OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Create A Workflow That Will Monitor A Webpage?
Jun 10, 2012
I am trying to create a workflow that will monitor a webpage and send me email if the page contains a certain keyword. I got it working, I get email; the email contains the keyword, or is an empty message when the keyword is missing.I would rather not get these empty messages is possible. Until I figure this out, I may send these message at some gmail address and create a fiter there to forward only message with that keyword. Not elegant but should work. Anyway, long term I want a more elegant solution. Here is what I have in Automator:
1) Get Specific ULRs
2) Get Text from Webpage
3) Filter Paragraphs (and here is where I check whether the keyword shows up or not)
4) New mail message (which contains they keyword from #3, or is empty)
5) Send outgoing messages.
As I said, the workflow always works, and will send a message with that keyword, or an empty message. How do I make the workflow send email ONLY if they keyword is detected? There is not IF in Automator as far as I can see. This is the first time I try to do something in Automator so maybe I am missing something.
I am trying to build a modular workflow to perform a NetRestore of Lion, rather than the old fashioned way of cloning a system. I am using SIU 10.7.3 on a 10.7.4 client iMac. Our servers are running 10.6.8 Server. I am also trying to follow the directions from the 10.6 Deployment book from Peach Pit, as well as looking things up in SIU's built-in Help and I am running into problems.Â
Firstly, I am not clear on how to install 3rd party apps such Office 2011 or apps that install via .mpgks. I created a couple of test Workflows and when I tried to include the Office installer, it would fail at the very last step of the NetRestore. Mpgks would not even install at all. Â
I am also not clear on how to inlcude apps that do not install via packages, such as Firefox.
Secondly, documentation is confusing regarding workflows that work for Netinstall and Netrestore. The Add User action is only available for NetBoot workflows and not NetInstall modular workflows, which doesn't really make sense.Â
Why is the Add Packages and Post-Install Scrpits available only on NetInstall images? It makes more sense to me that this action should be available for NetRestore workflows.Â
I am new to automator. I'm working on a Powerbook G4, in osx.4.11, and I'm trying to save a workflow as a plug-in in automator. When I click file>save as plug-in, nothing happens. I get no pop-up, and no plug-in is saved. I've tried this with various workflows.
I'm also having trouble adding actions to the workspace (even ones that make sense to add, i.e. I am following a tutorial to create a workflow that others have made before).
Please accept my apologies if I'm posting in the wrong section . I've been using the fantastic Create Booklet PDF Service (workflow) by Christoph Vogelbusch (his page is on .mac, so it just went bye-bye). I'd like to turn this worklfow into a folder action so that when a file is added to the folder, a pdf booklet is created automatically. In particular, I'm interested in doing this in Microsoft Word. Can anyone tell me if this is even possible, and if so, either point me in the right direction (or, at least, to the best Automator community where I might repost this request)?
Info: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I want to set up a Automator workflow so that whenever I move Photo's to a certain folder, it will automatically copy those files to another folder, how can I do this ?
I have already created one, but after the first ' sync' it has failed and now does not work.
I am using this action in a workflow. I have downloaded the Auxiliary Tools and put PackageMaker in /bin. When I run the workflow, it barfs on this action. The error message is "launch path not accessible."
Info: Mac OS X (10.7), iMacs, MacBook, and iPhone 4
I have set up an automator service that TAR's a folder into an archive for me and it works quite nicely. Idealy however, I would like to be able to highlight several folders, right click and have automator tar each folder into it's own TAR archive, but do it one by one. Â
I'm not 100% sure so I guess it would be a good time to verify, is there a problem with having the system try to TAR multiple folders at one time? If it is not a problem then I guess this discussion itself is pointless and I can simple right click on each folder and select "TAR Folder" and just wait until they're all finished. I would think that it would be ideal for the system to do each one individually and not try to do them all at one time.Â
I want to include a small pdf in a web page. This was possible using iframe under Safari 5.0.6/OSX 10.5.8. However under Safari 5.1.2/OSX 10.6.6, instead of the pdf opening in the iframe, it opens in a new window.
I've been using Microsoft Notepad to create web pages. Now I have an iMac, I've tried to use TextEdit, but when I save the the file as html you can see all my code. Do I need a Mac version of Notepad
Since installing Java 10.6.1_33, an online program I use will not function. The program says I do not have the correct Java update. Apple says to re-enable Java applets by clicking the region labeled "Inactive plug-in" on a webpage, but there is no region labeled "inactive plug-in". Everything worked perfectly before installing the latest update which was released yesterday.
