OS X Technologies :: Run The Create Booklet Workflow As A Folder Action?
Jul 2, 2012
Please accept my apologies if I'm posting in the wrong section . I've been using the fantastic Create Booklet PDF Service (workflow) by Christoph Vogelbusch (his page is on .mac, so it just went bye-bye). I'd like to turn this worklfow into a folder action so that when a file is added to the folder, a pdf booklet is created automatically. In particular, I'm interested in doing this in Microsoft Word. Can anyone tell me if this is even possible, and if so, either point me in the right direction (or, at least, to the best Automator community where I might repost this request)?
2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I am using this action in a workflow. I have downloaded the Auxiliary Tools and put PackageMaker in /bin. When I run the workflow, it barfs on this action. The error message is "launch path not accessible."
Info: Mac OS X (10.7), iMacs, MacBook, and iPhone 4
Does any one know of a bug or a log for folder scripts that do not run? I am trying to get a basic folder script (to replace %20 in the file name) of the Downloads folder.
When downloading multiple files (two or more) it runs only on the first file, successfully without error, and then never runs on the second file. If I move both of the files out of the Downloads folder and move it back it, the one file that does not get the folder action now does and everything is peachy.So it is not that the folder action is not scripted properly. It is just that the folder does not catch the second file download - guess maybe too fast? Has any one seen this or have this bug?
I am running OS 10.6.8, using Automator to create a Folder Action. The input is a single folder containing 2 or more PDF files. I drop this folder onto the folder with the action attached. All of the PDFs are combined and the resulting PDF is copied to a new location.
It works very well with one problem. The name of the combined PDF is an automatically generated system name. I would like this PDF file name to change to the name of the original folder that contained the original PDFs.
To summarize: "Folder A" has the action attached. "Folder B" contains 2 or more PDFs. I drop Folder B onto Folder A. Automator creates a new combined PDF. I would like this to be named "Folder B.pdf"
I want to create a Folder Action to run the following shell script on all files with extension .vcs:
sed '1d' >reminder.ics
The job of the Folder Action is to take any Calendar item files downloaded from TVGuide.co.uk, remove the first line and then save them as .ics files. The reason for this is that the files are automatically generated with a carriage return on the first line, which BusyCal (being strict about these things) doesn't like. It then rejects the whole file.
I have tried doing this with Automator but the result didn't work.
If it's possible to have the Folder Action retain the original file name (ie. everything pre-extension) that'd be a bonus.
I'm new to ApplesScripting. I've found this script that I'd like to change:--This script will make a new folder on the desktop with current date and dialog box--format the date to 2010-11-19tell (current date) to get day & (it's month as integer) & (it's year as integer)set TheDateFormat to the result as text-- asks for folder name with date as default answerset TheFolderName to text returned of (display dialog "Name the folder" default answer TheDateFormat)--make folder with date & user entered texttell application "Finder" make new folder with properties {name:TheFolderName}end tellThe desired changes:- Date format should be: 150412 + a letter (a, b, c) if the folder to be created already exists.- Place the cursor at the start of name dialog, no selection active.- The new folders should be created in /Users/Hans/Dropbox/Jobs/Another question is related to execution of the script:- How can I start the script easily with a shortcut key or a Dock icon?- Is it possible to select client name from a plain text file containing client names in separate lines?- Is it possible to have zip files automatically unzipped to subfolder names with the zip package name?- Regarding the Dock icon I could even imagine that I drag a zip or other file from an email or the Desktop to the icon and that I only have to type the clients name to have the file moved to a new folder. user entered texttell application
with the latest Madonna LP I downloaded via pre-order the Deluxe LP & Digitall booklet of which HAS not downloaded. The first time this happened was with Placebo's Angkor Wat LP now I will not download any more from iTunes till this is sorted as very annoyed with the situation and so far have had no joy as to what the problem is or the solution.I will order from HMV online and get the psychical format instead.
I have a multi-step automator workflow that has an embedded "Launch Application" step that calls an applescript application that I've written. The application goes through a list of URLs. I don't want the workflow to start with the next step until my application has cycled through all the URLs. Currently, I have hard coded a pause into the workflow, but I'm looking for something more precise (if I set the pause too long, it results in unnecessary delays, if I set it too short, my workflow gets messed up).
I'm assuming there is some way to modify my application and/or the workflow to send a complete status that can trigger the next step in my workflow.
