I usually have four apps running during the day. I keep them in their separate windows.
Is there a way to open the app in it's own window? Everytime I start an an, it opens in window number 1 and then I have to move it to it's own window. I know this isn't a huge chore, but it does take time and if you do it every morning, it gets tiresome.
Since installing Lion, when I open a document and the corresponding app opens, it shows the last document opened in that app, not the one I opened. Is there a fix?
is there a way to open new apps in the background?right now, when opening a new application, the system will automatically switch to the new app once it is loaded.i.e. i am woking on a word document, and while typing, i start excel from the dock.excel will take 30+ second to load/start. in the meantime i am still using word.after 30 sec, excel loads and automatically switch from word to excel even if i am in the middle of typing. is there any way to prevent the auto switch and load the new app in the background?
I do not get the Mac OS which I am have to use part of the time. I'm not hostile to it I just don't get it. I also have to use various versions of Windows in other settings. When one works with multiple applications, which for me is all day, they overlap in a jumble on the screen unless manually configured. The icon bar/dock at the bottom is sort of useless because it does not tell you, at least I do not see how, what apps are open once they stop bouncing around or, if using a program like Word, which documents are open. The only way to check what apps are open that I see is to manually cycle through apps with the keyboard, which is sort of quaint but ineffecient and annoying On one machine which has Parallels installed with Windows 7 the Windows app icons give you far more information about Windows programs than any of the Mac applications give about Mac apps.
I've run into an unusual problem recently. I think it it related to two recent software installs.The problem only started after i installed the new application loader. Â
My issue : I'm unable to open application I downloaded from the web. I get the following error message below.
P.S I haven't tried rolling back the lastest softwarte installs yet. I'm hoping I can avoid that.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Dual Boot( Windows XP)
I have no idea what happened. it was working fine last week, and then the other day I tried to open up iMovie and i get "The operation could not be completed / An unexpected error occurred (error code -10810)" This happens every time i try to open anything in my applications folder. the programs on my dock open up fine.
After upgrading to Lion I see a check box at shutdown to refrain from opening web pages currently open in Safari. I did that, unchecked it, but they still open. How odd they would make this a opt out scenario - is there a way to make this permanent? I liked the old way where you could go into History and do it during a new session.
I've found the New User that has been created on my MacAir but none of my passwords will open it to transfer my data into my regular User Account. What can I do? I've tried migrating a couple of times and I still can't open the account.
Info: MacBook Air, Bought today with the latest software
I would like to be able to open files that I've worked on in Windows and be able to write back to the same disk. Is this possible? What do I need to do to make this possible?
Problems started after uploading the Lion in March. Now at least Windows 7 users can´t open any pdfs or jpegs that I have included into sent e-mails. They can see that they are included but can´t open them. What can I do?
Office equiped mixed computers , aslo Windows and Mac, Could we use MacMini server for both machines, working by windows apps and / or to save and work with windows files on MacMini server and with Mac as well?We woud use it for normal office work and get it by internet from other places as wellwindows apps: merchandising, invoice, word, excel, pictures editing, Outlook Express + the Mac apps  Â
Whenever I launch Pages, the application opens pretty much all the documents I've worked on. I take care to close all the windows, hoping that they won't launch again next time I start the application, yet they do. I can't find a setting in the preferences or Settings to disable this behavior.Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have my HP all-in-one connected to an 802.11g Airport Extreme via ethernet, and through Bonjour I've been printing to it from a Core Duo Mac mini, and a 12" and 15" Powerbook. However, all of a sudden every single application on my three computers "unexpectedly quits" when I go to File>Print or hit command-P. I can't print anything! The only thing I can think of that might have gone wrong is maybe something happened with the 10.4.10 update and the printer drivers?
I have just installed SL on a system with Tiger on it. It installs fine, and looks to be OK. But when trying to open up any program like MAIL, SAFARI or even Software update it causes an error. Does anyone have any idea of how I could fix this problem. I am sure there is a way, I just don't know it.
I thought an update to Snow Leopard would sort this, but no luck. My "Open Recent" lists in every single app are always blank, even though I have opened docs using them. I have fiddled about in Preferences > Appearance > Number of Recent Items, changing it from 10 to 15 to 0 back to 15, but no luck. It's ALWAYS blank. I've not found anyone with a similar problem who's managed to sort it.
I just turned on my 20-day old 17" MacBook Pro Unibody and nothing happens other than a LONG boot sequence. The Finder isn't even indicated as running in the dock, and the only thin the conputer is capable of is opening a few select windows. Every time I attempt to run an app, I get the following warning: You can't Open the Application (null) because it may be damaged or incomplete. That's all the computer can do. I tried to launch Onyx to clean out the baffels, but it just won't launch. The computer only shuts down or restarts by holding the power key down.
After my last OS update, all every time I open an app, it opens a window (where I last left it) and I have to click that away before going to the folder I wan to open. Well, it does not drive me crazy but is really annoying.Â
I still have a couple of OLD apps that require System 9. When I attempt to open either of them I get the "Classic is starting" progress bar, but it never quite finishes. I can start Classic okay with extensions off but then I can't use the printer, and my old copy of Photoshop Elements won't load no matter what I try. I get an error message when I try to run "Install Applications and Classic Support" from my installation disk. I really don't want to part with the $$ for System 10.4 AND two new pieces of software right now.
My Open With... menu has multiple entries of apps. Example; Right click .avi file, open with... VLC, Quicktime, Other, VLC, Quicktime, Other and over and over it goes. I have rebuilt the LaunchServices database with Onyx, and this didn't work. I have also deleted the LaunchServices.plist file.
As you can see in the attachment, the apps I'm running aren't that big of a deal for the most part. This is a 2007 version 8-core Mac Pro, 8 GB RAM. I'm curious what happens to make the apps open bog down the computer like this? Just leaving everything running for days at a time?
I want all my "work" (excel docs, word docs, etc that I'm working on) to be in one space (Space 1). And I want OmniFocus to be dedicated to Space 2. And Path Finder dedicated to Space 3.
Now -the problem I'm having is if I go to Space 3 and find a file in PF and double-click to open it, it opens in THAT space. I want it to open in Space 1.
Is there a way to make all undefined apps open in Space 1? Or do I have to go setup all my apps to be assigned to Space 1 so this doesn't happen?