OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can Set Preview To Default To .jpg And Best Quality When Saving
Apr 8, 2012
I have seen this asked numerous times over the last six years, but no satisfactory answers.When I open graphic files with preview (regardless of type), I want to crop them, then "Save as".I want Preview to default to .jpg format AND Best quality. Can I set these attributes? Please don't suggest "sliding the quality bar..." as I've seen many do. That's not what I want to do - I'm asking about DEFAULTS.
I have a problem when saving a pdf using preview.Â
I create a document using Xelatex and the document works fine just after it is created, i.e. it looks good, it can be searched, etc. The problem comes when I save the document using preview. For example if I add a note, or highlight something and save the document, it automatically losses all text information.Â
It can still be opened and looks good, but it cannot be searched any more. In addition, if I try to copy a part of the text all I get are some strange characters that look like a small square with a face on it.Â
If I do the same procedure (i.e. open, highlight some text, and save) using pdf acrobat reader, the file is still readable both in acrobat and preview. It has to be fonts related, since it only happens when I use xelatex or latex with some specific fonts, but not with all of them.Â
I like Preview.app to be my primary app to open pdf and pictures. When I want to edit I will open the app I need and drag document to the icon to open. Something changed and now Adobe Acrobat has become my default. I want to change back to Preview.
I received an email with a pdf file that I had to complete and send back. I opened the document with Preview, made the changes to complete the form, and saved it ("saved as" because the program wouldn't let me just "save" it. A box popped up saying that changes may affect the original format and that I had to "save as" to get a copy of the file). I opened it again just to make sure, and all the changes were there. I sent it via gmail, and a few hours later the original sender tells me that the form was empty. I checked, and it was empty, even though the name of the file was the one I gave it. I tried again with the same result. Using a PC I had no problems, so I am guessing that the issue is with Preview. Does anyone know what I did wrong?
Does anyone know if you can change the quality of a resized image with Preview? I've created a service to resize images down to 800px width, but most of the time the file size is as large as the original. This is resizing screenshots off my mbp (1440x900 res).
I have a lot of multipage pdf's that I need to reduce in file size. They are scanned pdf's so no actual editable content.
If i select a page and 'save as' I can save to jpeg where I can reset the dpi of the page (currently 300dpi). This is Fine, but I need to do it to all the pages of the pdf. If I select all pages 'save as' will only save out one page and not all.
If I print and choose 'pdf to jpeg', It will save out all pages but I don't get the ability to reduce to dpi and the output jpgs are still huge. Is there a way to save to pages out in one go to jpeg where I can adjust the dpi setting?
I have tried using the reduce file size option, but the resulting pdf has lost too much quality and is unreadable. Once I have the reduced jpegs it's easy enough to reimport into preview and save as a pdf.Â
Since I have installed SL, when I try to print to PDF from the print menu or save a PDF I'm viewing with Preview (for example) from a website, the text of the PDF is completely garbled/scrambled.
I don't have this problem when I use Acrobat 8 Pro only when I am using the OS PDF or saving and/or printing from Preview. I have cleared the font cache, but no solution.
I was using an extension called 'yaysyoutube' to set the default quality on YouTube to the highest possible res, but the latest nighties of Webkit have totally broken it. Does anyone know of any alternatives?
In my home folder I have copied a folder from my external hard drive, this folder I can navigate to no problem so in that folder I have created another folder called 2010 in that folder is another called Germany 2010, I would like to save a Excel Doc in there, but when I press save as on the Document it does not give me the option to save to this folder and I cannot navigate to it, So how can I save as in a folder of my choice.
is there a way to do such a thing? i have another user on my macbook ultra and i want their files to save on the external drive and not internal. the reason i want this is because i want all my drive space for me and me only.
When I save a file it has the permissions RW RW R. There is another 10.5.8 non-intel Mac Pro then when they save a file to the destop, it is RW R R. How do you change the default saving permissions? I want it always to be RW RW W.
does anyone know of a way (plugin or otherwise) to view pdf files in the camino browser without having to save them or open preview? i know about the pdfbrowser plugin, but that's for PPC only. ideally, i'm looking for something that will mimic safari pdf functionality... that's like the only reason i still sometimes use safari!
