Hardware :: Unable To Verify / Repair Time Machine Backup Drive?
Aug 24, 2008
Yesterday I noticed that my computer had been trying to complete a backup for quite awhile... Well it turns out that it was only a 382KB backup and it was taking hours. I tried clicking "Stop backing up" and nothing happened. The drive was in a repetitious clicking rhythm, and when I tried to eject it, Finder said it was in use. I put my 10.5.2 install disk in and ran Disk Utility. I have two partitions on that drive, Beta and Charlie. Beta verified and repaired without a glitch, but my time machine partition, Charlie, said "Invalid node structure, volume check failed." Also, disk utility was unable to calculate how much space remained on that partition.
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Oct 6, 2009
I'm doing an initial backup to a Time Capsule and I want to make sure all my data was copied successfully. Does Time Machine verify that the data was copied successfully or does it just send it and hope everything copied alright? I know this is the kind of question only the Apple developers would know for certain, but hey, sometimes folks on these forums are surprisingly knowledgeable so I figured I'd ask here.
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Mar 19, 2012
When I go to the Time Machine menu and hit option to get the Verify Backup command, "verify backup" is grayed out. How do I verify backups?I'm using a G-Drive Mini ext hard drive with a Mac Lion 10.7.2 machine.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jan 7, 2011
I've purchased a 2TB external drive, I downloaded and installed macfuse and ntfs-3g AND tuxera ntfs and I formatted the drive to ntfs. Everything was working perfectly (reading and writing) until I unplugged the drive form my computer. So when I plugged the drive back in, it could only read and no longer can write information.
What is going on? I didn't even turn off my computer, the only thing I did was backup my computer with time machine (onto a separate drive not the NTFS one) and plug the new drive back in. I've reinstalled all 3 programs and restarted my computer but nothing seems to be working.
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Aug 2, 2009
Time machine is having problems backing up to my La Cie drive. It will start and then show the progress, but it stalls at a very low #(256 kb, for example).
Left it to do its stuff overnight and it never budged. Pulled this off of the console (after reading some other posts). Not sure if this is associated w/the problem, though.
8/2/09 10:28:45 AM mds[34] (Error) Import: importer:0x872000 Importer start failed for 89 (kr:268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port)
This error was reported pretty much every 4 seconds.
I erased and reformatted (mac os extended, journaled) the La Cie but that did not seem to work.
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Apr 20, 2010
So I have a 15" MBP running Snow Leopard and have recently installed a Western Digital MyBook 1TB World Edition on the network to serve as my Time Machine backup drive. Most of the time, it works flawlessly and OSX / Time Machine does its thing and backs up.
Every once in a while, Time Machine says backup has been delayed because it cannot locate the network drive. This when I can easily access the network drive from other machines on the network, and also from my MBP in Finder. It's just Time Machine that somehow fails to find that drive. When I enter Time Machine preferences and look for the drive, it brings it up immediately and asks me for the username and pwd and viola ... it's up and running again.
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Jan 13, 2011
I decided to restore to a Time Machine backup I had done a few days earlier, hoping that I would just "start" fresh. Without realizing it, I had inserted the Leopard install dvd that came with my computer, and restored to my 10.6.6 backup. I got the "You must restart your computer" error, which I found out was a result of using the Leopard disk. So, I redid the restore using a Snow Leopard installer on USB.
After this, everything appeared to be working fairly well. However, today, I've started to get system crashes quite frequently, and at times I haven't been able to properly shut down or restart. I noticed that Spotlight was indexing, and would hang at "3 hours remaining" or "estimating time left." Right now, I have created a second admin account, and I have disabled indexing. It seems to be working, at least temporarily, because I'm using it right now.
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Oct 26, 2008
I am getting the following error from Time Machine when doing my first backup. The startup disk being backed up, and the TM disk are both the same size.
Macintosh HD: 465.44 (total); 393.99 (free); 71.45 (free)
Time Machine: 465.44 (total); 465.29 (free)
The Time Machine error is: Quote:
"This backup is too large for the backup volume. The backup requires 472.7 GB but only 465.3 GB are available." why would this be? Other disks are excluded from the backup, and Time Machine is telling me that it needs more space than it actually needs. What should I do?
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Jul 27, 2009
Im getting this error when I verify disk but it wont let me repair it. What can I do?
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May 1, 2008
I was a PC user who recently moved to mac. I have a macbook (intel 2.2GHz, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD). When I was using PC, I backed up all my data to a network storage device (Buffalo LinkStation 250 GB connected to a 802.11g netgear router which is supplied by Sky) using a program called SmartSync Pro, which worked very well. Although I can connect to and mount the Share folder on this drive when the macbook is connected to the network, Time Machine will not back up to it. It wouldnt even recognise the disk on the network.
