Safari :: Cannot Get Onto The Consumer Reports Website Because They Require Internet Explorer Or Firefox As A Browser
Jun 18, 2012
I just switched to a Mac and now I cannot get onto the Consumer Reports website because they require Internet Explorer or Firefox as a browser and I am using Safari. What can I do?
I am trying to work in an image based website. The message I recieve when I try to get into the site: This image flow resource requires one of the following miminum browser versions: Internet explorer 6.0. The browser you are currently using is Apple-Mac Safari Version 5.0.
Any way to access these using a Mac? I've run across a few web sites that just say "INTERNET EXPLORER ONLY" and I can't access them from Safari or Firefox. Is there a solution to this?
I might be asking the question wrong but here is my dilemma. The only reason I need windows on my mac is for a program that is run through internet explorer only. It won't work on firefox or anything else. It was certified for I.E. - I forget the minimum version it is certified for but the old, old I.E. for mac is too old and won't work.
Is there a way to turn a mac browser into functioning like internet explorer?
While in Safari, I typed in internet expoler thinking I would be getting that browser to use.Immediately the screen said I won a prize and all I needed to do was click to answer a quick survey. I thought something was no right so I hit the back arrow to bcak out and a box came up saying " are you sure you wnat to leave" Lomg story short this bug will not let me exit Safari, all the options are greyed out ( like empty cache, etc.) I was able to force quit, and reboot computer, whne I went back to safari I got the same take this survey for a prize script and the only way out was to force quit.
I designed a website using iWeb a little while ago. I thought everything was fine until I heard from a family member that they were having trouble viewing it in Internet Explorer and even Mozilla Firefox in some instances. Right now, my homepage is only a navigation bar and a couple lines of centered text, and it is still having problems loading. I read from a couple sources that I may need to change some stuff in the CSS but my design is fairly simple and I don't see how it could get screwed up.
H have published my iweb created site via cyberduck FTP and it works great in firefox and safari but when i go to this on a PC (internet explorer) the layers are all messed up and the flash menu and banner hyperlinks become inactive.
Also the yellow paypal image has been pushed behind the flash banner instead of appearing in front, who am i doing wrong
my website created in iweb [URL]
NOTE - I created hyperlinks over the flash menu and banner by adding a text box (which is transparent) over each circle button and the whole banner and added hyperlinks to them but for some reason internet explorer has pushed these text box layers behind the flash images so now the links dont work. Is it something to do with the z index layers??
A site that I visit regularly has recently started giving me an error whenever I try to access it. I can get there just fine using the latest Firefox. I've tried emptying the cache and resetting Safari to no avail.
I formatted a G4 powerbook for an intern at the company with Tiger installed, with all the latest updates. But somehow, our company website won't load in Safari or Firefox. There is internet connection, all other websites on that laptop I've tried works. We have 15 other PCs / OSX and our website works on all of them, except for the powerbook.
I have a website that I need to open with Safari as it won't display properly in Firefox 3.6.3. From the Address Bar in Safari, I dragged a link to my desktop, right-clicked and checked it to always open with Safari. The name of the link is something like "PITA.webloc"
When it opens that first time, it dose open in Safari, but subsequently, always opens in FF. I also right-clicked to "Get Info" and indicated it to always open with Safari. While "Get Info" shows that correctly, it still always opens in FF.
I'm having a hell of a time with my mac. It started out when firefox would crash for no apparent reason, asking to send in an error report and eventually it got to where mac itself would crash, turning the screen dark with a picture in the middle appearing saying "You need to restart your computer. Hold the power button down for 2+ seconds". I've tried a lot, I've repaired permissions using the disk utility, I've reinstalled Java and I even verified the disk using the disk utility which seems to be the problem. It said my mac needed the system to be repaired. Except I've got a big problem: I just moved and I don't have the apple hardware test disc, so I'm stuck. Then, today I tried to use Safari instead of Firefox and even it is crashing. This is really irritating, I thought it was a virus until I downloaded a free antivirus that said it wasn't.
What's the best browser? Is Safari 4 the way to go or should I get firefox? Where can I find the top apps for mac users (I am a PC turned mac user so just curious) Do I get a class at the apple store free for purchasing a mac or something?
I have just recently installed Lion on my iMac. Even though I have Firefox listed as my default browser in both Firefox and in Safari, any links in Apple mail default to Safari rather than to Firefox and any URL's I save in Firefox default to the Safari icon. While I understand that Safari is an Apple product that is tied to their OS's, I want to continue to use Firefox as my default browser.
I began to have this same problem on my old MacBook within the last year...but I now have a brand spanking new MacBook Air (as in 1 week old) and it's worse than ever.
Extremely often - sometimes 2 out of 3 webpages, it seems - the browzer says it can't find the server or otherwise won't open a page (takes veeeery long to do so. Then eventually gives me a "can't find" screen when I try to click around.). There's nothing wrong w the internet - it works just fine on my husband's computer. Sometimes it helps to switch browzers but mostly not.
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Sometimes it does load the main page, but very slowly and any link I click starts loading forever but without any success.
Does anyone know what the problem could possibly be? I have already called the site and they told me they are not experiencing problems. In addition, it does load on Windows...
I have been having problems with my Safari and firefox. They both say they are up to date. When I use fire fox to look at, it takes a while to load and when I try to open mail in new tabs, it opens a tab saying "javascript;;".
When I use safari to look at hotmail, it does an infinite loop and stays blank..the URL thingy just goes in loops. I mostly use fire fox, and some times when I go to type, I will get a 10 second delay before my text appears..
I designed a little site for my family reunion using iWeb. When I look at it on Safari or Firefox it looks fine. However when I look at it on MS Explorer it's all messed up. [URL] I have tried playing with the site and republishing and no dice. This is my first time doing something like this and it's driving me insane. I would assume that the greater majority of my family is on PC and they are probably using MS Explorer. Can anyone offer some advice as to how I might fix the issue?
the Firefox addons on Mozilla's website work on OSX when using Firefox? I just wanted to make sure since I like using all of the apps on my firefox configuration and was thinking about buying a mac. I know a lot of 3rd party apps that aren't specifically made for Mac at times will not work
since i reset my router all my Apple created software is not connecting to the internet. This includes mail, safari, itunes store, software update. But the strange thing is, Firefox works fine.
When i try to load up a webpage in Safari, it hangs on the loading status for about a minute before saying it cannot load. I have also tried removing the wireless network and starting again but the same thing happens.
In network settings it says that the connection to the internet is fine.
I have tried resetting Safari and clearing the cache but i have had no luck.