My hard drive crashed. bought new computer..... have backup dvd's........... it seems to freeze itune....... but if I leave it alone it will give me an error that says it is unable to restore because of error -69..... some of my songs are restored but only like 100 out of 700.......and I have the shuffle, nano, and Itouch..... very headachey.
Lately (started this morning), I've been getting some weird startup problems during startup. When pressing the start button, the fans spin to the max endlessly, most of the time the screen stays black without the Apple chime and computer doesn't start. After three times of shutting it down, it usually starts but performance isn't quite the same and i immediately get this error.
I keep getting the following error message when attempting to sync my contacts, calendar, and bookmarks with my iPhone. When I check these under the "info" tab and ciick apply, the following error message appears:
iTunes cannot sync information with the iPhone because syncing has been disabled on this computer. Do you want to enable syncing? If you do not enable syncing, iTunes will not be able to sync contacts, calendars, bookmarks or mail accounts to your iPhone.
When I click yes, the following prompt appears:
*Syncing cannot be enable on this compute*r. The options I'm presented with are:
override and Ok.
When I click override, it takes away my selections to sync contacts, calendars, etc.
I have never disabled syncing. I've looked through system and iTunes preferences and can't even find an option to disable/enable syncing.
I'm attempting to setup up MobileMe and need to get this problem resolved.
I am trying to restore my iPhone 5 running iOs 7.1.1 using iTunes 11,1.5 on a Mid 2010 13 inch Macbook running Mac OS 10.9.2. When I click "Restore iPhone", I get an error message saying "Find my iPhone must be turned off before 'iPhone can be restored." However, i have already turned off find my iPhone.
tried to factory unlock my iphone 5s through ATT. recvd approval, followed instructions re: backup, restore, then restore from backup. everything went well up until restoring from back up. it says "cannot restore from back up because not compatible or corrup backup". what do i do??? ITunes should specify that the back up is not successful or is corrupted before letting consumers restore!!
how do I get ITunes back when I get the error message : The application "ITunes" unexpectedly quit while trying to restore it's windows. Do you want to restore it's windows?  I already tried reloading ITunes and it still doesn't startup.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I Tunes will not startup
I am trying to upgrade my old Mac from 10.3.9 to 10.4. I have 10.4.0 and 10.4.2. With 10.4.0 it goes to all the dialog and then goes to verifying disk, after a long while, it says error verifyiing disk, try again.
the 10.4.2 it gives a inmediate message "cannot perform an upgrade in this computer.
I use Adium 1.3.10 which normally could send message to offline user and my ex-girlfriend use Adium as well but I dont know which version. I sent really important message to my ex-girlfriend while she is offline and TWO HOURS later this message pop up to me.
"Message was not sent because the system is unavailable. This normally happens when the user is blocked or does not exist." But I did not block her and she does exist So I'm not sure she will receive this message or not. the strange thing that I worry is it was bounced TWO HOURS LATER AFTER I SENT IT,Has anyone experienced this case??? What I really am worry is the message will be sent to her or not?
I am running 10.4.11 on my G5 iMac & 10.6.8 on my 2010 MacBook Pro. I am using the Apple Mail application on both machines for my [url].. address.I migrated to iCloud (Mail Only Option) on thursday 6/28 and changed my mail server settings in Tiger on my G5 iMac according to Roger Wilmut's instructions today 7/1. I have yet to do this on my MacBook Pro running 10.6.8.
Now in Tiger when I try to send an email I am getting a certificate error:
Unable to verify SSL server [url]...
Mail was unable to verify the identity of this server which has a certificate issued to "*". The error was:
The root certificate for this server could not be verified.
You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be "", and putting you confidential information at risk.I clicked Show Certificate and the certificate has a blue border, [url].., issued by Entrust Certification Authority-L1C, Expires Wed. July 3, 2013.I pressed Option & dragged the cert. icon to the desktop, double clicked the icon on the desktop. It asked if I wanted to add the certificate from the file [url]... to a keychain. I chose X.509 Anchors from the dropdown menu & clicked OK to permanently accept the certificate to Keychains.