I'm updating an Automator workflow for OS X Lion that I initally developed and used, without issue, in OS X Tiger. The workflow asks for a name, creates a folder for the name, takes a digital image with a Nikon D50 connected to the computer, and saves the image to the new folder. This aspect of the workflow works fine.
I then have a prompt asking if we should take another. If the user says "yes," the script should take another image and save it to the folder. This is where I run into an issue. When I attempt to add another "Take a Picture Action" into the workflow, I get the cryptic (at least to me) error message in the attached screenshot.
Here's the text:
"Cannot update for observer <AMWorkflow 0x400458ac0> for the key path "parameters.name" from <TakePicture 0x403e3b0a0>, most likely because the value for the key "parameters" has changed without an appropriate KVO notification being sent. Check the KVO-compliance of the TakePicture class."
The language of this error would seem to indicate a bug.
I had been using automator quite successfully until recently now I'm unable to get automator to step through even the most basic setup. It refuses to step through to the second action and perpetually runs without producing any results as the image below shows.for any of my automator setups I get results for the first step and then an indefinate hang on the second leaving the step icon greyed out. I have tried this with numerous other actions like calendars etc but to no avail. Below are the very basic automator steps I'm using in this example.
I am new to automator. I'm working on a Powerbook G4, in osx.4.11, and I'm trying to save a workflow as a plug-in in automator. When I click file>save as plug-in, nothing happens. I get no pop-up, and no plug-in is saved. I've tried this with various workflows.
I'm also having trouble adding actions to the workspace (even ones that make sense to add, i.e. I am following a tutorial to create a workflow that others have made before).
I am trying to create a workflow that will monitor a webpage and send me email if the page contains a certain keyword. I got it working, I get email; the email contains the keyword, or is an empty message when the keyword is missing.I would rather not get these empty messages is possible. Until I figure this out, I may send these message at some gmail address and create a fiter there to forward only message with that keyword. Not elegant but should work. Anyway, long term I want a more elegant solution. Here is what I have in Automator:
1) Get Specific ULRs
2) Get Text from Webpage
3) Filter Paragraphs (and here is where I check whether the keyword shows up or not)
4) New mail message (which contains they keyword from #3, or is empty)
5) Send outgoing messages.
As I said, the workflow always works, and will send a message with that keyword, or an empty message. How do I make the workflow send email ONLY if they keyword is detected? There is not IF in Automator as far as I can see. This is the first time I try to do something in Automator so maybe I am missing something.
I want to set up a Automator workflow so that whenever I move Photo's to a certain folder, it will automatically copy those files to another folder, how can I do this ?
I have already created one, but after the first ' sync' it has failed and now does not work.
Is there a way to create a folder-action that accomplishes what I'm about to describe?
I have iTunes-library (like most of us do). What I would like to accomplish is to copy my library to a server on my network. Of course I can do the initial copying manually, but what I would like to do is that whenever I add content to my library, a folder action kicks in, and copies that new content to the server.
Now, I created a folder action with Automator, and it kinda works. What it does is that it looks at certain folder, gets folder-contents (subfolders included, since iTunes-library resides in subfolders), and copies them to another folder. It works, but what happens is that it copies the subfolders and their contents AND the individual files separately. I mean that if I copy a folder called XXXX which contains subfolders called ZZZZ and YYYY, which in turn contain files ABCD and 1234, it doesn't copy the folder XXXX, but it does copy the subfolders ZZZZ and YYYY and their contents. All well? Well, no, since it also copies the individual files (ABCD and 1234) to the root of the destination-folder. What I would like to copy the folders in similar way they are in the original folder.
Also, what happens when I reboot my computer? When I log back in, would the folder copy the entire folder-structure all over again? I mean, I log in, the folder-actions runs, and copies the contents of the folder. What I would like it to do is to only copy files over when new files/folders are added.
What I try to do is pick a photo from a defined folder ("gallery"), scale it and upload it to my Wordpress side. I automatically want to run this workflow every morning at a specific time so that the pictures changes everyday. It may sound strange that almost everything is done but two things are missing:
a) How do I tell Automator to use a random file from the "gallery" folder? How do I tell it to use the "gallery" folder in the first place?
b) How do I schedule that task? Is there a scheduler function somewhere that I missed?
Right now I use it manually as a service for images - that's why the first action is the copy action.Once the picture is scaled down to 230px and loaded into the folder "image_upload_temp" Hazel will take the file and upload it. I need to copy the file first to keep the original and scale a copy and then move it to the target folder because Hazel shall not upload the unscaled but only the scaled version.
I cannot get Folder Actions Script working on Leopard 10.5.8.
I have put a simple script in ~/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/ and attached it to a folder on the Desktop, but no way to make it act.
I suspect it may be a permission issue, but I do not know how to repair it. I tried repairing permissions with Disk Utility and with Onyx, but no success.
I removed MailPilot that I was trying and somewhere the Folder MailPilot still exists. I tried to trash it, remove it, rename it and nothing can be done with it...it says that folder does not exist.
Is there any way to clean that out of my IMAP directory. It doesn't show up on iClould or Mail but does show up on Postbox. Yet the error is clear that my IMAP account still thinks it is there.
Using Mavericks. The Apple Mail program does NOT show this directory but is still must exist somewhere.
I created a folder action in Automator and can't find it to edit it or delete it. I've looked everywhere I could think of and ran a spotlight search but I can't find the .workflow document. All I want to do is delete the workflow.
What i am trying to do is create a program that lets the user have a small conversation with the computer but i don't want to use "else" and list the possible inputs seperatley and have to write the same thing over and over again. does anyone know of a way i can list possible inputs together and have them lead to the same result?
Been up for a while trying to figure this out with no luck. I created an app that will uninstall a program and all of it's files.
example try do shell script "rm -rf /Applications/TestFakeApp" end try try do shell script "rm -rf /Applications/TestFakeApp2" end try try do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/com.FakeTestApp.plist" end try try do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/com.FakeTestApp2.plist" end try try do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/FakeTestApp*" end try try do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/FakeTestApp" end try
there are alot more paths to remove but this is just a few for example
I want to be able to create a log.txt file on the desktop to show what has been removed and or what could not be removed.
I then tried by creating a text document by using
do shell script "touch ~/Desktop/test.txt" tell application "Finder" open file ((path to desktop folder as text) & "test.txt") using ((path to applications folder as text) & "TextEdit.app")end tell
but I don't know what to do next.
1. Have it check for each file to see if it was deleted or not
I am using a script that Jacques Rioux kindly helped me out with a couple days ago. I altered his script a little to complete a different task I needed to create a shortcut for. The script below first creates two folders (TIFF & JPEG) and then it sorts files with an extension .tif into the 'TIFF' folder and files with the extension .jpg into the folder named 'JPEG'. This works great but I would like the script to effect multiple folders. Can anyone help me add to the script so when you click it, a prompt will pop up allowing you to choose multiple folders to apply the script too? As of now it will only work on one folder at a time.
I had a simple folder action created in Automator that scaled images to 800 pixels whenever i added files to a specific folder. It does not work anymore. I have tried recreating the action in a new folder and all i get is a warning: "The action “Scale Images” was not supplied with the required data."
I would like to create a Smart folder that only has applications & utilities in a sub-folder.
This will be similar to the default applications folder that shows in the dock, but without all the extra files & folders - just a list of applications.
I can do this by esily by just having a smart folder of applications showing only type=application.
However, I would still like to have utilities in a sub-folder.
If thats not possible, then it would be OK to have 2 seperate smart folders, 1 for apps excluding utilities & 1 for utilities only.
Is there some way in the smart folder options i can exclude a sub directory?
I must have done something to my installation of OS X. When I go to create a new folder, it automatically creates the folder with the name "untitled folder". The problem is, the name isn't selected. Normally, when you create a new folder, you can just type the name immediately. For me, I have to create the new folder, then click on the name to select the text and then type it. Also, when I do go to type in the new name, the text "untitled folder" doesn't disappear. I just type over it.
I'm using MacBook Pro Early 2011 model with Mountain Lion (10.8.5).
I recently noticed that there was an application folder in my home folder (the folder with your username), but that application folder had been empty. I remember I used to be able to access to my applications from that folder, but not anymore.
Since the folder was empty, I deleted it before doing further research.
After deleting the empty application folder from the home folder, I looked up and some said the application folder in the home folder and the application folder in Macintosh HD are two different folders. I don't know what it means, but I would like to have an application folder with applications in my home folder. Is this possible? or should I just make an Alias folder and put it in my home folder?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I'm running 10.7and I'm trying to create an applescript to install printers. I'm able to run the first command without issues but the other two keeps giving me error messages in applescript. I assume its because the other two commands have spaces? These are the commands I run when in Terminal: