IMac PPC :: Audio Lost Suddenly Running OS X 10.5.8
May 23, 2012
I am Using IMac 10.5.8. And Suddenly I lost my Audio. I don't know what happened. When I start up, I can hear sound, but I cant hear anything on Youtube or Whatever stuffs on my computer (like Skype). I tried Command + Option + P +R and didn't worked.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), No Audio
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Dec 26, 2009
maybe I haven't been paying attention but my HD seems to have a misc 50-150 GB of stuff on there that didn't seem to be there before, nor can I account for what it is. I have opened up the HD and gotten "info" on all folders there. The total amount of storage does not equal what the HD tells me I have. I get "info" on the HD and it says 300 GB used (20 GB left).The folders and size are as follows as listed on my HD:
Users: 154.46 GB
World of Warcraft (ashamed faced): 21.28 GB
Applications: 3.68 GB
Library: 6.34 GB
System: 4.49 GB
Limewire: 49.4 MB
Incompatible Software (?): 1.6 MB
Developer: 165 KB
iTunesShut: 479 KB
For a grand total of: 190.39 GB or so (not including the 50 mb or 644 kb) I'll include what is on my desktop as well (I assume it is already included on the list above but just incase).........
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Oct 31, 2009
I have a Rev C Air with the SSD, snow leopard 10.6.1 and all of a sudden I have lost the pinch and squeeze, three finger swipe. All that works is the scrolling. Checked in system preferences and all of the appropriate boxes are checked.
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May 31, 2012
I was working on a problem with apple support and may have caused thi new problem. My iCloud account suddenly disappeared and was replaced by secondary email address I never used before. All my iCloud mail is gone. I tried to correct by going to accounts and tried to change the email address but it woul not do it because I am unable to edit the incoming mail criteria. I still have the iCloud connection on my iPad and iPhone but not on my Mac lion. I am sending this message from the iPad..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
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Sep 3, 2014
I was watching a show on my mid-2012 15' rMBP when my keyboard and trackpad suddenly stopped working. I tried to hibernate (closing and opening) my laptop to no avail. it was only after i had reset it (held on to the power button) did my keyboard and trackpad return to the normal state. Is there any logical explanation to this?
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May 30, 2009
speaker static, is it 10.5.7?
All of the sudden, now I have bad audio output on the speaks and headphone jack!?!
Everything was fine until a few days ago, but I just updated?!?
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Nov 19, 2010
explain why my MBP is running very hot under OS X. It started about 2 days ago, to the point where in just a few minutes the laptop is running very hot and fans going probably at 100% (but I didn't test this). I'm using windows under bootcamp now and that is fine, so I don't think it's the hardware. I have checked the ram use and thing seems normal - the highest being safari around 250mb with many tabs open. Would it be something using the CPU to make it heat up? Even with nothing open it heats up in a few minutes. This was before the most recent update, and after the recent update. It's a 13" 2010 MBP.
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Oct 12, 2010
I have a MacBook Pro 2GHz Intel Core Duo, running OSX 10.6.4 and the latest iTunes. I used to burn audio CDs just fine and now it gives me error messages.
The first error was a "Medium write error." The second error said, "The attempt to burn a disc failed. The disc can't be burned; it might be incompatible with this disc drive. Please try a different brand of disc or try burning at a slower speed."
I've tried two discs: TDK and Mitsubishi. Both don't work. It starts initializing and then immediately jumps to finishing, then ejects the disc with that message. I updated to the most recent version of iTunes and I still get the same problem.
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Apr 12, 2012
I'm posting this on behalf of my father. He has a 2008 white macbook which has recently started running quite hot (160-180+F), even at idle. It has the latest version of 10.7 installed. He has an external HD with his previous copy of 10.6 and it exhibits the same behavior when booted from that system.He bugs me whenever he has computer problems told me that his MacBook had started randomly shutting down with no warning. I had similar trouble with a MacBook Pro and it turned out to be a faulty battery, so we got him a new battery, figuring it couldn't hurt to have a fresh one with a 4 year old computer. it didn't solve the problem at all.
Later he said that he noticed the computer felt hot, so he decided to run a small fan blowing across the computer while it was on his desk, and that stopped the random shutdowns. So I thought, OK, this is an overheating issue. Maybe the fan isn't working properly, it's full of dust, something is hogging the CPU all the time, etc.
The next time I was at his place I had him install fan control and a temperature meter. We noticed right away that the thing was running really hot. It was at 160-180F while at idle. He had menu meters installed, after a reboot we could see that the processor was sitting at 2-5% load. Not only did the sensors report the high temperate, but I could feel that the bottom of the case was very hot.We decided to open up the case and see if there was dust clogging things up, etc. There was some, but nothing clogging vents or anything. We blew it out nice and clean with compressed air anyway and put it back together. I even turned it on while we had it open so I cold see that the fan was actually spinning, and it was.