Info:1.8Ghz 20" G5 iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), ; 2010 15" Macbook Pro, 10.6.5, 4GB RAM
Trying to send an email in Mavericks Mail from iCloud account and got the following error: MCMailErrorDomain error 1032.Â
Does this simply mean that iCloud had a hiccup (there was no outage reported at [URL], or is there something that I can do to prevent this from happening?Â
(Using OSX 10.5.7 on MacBook, Comcast cable modem):For the pst 24 hours I have not been able to connect to my Entourage email account, which denies every combination of letters and numbers, upper and lower case, of my formerly reliable password. System tries to log in, then gives me the error message "invalid username/password." I can't find a "forgot password" link or otherwise change the password. If I try Mac mail I get "system timed out." I can use webmail to get password but not Entourage or Mac Mail.
I have created a word document and opened the data file. .csv (also tried a txt file) name, add1, add2, add3 through to add6 is the header. The error message is this . . .It said something like record 16 has not got the same fields as the header. Now I only get the one below.
I have 4 hard drives connected to my AirPort Extreme and reading from them is no problem, but when I try to write to them I get the attached error. How do I change the permissions t make this work properly?
I have been using Photoshop 7.0.1 on my Old iMac G4 Mac OS X 10.4.11. I have now bought a new imac 20" iMac OS X 10.5.3 and although it installs, it will not open and a message appears "An unexpected and unrecoverable problem has occurred because of a program error. Photoshop will now exit." No explanation or help offered. I have tried downloading other versions but no success. Having now retired I use photoshop a lot to produce fun cards for the grandchildren and a Newsletter.
trying to intsall a firmware update for my camera. using stuffit and a .fir file.i am getting an error message that the destination folder is on a locked volume. have repaired permissions and looked at the folder and opened it up so everyone can change it and no joy.
Every time Safari or Firefox, or any other application crashes or I have to force it to quit, I get an error report and when I click to send it to Apple I get a message saying it failed and cannot send to Apple. Anyone know what's going on? I have a Macbook pro (15 inch, 2.53GHz, Mid 2009).Â
Oh, and my Safari is Version 5.0.6 (5533.22.3). Think it's time for an update?
I am unable to play a rented movie. I keep getting an error 5103. I have downloaded the latest iTunes and am using a new MacBook Air. There doesn't sem to be any info about error 5103 in support.
How long should I be stuck on the screen "calculating space required to restore data"? I've been on this screen for about 20, 30 minutes. The "hash mark wheel" is spinning, but just not seeing anything new. Is this normal? My backed up data is ~100 GB.
I am trying to create a new image from a DVD and burn it to a new DVD using the MAC Disk Utility "New Image" option. The source DVD is 4 G and my target folder is on my external HD which has 298G.. plenty of space. However, whenever I attempt to SAVE the existing DVD to my external HD, I am getting the error message that the file is too large. I have tried the parameter for "Image Format" of both 'Read Only' and 'DVD/CD Master' and neither of them work. My "Encryption" setting is 'None'.
So around last week my airport has been giving me some problems first of all it allows me to connect to my airdisk for about 30 min, then after 30 min when I click it to use I get this error (Connection Failed)(The server �Airport� may not exist or it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again.)
Im really confused it always worked without a problem and now I get this the way to fix it is to restart my airport but then after like 30 min I get the same error.. Its also impossible to do time machine backups as well unless I restart the router a bunch of time.
On a Mac OS X 10.4.11. laptop. ISP provider is Comcast. Have successfully been sending and receiving emails at home no problem using Entourage for two years. Have now taken laptop to visit away from home and clicked into the host's house wifi system - AT&T u-vers.
Entourage will now receive but not send emails. Receive 3259 error message about timing out. However, can send fine by going to Comcast's site, therefore Comcast insists this is not their problem but an Entourage problem, probably with settings.
Every time I try and get on Safari it loads my homepage and then just quits. It gives me the error message that Safari and unexpectedly quit and gives me the options of sending an error report to Mac, closing, or reopening the page. This is the first time it has done this before, but in the past week it has done it every time I have tried to get online.
Bought iBook G4 12" 1.2 mHz, with CD burner in it. Problems with it recognizing discs, and now get this error. Says drive not supported. Tried resetting PRAM, NVRAM, etc.
I can no longer receive or send imessage photos within Yosemite Messages App. Standard txt messages work fine but Photo's do not. I recieve the following error when sending our receiving photos in the File Transfer window :Â
NSURLSession error: The operation couldn't be completed (NSURLErrorDomain error - 1202.) ((null))Â
I've tried logging in and out of my iMessage account. Has not fixed anything.Â