IMac :: Belkin AV360 Shows No Sound?

Jan 7, 2011

I've had the Belkin AV360 for less than a week now and I am no longer getting any sound from any HDMI devices plugged in. Video displays just fine but no sound. I did change my sound input on the iMac earlier today but I've tried switching it to other settings and still no go.

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IMac :: Kanex XD Or Belkin AV360

Jul 8, 2010

which brand is better in terms of quality for using the imac 27" as a monitor for the 360?

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IMac :: Capture And Rec Games Using Belkin Av360

Jul 15, 2010

the belkin av360 to rec and capture games on their imac? its great for using the 27' imac as an hd monitor for my xbox but it would be nice if i could rec footage too

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IMac :: Belkin AV360 1080P HDMI-MDP Input Adapter Review

Jul 7, 2010

Belkin AV360 1080P HDMI-MDP Input Adapter Review.

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IMac :: Belkin AV360 Review - Successfully Play Your XBOX 360 On Your 27"

Aug 8, 2010

I finally got a chance to sit down and test out the Belkin AV360. I have seen other people complain of problems with the Dr. Bott and Kanex (note I have not tested either of these, just posting complaints I have seen) products. Well Belkin has really impressed me.


It has a simple setup. Plug in the HDMI cord from your XBOX, Playstation, whatever into the belkin box. Then plug in the Mini Displayport cord and USB cord from your iMac into the Belkin box. Then when you are ready to play, just turn the XBOX on. Your iMac will automagically know when it is turned on and flip to display the XBOX on the screen. When you are done playing, just turnoff the XBOX and your iMac instantly switches back to the desktop. It really is idiot proof.


The Belkin AV360 does display in 720p. Visual sticklers will probably not be satisfied with this quality when they know that the iMac's screen is capable of more. 720p was fine for me. Definitely could see some pixelation because I was sitting pretty close to the screen which only enhanced the pixels. I was still satisfied because I doubt 1080p would be much better since I was sitting so close.


Everything you need to connect your iMac to the Belkin AV360 is included in the product. You only need to supply the HDMI cable to connect the Belkin to your XBOX. This can be picked up for about $3 at Monoprice.


I give this product 4.5/5 stars. The only thing that I would like to see improved is for the Belkin device to be a little bit smaller (stuff can always be smaller right?) and brushed aluminum instead of white as Apple seems to be moving towards the brushed look over the classic white. Those are minor inconveniences and do not distract from the overall experience of the product.

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IMac :: Target Display Mode Not Functioning With AV360

Oct 23, 2010

I use a Belkin AV360 so I can play my Xbox 360 on my new 27" iMac using target display mode. it has been working flawlessly since I got the AV360 until today where I haven't been able to get target display mode to work.

I've checked it is not the Xbox 360 being the problem tested it on my housemates TV. am also pretty sure it's not the Belkin AV360 itself because in system profiler under USB devices it says the "AV360 miniDP Converter" is pluged in and say same in Windows 7 bootcamp under device manager. I also tried my laptop which has a HDMI out on it.

my laptop says there is a "Belkin dongle" plugged in, I set the laptop to use the Belkin dongle at a external display and still I can't get target display mode to work.

Normally when I turn my Xbox on it automatically goes into target display mode or I can press cmd + F2 so to switch between iMac and Xbox. I have also tested my housemates Xbox in my setup and still the same problem.

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MacBook Pro :: HDMI To MBP But Shows No Sound?

Dec 25, 2010

video comes out perfect but no sound out of the TV , it comes through the laptop, anyone know a fix for this?

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OS X :: Video Plays But No Sound Shows?

Jan 16, 2009

I have the newest mac ox software and everything is updated from what i can see. but if i try to watch some video i d/l from the web i can't get any sound from then just the video. anyone else having this problem or know what i can do to make it work?

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MacBook :: Connected MacBoom To LG TV But Shows No Sound Options?

