I momentarily pointed Time Machine to make back ups at the wrong partition on the external HDD attached to my Time Capsule, now I have pointed back to the correct partition, but it won't recognise the old back-ups. ie it says "Oldest Backup - None, Latest Backup - None". How can I pick up the old back ups?
I cannot enter Time Machine (to restore a file that was lost) by clicking on the Time Machine icon. The machine backs up all right, but I just don't seem to have access.
I restored the new machine from the most recent back up of my old iMac which has worked great and looks just like my previous computer. However..when I enter Time Machine it only goes back as far as today and when I try to do a back up it says there is not enough room. I would have hoped that my new iMac would recognise the back up as it's own and reinstate it as normal..but this doesn't seem to be the case.Â
I am finding conflicting information on this one. I have a 2TB drive plugged into my Time Capsule. This drive houses my music collection. Will Time Machine backup this drive? Â
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Early 2011 13"
At work I back up my laptop to an external disk using time machine. I'd like have a second back up at home. When I back up to the disk at home Time Machine does not recognize the back up on the work disk and writes the whole drive instead of doing an incremental back up. Does this mean that Time Machine can only do incremental back ups to one disk?
I have two hard drives that are both 2 Terrabytes. One is the main and the other is the Time Machine backup.Â
I just accidentally overwrote a Flash FLA file, so I selected it and ran Time Machine. There is no backup of this file even though it's on the main hard drive and Time Machine has been backing up every hour for months.
In fact, if I select the folder and check out Time Machine, it doesn't have a backup of the entire folder all the way back to the first week of April. Yes, Time Machine is backing up, I didn't turn it off.Â
why Time Machine would arbitrarily decide to not back up this folder? What happens if it runs out of space on the backup hard drive? Â
Sophos found a PC virus in the attachment to a spam email. I trashed the email, and thought that I had gotten rid of the virus. Sophos tells me, however, that the attachment/virus still exists in the Time Machine back-up of my mail.
How do I remove a specific file (such as an email and attachment) in Time Machine?
I've just replaced an old MacBook Pro with a new one and used Time Machine to get the new MBP set up. All is well and it looks like my new computer is a mirror of the old (tested for a week now). If I turn on Time Machine with the new MBP using the same hardrive as the former, will the files remain and be accessible? Presently, I can only access the old files by going into the hard drive through Finder and even then, most are locked.Â
Can I use Time Machine to back up a file share? I'm thinking of attaching 2 external drives to a mac mini server, the first HD to host an network file share, the second would be a RAID for Time Machine backups of the file share HD.
Does Lion Server come with the Time Machine client software?
Mac Mini running 10.8.5. Time Machine will not back up brand new OWC MiniStack external HD. I've trashed TM prefs, reformatted the TM drive, verified that there are no exclusions, but it won't back up the external HD which contains only data files -- no system, no applications. TM does back up the internal HD.
Have made many manual Time machine Back ups that calculated the differnce and adjusted the differnce in what was then saved. The very size of the external HD did not roll over. Yet the calculation states a entire new Back Up. Is this a permission changing issue? Or what?
I'm an idiot, pleased to meet you.I had 2 external drives connected to my Macbook Pro, both had time machine back ups on...I meant to delete one of these but deleted the wrong one, and dragged it into Trash. On realising my mistake I tried to drag it back out of Trash, as you would normally but after "preparing to copy" for four hours it told me the drive was full...It's a 500gb drive, and the Time Machine back up is the only thing on it, so presumably it's just trying to copy itself when the back up is still present on the drive, albeit in the Trash.
I "downgraded" my computer back to leopard (10.5.8) from snow leopard (10.6.1) via the SL install disk and a time machine backup. Now my VMware Fusion virtual machine for Windows XP is missing in action. Where can I find this on my Time Machine backup so that I can see if I can restore it?
When my son left for college last fall, we got him a 13" MBP running Leopard and an external hard drive, which I Mac-formatted. I don't think he's used it yet. If he used Time Machine to backup his Mac and then that Mac was lost or stolen, would he be able to restore any or all of his documents, or any of his applications, onto a new Mac?
I installed snow leopard on both my Aluminum 24" 2.4 gHz (late 2007) iMac and my MBA (early 2008). I lost all the the old dates in Time Machine on my MBA but not on my iMac. Basically, I only have backups for the MBA since the upgrade. Why would the old backups disappear?
I have tried to recreate lost ical using time mashine but without succes. I get the folowing message" iCal can neither be change nor be deleted because the item is required by Mac OS X.
I have been having a problem editing pictures (screen goes white when I click 'edit') so i went to a discussion about it. I followed directions for fixing the problem including renaming my iphoto folder and now I can't find my old pictures. I changed the name back and still no photos. I tried to go to file vault and restore the pictures but I get a message saying that file vault can't be found. I know a little about fixing problems but some of the information about this issue is over my head. I've had this mac for 2 years and until now have been able to trouble shoot all my problems.
I copied my itunes folder and in the process I have lost a few songs. I want to find them on time machine? as I have re installed the software on my make I can open prev back ups; ut song was not i itunes music. It still shows on itunes list and asks if I want to find it? I cant.
I installed a new HDD. I reinstalled OS X by first installing my original Tiger and then the Leopard upgrade. Don't ask why I did not just go straight to Leopard because I don't know I then used the Migration Assistant to bring in the TM backup. I went to open iPhoto and I am getting: wtf? I think that I am going to reinstall OSX. I have the original HDD; is there a way to transfer everything from that directly? Maybe I will try doing an "Erase and ReInstall" option right from the Leopard disc and then choose the TM option.
I am a new macbook pro user. Today I logged on and found I had lost system preferences and time machine. Also, my itunes logo is gone. Don't know what else is missing yet, but I can't find out how to get these back. Nor do I have any idea how they disappeared.
I was doing my first-ever Time Machine back-up tonight. I have about 130GB of data. About a half hour into it, my battery died and when I rebooted the computer from sleep mode, Time Machine said that the back-up had failed. I deleted the initial back-up in the 'Time Machine Back-Ups' folder, but it still says that I have 40GB less on my external hard drive than I actually do. My external hard drive is 300GB, so I should have 170GB left, but I only have 130GB.
I somehow have lost my Macbook Pro address book. How I did this I do not know. It just disappeared when I was trying to send email with gmail. Now the address book shows the rainbow circle and then cuts out. Then I get a prompt saying info. sent to Apple. What do I do?
I was working on a problem with apple support and may have caused thi new problem. My iCloud account suddenly disappeared and was replaced by secondary email address I never used before. All my iCloud mail is gone. I tried to correct by going to accounts and tried to change the email address but it woul not do it because I am unable to edit the incoming mail criteria. I still have the iCloud connection on my iPad and iPhone but not on my Mac lion. I am sending this message from the iPad..
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo