Mac Pro :: DVD Drive Won't Read CD's - How To Repair
Mar 10, 2009
I have a last gen. Mac Pro, attached is the system profiler view. I haven't ever really used CD's in its dvd-super drive but I have started to recently.
It Wont read them, just makes a strange noise, Im guessing searching for it, and then either stops, ejects itself, or posts a error saying it isn't readable.
From the tech speck it should be, they are CD-R. I have put in and burnt lots of DVD's etc so there is no problem with that.
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Jul 3, 2012
Need help on why Macbook pro 13" 2012 cannot read USB flash drive and CD's(attachment from purchased books). Though these are easily read by PC.
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Feb 1, 2012
If I have iTunes on an SSD drive (the boot drive in my Mac Mini), can it read the music library on a second rotational hard drive? I'd like not to have the large music library on a 120GB SSD drive.
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Mar 8, 2012
I have a Intel IMac and I need to repair my hard drive. It tells me to restart with the disc, But 10.7.3 was a download update. Should I use 10.6 snow leopard?
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Feb 11, 2010
After some various installations and file copy from/to external hard drives i ran the repair permissions on the bootup hard drive.
There was a listing about a mile long. Whoa, that does not look good to me.
So, i ran the persmissions repair again: another mile long listing: yikes.
Yep, ran another permissions repair and same thing.
How many times do you have to run permissions until it just show a few permissions that had to be corrected ? Or is this a sign that the system is in trouble.
This was an external FW drive with Leopard run by iMac 3.06GHz.
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Oct 2, 2009
I have a 2 year old external HD (Samsung HD753LJ), which has 3 partitions. One for my TM backups, the other with just straight data and a FAT partition for WIn compatibility.
This evening while reading some files off the non-TM partition, I noticed the drive 'ticking' and then got a read error.
I ran up Drive Genius-2 and it found 3 bad sectors. I'm not too worried about the file as I can replace it, however I was unable to find a way to repair the sectors without destroying the entire drive's contents.
My questions are as follows:
How can I do a non-destructive sector repair without losing the entire drive?
If yes, can anybody tell me what software I should use?
Should I be replacing the drive even if only 3 sectors have gone bad?
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Dec 7, 2009
I have an external laCie Usb drive, that as the header implies, is ejecting itself randomly.
I use the first partition for general storage, the second is for TM backups.
It has never failed to finish a backup, nor has any large (5gb or larger) file transfer to the storage partition ever errored out. It appears to be completely random.
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Jan 24, 2010
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Jun 15, 2012
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May 20, 2009
I'm having a series of problems. First some intermittent audio problems with Garageband, then, then some external drives won't mount, and now I can't sync to my disk from the iMac. I've run Disk Utitilies a few times and when I do Verify Disk Permissions, it finds a list of things to fix, I then hit Repair Disk Permissions and it fixes them, and then hit Verify Disk, and it say the disk appears ok. When I do Verify Disk Permissions again though, it finds another long list of things to fix. Is this serious? What should my next step be? Should I reinstall the entire system?
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Dec 27, 2007
I set up a RAID using 4 Segate 320GB SATA drives in it's own box. It is connected to my G5 (OS 10.4.1) via a Highpoint RocketRaid 2210 card. After 2 months, I have gotten the b-node tree error twice. The drive fails to mount and drive utilities (including Drive Genius, DiskWarriror) can't fix it. I was able to use Drive Rescue 2 to get the info off of it, but I am concerned as to why this keeps happening. I can reinitialize the drive and get it working again, but this is not a solution.
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Jun 17, 2012
Has any one used Disk Repair on an external hard drive? Does it erase everything?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 2, 2014
Using a flashdrive with a 2008 mac book, I hit the flash drive and now the directories names are corrupted. One example of the directory's name is: <$ ® ø.a¦p
I am still able to use the flashdrive and save new documents to it and create new directories.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 9, 2010
I'm trying to install Windows 7 on my mac. I'm using bootcamp assistant to try and partition my hard drive, but it gives me an error saying it cannot partition it because of unmovable files or something along those lines. Is there any way to get around it, and if I do use my OSX install disk and run disk utility to repair the drive will my files be deleted?