Oct 1, 2010

I am useless with computers and i am trying to connect my macbook to my LG tv via hdmi.i have connected the headphone jack to the audio on my tv but i don't get any sound also how do i get my macbook to not go into sleep after 10 mins?

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IMac :: Best Router - Use Belkin N1 Wireless Router But It Drops The Connection?

Nov 19, 2010

What is the best router to have for my iMac 27", 3.06 gig? I currently have a Belkin N1 Wireless Router, but it has been acting up lately, dropping my connection, requiring disconnect/re-connect.

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OS X :: Photo Booth - No Sound On Video Recored File Shows?

May 19, 2010

i just a macbook (used from a friend) and I decided to record in photo booth a 2 minute video of me and my son (i have done two before and worked fine) and I thought it went well but when I decided to play it the only thing that worked on it was the video but had no audio playback. What happen and is their a program that can maybe retreat the sound it maybe its still in the file?

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Mac Pro :: MacPro Died - When Powering Machine Hear Startup Sound And Display Shows Apple Logo

Nov 28, 2010

My early 2008 2.8GHz 8-core Mac Pro died last week. I tried all the usual stuff and ended up taking it to the local Apple store genius bar. They ran their diagnostics tool on it and did not find any problems so I had to leave it for a more thorough test. The Apple Store called a few days later and said it was either the main logic board and/or one or both CPU's. They -say- they replaced the main logic board and that did not fix it. They told me it would be ~$2800 USD plus labor to replace the the main logic board and both CPU's. So I took the machine over to another authorized Apple Service center for a second opinion. This other service center seemed confident they could determine which component(s) are defective. I am expecting a call from them on Tuesday of this week and hope to find out more then.

The symptoms are: When powering the machine I hear the startup sound and the display shows the apple logo. The machine boots for a little while (disk activity is heard) then the machine freezes for about 30 seconds then reboots or just freezes indefinitely. This happens with my 10.6.5 boot system, a second 10.6.x boot system on another internal drive as well as from the 10.6 SL DVD installer disc. Apple could not boot it off their network based systems either. Same symptoms on all startup disks tried so far...

So, I'd like to know where to go if I need to obtain parts and do the repair myself. I've built a number of PC's in the past and have no concerns about the undertaking. I just need to determine which parts I need. I'm not looking to "upgrade" the machine however if faster CPU's are available for a similar price I'd probably opt for the upgrade. At this point I'd be completely satisfied replacing the defective components with the same stuff that's in the machine now. Any pointers/links/tips/etc. would be most appreciated.

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MacBook :: Belkin Cooling Pad For It?

May 13, 2012

I use my white (unibody) mac for extended hours at a stretch and is covered with a hard transparent cover (speck). I checked out the cooling pads from belkin that seem to work great with other laptops but when it comes to a mac which has no vents at the bottom but at the corner where the hinges for the screen is, how effective would it be..?

MacUnibody(2010) , Ipod (5th gen Nano), Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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Power Mac G5 :: Battery Backup APC Vs. Belkin

Nov 20, 2007

Can anyone advise which is better for a battery backup for my PowerMac G5 (APC vs. Belkin)?

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OS X :: Belkin N+ Router - Can't Get Anything To Forward Port

May 19, 2009

forwarding ports to my semi-new iMac. I got my iMac back in September and I've been trying to forward my ports since then but have unsuccessfully done so. I've followed every guide i can find but still i dont know what i've done wrong. I have a Belkin N+ router. I think that I managed to give myself a static IP but from there i can't get anything to forward.

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Hardware :: Belkin Hub Is Compatible For The Newer USB 2.0

May 5, 2010

I currently have the older iMac as in my sig. I'm buying a new iMac i7. Can I still use the Belkin Hub I currently have?I know my current iMac has a USB that is slower than newer ones, don't remember the specifics. I'm not sure if the Belkin Hub I have is compatible for the newer USB 2.0

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MacBook Pro :: Belkin G Wireless Router?