I am currently editing lots of pdfs and other files for notes. There is one particular big file, ca. 300 MB (part of a book). When I edit this file in Preview (underlining etc.) and save my changes, I loose almost the whole size of the file in disk space. Â
Saving 10 times, that equals ca. 3 GB. Since I am a diligent "back-upper", I loose ca. 3 GB every 90 minutes. Over the last 3 days, this has consumed more or less 40 GB of my storage space. I have restarted several times and had to delete a lot of files; the sleepimage file is ca. 1 GB big only, so that is not the problem;so I have used "Disk Utility" to localize the massive space use.Â
Disk utility registers the storage loss in total numbers (35 GB free, next time only 32 GB free), but not within the folders (the single sizes of the folders -Application; Library; User etc-), their sizes stay the same!what happened to my disk space. I need to restore those 40 GB they are being used by something completely useless somewhere.Â
I have a new 27" iMac running 10.6.2. When trying to put it to sleep using the Apple menu, it will take a long time to react, then the screen will go blank for about 5 seconds, then it comes back to life. Same thing using key combination (option-command-eject). Energy Saver savings are on default.
I have acrobat installed, and every time I view a pdf through safari, it views it with acrobat. I want it to do it with Preview instead, but I don't know how!
in other words when I'm in Safari, and I click on a link of a pdf file, I want it to display the pdf in the browser with Preview instead of acrobat.
one time, i decided to view my documents in "two page continuous." now it always opens up in that mode no matter how many times i put it in single page continuous. how to set it on the mode i want?
I'd like to make sidebar visible in Preview v. 4.2 every time I open a PDF document. In Preferences, the "Open Sidebar Only for TOC" is unchecked and according to this thread, it seems that Sidebar should always open otherwise. Mine doesn't & I have to open manually for each file.
I recently experienced a glitch in which my web browser locked during a shutdown operation. I had just changed a browser preference setting to "empty cookies and history" when I quit the browser. I restored the preference to its previous setting and the browser quit locking up. However, I now have a new problem: I can't download .pdf files (maybe others as well but I was able to download an application file successfully). This problem occurs with both Safari and Firefox browsers.I was recently checking the performance of 2 .pdf readers and I am sure I changed the default reader. I cannot remember how to restore Preview to be the default reader. Maybe this will get me back in business.
I have come across a problem where my default directory in Preview 4.2 won't change when I go to Save As.. Is there a way to change this default directory?
I would like to change the default text substitution settings for my annotations in Preview. Specifically, I want to disable smart quotation substitutions in my notes. I often copy-paste them into Word files, and I want them free of this reformatting. I know how to disable quotation mark substitution in a given pdf, but I would really like to disable this feature for all pdfs by default.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Early 2010, 13"
I have some PDF forms that I regularly need to fill out. Since they aren't "real" PDF forms and the document is locked, I need to print to PDF, save as TIFF and then use Preview's annotate feature to mark things up. It works well, but the default font color (red) and default font size (36) are not optimal. And each time I start a new annotation, I need to change back to black and a smaller font size. Is there any way to alter this default?
I'm trying to change the default program that opens PDF files in safari from preview to Adobe acrobat reader. I'm trying to do this because I prepare taxes and preview doesn't seem to fill in fields properly on forms such as
In Adobe reader->Preferences->internet Display PDF in browser using Adobe Reader (9.3.1) is checked and beyond this I'm not sure what to do to change from preview to reader.
Installing the latest Adobe Reader causes Preview to be overwritten by Reader as the default PDF reader in Safari. There's a setting in Adobe Reader prefs that should aloow one to change the setting, but it is greyed out. You'll need to go to your HD/Library/Internet Plug-in folder and remove the Adobe plug-ins. Quit and restart Safari, then Preview is default again.
After I updated my software, Adobe Reader became my default pdf reader. How can I change it back to "Preview"?I tried printing a doc opened with Adobe acrobat and it just printed a solid page of black ink.