So I went onto the trusty internet, and found that you can get time machine to recognise the Share folder. (This was obtained from: http://blog.imulus.com/george/software/using-leopard-time-machine-to-backup-of-a-network/)See my comment on their page at the bottom, number 66.
It recommended entering the following in to the Terminal: defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
Before attempting backup I have to go into "Network" and select the Share folder by double clicking on it. This seems to mount the volume. After this, it can be seen in Time Machine as a potential backup destination.
However, this method does not work for me. Time Machine "prepares" for a while, then gives the following message: Time Machine error. The backup disk image could not be created.
More internet searching took me to macosxhints which suggests creating something called a sparsebundle image on my local system. (http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20080420211034137) Have not tried this yet as I thought it would be prudent to seek some help first.
Apple have deliberately disabled the ability for Time Machine to back up to network attached storage, (except of course to their proprietory Time Capsule):
Is this because time machine requires a network faster than 802.11g?
Is this because a time machine backup to a network attached storage device is unreliable and the data is corrupted?
I dont want to shell out more cash for a time capsule. I would prefer not to have to hardwire to an external drive (which I will also have to go out and buy). Any thoughts?
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May 3, 2009
I have a 1tb external for time machine back up and have about 750 gb of stuff to back up. I was under the impression that when time machine backs up my stuff it will automatically delete the oldest backup to create room for the newer backup.
My problem is that i did a back up a couple weeks ago and then today i go to back up and it tells me back up failed only 718gb available for 740gb of stuff to back up
anyone have this problem? how can i fix it?
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Mar 9, 2012
Is there a way to make a backup of your Time Machine backup on a 2nd hard drive? I want to be doubly sure that my data is backed up!Right now I get an error saying that the second hard drive isn't authorized to copy my Time Machine data from the original hard drive I have set up as my Time Machine.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 15, 2009
I have a WD Terabyte drive that I have used for over a year with no problems. A couple of days ago my roommate went to use it and disconnected the drive from my computer without ejecting it first. He used it with his PC and disconnected it without "safely removing" it from his computer and now it will not mount to my desktop of been seen by PC. Disk Utility sees the device but I get an error when I try to repair the disk or verify the disk. It gives me an "error on exit" message. I really need the 700GB of info on that drive. Don't know what to do next.
Powerbook G4
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Dec 30, 2008
I have an Imac 24" and a Mybook external HDD. ever since Leopard came out Ive been doing backups with time machine, then one day I start time machine for my weekly backup and this message comes up: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume." Now I notice that my external HDD was almost not spinning while time machine was trying to backup the status bar of time machine saying how much files need to be copied and the total amount of space needed was super slow and stoped at something like maybe 10 mb I started time machine again same message. I though maybe Mac OSX needed some permission repaires. So I did just that and after that did time machine again same problem. then I said to myself maybe my External HDD has problems so I even formated the HDD, then stated Time machine again this time it was running smoothly just like before I had the problem but the problem came back after 6 gig being copied out of the 25 gig needed to complete the backup process. Now hope I dont need a clean install of my Mac OSX or maybe its my external HDD. maybe my USB having problems?
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Mar 2, 2009
I'm trying to restore my files from time machine and I chose only to transfer my files and it seemed to do that but how do I access them now and put my pictures in iphoto and music in itunes?
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Mar 11, 2009
I have an external 500gb drive plugged into my brand new Time Capsule. The 500gb drive basically stores my entire library of music and my iTunes points to this external drive.
Is it possible to have time machine backup all information on the 500gb drive to the time capsule, so encase the external drive takes a dump, I don't loose my entire music library? Maybe time machine is already doing this, I am not sure.
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Sep 11, 2010
I recently used time machine for the first time in a long time. I use my external HD USB for the backup. After the back up was complete, I unplugged the USB cable. I got an error that I needed to put the HD away first (I wasn't thinking). And I didn't pay attention to the error either.
I thought the data was gone, when I didnt see the data in the back up file. I do see the back up file with that date on it. In the file is the .InProgress file. In that file, on right clicking, I see the contents of one folder. This folder has a very long name of numbers and letters. It shows no contents in the finder. THough I know the files must be here. The HD has capacity of 100 Gig. There is only about 20 gigs showing on it. Though there is only 20 gigs available. So, my back up data is there on the HD, and I assume it's in this "empty" file.
* How do I extract the saved files ?
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Nov 20, 2008
I have 10.4.11 installed and have some time machine backups from a leopard system on one of my externals. When I try to navigate to one of the backups and get into any of the user folders like documents, pictures, etc it says I don't have permission to access them? Yet I check the permissions and they are read/write.
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Aug 5, 2010
I have an Imac 24" and a Mybook external HDD. Ever since Leopard came out Ive been doing backups with time machine, then ...one day..I start time machine for my weekly backup..and this message comes up: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume."
Now I notice that my external HDD was almost not spinning while time machine was trying to backup ... the status bar of time machine saying how much files need to be copied and the total amount of space needed was super slow .... and stoped at something like maybe 10 mb ...
I started time machine again ... same message.
I though maybe Mac OSX needed some permission repaires. So I did just that and after that did time machine again ... same problem ....
Then I said to myself ... maybe my External HDD has problems ... so I even formated the HDD, then stated Time machine again ... this time it was running smoothly just like before I had the problem ... but the problem came back after 6 gig being copied out of the 25 gig needed to complete the backup process.
Now ... I hope I dont need a clean install of my Mac OSX ... or maybe its my external HDD ... maybe my USB having problems?
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Dec 1, 2014
My time machine hasn't backed up since November 22. Every time it went for it's scheduled back-up it skipped and went to the next scheduled backup. When I tried to reconfigure the time capsule it won't let me select the disk that I would like to use for the time machine. Everything else is working fine (airport wifi at least). Here are some screenshots:
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Nov 23, 2008
Any clues to this error... I've been getting it fairly frequently as of late. Probably every few days.
Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume.
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Jan 1, 2009
I've spent a good deal of time over three days trying to do something that I think is both doable and shouldn't be all that hard. I have a 750gb external HD attached to a Mini, and I'd like to use that drive to do TM backups for the Mini, as well as three MacBooks.
But I can't seem to get access to the backup drive from the laptops to either get going in the first place, or to remain available for TM. I get "volume can't be mounted" errors, "image can't be mounted errors", etc. I find that I can't ever eject the backup drive from the Mini (always told an application is using it...even if I've just booted up the Mini). And with one of the MacBooks, even a direct FW connection to the drive doesn't result in the drive showing up in Finder.
Isn't this a pretty straightforward thing to do? Is there a step by step somewhere that might help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, or what I need to fix? Should I reformat the drive again and start over (there are no important backups on it yet)? By the way, the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
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Feb 13, 2009
So I finally got around to getting a 1tb drive to hook up to my airport extreme to do TM backups. I have ~420gb to backup on my mbp's hard drive. To avoid an absurdly long backup, I did the initial backup via usb (took the better part of the day).
Just now I was excited because it finished - I hooked the drive up to the extreme, mounted the drive so that it would show up as an option in the TM pref pane for a backup disk, and thought I was good to go. However, when I tried to get TM to do a backup so I could see it work (by selecting Back Up Now from the menubar), it took a ridiculously long time "preparing" and I saw that it was trying to create a whole new TM backup on the drive based on my computer's network name. It even had the audacity to think that the previous backup file was ~2gb, which freaked me out because I thought it had deleted it. But sure enough when I canceled the new backup and hooked it up to my mbp again, the backup was the correct size.
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Mar 14, 2009
I'm having trouble backing up with Time Machine. Here's the setup:
1. Three, 1TB external hard drives in a concatenated software RAID. This means that they are treated as one large drive. There is no mirroring, no increased data rate, blah blah blah. It's just three hard drives in the place of one. I am aware that this means my backup is three times as likely to fail with the hardware, but that's OK.
2. These three are connected to a USB hub.
3. This hub is connected to a G5 tower. The G5 tower can back up to the concatenated drives (I'll call them just a RAID from here on), and also all additional external hard drives that I connect to the G5 tower have been backing up to the RAID no problem. This is great.
Here's the problem:
I'm trying to get two more computers to back up to the RAID wirelessly. I read a lot online about how this didn't used to be a supported feature (backing up to an external hard drive over a network with time machine), but that Apple has recently upgraded Time Machine to support this functionality.
The first computer I started with to try to backup over the network was a Macbook Pro, trying to get it to backup to this RAID. It can see the RAID over the network, mount it, copy files to it/read it, but CANNOT time machine backup to it. I select the network RAID as the backup device, hit "back up now," then get this message:
"The external volume cannot be mounted."
This is really bizzare, considering that it is mounted, and that I can copy to it. Just for your information, I have an airport extreme wireless network that has been working beautifully, no Keychain access issues, no 3rd party firewall, nothing. I've run through Applecare on this issue: the MacBook Pro has never done ANY time machine backup on the RAID, not even a partial one, so there's no dangling sparse bundle or backup folder or anything like that. All network permissions check out, etc. I've tried repairing the RAID with disk utility, as well as repairing permissions (although I have not done either of these things to the MacBookPro).
The latest thing I tried was plugging the RAID directly into the Macbook Pro. Here's where I got the first clue (at least I think so)...Plugged DIRECTLY into the MacBook Pro, the RAID will mount, but the MacBook Pro WILL NOT backup to the RAID. It gives me the same message: the selected volume cannot be mounted. Again, this is strange considering that, just like when I am viewing the RAID over the network, plugged directly into the MacBook Pro the RAID will mount, I can read it, copy files to it, etc.
I have considered plugging the RAID into the Airport extreme directly, but first of all this would mean much slower transfer speeds with the G5 tower, which is a big issue considering the files I am backing up every day, and two, since it seems that the RAID won't be recognized by the MacBook Pro even when plugged in directly, I'm thinking that this is a more fundamental issue.
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Nov 8, 2009
I am pulling my hair since friday trying to get my MBP's time machine work with a 1TB drive connected to a early 2009 AEBS. First I spent half a day doing the first backup by connecting the hard drive directly to Mac using USB and later when I connected that drive to AEBS, time machine would not recognize the drive as the same one and I had to spend a good part of yesterday backing up my complete drive again.... and just when I thought I can rest easy knowing that my eternal dream of getting time machine work wirelessly, I saw time machine complain that there is not enough free space left to backup my paltry 103 GB worth of data on just second day.
Turns out, the Time machine backup volume (volume created by time machine on the AEBS disk) shows that the used space is 1TB.... but the size of the sparsebundle is only 103GB and my airport drive mount itself shows plenty of free space (800GB).... I have tried to search for similar problem, but I couldn't find much help... can anyone help me out here....
Btw, when I tried to repair the volume in disk utility, it says something about incorrect allocation blocks and then says it cannot repair and I need to backup and reformat the drive or something of that sort....
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Jul 2, 2012
I would like to use FileVault to encrypt both my hard drive and time machine back up external drive. Does encryption noticeable slow down the computer.
MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 5, 2014
Basically I have a 750GB hard drive in my Macbook Pro and over 300GB is taken up with 'BackUp' data. This is more than the total of everything I have on the drive other than that. Time Machine has always been setup on an external drive and when searching all files on the Macbook there is nothing for backup files so don't know where it is coming from.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 10, 2009
I have a mid-2008 (June) MBP 15". Just upgraded to SL last night. I am having a serious issue with time machine. I've been using it with the same external HD since I bought my mac last year. No issues up until I installed SL last night. This morning (my first backup since upgrading), time machine started backing up (~ 9Gb) but just stops at around 300Mb. The clock keeps spinning, but there is no change in the amount backed up.
I'm reading that other folks are having this issue as well. Has anyone figured something out?I've run disk repair (nothing found), restarted my mac & external HD (several times each), and cancelled and restarted the time machine backup (several times). Each time it freezes at a different amount (i.e. 34Mb, 284.2Mb, etc...).
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Mar 25, 2010
I have a file I alter once about a week, each time I alter it I save it as a new one, with a date included in the name.So I have a series of files something like
xxxxx march 13.numbers
xxxxx march 07.numbers
xxxxx march 01.numbers
This morning when I updated and saved the march13 file I accidentally saved it as xxxxxx march 13, not xxxxxx march 20 which it should have been. No problem, go into time machine and retrieve the march 13 file I thought.Its not there. Its not there from just before the save to any time it should be there !
Luckily I was able to retrieve it as I also have a once a week online backup so I went into the last one of those and retrieved "xxxxxx march13" which proves it did exist, it has a creation date of march 17 but if I look at TM for march 18 its not there - why isn't it in my time machine backup?
All the other files in that folder are as expected so the only thing that makes any sense to me is that TM hasn't been backing up over the past week or so but TM error logger shows no errors.
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Dec 8, 2010
I recently switched from Windows 7 to a new iMac. I connected my FreeAgent external drive and let iMac's Time Machine re-format it from windows to mac language. The backup completed, and all went well...but now there's a "Time Machine Backups" drive icon on my desktop. Does that have to be there? At first I deleted it, and the Seagate drive could no longer be recognized...so I unplugged the external drive and then plugged it back in. That did the trick, and it went back to working order. I also tried moving the backup drive icon to "Home" under "Go", and the same thing happened as when I put it in the trash. My question is, is it possible to move that drive icon from the Desktop to another place or do I just have to live with it on the Desktop?
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