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Aug 24, 2008
Yesterday I noticed that my computer had been trying to complete a backup for quite awhile... Well it turns out that it was only a 382KB backup and it was taking hours. I tried clicking "Stop backing up" and nothing happened. The drive was in a repetitious clicking rhythm, and when I tried to eject it, Finder said it was in use. I put my 10.5.2 install disk in and ran Disk Utility. I have two partitions on that drive, Beta and Charlie. Beta verified and repaired without a glitch, but my time machine partition, Charlie, said "Invalid node structure, volume check failed." Also, disk utility was unable to calculate how much space remained on that partition.
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Apr 15, 2009
I have a WD Terabyte drive that I have used for over a year with no problems. A couple of days ago my roommate went to use it and disconnected the drive from my computer without ejecting it first. He used it with his PC and disconnected it without "safely removing" it from his computer and now it will not mount to my desktop of been seen by PC. Disk Utility sees the device but I get an error when I try to repair the disk or verify the disk. It gives me an "error on exit" message. I really need the 700GB of info on that drive. Don't know what to do next.
Powerbook G4
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 14, 2010
I recently discovered this old OLD software that was supposedly leaps beyond it's competitors called spinrite. [URL]
It's probably old news for anyone who did any research on finding this type of software but this is my first time researching the matter and coming across this.
The problem is that this software is PC only it seems. I was wondering if there is an equivalent software that could do just the same for my Mac.
Or can this software already run on Mac considering that Mac is now intel based and can run Windows in bootcamp?
The website says that I could remove my HD and place it into a PC system, but I don't have a PC system so that's not an option for me.
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Mar 6, 2012
Over the last few weeks, I have been experiencing crashes on my Macbook Pro. The crash would appear as such: I'll be using Chrome and all of a sudden pages won't load. The mouse continues to work, but if I navigate to the desktop, folder won't open. Then, if I try to quit programs, the dock either becomes unresponsive or programs will only quit if "forced quit." Then the beachball of death appears. The beachball of death will continue for a very long time—perhasp indefinitely, so I decide to manually power down the computer.
I have tried to verify the hard drive in Disk Utility, and a few times I have gotten this error: Volume bitmap needs minor repair for orphaned blocksChecking volume information.Invalid volume free block count(It should be 46122698 instead of 42839276)The volume Macintosh HD was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.Error: This disk needs to be repaired using the Recovery HD. Restart your computer, holding down the Command key and the R key until you see the Apple logo. When the Mac OS X Utilities window appears, choose Disk Utility. So I restart from the system (command-R) and repair the disk. But now within a day or two I get the same error. Does my hard drive need to be replaced? Am I on borrowed time? My computer is under warranty. Do you think Apple will replace the hard drive?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), early 2011 13"
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Mar 10, 2012
So my Mac froze for some reason, while my Kingston thumb/flash drive was in. I tried to eject it, but I could only force eject (which it said may cause issues). After that, whenever I put the thumb drive in, it said something like the drive won't work and I had to copy the files to my desktop. When I go into disk utility and click repair disk, it says this: "Disk Utility stopped repairing “UNTITLED 1”: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files." I can't erase the thumbdrive, because it says I need a source, which I don't know what that means.The files are useless now as I have transferred them to a CD, so I'm fine with erasing the whole thing.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Oct 9, 2009
My MBP recently had a bunch of problems with the logic board and speakers. I brought it into the Apple Store (on Monday) and they gave me the option of them sending it into a repair center, or them repairing it locally in store. I requested that they sent out just because I was curious to see how long it would take. To my surprise, my MBP arrived, fixed and as good as new on my doorstep today. That's amazingly fast for sending it out to a offsite repair center. The repair center is in Philadelphia. I live in Maine. You do the math. When I've had things repaired locally in the Apple Store it's taken weeks to repair instead of days because they need to order the parts.
