IMac :: Capture And Rec Games Using Belkin Av360
Jul 15, 2010the belkin av360 to rec and capture games on their imac? its great for using the 27' imac as an hd monitor for my xbox but it would be nice if i could rec footage too
View 1 Repliesthe belkin av360 to rec and capture games on their imac? its great for using the 27' imac as an hd monitor for my xbox but it would be nice if i could rec footage too
View 1 Replieswhich brand is better in terms of quality for using the imac 27" as a monitor for the 360?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've had the Belkin AV360 for less than a week now and I am no longer getting any sound from any HDMI devices plugged in. Video displays just fine but no sound. I did change my sound input on the iMac earlier today but I've tried switching it to other settings and still no go.
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View 24 Replies View RelatedI finally got a chance to sit down and test out the Belkin AV360. I have seen other people complain of problems with the Dr. Bott and Kanex (note I have not tested either of these, just posting complaints I have seen) products. Well Belkin has really impressed me.
It has a simple setup. Plug in the HDMI cord from your XBOX, Playstation, whatever into the belkin box. Then plug in the Mini Displayport cord and USB cord from your iMac into the Belkin box. Then when you are ready to play, just turn the XBOX on. Your iMac will automagically know when it is turned on and flip to display the XBOX on the screen. When you are done playing, just turnoff the XBOX and your iMac instantly switches back to the desktop. It really is idiot proof.
The Belkin AV360 does display in 720p. Visual sticklers will probably not be satisfied with this quality when they know that the iMac's screen is capable of more. 720p was fine for me. Definitely could see some pixelation because I was sitting pretty close to the screen which only enhanced the pixels. I was still satisfied because I doubt 1080p would be much better since I was sitting so close.
Everything you need to connect your iMac to the Belkin AV360 is included in the product. You only need to supply the HDMI cable to connect the Belkin to your XBOX. This can be picked up for about $3 at Monoprice.
I give this product 4.5/5 stars. The only thing that I would like to see improved is for the Belkin device to be a little bit smaller (stuff can always be smaller right?) and brushed aluminum instead of white as Apple seems to be moving towards the brushed look over the classic white. Those are minor inconveniences and do not distract from the overall experience of the product.
I use a Belkin AV360 so I can play my Xbox 360 on my new 27" iMac using target display mode. it has been working flawlessly since I got the AV360 until today where I haven't been able to get target display mode to work.
I've checked it is not the Xbox 360 being the problem tested it on my housemates TV. am also pretty sure it's not the Belkin AV360 itself because in system profiler under USB devices it says the "AV360 miniDP Converter" is pluged in and say same in Windows 7 bootcamp under device manager. I also tried my laptop which has a HDMI out on it.
my laptop says there is a "Belkin dongle" plugged in, I set the laptop to use the Belkin dongle at a external display and still I can't get target display mode to work.
Normally when I turn my Xbox on it automatically goes into target display mode or I can press cmd + F2 so to switch between iMac and Xbox. I have also tested my housemates Xbox in my setup and still the same problem.
What is the best router to have for my iMac 27", 3.06 gig? I currently have a Belkin N1 Wireless Router, but it has been acting up lately, dropping my connection, requiring disconnect/re-connect.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an iMac that I connect to my Vizio using the miniDVI output on my mac. My question is, I have direct.v. is there a "hopefully" free way to capture t.v. from my direct.v./Vizio and save it on my iMac. Just to edit stuff for fun?
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
I am either going to get the 13 inch macbook pro intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz or the Imac i3 3.06 intel.... but I know the intel chip is better in the Imac, and I can upgrade the RAM to 16GB!!!(: But is the Imac i3 going to be SUPER slow for SIMS3 online and Modern warfare 1...?? like this 06 macbook is? am I going to see a big difference?
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I'm using the Firewire port to connect to the camcorder. So then the question is: which hard disk to use for the capture scratch? Since the iMac has only one Firewire port, and that's used for the camcorder, the only choices are the internal Serial ATA 7200 rpm drive and an external drive connected via USB 2.0.
I wanted to avoid using the internal drive because it's the system drive and especially to avoid the significant internal heat build-up, but when I connect a 7200 rpm Seagate FreeAgent disk via USB, I'm consistently getting dropped frames.
So I've resorted to using the internal drive for now, and when I'm done, I may copy/move them off to the external drive, but I still would prefer to capture directly to the external drive (without the dropped frames though).
Imac wont delete picture using Image capture
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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I have successfully gotten windows 7 on my imac with vmware fusion. I want to play a pc game so i put it in my cd drive and nothing happens with windows. I go to the correct drive click on it and it says nothing in the drive
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Anyways... I just had a thought and was wondering if any owners could clear it up. The resolution on the 27 i7 Quad Core seems ENORMOUS for a middle-grade ATI GPU. Are you able to game on high settings for semi-modern games like L4D2, TF2, etc. at the 27"'s native resolution? What are your thoughts on it as a gaming machine. It seems like the 27" will obsolete itself quicker than a i5/i7 21 inch (if one ever comes out) due to the screen resolution size.
Thinking of buying an iMac in the next couple of months and want to know know if anyone has experience of running games on Windows 7 under Bootcamp? Do they run ok? I know it depends what sort of game you are playing so I usually play MMO's & FPS. I will be using OSX for all non gaming stuff but if the gaming under Windows 7 is not that good I may just buy a Macbook for my OSX stuff and buy a seperate PC just for gaming.
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Does anyone here drive rFactor, GTR, GTR Evo or iRacing on a 27" iMac?
I recently (3 days of writing this) was playing World of Warcraft and my Mac completely froze. The only way to escape this is by turning the computer on and off. Ever since, any time I open a video game application, within a few seconds my Mac will completely freeze. On occasion my screen will freeze but my mouse will work, albeit in reverse (left is right, up is down, etc.) and will move incredibly fast. No other applications are affected in such a manner and since this is only occuring during graphics intense video games, I suspect my graphics card is causing this.
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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View 7 Replies View RelatedI have the fully loaded 3.06GHz iMac with the upgraded video card. The native resolution is 1920x1200, which even with the iMac's decent specs, is a hefty performance dump being forced to run games in this high resolution. When I try lowering the resolution, literally every other resolution option looks like crap, while 1920x1200 looks crisp and perfect. Most of the other options aren't a matching aspect ratio for the widescreen monitor. Is there a good resolution you recommend, and if it isn't available in my game, is there a way to make it available?
Do I need to hack each game to display other resolution options that match my aspect ratio? How can I get better performance besides turning the graphics to crap? I would be happy running in a lower resolution with all other settings maxed, rather than most settings low with such a high resolution.
Do I have any options here or am I screwed? I'm sure some of you guys must have come across this issue! I'm a new Mac convert who can't get rid of my PC gaming.
Note: Preferably I would like to find an alternate widescreen resolution, rather than finding a way to use 4:3 with black bars, but either would be better than how it is now.
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