OS X V10.7 Lion :: Recently Updated To It, Suddenly Screen Will Get Big, Get It Back To Normal Size?
Jun 17, 2012
I have tried esc, command + control + F, holding down the control key and scrolling with the mouse, tapping on the mouse, and making a pinching motion on the mouse. How do I get my screen back to normal size?
I keep having the screen turn blue and then suddenly go back to normal. It's a quick flash, totally random, repetitive during operation, no noises, and nothing else is interrupted. It does not restart, log off, or try to. Is it about to die?
I am having this weird problem. Suddenly my Trackpad refuses to accept all left clicks, also including the lower left real click. I can't do anything except booting into safe mode, then back to normal mode.
How Do I get the mac minis dock and text size back to normal. I used it this afternoon and now tonight the size is huge and I nor the person who used it after me says he changed the size. I hate this jumbo sized text. I want the default size back.
I am using a wireless mouse on my intel iMac, and when I am using Safari, and no other program, when I am navigating, the screen will suddenly zoom in and get huge. I don't think I am doing anything repeatable when this happens. I cannot do anything to zoom back out. So, I need to go back a page and start over at the normal screen size. This is annoying, especially when I have just reached a page I need to see.
This is my first Mac so it's pretty much foreign to me. I was holding down control and accidently used two fingers to zoom on my track pad, and it zoomed in on my entire screen. How do I zoom out and get my screen back to normal?
I haven't upgraded yet but I was wondering if anyone could provide some feedback concerning the EFI 1.7 update and SL. #1. Is there anyone here who had installed the EFI 1.7 update, experienced those dreaded HDD issues and has now updated to SL? If you did have you noticed any changes? #2. Is there anyone who hasn't taken the EFI 1.7 plunge and recently installed SL? If you did was the update forced upon upgrade and have you noticed any issues?
This started very suddenly today. I was in finder looking through some pictures when my screen suddenly turned blue. After a second, it faded back to normally, so I continued what I was doing. After about 5 minutes, it happened again, but faded back. It's be less than a half-hour, I haven't touched the computer but the screen is turning blue than fading back every half a minute or so. Every now and then, the screen stays blue for about 20 seconds.
With Lion, my Safari pages suddenly double in size with a slight movement of my mouse. Also, with Lion, when I leave my iMac for some period of time, the pages freezes and the cursor point pixilates when I move the mouse. I have to turn off the computer and put in my password to restore functions.
I had to reinstall my OS on my Mac Book pro I install 10.5.8 which is lepord now i need to upgrade back to lion. I have purchases lion before in my app store how every I am unable to find my app store to fine the lion that i paid for to download.where i can find the app store to download it again that i have paid for,
While online at a web site, filling in important forms, the screen suddenly fades to one side and disappears, and I cannot get it back, forcing me to start all over again. How can I stop this from happening?
I upgrade Mac OS 10.7.3. from a network with Lion Server in the office, using software update utility. I changed domain to access to upgrades and works fine. Now I am working our of the LAN, and every time request software update, show me a message saying "Cannot find nnnn.server.com", and can't make upgrades from apple's server. I changed domain, an clear lines, but message repeat. All the time search on software update server from office server. How can I change the software update server on Mac OS 10.7.3.
I was working on a problem with apple support and may have caused thi new problem. My iCloud account suddenly disappeared and was replaced by secondary email address I never used before. All my iCloud mail is gone. I tried to correct by going to accounts and tried to change the email address but it woul not do it because I am unable to edit the incoming mail criteria. I still have the iCloud connection on my iPad and iPhone but not on my Mac lion. I am sending this message from the iPad..
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
When I opened safari my homepage was apple and it opened using the middle of the display with the desktop screensaver visable on both sides of the page now it opens adn takes up the whole screen I don't know how to resize it and save it where it will open to the same all the time. I'm a very new owner of an IMAC and to apple so I'm completely in the dark to mac systems and just stumbling around. I'm a 70 year old guy that's ben drug into the 21 century and trying to keep up (not very good )
This morning my MacBook Pro will not boot to the normal Lion screen. Pressing the Alt key during the start process I do get to the Macintosh HD, Recovery HD, Choose Network screen. The mouse moves around, the keyboard works, obviously the screen works, it appears to connect to the network.  I did notice when I double taped on the mouse pad it didn't work. What should I do next?
My macbook suddenly won't progress past the grey screen and the spinning gear. I have tried the procedures listed in one of the support documents, although I note they don't include OSX10.7 which I am running. I got to the part where it says try your system disk, problem is, I purchased through App store. I'm guessing at this stage I should have created an emergency boot disk.
I have recently upgraded to Lion and iCloud. There are two very annoying quirks that i don't know how to fix: 1-When working with word, documents or emails in the middle of a sequence the picture or window suddenly is yanked off the screen to the right. More often than not it can't be retrieved. This happens often 2-In the same mode as in #1 above the print size will suddenly increase maybe by a factor of 3x or 4x. it happens spontaneously. 3-There are many other problems with the upgrade: -With sequence emails the secondary emails are not printed. When one tries to open those emails it often fails.-The new address book format is crap. it is very difficult to go from single listings to group listings and back.
Not familiar with the mac at all, as this post will demonstrate On the desktop, the background is now expanded and when you move the cursor, it navigates by an annoying combination moving the cursor and moving the background until an icon is under the arrow. I screwed around with the display and some other preferences, but i cant figure out which setting I need to modify to get it back to a static background (of normal size) and a cursor that moves to an icon.