Scopes I can see a quite strong signal in the area where the output file has the bit rate pick. But I don't know any way to have a measure useful to identify them before sharing and avoid a trial and error approach... 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), FCP X - Canon HF M56 PAL

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