May 23, 2010

I'm going to buy a Macbook Pro (13") in two/three weeks. Now I've been lurking these forums for some time now and I read there were some problems with the Belkin Routers. I own a Belkin G Wireless Router F5D7234-4 (this one: 1012107496.jpg), will that router work on my soon-to-be-Macbook Pro?

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OS X :: MBP To Hdvt - Mini Displayport To Dvi -> Belkin Dvi To Hdmi

Mar 14, 2010

I have trying to get my laptop hooked up to my tv, using the apple mini displayport to DVI -> belkin DVI to HDMI cable setup (as recommended by the dude int eh apple store - which i knew and planned on doing anyway :P).

anyway, when i first plugged it in to the tv in my hotel room it worked, 1080p, then stopped .. then randomly worked again after a few ties. Once I got home i hooked it up to my sharp aquos 42 and worked fine, then after it was unplugged and tried to get it working again, it basically just.. wouldn't - i don't get a picture/signal on the tv, no options in the display cp , nor does the screen go blue when it normally finds a monitor/tv. i've tried plugging it in both ends, restarting, turning tv off/on, everything to no avail. I know the dvi-hdmi cable works, used it from a windows desktop to make sure. the mini displayport to DVI works for DVI 100% of the time into one of my monitors.

as mentioned it had worked at first on and off..., and now i cant get it working on my 1080p tv, nor the 720p one that's in my room, neither of them get a picture/signal; no options in display control panel either, or the quick display flash to blue. Furthermore, sometimes when unplugging the dvi cable from the tv i get the laptop screen flash, as when it picks the device up initially.

I never got my emailed invoice from apple when I bought the cables in in SF during macworld so I cant just return it to apple I'm sure.

any ideas would be greatly appreciated, please help this is making me go crazy... worked and now nothing no matter what i try. Oh, also tried on another, new user to see if it was a weird setting that got saved.

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Hardware :: Belkin Wireless Router Settings?

Oct 13, 2010

just got a belking wireless router. g i think.

what are the best settings that i should have it on.

only 2 macs will be on it.

want it with a password bc its a populated area.

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Hardware :: Belkin USB 2.0 Hub Slow Data Transfer

Feb 5, 2008

Any ideas why my brand new 7-port usb 2.0 hub would be so slow? It this thing nearly 7 minutes to transfer 100MB. Now it is adding song to my iphone at the rate of about one song per ever 45 seconds.

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OS X :: Trying To Connect Belkin Wireless DSL/Cable 802.11g Router With Mac OS X 10.4?

Dec 7, 2008

I got off a friend a Belkin Wireless DSL/Cable 802.11g Router and I use Mac only and tried to connect at all up followed the instructions but when I was asked to put in the url nothing came up and I am stuck there.

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OS X :: Using Belkin Router - Saves Wrong Password

Aug 8, 2009

I just bought a Belkin N router (a F5D8236), and I've finally been able to get it to work, but every time I try and set a password on the router itself, it seems to save the wrong one! I've tried several times now (v-e-r-y carefully, checking the capslock key), and the same thing happens. Once I've entered the password and the router resets, I can't login again without reverting to factory settings.

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Hardware :: Airport Express Compatible With Belkin N?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a Belkin N+ wireless router right now. I would like to get an airport express so I can stream my music into my living room where my stereo is. Is my current router going to work with this? Or would I need a Airport Extreme as my router.

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IMac Will Not Start It Just Shows Apple Logo

Apr 2, 2012

my Imac will not start - When I try to start it I just get to see the apple and the wheel that goes around and around

iMac, iOS 4.3

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MacBook Pro :: Desktop Shows Up As Blue But Shows Up Correctly In Settings?

