OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: 1920x1080 Not Possible For External Monitor After Update
Apr 1, 2012
Since I updated Snow Leopard to Version 10.6.8 on my MBP15, I can't use my SyncMaster P2770 HD (Samsung) in its highest 1920x1080 resolution anymore. I can choose 1920x1080 in the monitor-preferences, but having done that the resolution remains at 1680x1050 @60Hz (I can see it and even the monitor's info-menu says, that i still use 1680x1050 @60Hz). I use a Mini DisplayPort to VGA-Adapter and a VGA-cable.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 7, 2010
I recently bought a Macbook, and I've been trying to connect it to my external Samsung SyncMaster P2270 screen using a DVI-to-miniDVI adapter from Apple. It works, both as extended or mirrored screen, but the maximum resolution I get is 1600x1200 (and I actually use 1600x900, cause it looks distorted otherwise).
Any clues on how to get it to output 1920x1080? I'm sure that the screen supports that resolution, because I've used it before with another laptop.
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Mar 25, 2012
I have been having some problems with my Macbook Pro. I have a new BenQ screen connected to it via the Mini Display Port to VGA adapter from Apple. No matter what I do, I cant seem to be able to change the resolution to anything higher than 1280x1024, which is a pretty stupid resolution to have on a 27'' monitor. Sometimes when I plug it in, it gives me the option to change the resolution to 1920x1080.
But when I select it, the screen goes black and displays the message "No signal detected". Now, as it happens, I have a copy of windows installed on a partition of my hdd, and the screen works flawlessly on it. full HD with 75 Hertz. So that shows that it is not a hardware problem, it has to be a software problem. I tried everything, including reinstalling OS X, and deleting the "windowserver" files. no success.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 26, 2009
Just got a 17" unibody to replace my 15" Classic. It appears that the 17" can't output 1920x1200 over the mini DisplayPort to DVI connection, rather displaying 1920x1080. The 15" Classic has no problem outputting 1920x1200 which is the native resolution of this display (an LG L246WP).
What can I do? I tried downloading SwitchResX and fiddling around with that to no avail.
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Jan 17, 2010
Recently I installed the Snow Leopard OS on my Macbook Pro, previously I had 10.5 installed. However, now when I connect my Macbook to my flatscreen TV (Panasonic Plasma), using a mini display port cable to an HDMI cable, there's a black border around the edges of the picture. Before the Snow Leopard upgrade I was able to view the entire screen area of the Plasma TV, without any borders. The only thing I've done differently since then is install Snow Leopard. Does anyone know how I can fill the screen with image without using the zoom option on the TV screen, as the zoom cuts off some image at the top and bottom?
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Sep 14, 2010
I have a macbook pro and when I connect it to my external ASUS VH226H, 1920x1080 22" moitor all the fonts except the ones that are part of the OS not in external software are really blurry and rubbish. I've used the following apps and it all looks terrible: Coda, Firefox, Safari, Adium, Adobe CS5. I've tried changing the font smoothing options via terminal and it has made no difference.
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Sep 7, 2009
For the last year I have been searching for a way to play Netflix instant streaming content on my external Cinema Display connected to my iMac. Once a movie was playing full screen on the external display if you clicked on anything on the main display the movie would fall out of full screen and back to window mode. This is highly annoying and I really wanted a solution.
I ran across Plex some months back and they had a Netflix plugin which solved the problem, or so I thought. While Plex could play movies from Netflix full screen on the external display without falling out of full screen, it came with a host of compromises. The first compromise was that in Plex my instant queue never reflected what was actually in my queue. Recently I had 116 movies in my queue and Plex reported only 80 of those. Worse if one of the movies I wanted to watch was missing I would try to use Plex's Netflix search function and Plex would still not find the movie. Some titles simply could not be found through Plex, a problem the author acknowledges and says he is working on with no ETA. The other issue I have with Plex is that the fast forward and rewind functions that work so well in the Netflix browser based player do not work at all in Plex, making navigation in a movie painful within Plex.