Info: iMac 21.5" - 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.2), Memory 4GB
I'm using Mail 4.5 and have a group of people I'll need to email regularly, most of whom aren't in my Address Book. Is there a simple way I can create a group with these contacts in it from their addresses on the last email I sent them? I don't want to enter them all into my address book inidividually.Â
I have an old macbook pro with damaged dvd drive. Yesterday when I tried to reinstall my mac osx snow leopard, my operation system was damaged and it cannot boot anymore. Now I have an installation dvd of mac osx and a pc. I tried to make a bootable usb drive from from my dvd but I cant.
Is it possible to create a calculator automation? I have to do this same simple equation many times in the day and would love if there was an automation to make things faster.
I am running the latest Snow leopard using an imac 10.6.8. I am looking to upgrade to Lion or possible Mountain Lion if I can wait a few months, but I would really like to perform a clean install so that I can start a fresh.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB ram
How to create a new folder on a NAS disk with the autorisation drwxrwxr-x When i create a folder on my Network Disk with my MacBook Pro under OSX 10.6, the autorisation is:drwx--S---3 Yvnjewab 70 Tue Jun 5 09:55:17 2012 Exercices.But when i do the same from my Windows XP computer i have what i want:drwxrwxr-x5 Yvnjewab67 Wed Sep 14 16:36:13 2011 Parerasse Maison.
When sending an email to a pecific address.I need a pop-up elert to remind me about something before I press SEND.Simple is better, just a huge "STOP".
I'd like to create a bootable Snow Leopard Flash Drive, after upgrading to Lion. I have multiple Macs with some expensive legacy software and an Apple USB modem (32 bit) I use out in rural areas. I'm assuming this will be a viable solution
I'm installing a new HD in my MBP and realise that I don't have my original dvd's to hand. I've created a time machine back up of the machine, but I can't boot from that can I?Â
I use a Fortigate router and would like to track what sites are visited by the people using my network. Was told if you set up a syslog server we can dump the information from the fortigate to it.
I am using a MacMini server 10.6 and would like to know the best way of going about this. Is there a program out there I can use?
I have the advantage of having my own server for mail at Media Temple. So I can create a number of account stemmed off my central domain. The problem iswith my limited knowledge of Apple Mail, I have to create an account for each one. Time consuming and somewhat unnecessary..What I would like to do is have an account that downloaded from the server more trhan one account:Â Example url...Can I do this in Apple Mail with one account?
Info: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Macboo Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 GB RAM, GeForce 8600M GT
Recently I installed the Snow Leopard OS on my Macbook Pro, previously I had 10.5 installed. However, now when I connect my Macbook to my flatscreen TV (Panasonic Plasma), using a mini display port cable to an HDMI cable, there's a black border around the edges of the picture. Before the Snow Leopard upgrade I was able to view the entire screen area of the Plasma TV, without any borders. The only thing I've done differently since then is install Snow Leopard. Does anyone know how I can fill the screen with image without using the zoom option on the TV screen, as the zoom cuts off some image at the top and bottom?
Since I updated Snow Leopard to Version 10.6.8 on my MBP15, I can't use my SyncMaster P2770 HD (Samsung) in its highest 1920x1080 resolution anymore. I can choose 1920x1080 in the monitor-preferences, but having done that the resolution remains at 1680x1050 @60Hz (I can see it and even the monitor's info-menu says, that i still use 1680x1050 @60Hz). I use a Mini DisplayPort to VGA-Adapter and a VGA-cable.
I have a 2nd monitor attached to my MBAir. I have icons (folders, a few files, and some aliases - not a lot!!) positioned on both monitors. I can work this way just fine for days. (Yes, I do restart nightly and, yes, after a basic restart all the icons stay put.) But sometimes, out of the blue, something happens that causes all the icons on the 2nd monitor to line up on the border between the two screen displays (i.e., almost off the 2nd monitor but not quite completely onto the MBAir's display). Â
This seems to be related to saving a file onto the desktop -- say, when I'm using Safari on the 2nd monitor and I drag the address bar address to save a webloc file. However, I can do this more often than not with no odd effects. (However, lately I've started dragging into a FOLDER on the desktop to avoid this.) Now, I just watched it happen when all I did was save a tiny .TXT file to the desktop. Of course I can fix things by dragging everything back to where it was (plus, I typically do a Restart before that since I figure something has gone amiss with the system so I'd like to clean things out). But what I'd really like is to figure out is why this is happening in the first place so that I can prevent it ... or, at least, so that I can stop doing whatever special behavior is causing it.Â
Info: Mini + Air11, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iPhones, iPods, iPad, MacBook Pro (10.6), PB G4 (10.4), ATV