My old iMac desktop with Tiger OS installed crashed. I couldn't reboot. I tried the Hardware checkout I got with my MacBook and everything passed. I tried to start-up from the Tiger install disk--but couldn't. So, I went to my old 9.2 OS install disk and was able to startup. Problem is that it didn't let me do anything. I couldn't see my hard drive or attempt any kind of repair. I also can now not eject the system disk. What do I do to first get the 9.2 OS install disk out of my computer and then how do I retrieve my system? I thought I would try rebooting from my MacBook OS X install disk, which I probably should have tried before the 9.2 OS.
While trying to restart after downloading an iTunes update, my computer won't go past the grey screen with the apple and loading bar. When I hit command+s it says my system bootstrapper crashed. I've repaired the disk and disk permissions and it still won't load.
Ran verify disk, all OK. Ran permission repair, all OK. Ran Disk Warrior, all OK. Downloaded 10.7.3 and ran install. Update is now stuck on 'Optimizing system for installed software'.
I have my 17" MBP besides me when it pronated me to restart after a software update. I am working in my other mac pro. Then I see the MBP with the blue screen for a while with no sign of activity. I press the power button, goes black and that is it. It won't want to start up again. The hard drive tries to read or something inside moves just once and that is it. Is not the hard drive broken, there is not reason and is not the sound of a broken drive, it sounds like the optical drive too. But the thing is that there is not activity, no sound of any sort. I disconnected the battery, unplugged the machine, power up, reconnect the battery and power and nothing. Is dead. The power light is on. It seems the software update did something to the computer. It has been on my desk for a week with Skype and messenger mostly.
After finding some things going wrong with my system such as Wineserver and Java I suspect to not be working correctly as I attemped to play Minecraft (Uses Java) and League of Legends for the Mac otherwise known as iLoL (Uses Wine) I decided maybe it was for the best to update the OS as some updates might have "borked" some code up.
I originally tried to update to 10.7.4 with the software update button found in the apple menu, but after updating it said it had failed after restarting to install the software with the error of "The installer encountered an error that caused the installer to fail, contact the software manufacturer for assistance" Leaving me with 10.7.3, I have tried repairing my disk permissions but that did not work neither did reinstalling 10.7.3 as it had the same error or restarting my computer all the same. But I did find this informative log in my console, if only I could understand it as I'm not the most technilogicily advanced person ever but I do enjoy software development, anyhow here is the log that I discovered in my console.
I ran an update two days ago (Nov 30, 2009) for iTunes and Safari. The iTunes update installed, but the Safari update failed. Now none of the main Mac software will run, including Update, Mail, Safari, or iTunes. The icons just bounce once and do not proceed with the application. Thank goodness for Firefox.
What should I do? I've downloaded the MaxOSXUpdCombo10.4.11PPC.dmg today, but can't run it. I've already tried to run the auto update through Utility Terminal, and while it said it was updating I'm still not getting anything to open. I tried deleted the Safari phist and and History files from Library Preferences, but that didn't help.
I ran Disk Utility to Verify Disk Permissions and Repair, and everything ran without any error messages. Interestingly, when I click on either of the two disk icons (149.1 GB ST3160023As) and (Macintosh HD), neither will allow the Repair Disk icon on Disk Utility to work, it stays shaded.
I again ran Disk Utility and this time clicked on the top Disk Drive and then clicked "Verify Disk". A window popped up saying "First Aid Failed - Disk Utility stopped verifying Macintosh HD because the following error was encountered: The underlying task reported failure to exit"
Below this, here's what Disk Utility Reported:
Verifying volume �Macintosh HD� Checking HFS Plus volume. Checking Extents Overflow file. Checking Catalog file. Checking multi-linked files. Checking Catalog hierarchy. %) Checking Extended Attributes file. Checking volume bitmap. Volume Bit Map needs minor repair Checking volume information. Invalid volume free block count Invalid volume free block count %@ instead of %@)",2) 32772515 32772513 The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired. Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit 1 HFS volume checked Volume needs repair
Please help. Honestly, all I did was run auto update. I have the original system disks, and can run them if someone shows me how to fix this, as long as I'm not risking all my photos and files, etc. Yes, I should buy an external drive, will do.
Currently using OS X Lion, started the latest software update and computer crashed during the update. I forced the computer to turn off, but when I turn it on, it returns to the same "crashed" condition (grey screen with an apple logo in the center, plus the time symbol spinning).
Just did Software Update from Apple and it crashed severely. Now it will not boot-up. I had the fading down screen with a message saying to hold down the on Button to reboot but it will not, it starts up with the same massage. It also comes up with some and more of the info below, whatever it means?
Panic CPU 0 <Panic> Unable to find perform text scan: Debugger called <Panic> Can't perform text scan: SD process name corresponding to correct thread MAC OS Version: Not yet set.
I also updated a Mac Mini and iMac with no problems.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a boot issue that I've investigated the best I could :- CMD + ALT + P + R didn't fix it
- SHIFT + Power didn't fix it- Power + S in Verbose mode didn't fix it- Even restarting with the ALT key to choose the Recovery partition and reinstalling OSX Mavericks (successfully) didn't fix anything - Of course, Permission Repair and Disk Repair (I did it more than 10 times) didn't fix anything as well.Â
The Hard Drive is working fine, as I've mounted it in USB as a Target Disk and I can access all its files and datas, everything's good.
So it's definitely and solely a Boot issue. When I start in Verbose (Power + V) mode, I have these last 5 lines that are the only clues I have on this issue :
BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCache.playlist: 2 No such file or directory BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser/Merged.playlist: 2 No such file or directory BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser/Login.playlist: 2 No such file or director BootCacheControl : Added 32-bit shared cache to the low priority batch
And finally, it says: 1 2 The system bootstrapper has crashed: Segmentation fault: 11  I don't want to Format + Reinstall. I want to fix it!
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), 16 Gb of DDR3, 1Tb HDD.
I was ripping a DVD last night and also surfing web and a couple other things all at same time (have 4gb memory) and the macbook crashed and was just stuck. It stayed that way for a long time, so I held down the power button and turned it off. After that, I couldn't get it to book back up. It would just stay stuck at the grey screen with the spinning wheel.
So I got out my original DVD disk and reinstalled. I do not remember how it worded it, but I did the option where it kept my previous system information. I now have Leopard installed again and I have a folder called "previous system" and I can view my old desktop files, applications, etc.
Installed MSOffice on my MBP with SL already installed. Office immediately wants to be updated with a "critical update" which is 200+ MB. Nearing the end of the update I get a message that says the update had a technical error, and it then shuts down. After this nothing in Office works.
Then I tried to post a message on MS's Mactopia forum and it won't let me log in. So I can't post, and I can't create a new account.I dragged the corrupted Office to the trash (their uninstall program wouldn't work either). Reinstalled Office and everything works. But it's not updated.
i had just made settings for my gmail in the mail app, it crashed. then i deleted the gmail account as not to use it. now it sops me from shuttingdown the system. saying first close your mail app then shutdown.
Every minute my server reports this message: servermgr_info: unexpected Software Update state: crashed A restart of the server stopps messaging this until the automatic nightly looking for software updates.In preferences the automatic software updates are disabled! How can I turn off the automatic looking for software updates of servermgr?Â
Info: Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 GB RAM, 1TB RAID (mirror)
So I have a macbook pro old model.Recent Problems:graphics card failedsystem crashed had to reinstall system crashed again and would be stuck on apple logo now after i reinstalled SL after the stuck on logo problem my mac was fine.3 weeks later which is now it started to lag,slow,unresponsive.So i tried repairing disk utility and FAILED then i tried reinstalling osx FAILEDthen i had to delete my whole harddrive :*( and reformated the harddrive.FAILED AGAIN.calling apple is a no because i already called alot before so now they want to charge.So did i reformat wrong? something?
I am a proud owner of a MAC powerbook G4 for just over 3 years now. It runs MAc OX 10.3. For the last two weeks i have been having issues. First it started to be very slow. Then it would not boot up and i got a blue screen. I ran the file system checks from the OS X and it complained about the volume being bad and said it could not be repaired. i decided to reinstall the whole thing and did a complete erase and install. IT booted up fine. The software updater asked permission to update which i agreed.