So tonight I set out to look for an alternative to Plex, I came up empty handed. Then I had an idea, I searched my Mac for the Silverlight plugin and when I found it was greeted with a window stating that an update was available. This has happened several times before and each time I updated with the hope that Microsoft fixed the external monitor viewing problem, but it always remained. So this time I updated and proceeded to run my usual test which is to put a Firefox browser window on my external display, play a movie, and then click the full screen button. The movie went full screen which it always does, then I clicked in my other Firefox window open on my main display, as always the window on the external monitor fell out of full screen.
Dejected I went on to my second test which is to perform the exact same sequence I just described but using Safari instead of Firefox. Again it went full screen on the external display but this time something was different! The window where I clicked full screen froze and a new window opened behind it in full screen. Now I had two windows open on the external display, the smaller frozen one and a full screen one playing the movie behind it. I minimized the small window which left only the full screen one playing on the external display. Then I clicked on a window on my main display and the movie continued to play full screen on the external monitor! Thinking it was a fluke I closed Safari and tried it again, it worked perfectly!
This is awesome now I can play my Netflix movies on my external display in full screen without any issues and I have all of the features of the Netflix browser based player, in particular fast forward and rewind.
One last thing, prior to this working playback in a browser window was extremely choppy for me. Plex did not play choppy and it was another reason I was using it for playback. Now in full screen with the browser based player through Safari there is absolutely no choppiness.
Just for reference here is everything I am running:
OS X 10.6
Safari 4.0.3
Silverlight plugin 3.0.40723.0 (which interestingly is dated July 23)
Even though my system told me an update was available I am confused by the July 23 date of the plugin. Maybe it wasn't the plugin that solved this but rather my newly installed Snow Leopard in conjunction with Safari 4.0.3? Whatever the case I am thrilled to report that it finally works!
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Jun 19, 2012
After the last update I cant transfer files to my external harddrive it gives the following message "The operation can't be completed because the item is in use".
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 13, 2009
Anyone else experiencing the same issue? after updating to 10.5.7 i got a grey band across the bottom of my screen after restart. I logged in and went to system preferences, but the highest resolution i can now choose is 1920x1080.
My screen is a HP w2448hc, its capable of 1920x1280, worked at this res before update. Anyone suggest a fix? or did they restrict the mac mini in the update?
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Feb 13, 2009
I recently purchased a miniDVI to VGA adaptor, and set up a dual monitor (37") to my iMac (24"). The problem is, the new monitor is only displaying at 1440 x 900.. i'd like it to be able to show 1920x1080; the actual resolution of the monitor. Any way of doing this? (the maximum resolution in the display preferences is 1440 x 900)
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Aug 4, 2009
Can anyone tell me definitively if a 1920x1080 DVI display will work with an Aluminum PowerBook 15" 1.5GHz? When I look at the Apple specs page, it says that it can handle external monitors up to 2048 x 1536 on the external display, but that does not specifically state that it supports this resolution. This one is special because it is 16:9, which is not particularly standard for monitors. The card in this model is an ATI Radeon 970. However, their website is completely unhelpful. The paheon the 970 makes no mention whatsoever of Macs, but does go out of its way to note that 1920x1080 is only supported on some OSes. So has anyone successfully run a 1920 x 1080 monitor on a PowerBook? I'm looking at the ASUS VH242H display.
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Apr 10, 2012
I have a VGA monitor plugged in to my imac using the VGA adapter to the mini-DVI. All was working well. Since I updated over the weekend, the computer will not detect the monitor.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), VGA Adapter
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Sep 10, 2010
The highest resolution I can get at the moment is 1600x900 using a MacBook Pro, however I know that my monitor is capable of 1920x1080, as this is the resolution I used with my last computer which was a PC. I am using the Mini Display port to DVI adapter. The MacBook is fairly new. I bought it in April 2010.
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Jun 11, 2012
My external monitor stopped working after performing tonight's software updates. 2011 MBA 13inch running 10.7.4. Computer takes 2 minutes to boot to a grey pattern on the MBA and an all blue desktop on my external. Boots fine when I unplug the monitor and reboot.
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Jul 3, 2012
Today I performed a clean install of Snow Leopard on my late 2009 Mac Mini. After completing the installation, I began running software update to bring everything up-to-date.While software update did find and install a number of updates (10.6.8v1.1 Combo update, Security Update 2012-002, Apple Software Installer Update, iLife Support 9.0.4, Remote Desktop Client Update 3.5.3, Airport Utility, Java, Safari) it did not find an update for iTunes (which starts at version 9.x, I believe, in a SL clean install).I assumed that this was some sort of random glitch and manually downloaded and installed iTunes 10.6.3.After that, I re-installed iLife '11 (from a retail DVD, not the App Store).When I ran Software Update again, it found updates for Garage Band, iDVD, and iWeb, but it did not show the updates for iPhoto and iMovie.I found this to be unnerving, as I performed a clean install when I first obtained this Mini a few months ago and didn't experience any of these problems - all of my Apple software updated automatically through Software Update without a hitch.
I began researching this problem online and found that other people have been experiencing this same problem (or some variation of it), and it seems like it began appearing around the time Apple updated some of its security certificates in March.In particular, I've found several references to the missing iPhoto update.This one is especially noticeable because an iPhoto library created in iPhoto 9.2.3 will not open in iPhoto 9.0, and this generates an error upon opening the program (i.e., a user backs up their iPhoto library created in 9.2.3, performs a SL clean install, reinstalls iLife, goes through the Software Update process until it shows that no more updates are available, and are shocked to find that they are unable to open their backed up iPhoto library because they have an out of date version of iPhoto).The most common (and admittedly logical) solution proposed in the threads I've read is to download any necessary updates directly from the Apple website. However, I am curious as to why this previously functional feature now appears to be broken.Has anyone else been struggling with this? Does it indeed have something to do with the new security certificates? Is Apple aware of the problem?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 28, 2009
So I'm in a unique situation. I'm upgrading my Tiger Macbook that has a broken screen (only top 1/3rd is visible) to Leopard. The problem is, the Leopard installer runs on the primary display so I can't see the installer properly. I've tried blind clicking to no avail. I was wondering if there is anyway to use the Leopard installer with an external screen? I've searched the internet to no avail and was wondering if I could get a definitive answer for this problem. I've just ordered a new screen for the Macbook and am going to try to DIY replace it.
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Oct 29, 2009
Interesting... at the same time as Magic mouse comes into stock (well, in UK Apple stores, anyhow), Apple release the "Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 for Leopard" & "Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 for Snow Leopard".
Here are direct links to the installer disk images, to save you time - even if you don't yet have a Magic mouse, you can install the software now to save time later:
Snow Leopard:
I also found it interesting, how the mouse icon has changed into a Magic mouse in System Preferences:
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Jun 9, 2012
How can I connect my MacBook Air to a Monitor. Is there some function button to use?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 30, 2012
Can I update this machine with Leopard or Snow Leopard?
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Apr 29, 2012
I have a 2nd monitor attached to my MBAir. I have icons (folders, a few files, and some aliases - not a lot!!) positioned on both monitors. I can work this way just fine for days. (Yes, I do restart nightly and, yes, after a basic restart all the icons stay put.) But sometimes, out of the blue, something happens that causes all the icons on the 2nd monitor to line up on the border between the two screen displays (i.e., almost off the 2nd monitor but not quite completely onto the MBAir's display). Â
This seems to be related to saving a file onto the desktop -- say, when I'm using Safari on the 2nd monitor and I drag the address bar address to save a webloc file. However, I can do this more often than not with no odd effects. (However, lately I've started dragging into a FOLDER on the desktop to avoid this.) Now, I just watched it happen when all I did was save a tiny .TXT file to the desktop. Of course I can fix things by dragging everything back to where it was (plus, I typically do a Restart before that since I figure something has gone amiss with the system so I'd like to clean things out). But what I'd really like is to figure out is why this is happening in the first place so that I can prevent it ... or, at least, so that I can stop doing whatever special behavior is causing it.Â
Mini + Air11, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iPhones, iPods, iPad, MacBook Pro (10.6), PB G4 (10.4), ATV
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Jun 10, 2012
I am trying to create a workflow that will monitor a webpage and send me email if the page contains a certain keyword. I got it working, I get email; the email contains the keyword, or is an empty message when the keyword is missing.I would rather not get these empty messages is possible. Until I figure this out, I may send these message at some gmail address and create a fiter there to forward only message with that keyword. Not elegant but should work. Anyway, long term I want a more elegant solution. Here is what I have in Automator:
1) Get Specific ULRs
2) Get Text from Webpage
3) Filter Paragraphs (and here is where I check whether the keyword shows up or not)
4) New mail message (which contains they keyword from #3, or is empty)
5) Send outgoing messages.
