OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Get Back ICloud Suddenly Lost
May 31, 2012
I was working on a problem with apple support and may have caused thi new problem. My iCloud account suddenly disappeared and was replaced by secondary email address I never used before. All my iCloud mail is gone. I tried to correct by going to accounts and tried to change the email address but it woul not do it because I am unable to edit the incoming mail criteria. I still have the iCloud connection on my iPad and iPhone but not on my Mac lion. I am sending this message from the iPad..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
I have tried esc, command + control + F, holding down the control key and scrolling with the mouse, tapping on the mouse, and making a pinching motion on the mouse. How do I get my screen back to normal size?
I somehow have lost my Macbook Pro address book. How I did this I do not know. It just disappeared when I was trying to send email with gmail. Now the address book shows the rainbow circle and then cuts out. Then I get a prompt saying info. sent to Apple. What do I do?
I momentarily pointed Time Machine to make back ups at the wrong partition on the external HDD attached to my Time Capsule, now I have pointed back to the correct partition, but it won't recognise the old back-ups. ie it says "Oldest Backup - None, Latest Backup - None". How can I pick up the old back ups?
I finally updated to Mac OS lion, I started with Mac OS snow leopard, did a clean install and then upgraded. But somehow I lost applications iPhoto, iMovie, and Garage Band. Was there a step before this I was supposed to do? Also is there a way to get them back?
I have recently upgraded to Lion and iCloud. There are two very annoying quirks that i don't know how to fix: 1-When working with word, documents or emails in the middle of a sequence the picture or window suddenly is yanked off the screen to the right. More often than not it can't be retrieved. This happens often 2-In the same mode as in #1 above the print size will suddenly increase maybe by a factor of 3x or 4x. it happens spontaneously. 3-There are many other problems with the upgrade: -With sequence emails the secondary emails are not printed. When one tries to open those emails it often fails.-The new address book format is crap. it is very difficult to go from single listings to group listings and back.
1. Tried to send a couple of emails via local mail iCloud account. Mail sent sound indicated mail sent, but message not in sent folder. Have since sent test mails to other accounts and they have not arrived.
2. tried to save composed mail as draft, received "Error:The message could not be saved.". Currently using 1,5 gb storage so not an issue.
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iCloud lost sent mail / no drafts
I have an AT&T Pace 4111N modem/wireless router and need to open up ports for BtmM. I believe they are UDP 4500, UDP 5353 and TCP 5354 but BtmM is still not working with these ports open.
I just booted into Windows and saw that there were some Windows Updates available and it asked me to reboot the computer however it failed to boot into Windows. So I restarted and tried to boot into OS X instead, but that didn't work either.
So I put in the OS X install DVD and checked out Disk Utility. Turned out that all my partitions where screwed up. There were 3 partitions listed as Windows_ldm, with incorrect sizes (I had 4 partitions before).
Long story short: I'm now reinstalling OS X and I lost everything I had on the drive, I think. I'll try some restore software once I've gotten OS X installed.
A little pissed right now... How the heck can Windows F up the entire drive?
I have a Rev C Air with the SSD, snow leopard 10.6.1 and all of a sudden I have lost the pinch and squeeze, three finger swipe. All that works is the scrolling. Checked in system preferences and all of the appropriate boxes are checked.
I am Using IMac 10.5.8. And Suddenly I lost my Audio. I don't know what happened. When I start up, I can hear sound, but I cant hear anything on Youtube or Whatever stuffs on my computer (like Skype). I tried Command + Option + P +R and didn't worked.
I was watching a show on my mid-2012 15' rMBP when my keyboard and trackpad suddenly stopped working. I tried to hibernate (closing and opening) my laptop to no avail. it was only after i had reset it (held on to the power button) did my keyboard and trackpad return to the normal state. Is there any logical explanation to this?
Looked at my ITunes library last week to try and make a new playlist but all my years of music/videos etc has disappeared without me doing anything? I have had very bad luck with Time Machine as well and realised not long ago that for 4 years it has only been backing up 'Desktop' and not the whole computer. I backed up all my photos and docs on various DVD's and CD's once I realised but I cant see that I backed up my Itunes library. I am only hoping that on the 'Desktop' external hard drive back ups that I can find it again? If it is on there, how do I get it off as I have heard that you can not retrieve certain items from an external hard drive especially with Time machine although I have never needed to before. Do you think all my songs etc have gone forever now?
I have no idea what happened but somehow the function of some of the keys on the top row on my Macbook Pro keyboard changed. For instance the dashboard key does nothing while the F12 key now shows the dashboard, F11 shows the desktop while F9 does what F3 did before etc.
I'm certain no fluids were spilt on the keys.
After I restarted and tried to change them back to the default function in the system preferences window, nothing happened.
in all my finder windows, randomly mind you, as not all PS file icons went to that faceless (graphic) green shaded generic icon of Photoshop CS? It's rather annoying when looking through files. Double click in the finder (list) and they all show the proper larger thumbnail preview, but many of smaller icons are again, generic, but weirdly not all. I tried reinstall of PS and it did nothing. It seems to have made no difference if the jpegs were created in PS 7 or PS CS. Seems random Btw, I'm 85% sure this happened after updating to (OS X) 10.3.9. DiskWarrior, Applejack, Permissions all been run. I've looked under Finder prefs and file handling prefs in PS all say to show the icon.
I keep having the screen turn blue and then suddenly go back to normal. It's a quick flash, totally random, repetitive during operation, no noises, and nothing else is interrupted. It does not restart, log off, or try to. Is it about to die?
While trying to back up emails I seem to have lost them. Following the HELP page in Mail (Mac OS X program) I moved the MAIL folder from LIBRARY to the desktop. I failed to press OPTION while I was doing this, as the HELP page advised. So now, in Mail the identifiers of the messages are there, but the messages aren't and an error message appears saying that the emails have not been downloaded from the server, that I need to be online, etc. I am on line, have done "get mail", all of the obvious things.
I've tried to locate the original MAIL folder with Spotlight.
I use a lap top that is usually connected to a high-resolution external monitor. When I disconnect, usually things behave, but occasionally the windows of certain programs will end up way out off the screen.Today I have a Thunderbird window that is far away (Mozilla apps are common victims/causes of this problem). Normally I would just quit and restart, but I don't trust it to save the draft of this important email.Here are the facts: The window is way off to the left. There is no one-pixel still on my main monitor. If I use F11 to see all Thunderbird windows, they swish in from the left, but if I select one they swish out again. Ditto if I minimize and maximize again.
I am having this weird problem. Suddenly my Trackpad refuses to accept all left clicks, also including the lower left real click. I can't do anything except booting into safe mode, then back to normal mode.
This morning I realized that I have no sound. Was away all weekend and know that I had to reboot my systems to get to the internet. How do I get my sound back?
So I hit customize toolbar to get rid of a button on my Safari toolbar. The window didn't pop up like it was supposed to, so I tried clicking around, and clicked the address bar and it disappeared.
Now even after a restart, I can't get the customize toolbar dialog to come up, therefore I can't get my address bar back.
I am up to date on software updates, and just this week, my MB Pro has lost audio--can't play iTunes, won't work with headphones, nor with the speakers. I'm in classes that require audio! I've check sound settings in system preferences, checked the audio buttons, everything.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
While online at a web site, filling in important forms, the screen suddenly fades to one side and disappears, and I cannot get it back, forcing me to start all over again. How can I stop this from happening?