Aug 21, 2014

My MacBook Pro 13", running on latest update, is showing a completely blue, plain blue, desktop background. It changed all by itself. When I tried to reset it by right clicking on the image I want on my desktop and selecting "Set Desktop Picture" nothing changes. When I go into my settings and try to change it that way, the image I want as my background shows as already being my background, yet my desktop is still blue. Tried rebooting already.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 7.1.2

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IMac :: Imac 27" Brief Mechanical Ejection Sound From Dvd Drive When Booting Up

Dec 2, 2009

Had a quick question. I'm on my third 27" stock 3.06Ghz imac that was replaced yesterday. The good news is that so far it doesn't seem to have any of the problems of my previous two 27" imac's. There is one thing though. A couple of seconds after pressing the power button to bootup there is a brief mechanical sound from the dvd drive like a quick ejecting sound even though there is no cd in the drive. My first 27" imac dvd drive made the sound but the second imac 27" Imac I had didn't. Is this sound normal? Would be curious to know why two out of the three 27" Imac's I had make that noise.

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Hardware :: Get AirPort Express Working With Belkin Routers?

Aug 16, 2006

I bought a Airport Express so I could stream my music through my big money home stereo system. According to the manual I could use the AirPort express to expand my pre-existing wireless network.I started working on this at 9Pm and finally figured it out by 4AM First I have the Belkin F5D7231-4 so this will work with this router & I've heard the F5D7230-4. Basically your Belkin needs to support "Wireless Bridge" or "WDS".

Configuring the Belkin:Set your DHCP Server Range to what ever you desire. I use - Save your Changes.Go to Wireless Bridge: Enable Wireless Bridging & Enable Only Specific Access Points to connect.. Input the mac address of your Air Port Express into the field and save your changes.Next configure your wireless security. You have to choose WPA "2". I repeat you have to choose WPA2. Setup your password and save your changes.For the Encryption Technique I use TKIP. I have not tried AES and can not verify it works.Save your changes and say man this is pretty easy so far.Configuring the AirPort Express to act as an expander:At this point its a good idea to take a pin and reset the AirPort Express. After it boots back up change your wireless networks and log on to it.Loadup the Airport Admin Utility.Now choose to configure your AirPort Express.
hange all the settings you see for Name / Contact / Location to your liking.Under Airport Network: Choose Join an Exisiting Wireless Network (Wireless Client)Find your Belkin under Wireless Network: It should be called what ever you named it.It will ask for your WPA2 Personal password to join the network so enter it twice.Now click on the internet tab at the top: Connect using: Wireless NetworkConfigure TCP/IP Choose to Configure Manually.Ip address you need to make it something outside of your Belkins DCHP Server Range. I used: because my range stops at 22.

Router Addy:
DNS Server:

Now choose the Music Tab at the top and configure it to your liking.Give All your options a once over and then hit update. Wait for the AirPort Express to load up and enjoy the Green Light

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Hardware :: Laserjet Iiip Mac Mini 10.4.3 Usb Belkin Cable

Nov 13, 2005

I have an old Laserjet IIIp I'm trying to use with a new Mac mini. Before realizing that tiger had gimp-print bundled with it I installed it separately, so maybe that's the problem. Anyway, I use the printer setup utility, and click add, and it shows me a USB printer (without a name, that's odd.) I choose HP and then "Laserjet III Series," and whether I choose the 4.x driver or the 5.x driver, clicking add does nothing. No dialog, no spinning of the disk or the printer, just nothing.I know the driver supports this printer, and I know the cable in question (a Belkin USB->Parallel cable) works with gimp-print and even with this printer. Rebooting the Mac doesn't help, even if the printer is on and connected during the reboot.

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Mac Mini :: Belkin USB Hub Not Show Up On List Of Peripheral Devices?

Jun 23, 2012

Belkin 4 usb hub does not show up on list of peripheral devices. Will run printer & keyboard but not icube or logtech mic. Why does the hub not show as external device like nano, etc?

Mac mini

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Intel Mac :: Canon GL2 And Belkin 800/400 9-pin To 4-pin Firewire Cable Not Working?

Jul 4, 2012

I have my Canon GL2 connected to my I-Mac OSX version10.7.3 with a Belkin 800/400 9-pin to 4-pin firewire cable and the computer is not acknowledging the camera or firewire cable. Trying to get footage into Final Cut Pro 10 off mini dv tape.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Final Cut Pro 10

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