After my last OS update, all every time I open an app, it opens a window (where I last left it) and I have to click that away before going to the folder I wan to open. Well, it does not drive me crazy but is really annoying.
I am not able to open the apps on my Macbook Pro OS X 10.9.4, they just bounce. Activity Monitor gets so frozen I cannot find out what the hold up is. Screen freezes in some of the system preferences as well - Users, Parent Controls Accessibility. I do not have a disk, no disk drive to reinstall.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), no disk drive
I open mail and it launches since it is showing in the dock and the mail menu is visible. The main mailbox window is missing and most all of the menus are greyed out, even in the window menu where it allows you to select a window to see the main mail window is not showing up.
I have manually rebuilt the mailbox database and that did not work. I deleted the "Account.plist" file from the ~/library/mail/MailData/ folder and this seem to work. When I launched mail after I deleted this file the Main mail window was there with all my mailbox folders and emails. The only thing missing was the inbox for my main email account. Mail required that a new email account be created otherwise it would quit, I create the email account and everything was fine, until I quit out of mail. The next time I launched it again i was back to not have the main mail window. The only way to get it to come back is to delete the "Account.plist" file again and created the main email account. The only work around I have at this point is not to quit mail.
'm showing iBooks, Pages, & Preview are still open via the Force Quit dialog but I haven't used them since the previous evening.I have an older Macbook (Aluminum, Late 2008) so I try to run as lean as possible. There are no extra windows open that I can find. Double clicking them from Force Quit brings them up to then quit from the application proper, apps to quit when I tell them to.Has this to do with iCloud integration? (Like Pages wasn't quite done with an iCloud upload before I quit).Should I try a reinstall of the apps or Mavericks?
I understand why "Open With" includes both old and new versions of updated apps. Fine. But how do I CLEAR the list and prevent this from continuing? (I'd expect it to offer a "Clear List" option at the bottom. It doesn't.)
Info: MacBookPro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 1TB int HD on 10.9.5 (not 10.9.1)
I have no idea what happened. it was working fine last week, and then the other day I tried to open up iMovie and i get "The operation could not be completed / An unexpected error occurred (error code -10810)" This happens every time i try to open anything in my applications folder. the programs on my dock open up fine.
When I click a link that opened in a new window (such as a link to a new thread here I get e-mailed to me, when I open that e-mail in Gmail and click the link, it opened the thread in a new window.
Is there any way to get it to open in a tab in the same window? There was a setting for that in IE, but I can't find it on my new iMac.
By the way, it's been about 2 weeks now and I love my MAC even more!
I know I should know how to do this and probably have done it in the past; however, I can't recall how. I want to duplicate an open window, not just a new one.
Do you all experience this much? I'll get pop-ups that make themselves new tabs, or separate windows themselves. I have the option checked to block them in preferences. Is there any add-on you all use that may help? I know some things are going to get through no matter what. So I just thought I'd see what others experiences' were.
In Finder how do one avoid getting a new window each time one clicks on a folder. I tried to go to the Finder-options menu and uncheck the box "Open new window......". It didn't work. Anyone with an idea as to how I can get rid of all the new windows and stick with one?
I just made the switch from PC to MAC. So far I am doing ok with all the differences but one thing is driving me insane!
When browsing through my HD or external HD every time I click a folder it opens a new window. WHY? Is there any way to have it all use one window? I found in Finder there is an option to always open in a new window but this option is not checked.
Please go easy on me as I am new to Imac and apple systems. I have always used windows before, and when you open an attachment in windows it just opened in to a new window. Is there a way to do this on an imac, rather than have it go into the pop up downloads window, for you to then click it, for you to then delete it once you have read it. All I really want to do is look at it. It seems a very long winded way of looking at an attachment. Is there a way of changing the settings or is this just the way it goes.
For example, (when Safari or Terminal application is already launched) pressing the dock icon or launching from quicksilver brings the window to the front (or moves to a specific space where the window is in).
Is it possible to modify this behavior to opening a new window? By clicking the dock icon (or some sequence of keyboard shortcuts) I want to open a new window of safari or terminal. Furthermore, it would be great if this can be done to the current 'space'.
Is there a key command to minimize every window that is open? I used to use Win+M on Windows to do this, but I really miss being able to do this since I switched to OS X.
How do I open a folder in a new finder window? I know on a PC you can right click the folder and choose open in new window. How is this accomplished on the mac?
How can I open a minimized file/folder/application window by using keyboard only.
"Cmd + Tab" letting me to get focus to that particular file/folder/application window when it was NOT minimized. But how could I open a minimized one through a keyboard shortcut?
It has been bothering me for some time that when I open the Finder window, it opens pretty small and I either need to re-adjust it or scroll to find the folder. Is there a way to set it so that the Finder Window opens to a set amount of space?
Have a 3 1/2 year old imac with OS 10.5.6 and love it; use it tons.
I was adding some music to my idisk's public folder when the copying process froze;got stuck. The little spinning disc would not go away.
I closed down all other applications. My finder window was frozen with that disc, and could not force quit it, even though tried several techniques to do so. I finally turned off the computer manually.
When I turned my imac back on, the finder window was gone. I cannot open a finder window from the finder image on my dock.
My word documents, Safari, email all work, but my desktop is blank and I cannot open any finder window.
I think that it must have been something that the idisk caused.
I'd set up Safari for my son under his own profile and it was working great with Parental Controls. When I went in one day to update his allowed sites, Safari launched but wouldn't open a window. I could access preferences, reset, etc., but it wouldn't open a new window and when I tried to open a tab, it loaded at the bottom of the screen for a split second and then crashed. I've deleted all the safari files, re-installed, downgraded - the downgrade worked but the Parental Controls didnt work. Now what? None of the other Parental Control apps I've tried work as well as Safari's. Date/Time: 2012-04-29 13:32:29.593 -0700OS Version: 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
Clicking folders to view the contents always results in a new window opening. This is very frustrating when trying to view a deep path file. I've already gone to Finder Options and made sure "Always open folders in new window" is not selected.
I repaired the disk permissions using Onyx and MainMenu but the problem still occurs.
Is this just how the OS works or is there a setting I can configure. I'm used to being able to alt-tab on Windows and open a window and bring it to the front regardless whether it is minimized.
When I command-tab (or do the four finger thing on Macbook) it sort of opens it. The program bar at the top becomes active for that program but the window doesn't come out of minimize.
Seems odd. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I just need to get used to Mac and learn another way to do things?