As I said, the workflow always works, and will send a message with that keyword, or an empty message. How do I make the workflow send email ONLY if they keyword is detected? There is not IF in Automator as far as I can see. This is the first time I try to do something in Automator so maybe I am missing something.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 9, 2010
I have a 27" i7. I have a 24" DVI Montior hooked up to it via MDP->DVI adaptor. When the 24" Monitor is on, everything is fine. When I turn the monitor off, the magic mouse tracking on the 27" screen stutters. I am not kidding - it took me ages to figure out that to fix I either need to turn the other monitor on OR disconnect the MDP->DVI adaptor.
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Feb 2, 2012
I have a 27" iMac. I would like to split the screen into two differently configured desktops or monitors. Apps like TwoUp or Divy don't exactly do this. I'll explain it with an example:Â
Suppose I'm working on a document and I need to open many folders to retrieve files. One common problem is that opened folders overlap each other and sometimes they overlap with the document I'm working on, or they go underneath the document. I would like to split the screen vertically in, say, two virtual, independent desktops/monitors, like this:
- one window/space on one side (say, on the left) of the screen would contain the document from top to bottom, with no dock bar on the bottom
- the other window/space (right) would behave as a regular, full desktop, with the entire dock on the bottomÂ
In this way, if I need to navigate to find a file to use in the document, I would move the cursor to the right. The Finder would work only in this window/space, thus windows or other applications would never overlap or clutter the left side of the screen. Drag-and-drop from right to left should be possible.Â
One way to imagine it is as if the 16x9 monitor were comprised by two vertical, 8x9 independent monitors side by side, each with its own configuration.Â
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Jun 13, 2012
Wanting to update my operating system. running 10.4 now need to update to 10.6.3. Do I need to update to Leopard before snow leopard will work?
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Mar 14, 2012
Update could not be expanded, and may have been corrupted during downloading. Does anybody know how this can be fixed, since the error message appears every time I try the update. Other updates run smoothly.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Nov 20, 2008
This is a silly question, but is Snow Leopard an update to 10.5 Leopard or a new OS altogether (buy new OS disc).?
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Aug 28, 2009
I am thinking that I might wait a few months to upgrade to Snow Leopard in order to avoid glitches that always come with new OS's. I am happy with Leopard, and just think that waiting may avoid some headaches. Does anyone else think this is a good idea or is there a good reason why I should upgrade as soon as I can?
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Mar 2, 2012
I cannot update anything on my Mac. I tried to get the new iTunes 10.5.3 and Remote Desktop Client Update 3.5.2; I keep getting an error when it is installing.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 11, 2012
How do i go about upgrading from tiger to snow leopard or lion? Is it possible or do I have to go through each level on its own?
iBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Oct 28, 2009
Apple this week is equipping developers with a new beta of Mac OS X 10.6.2, the second maintenance and security update to the company's new Snow Leopard operating system that will perform upgrades to nearly 150 components. The latest beta, labeled Mac OS X 10.6.2 build 10C535, comes one week after the Mac maker issued build 10C531 to address issues with Snow Leopard's Dock, ColorSync, QuartzCore and graphic driver components. This week, Apple has asked developers to continue to provide feedback on graphics drivers while also tasking them with focusing their evaluation efforts on TrackPad preferences and the ability to create virtual machines, people familiar with the matter say.
As was the case with last week's beta, documentation accompanying build 10C535 reportedly lists no known issues. And while Apple has temporarily ceased its practice of providing a running list of bug fixes that will come baked into the impending release, it did identify 148 components that have seen tweaks. Among those components are AppleBacklight, Battery Menu, Dictionary, Expose, FileSync, Family Controls, Fonts, Front Row, HFS, Inkwell, iPhoto, MobileMe, OpenCL, Parental Controls, QuickTime, Screen Sharing, Spell Checker, Spotlight, Time Machine, and USB. In bare bones Delta form, Mac OS X 10.6.2 currently weighs in at roughly 480MB. It's expected for release sometime next month.[View this article at AppleInsider.com]
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