I need advice choosing a wireless router. It will be permanently connected to a pc but I plan on using its wireless for my IBook G4. My wireless card is 54-Mbps AirPort Extreme WiFi 802.11g. I am looking for whatever will give me the highest speed, reliability, and least amount of interference (I live in an apartment complex with multiple networks).
Dual 2ghz Power PC G5 with Leopard 10.5.8Recently had it in for a repair, not with Apple (that expired a longggg time ago) because it would only turn on intermittently. They fixed this problem, citing bad components and also replaced the broken optical drive. However when they gave it back to me it was incredibly loud, they stated that they had to reconnect a fan and that was probably what caused the power problem in the first place. I'm pretty sure though that I had disconnected it unwittingly about a week after the power problem started when I opened it up to change the battery... believing that may be the problem at the time.
I am using Windows right now. I never realized this but my download speed is supposed to be 768 Kbps. Though when I download something my speed is between 70 - 90 Kbps. Is this normal? I ran many virus scans and I am clean.Is there something that is slowing it down? I am also using wireless connection.
Does it hurt the computer... If the computer is doing something (watching flash, playing a game) that turns on the fan full speed;Does this hurt the computer? There are a few games I like to play and they turn on the fan at full speed (computer gets hot too, on the bottom.)
This is driving me crazy, so any help would be greatly appreciated.I am using an IBOOK G4, running OS 10.3.9. Never had any major problems with the computer itself I am currently living in Korea, and thus have very highspeed internet. However, on my Mac, it is running quite slow. There is no modem that I can reset, because the apartment building is already wired so my ethernet cable connects directly into the wall. A friend came over to test the connection (speedtest.net) with his PC and he was downloading 60,000 KBPS, when I plugged in my MAC I was downloading at 15,000 KBPS. He downloads various things at around 2mb/s and I sometimes only get 50 kb/s.
I purchased my PowerMac G5 in 2003 and no problems till now. My problem is that on startup, the display first shows gray screen with a globe in a white box flashing in the center of the screen. This continues for about 90 seconds --- then the globe in box icon changes to a small file folder icon with alternating face/question mark flashing in the file folder. At about the same time, the fan speeds up dramatically. The fan continues to run at this high speed for about 90 additional seconds, then the fan returns to normal speed, and the startup continues normally to the blue screen. Once startup is complete, computer runs okay. The whole process takes about 4 minutes.
Information: PowerMac G5, 1.8 Ghz, OS X 10.2.8 Mac OS X (10.2.x)
Crucial lists PC4000 (500mhz) as well as PC3200 (400mhz) for my Power Mac. It has 1gb of PC3200 in it right now. I always thought that you wanted your RAM to be AT LEAST as fast as your FSB. Well...my FSB is 1ghz per processor. SO, would it be a good idea to run PC4000 RAM as opposed to PC3200? From what I gather if I mix them, it will just run the RAM at 400mhz. So would it be substantially faster with say, 1gb of PC4000 as ooposed to 1gb of PC3200 ?
I purchased a used ibook from owc in January and have had it back to them twice for repairs. Lately, it stopped booting up again and they told me to use [URL] to take the mobo out and ship it to Arizona to have the solder refloated. I did and got it back, put it together and it would boot up, only to run for 15 minutes and shut down. Thinking I missed something, I dissasembled it today and reassembled it. Now it turns on with a blank screen, the fan runs on high, and it will go no further. I tried to reset the power manager, reset the p-ram, the hard drive is only a few months old and my brain is getting fried with frustration.
I have a white macbook that has airport extreme (0x14e4, 0x88). In some wireless networks that operate at speed 108 I got 'Time Out' Error when I want to connect. Is there any patch I should install or something should be done?
i've got a 6 year old 12 inch powerbook G4 1.33 ghz that has internet speeds around 5177kbps, but overall its a bit dated sooo I wanted something a bit more new. I recently picked up a white 2.4 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook, HOWEVER the internet wireless speeds on it is dismal in comparison. I'm getting download speeds on average around 405kbps and upload speeds are pretty much non-existant! I've matched both of them to the same internet settings and they are both running 10.5.8. So again I'm stumped and if anybody can give me some idea as to what to do, Id greatly appreciate it!
1. Some say that sleep consume less power than boot, but some say it isn't. Which is true? and how it can be?
2. Is it true that charging your macbook pro until 100% then unplug it will make cycle count go faster than using AC power all day and ONLY using battery when we couldn't find AC outlet will make it slower?
3. i found that some macbook user leave their macbook charged all the time and some macbook user prefer use battery all the time. Which way is better?
The iMac G3 is a 2002 model, has a 600 mghz processor and 1 GB RAM. It does not have an AirPort wireless card and Apple no longer manufacturers an AirPort card for this machine (which I bought used), so I bought a USB wireless adapter that appears to pick up a pretty strong signal from my Verizon FiOS router, strongest of course when parked next to the router. Unfortunately, I am only able to generate 3.5-4.2 mbps download speed no matter how close I am to the router, whereas the machine can consistently download at 12-15 mbps with a direct ethernet connection. The FiOS router can download at speeds in excess of 20 mbps. Is there some setting I'm overlooking that can improve the wireless connection speed or am I going to have to settle for wired use only?
I just bought a second hand, 6 yr old Mac Desktop, my first ever Mac.I tried using the USB for wireless device I had used on my ACER to try connect my mac to my wireless network , it didnt work. How do I connect my Mac to my wireless network the cheapest way possible? If it is a special USB device I need
I've bought a powermac G5 (april, 2005) without an airport card. If I want I connect it wireless, what is the best and cheapest way to do it? Is it:
(A to buy an airport card with antenna
(B to buy an airport express station and connect it via Ethernet Or (C to buy an third party antenna to connect to the router So again: is it possible, what works the best, and what is the cheapest. NB. My wireless network is going via a time capsule. The router is on the first floor and my Mac is on the third. Powermac G5, dual core 2,3 MHz, 2.5 gb ram, 230 gb hard drive?
I got myself a PowerBook G4, trying to weigh my options as far as upgrades go. The airport inside this laptop gives me horrible reception, always has, always will. Would a wireless card give me a significant boost of speed/reception? If you have experience with it, please add your input as I'm trying to justify this purchase if it will have benefits. Example, I'm in my bedroom, 2 floors down is the wireless router (not that far away), and sometimes reception drops to 0...I'd like to have a solid connection.
I am interested in adding a webcam to my desktop Imac (power pc)- Isight is no longer available- an option that I found is the Ecamm Image- but apparently it is USB and not firewire and it will only run with high speed usb- how do I know which type is on my computer? I checked system profiler but quite frankly wasn't sure of the designations.. does anyone have any experience with this camera, by the way? is USB 2.0 by definition "High Speed"?
Sorry for the title but I couldn't think of anything better. Hopefully I'll be able to explain my problem. I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...). I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.
Last night my fan kicked into high gear all of a sudden. I shut it down overnight and when booting up this AM I find it still running on high...quire noisy, of course. Is there something overheating? How to make it run at normal speed?
So I have a network running a Linksys B&G WRT54G router on a ComCast Cable internet connection. I have an iBook G4 (2005) and a B/W G3/400 connected to it. The iBook is using the built-in Airport Extreme and the G3 is using a valid Belkin PCI card (model: FD57000) 802.11G card. So the G3 is just chillin' downloading torrents and what not, but I noticed the speeds aren't that great and my iBook is slowed waaay down on just basic web browsing. I reboot the G3 and all of a sudden the iBook speeds way up. Once the G3 is back online everything is slow again. I've tried many settings and still am not satisfied yet (using the iBook on the same torrents as the G3 the speeds are insanely higher).
Where I work there is a "free, pubic" wireless network. I can access it with my PB G4, and it will show two or three bars of connection. But, I'm informed that my computer is not connected to the internet and when I check the Network control panel I'm it shows that my PB has a self assigned IP address. Meanwhile, someone with a Windows laptop sitting right next to me can connect without issue.
Hi guys. I need some help with my Airport. I currently have a D-Link DIR-655 router. The wireless is wonderful when it works but lately the problem is the network has disappeared from my Airport list. I've tried reinstalling the software and it has temporarily fixed the problem but after a minute or so the network vanishes (but I'm still able to connect to it via iPhone). Anyone know what the problem is? I'm currently running 10.5.7 on a 15" Pbook G4.
I need some help/suggestions as to why my G5 tower won't connect to a wireless network. I recently moved into a guest house with free wireless internet. My landlord gave me the password to tap in, and it works great on my netbook, which is what I am using to post this entry. It also works with my iPod Touch. However, my G5 times out every time I try. It recognizes the network and when I type in the password, it tries to join it and after a few moments it says "connection timed out"
Why is this happening? I'm up to date on software/hardware updates. I've even tried shutting down my netbook to see if that was the reason it wasn't connecting, but nope. Still doesn't connect.I like my netbook and internet browsing is speedy on it but I need my desktop for most of my work and internet productivity.
I just got my iBook Clamshell Blueberry from a seller. It appears to have Airport, but it has 9.2 OS and I'm not sure how to get it to pickup my wireless network. Any ideas? Other then that its in Great shape. No pixels out and no cracks. I want to up the ram and hardrive and then get a dvd drive to sub out for the cd drive.