Software :: Altering Preview Default Font Color / Size
Oct 7, 2008
I have some PDF forms that I regularly need to fill out. Since they aren't "real" PDF forms and the document is locked, I need to print to PDF, save as TIFF and then use Preview's annotate feature to mark things up. It works well, but the default font color (red) and default font size (36) are not optimal. And each time I start a new annotation, I need to change back to black and a smaller font size. Is there any way to alter this default?
I see that when I open either one of my browsers, I switch between Firefox and Safari, the font is very small and I have to use CMD and the plus (+) key to increase the font.
How do I permanently keep it at a bigger default font?
Any way to increase this? With my screen at full resolution the print is very small and gives me headaches very quickly, so I have to set it to 1920x1080. I switched to Imac for processing photographs, so the advantage of a good quality screen is somewhat wasted. Also, at the lower resolution, the print is not so sharp.
I just installed iWork '08 on my new Macbook pro (snow leopard and general '09 programs are on it) and for some reason, the text coloring and highlighting, generally anything to do with the text and whatever appears on the pages themselves have completely gone blank. The highlight appears as this light purplish color, I can not get the text to read as visible. It appears white no matter what. Even the text blinker isn't showing. Is there a problem with installing iWork '08 on an '09 based Mac? This is a legal copy of iWork I've had since buying my first Mac, so I know it can't really be the disc screwing up, is there anyone that might be able to help? This is an image of the problem. As you can see, the black is the default font color, but it does not show up as it. Also, the general coloration of it is off.
Can anyone tell me how I can change my outgoing message font color like from black to Blue and make it default without having to do it manually every time. I can't seem to figure it out.
How can I change the default size font that is shown when I try to read an email in Outlook 2007? I know you can hold shift+mouse scroll button, but that is not the answer since it does not save the size you select. I want it to be saved a certain size and always open that size by default.
I'm trying to increase the font size of my mac, but I can't find it anywhere. I should be really simple to do so I'm probably missing something. On windows you just right click the desktop > appearance and bang. How can I do it on the mac? Oh and I don't want to increase the font of safari or finder, i already know how to do that, what I'm looking for is a way to make all fonts bigger (including menus)... just like you do on windows, make all fonts 1.2 times bigger.
I'm must be hitting some strange key combination / trackpad gesture (I just got a macbook pro) and my font size in safari keeps randomly increasing. This happens on the desktop with the icons as well.
I installed iwork 08 and everytime i type the letters come in white. I tried changing the color font and everytime i try putting black it always comes up white but when i do it dark blue for example it shows dark blue, it shows every color except for black.
When I open pages it always uses helvetica as the default font.Can i set it to a different one like times new roman as a default.I mean you can tell it to start up by default to a specific page style, why not a specific font also?
So I'm trying to adjust the font in a PDF in Preview. I can't do there a way? I also realized that I don't have Adobe....I have Adobe Digital for downloaded books but I guess that's all it's for.
I went online and all I can find is Adobe to buy.
So, finally my question....can I adjust the font in Preview? Zooming doesn't work for me...won't bore you with the reasons.
Or will I have to buy Adobe to get that function in PDF's?
If you can't tell I'm new to the Mac, coming over from Windows for 12 years!!
How do you change the font in Preview?The font the comes up is difficult to read and I can't find out how to change it.When I bring up the fonts it doesn't allow me to change it.I don't know where to change it from.
I am a recent Mac switcher and am using Pages as my word processing software. After being a long-time Microsoft Word user, I have grown accustomed to the default font of Times New Roman, and I would prefer to continue using that for Pages as well. I know that it is as simple as changing the font, but I was wondering if there was a way to change the default font in Pages to Times New Roman just to save the hassle.
I just got a new MacBook Pro 15" and am still trying to get used to the one piece trackpad. (My old MacBook had a separate button). The main irritation is that, depending on how I move my fingers, I inadvertantly change the size of the webpage and font. I'm not even sure what I am doing to cause this, but is there a way to "lock" the trackpad so this does not happen?
I just want to increase the font size for all of my app's menus such as the text at the top of my screen where the Apple symbol is and even the size of fonts within apps.
Way back in typesetting days you could change fonts and sizes by simple macro commands without having to revert to your mouse and drop-down menus. Does anyone know how that can be achieved on the Mac?
I'm trying to find a keyboard shortcut to decrease font size in a specific third-party app, Skim (a PDF viewer/editor), and command+- zooms out of the slide instead of changing font size. Any ideas?