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Sep 20, 2009
My PowerBook has been working extremely slow for the past couple of days. Restarting hasn't helped. Even though it's about 5 years old, it's never given me any trouble. Now I wanted to start FinalCutPro, and there's a popup saying: Configuration Error This software requires certain hardware or software which is missing. � 512MB of RAM.So I can't even start this program. It's really an emergency since I have to work with FCP
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Aug 25, 2010
Just got a new MacBook Pro, installed my previuos time machine, a huge monitor, the new magic mouse and a key board. Problem is: When using Office it suddenly goes white and the only thing I can do is press the power button until the computer shuts off.What can I do to fix this?
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Feb 15, 2012
Is there something I can do such as a clean up?
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Mar 13, 2008
I have the early 2008 Mac Pro, standard configuration. I run a 30" ACD and recently added a second monitor. Ever since then I have been hearing this faint whirring sound, as if something in the machine is starting/reving up and then whirring down. It's audible to me because I have my machine sitting on top of a pedestal desk right beside my table. Does running two monitors make something inside, maybe a fan, run wierd? Could it be the fan of the video card? I am just curious, as I had not heard the sound before when I was running just one monitor. Oh, and the second monitor in question is a Wacom Cintiq. Video card is the stock ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT. I dare not open the side panel when the machine is running to check what's causing it lest I mess something up. It's like, rrrrrrrrrrrrr, rrrrrrr, rrrrrrrrrrr, like a miniature reving sound. LOL, that's the best I can do to imitate the sound. It's as audible as the sound of the regular fans.
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Jun 15, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X, Version 10.6.8 and Safari has started running really slowly, all of a sudden. I've tried Firefox and Google Chrome, which run faster, but not much. Wi-Fi has been checked and is not the problem. I've emptied my cache and reset Safari. My disc usage is 15%, my system memory says that I have 2.35 GB of free space, and there are no "page outs". All of the programs, on my computer, that do not require internet access run fine. My firewall is off.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 30, 2014
I have a 2013 Retina MacBook Pro, and, until recently, all of the networking was running just fine. In addition to the OS X Mavericks, I also have the Developer Preview of OS X Yosemite on another partition. A couple of days ago, when I booted up in the Mavericks partition, I had full signal on my Wi-Fi, but I couldn't open any webpages or the App Store, etc. The strange thing is that the Yosemite partition can connect to the Internet, but the Mavericks partition cannot. All of my other devices can utilize the Wi-Fi so it isn't an issue with my router or modem. I've tried recreating the Yosemite settings on the Mavericks partition, but that hasn't worked either.Â
I've tried several things to no success:
Fixing Permissions
Adding to my DNS
Checking to make sure no Proxies are selected (nothing was selected).
Checking to make sure I'm using DHCP, which I was.
Pinging several websites to see if I get a result, which I did.
Removing and re-adding Wi-Fi to the Network Services.
Switching to Ethernet.Â
Like I said, Yosemite can connect just fine, but Mavericks cannot.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 29, 2012
I am up to date on software updates, and just this week, my MB Pro has lost audio--can't play iTunes, won't work with headphones, nor with the speakers. I'm in classes that require audio! I've check sound settings in system preferences, checked the audio buttons, everything.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 9, 2008
As I'm sure many of you know, MS Word 2008 has a WONDERFUL little option on the mac version, called NOTEBOOK view. You can access this by clicking view and switching to the NOTEBOOK option. This feature is an absolute GOD-SEND for people like me who like to take notes while recording looong and boring lectures which cause rapid flare-ups of my ADHD.
Now, unfortunately, if youre already familiar with this feature, you're also familiar with how often this stupid piece of ***** program likes to freeze and crash at the end of your lecture, basically ruining your chances at the fabled A+. If you're lucky, you saved your document in the beggining so that the auto-recover feature could kick in and recover maybe 80% of your audio/notes IF YOURE LUCKY, but most of the time, YOU'RE SCREWED.
I researched heavily and found no answer other than an apology from microsoft accompanied by "the finger" basically restating their knowledge of the problem. Lucky for me, I stumbled onto a little hint, that had little to do with my specific problem.
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Jun 1, 2004
I have an old, but lovely iBook (G3 300mhz, 320 MB, OSX.3.4), and running the "localizer" making the effort of creating some more HD space... erase all the languages, except for Spanish (and american english that can't be dispose, as I understand).But here the stupid problem:- the machine is Dutch, and was running OS9.2.2 in dutch!!!could this be the problem why Classic won't open any longer..?And if this is all, can I simply copy the missing folders from my iMac that is originally Dutch as well to my iBook(the wrong one)?
