MacBook Pro :: Computer Keeps Restarting / Sending Error Reports When On The Internet
Aug 24, 2014
My macbook pro has been acting weird for a week or so. I'll be on the internet and then it will randomly shut down safari or google chrome and send an error report message. This also just started happening with my iPhoto and iTunes as well. Sometimes my computer will just shut off completely and restart with a message saying there was a problem and it had to shut down. It seems like there is some bug or maybe a third party add on I need to get off?
Every time Safari or Firefox, or any other application crashes or I have to force it to quit, I get an error report and when I click to send it to Apple I get a message saying it failed and cannot send to Apple. Anyone know what's going on? I have a Macbook pro (15 inch, 2.53GHz, Mid 2009).Â
Oh, and my Safari is Version 5.0.6 (5533.22.3). Think it's time for an update?
My MacBook pro is running the latest of Mavericks, all up to date. My computer just likes to shut down by itsself and reboot with an error saying "there was a problem, press any button to continue" I've brought it in and the genius bar it was software, but I think it's either my RAM failing or my Harddrive failing.
When I put in the original OEM leopard discs that came with my new macbook, the computer just keeps restarting. Any ideas? I thought these were recovery discs?
My computer has been spontaneously restarting itself. This last time I wasn't even at the keyboard, I was across the room. I don't know what to make of it, completely baffled.
When I submit an error report I get the message... Submission Failed Your report could not be submitted. Please try again later. Is this common?Is there a problem with my computer?
I just switched to a Mac and now I cannot get onto the Consumer Reports website because they require Internet Explorer or Firefox as a browser and I am using Safari. What can I do?
Going off to school and in my room I have 2 ethernet ports, but no WiFi signals. School will not allow you to hook up a wireless router they only allow wired routers if you need to hook up more than one thing to the ethernet jack. Here's my question, Is there something that I can hook up to the ethernet port to send the internet signal over bluetooth so my MBP can connect without having to be plugged in the whole time?
I have 4 hard drives connected to my AirPort Extreme and reading from them is no problem, but when I try to write to them I get the attached error. How do I change the permissions t make this work properly?
i am gonna install VM fusion on my macbook air and the problem is that i left my window xp cd installation at my friends house. Can i install iso image or something like that so that i can ask him to convert it and then send to me via internet so that i can use the image file to install VM fusion. Btw, he and i, not sure how to convert it.
I recently had to reformat my iMac because it was restarting constantly and it kept freezing too. After a reformat, I installed a few programs. Skype, Microsoft Office 2010, VLC, Plex Home Theatre, Plex Media Server, an uTorrent.Â
My computer restarted randomly again, twice :-( I included the crash report below if it is useful.Â
Anonymous UUID:Â Â Â Â Â Â D5BFA84C-1ECE-3EC9-ED1F-6392EF1A3BB8Â Â
Mon Dec 8 02:13:49 2014 Â
*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff80040e8887): "complete() while dma active"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2782.1.97/iokit/Kernel/IOMemoryDescriptor.cpp:3307
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I hate in Lion how when I restart my computer, all of the applications I had open before reopen. Can I turn that off? It takes start up forever. I've seen how to uncheck "Restore windows when quitting and reopening apps" and I've uncheck that, but it doesn't work for this case. I just want to start up like normal and I pick the apps I want to open at the time
The file will go to the print que but will not connect to the printer. When I restart the computer it will print. I have an Apple friendly printer. Is it my network?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My computer crashed last night. When I started it back up, the permissions on one of my internal drives in my Mac Pro that I store data on had changed. This caused some problems when trying to open applications with files stored on that volume (i.e. my Adobe Lightroom catalog). I fixed these issues, and then restarted my Mac. When I did, I saw this:Â
I've since restarted my computer a few times, and it's doing this every time.Â
Info: Mac Pro 2.8 (Early '08), Mac OS X (10.5.2), 10 GB RAM, 74GB 10k Raptor, 2x 750GB RAID, 23" ACD
I got a new 2TB hard drive, and I'm trying to format it as HFS+ journaled case sensitive encrypted, each time I try I get the following error: "MediaKit reports block size error, usually caused by not being a multiple of 512." This is a brand new drive, it has a GUID partition map with one partition, that was created by Disk Utility, and the disk passed a full hardware scan from Drive Genius. Normally when I get an error I can google it, but this particular error only gives me links to RAID problems, and I'm not doing anything with RAID. What determines the block size? I did not get an option to set it anywhere that I could see. How do I fix this error and get my drive encrypted?
After restarting when the computer powered up it goes to a grey screen and stays there and beeps 3 times continuosly. Do I need to take it for repairs?