Anyways, the point of this thread was to suggest to people that they choose the offsite repair option. It's amazingly fast, and it saved me a trip to the Apple Store (they shipped my MBP directly to my house).
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Feb 25, 2012
I have a late 2008 macbook pro 15 in.. my cd drive stopped working.. where can I find a new replacement one.Also, one of my usb drives (the one closest to me) gets power but it never picks up my iphone any more.. is there a way to reformat it?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 15 in
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Jun 16, 2012
I cannot not read the flash card at my mac
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
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Jul 17, 2009
So so annoyed right now. Today my 12" G4 powerbook started to become slow, lots of spinning wheel, delayed menus etc. I checked file permissions, rebooted and it just kept on getting slower. Eventually it wouldn't get past the white apple screen.
I booted off the Tiger DVD and ran disk utility to fix and repair permissions again. It wouldn't let me repair the disk as I kept getting this error:
'Repair volume failed with error could not unmount disk'
I had to reboot again, and eventually my hard disk no longer appears in Disk Utility. I tried to boot into safe mode and get this:
'"I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus"
So now I pretty much can't do anything with it. Failed Hard Drive?
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Feb 14, 2009
First, my MacBook is a little more than a year old and is no longer covered under warranty, so I would like to try any possible fixes (like cleaning the drive) before having to buy a new drive. Here's my problem: when I put a CD or DVD into the drive, it spins around and clicks a lot but never seems to really catch, and after about a minute or so of this, it ejects itself. It never shows up on my desktop, so the computer is unable to read anything from the CD or DVD. I know the problem is not the CD or DVD, because I've tried the same discs on other machines and they work fine. This problem came up on me gradually. It started happening a few months ago, and maybe only 1 out of 10 or 20 discs would it do this. Then it became a third of the time, then half of the time, and now it's about 99% of the time I try to insert a disc. I was able to get one disc to work a few days ago, but when I ejected it and reinserted it, it didn't work the second time.
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Apr 2, 2009
I bought my 2.8 ghz iMac about 2-3 weeks ago . I went on of just before and the USB drive isn't responding. Which means mouse keyboard printer nuthing is responding.
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Jul 6, 2009
I am sure this is a simple question, but I am having a problem going from windows to mac with an external hard drive. I can read and write to the drive on any windows PC. On my macbook pro laptop, I can only read. It will not let me write or erase anything to the drive. Does this have to do with the drives formatting? If so which format will let me both read and write on mac and pc?
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Sep 24, 2009
I have the early 2006 17" first intel Macbook pro , My DVD drive stopped reading any Drive i put into , I've noticed that a couple of weeks back, but it would read them after a while.
Today I've tried installing SL on it and the drive keeps on spinning and spinning and the it would be ejected out , I've tried several times to no avail , tried switching users and it read the install DVD, pressed on install and it started installing , it required rebooting when the computer rebooted it stopped reading the drive!
Tried remote disk method to no avail, it cannot read other disk drives on the same network while the other computers read its drive, I've made sure that the share DVD option from the sharing pane in system preferences was enabled on both machines...
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Jun 9, 2010
So I have an external drive that I want to be able to copy some files to. I use it for my Windows PC, and i have some of it set up for time machine too. When I plug it in, Documents, Pictures stuff show up. I can drag files off onto OS X but I cant drop other files on it. It says I only have READ permissions. How do I change this? Fully updated OS X SL.
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Jun 21, 2010
Ii have a Mac G3
600 mgz
320 mb ram
The CD Drive is not DVD Capable. Whenever I put a CD in the drive makes noise then the cd comes out. I've tried the PC reset.
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Apr 12, 2012
i just bought a mac mini and everything seems to be running great. however, i plugged in a 2TB drive i used on my Windows 7 laptop and whenever i try to delete or add a file i get an error saying the drive is 'read only'. i've plugged in a USB thumb drive and this works fine. is there anything i can do?
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