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Apr 16, 2012
I have an imac, intel 2 duo. OS 10.6.8. Suddenly my desktop is showing two thin lines running from top to bottom, each about 2" from either side. How can I get rid ofthem?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 24, 2009
Allow me to explain exactly what I am trying to do: For those who don't know, there is a trend on YouTube where people post vids of themselves playing video games. These are (usually) called "Let's Plays" and I have recently gotten sucked into it. I'm currently trying to record a "Let's Play" of a PSP game. There is a way to output a PSP display to your PC using a homebrew app called RemoteJoyLite. Sadly the app is Windows only and it doesn't look like it will get ported anytime soon (I've looked into doing a port myself as the source code is out there, but it uses DX calls throughout and not sure how to convert them to OpenGL calls). I have recently gotten it to work in a VM (running Win7 x86) though.....................
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Nov 15, 2009
I have a Macbook running Leopard and an iMac running Tiger. I am looking to upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard and Tiger to Leopard. If I were to purchase Snow Leopard and install it on the Macbook, would I then be able to use the copy of Leopard that came with the Macbook on the iMac? I am not trying to use 2 copies of the same thing on different machines, I just want to put a new os on one machine and move the existing one to another.I am reluctant to purchase the Mac Box Set version of Snow Leopard for the iMac because I do not want or need iLife and iWork.
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Jun 28, 2012
How do I stop audio tracks from websites running continuously while Safari is open? I have tried deleting history and cookies. I have rebooted computer and still the audio newsclips play.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Nov 11, 2009
My friend is looking into buying the new 27" iMac Core i7 to replace his PC desktop. The only thing holding him back is that he has an analog surround sound system he uses for his speakers. I am having a hard time myself finding a converter that can make his speakers work in the iMac's optical digital output port. Any products out there that will do that?
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Apr 29, 2012
So while at a gig last night with my band, we ran a video from my computer to screens on stage. The chain looked like so:Â
MBP -> Mini-DisplayPort -> MDP/HDMI converter -> 4-way HDMI Splitter -> LCD MonitorsÂ
Now sometime during takedown, someone just decided to unplug something from my computer without consulting me or taking any proper precautions. Now my audio is stuck on Digital Output (type digital optical out). Here's what I know, and what I've tried.I have reset the PRAM/NVRAM?I have killed coreaudio a few times with no luck?I have deleted without progress:
I have restarted my computer?I have attempted to use Audio MIDI Setup?I have googled:
2) macbook pro stuck on digital out audio no red light
3) force resetting to internal audio osx
4) force reset coreaudio osx
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 24, 2012
My inbox has suddenly all gone alphabetical, its making it extremely difficult to find my new emails as i have to scroll through all my old emails to find the new ones, how do i get it back so so the emails are in date order and not alphabetical
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 23, 2012
I have an old g4 , the kind shaped like half a golf ball, which starts up and then quits at different places during the process. Sometimes with the gray screen and Apple logo, sometime later when the OS has fully installed,but fails quite rapidly after that. Then tries to reboot itself with varying degrees of failure.
mac g4, Mac OS X (10.4.9)
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Apr 25, 2012
My iMac G5 has suddenly stopped recognising CDs. It's fine with DVDs - blank ones, bought ones - loves 'em. But CDs it may load on the fourth or fifth attempt but usually just whirrs, clicks and ejects. This has only started happening in the very recent past, Prior to that, it was fine.
iMac (20-inch Early 2009)
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Apr 24, 2009
The strangest thing - volume used to be HUGE and now its low and tinny sounding. What happened and how I can rectify?
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May 25, 2009
I received my new iMac on May 20. It is a 3.06 with an ATI card. I have not had much time to use it until this evening. I had been been setting up some bookmarks in Safari and then was working on a spreadsheet for about an hour when it suddenly shut down. The power strip in which it was plugged in still had it's light on. The iMac is the only item plugged into the strip. I then felt around the screen, the bottom section was cool but the top was rather warm.
The temperature in the air conditioned house is 71�F. Programs open at the time were Safari - which was on an idle screen as I had logged out of a site. Two sessions of Finder Entourage Excel - which I was actively using. Is this an over temp shutdown? I recall some people posting the temperature of their Macs. Are there any monitors on the iMac to see how hot it is running? There were no warnings that it was going to shut down.
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Sep 29, 2009
My Aluminium IMac keyboard has suddenly begun to miss keys, the E,P,D,C and both the back and spacebar keys are completely dead. I wasn't using it at the time but each key supposedly went one after each other in under thirty minutes, I've checked mouse keys and speech settings as well as removing keys to clean underneath but they weren't sticky to begin with. Sorry for the lack of detail using the onscreen keyboard takes quite a while to type coherently.
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