After the update was over, the software updater had more updates. I guessed that it was probably giving me updates in the chronological order. During a particular update, it gave the blue screen and "please restart" ... and when i rebooted it did not come up... just a blue screen... i verified the filesystem using the diagnostic tool and it again said it was corrupt .... I have done this twice now and i have a feeling it happened when i was updating the same batch of software updates.... sometimes my software updater would crash everytime i launch it.....
My computer was stuck doing an update. I shut it off. When I started it later, it was stuck on start up. 8 hours later I threw in the os disk and now I have that stuck in there also.
I was asked to performed a system update with a reboot which I proceeded to do. Once the reboot was complete I had lost my system time (which had been reset to December 31, 2000 and my background had been replaced with the original generic MAC background. I have been unable to find the source of this issue and I am unsure how to fix this. I was able to change my clock by adjusting the Date & Time Preferences and fix my background image as well, but I am concerned that this is a temporary fix. Has anyone else experienced this with a system update?
I just updated my MBP to 10.6.3 after it restarted I can only have the Graphite theme. I ve changed it to blue in the system preferences but it didn't change anything.It's not important but oh well, has it happened to anyone else?
I started updating my MacBook Pro OS to Yosemite version after solving some issues. It all started correctly but when the progress bar reached the middle of it, it got stuck and it has been like that more than 10 hours.Â
The Mac is from 2010 and it has got 4 GB of RAM and the processing's unit clock is of 2.6 GHz
I recently installed the iTunes update plus 3 others that were in the list (don't remember what they were). After they installed, it said that a restart was necessary. I let it restart and when it came back the "beach ball" was spinning. The hockey game was about to start so I went off to watch the first period. When I returned the beach ball was still spinning. Thinking that there was no way it could take that long, I went ahead and shut down the iMac. I waited about 30 seconds and then turned it back on. It started normally and did not seem to have any problems.
Is there something else I should have done? How long should it take the iMac to restart after a software update?
I have a Macbook with OS X version 10.5.2. After being prompted to restart my computer while doing software updates, it brought me to a screen telling me to restart my computer. Every time I restart it, it takes me back to this screen, I can't get it to boot!
My iMac ran a software update last night, but the program kicked out before it completed. When I went to reboot this morning, I had the Mac icon on a grey screen, with a little line rolling around in a circle below it. It's been hung up there all day.
I've read in other posts that I should do a clean install of the system software. Problem is, my hard drive is absolutely packed and the computer is telling me that I don't have enough space to do even a baisc installation without all the bells and whistles. Because the machine won't boot, I can't get into the drive to transfer or delete any files in order to create the necessary space for the installation.
This is my first mac, I installed the 10.6.4 update the other day and restarted, since then it has been on or sleeping. I just shut it down and turned it on again and it's asking for my password. Each time I enter it goes to load and then comes back to the log in screen. I know I have the write password because it's a simple 4 digit one that I use for my bank account and if I enter anything else the box shakes and asks me to re-enter it. How do I log in?
I have downloaded the latest security update and my MacBook has been stuck on this blue screen with a little download wheel at the bottom of the screen for about seven hours now. What should I do?
I did a software update and now MacBook pro is stuck on grey screen with spinning wheel. Turned off and on, still the wheel is spinning. Tried holding down shift key on a start up and yet still returned to grey screen with spinning wheel.
I got a 1 TB Western Digital external last night and had left it on all night so that Time Machine could back me up a few times. Then this morning, I had disconnected the drive and decided that I ought to update to 10.5.8 because Software update had told me to the day before. So I did, and I walked out of the room after it started installing the update. Then I walked back in when I first heard the startup chime and the fans were running at 6000 rpm and the screen showed the Apple and the daisy wheel. It proceeded to turn itself off, and repeat the process, always getting stuck at the Apple logo screen. So I tried booting it up in safe mode, but nothing changed; it never got past the apple screen. Then I booted from the install disc and used disk utility to verify the disk and repair the disk permissions. I tried starting it up a couple of times after that and nothing had changed. So I booted from the install disc again and was going to reinstall Leopard, but I decided to restore from one of the pre-10.5.8 Time Machine Backups.