I keep getting the following error message when attempting to sync my contacts, calendar, and bookmarks with my iPhone. When I check these under the "info" tab and ciick apply, the following error message appears:
iTunes cannot sync information with the iPhone because syncing has been disabled on this computer. Do you want to enable syncing? If you do not enable syncing, iTunes will not be able to sync contacts, calendars, bookmarks or mail accounts to your iPhone.
When I click yes, the following prompt appears:
*Syncing cannot be enable on this compute*r. The options I'm presented with are:
override and Ok.
When I click override, it takes away my selections to sync contacts, calendars, etc.
I have never disabled syncing. I've looked through system and iTunes preferences and can't even find an option to disable/enable syncing.
I'm attempting to setup up MobileMe and need to get this problem resolved.
I am trying to upgrade my old Mac from 10.3.9 to 10.4. I have 10.4.0 and 10.4.2. With 10.4.0 it goes to all the dialog and then goes to verifying disk, after a long while, it says error verifyiing disk, try again.
the 10.4.2 it gives a inmediate message "cannot perform an upgrade in this computer.
Alright, I'm wondering what makes my internet go slow when my dad is uploading something or sending an e-mail.According to I have a download speed of 2.1MB/s and upload of 0.03MB/s (megabytes not megabits).I just did a test while dad was uploading and got very similar results if not the same, except it said my ping was 4302 ms, compared to 26 ms I got from re-running the test after the upload was finished. I'm pretty sure the server was the same, I think I would have noticed if it wasn't.Does anyone know why it goes slow, I don't really understand it, although I imagine it has something to do with the high ping but I don't understand why or how it effects it.
My hard drive crashed. bought new computer..... have backup dvd's........... it seems to freeze itune....... but if I leave it alone it will give me an error that says it is unable to restore because of error -69..... some of my songs are restored but only like 100 out of 700.......and I have the shuffle, nano, and Itouch..... very headachey.
Lately (started this morning), I've been getting some weird startup problems during startup. When pressing the start button, the fans spin to the max endlessly, most of the time the screen stays black without the Apple chime and computer doesn't start. After three times of shutting it down, it usually starts but performance isn't quite the same and i immediately get this error.
I use Adium 1.3.10 which normally could send message to offline user and my ex-girlfriend use Adium as well but I dont know which version. I sent really important message to my ex-girlfriend while she is offline and TWO HOURS later this message pop up to me.
"Message was not sent because the system is unavailable. This normally happens when the user is blocked or does not exist." But I did not block her and she does exist So I'm not sure she will receive this message or not. the strange thing that I worry is it was bounced TWO HOURS LATER AFTER I SENT IT,Has anyone experienced this case??? What I really am worry is the message will be sent to her or not?
I am running 10.4.11 on my G5 iMac & 10.6.8 on my 2010 MacBook Pro. I am using the Apple Mail application on both machines for my [url].. address.I migrated to iCloud (Mail Only Option) on thursday 6/28 and changed my mail server settings in Tiger on my G5 iMac according to Roger Wilmut's instructions today 7/1. I have yet to do this on my MacBook Pro running 10.6.8.
Now in Tiger when I try to send an email I am getting a certificate error:
Unable to verify SSL server [url]...
Mail was unable to verify the identity of this server which has a certificate issued to "*". The error was:
The root certificate for this server could not be verified.
You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be "", and putting you confidential information at risk.I clicked Show Certificate and the certificate has a blue border, [url].., issued by Entrust Certification Authority-L1C, Expires Wed. July 3, 2013.I pressed Option & dragged the cert. icon to the desktop, double clicked the icon on the desktop. It asked if I wanted to add the certificate from the file [url]... to a keychain. I chose X.509 Anchors from the dropdown menu & clicked OK to permanently accept the certificate to Keychains.
Info:1.8Ghz 20" G5 iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), ; 2010 15" Macbook Pro, 10.6.5, 4GB RAM
Trying to send an email in Mavericks Mail from iCloud account and got the following error: MCMailErrorDomain error 1032.Â
Does this simply mean that iCloud had a hiccup (there was no outage reported at [URL], or is there something that I can do to prevent this from happening?Â
I just got a macbook pro and I installed istat in the dashboard. I noticed that my computer is sending out a lot of data, for example istat says that it is sending out 35 kbs with a total of 258 for today. My question is what is my computer sending out and should I be worried?
(Using OSX 10.5.7 on MacBook, Comcast cable modem):For the pst 24 hours I have not been able to connect to my Entourage email account, which denies every combination of letters and numbers, upper and lower case, of my formerly reliable password. System tries to log in, then gives me the error message "invalid username/password." I can't find a "forgot password" link or otherwise change the password. If I try Mac mail I get "system timed out." I can use webmail to get password but not Entourage or Mac Mail.