MacBook Pro :: Mail App Crashed And Stops To Shutdown System

Aug 28, 2014

i had just made settings for my gmail in the mail app, it crashed. then i deleted the gmail account as not to use it. now it sops me from shuttingdown the system. saying first close your mail app then shutdown.

MacBook Pro, Other OS, os x 10.9.4

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MacBook Pro :: The System Bootstrapper Has Been Crashed

Mar 23, 2012

when i was updating osx 10.7.2 to 10.7.3 the system has been crash so what can i do?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: OS X (10.7.5) System Bootstrapper Has Crashed

Sep 9, 2014

I have a boot issue that I've investigated the best I could :- CMD + ALT + P + R didn't fix it

- SHIFT + Power didn't fix it- Power + S in Verbose mode didn't fix it- Even restarting with the ALT key to choose the Recovery partition and reinstalling OSX Mavericks (successfully) didn't fix anything
- Of course, Permission Repair and Disk Repair (I did it more than 10 times) didn't fix anything as well. 

The Hard Drive is working fine, as I've mounted it in USB as a Target Disk and I can access all its files and datas, everything's good.

So it's definitely and solely a Boot issue. When I start in Verbose (Power + V) mode, I have these last 5 lines that are the only clues I have on this issue :

BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCache.playlist: 2 No such file or directory
BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser/Merged.playlist: 2 No such file or directory
BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser/Login.playlist: 2 No such file or director
BootCacheControl : Added 32-bit shared cache to the low priority batch

And finally, it says:  1  2  The system bootstrapper has crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
I don't want to Format + Reinstall. I want to fix it!

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), 16 Gb of DDR3, 1Tb HDD.

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MacBook Pro :: System Bootstrapper Crashed On Restart After ITunes Update Download

Feb 20, 2012

While trying to restart after downloading an iTunes update, my computer won't go past the grey screen with the apple and loading bar. When I hit command+s it says my system bootstrapper crashed. I've repaired the disk and disk permissions and it still won't load.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Air :: Closing The Lid Makes System Shutdown?

Dec 16, 2010

I noticed that when I close the lid at night and open in the MBA boots normally as if it was shut down..It made my outlook pst file corrupt 2 times... ( I use the outlook 2003 under parallels with XP )As far as I know..closing the lid should make it sleep... It was like this..but now I guess its forcing shutdown...

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MacBook :: Shutdown Or Leave System On Sleep?

Jun 18, 2009

Is it OK to leave the MB on sleep. On my previous Laptop I never shut it down unless it was necessary, im talking the computer never shutdown for like 2 or 3 weeks of use. Not continuous use, I use the laptop 3,4 maybe 5 times a day and its kinda hard for me to wait for the boot up, i usually just close it (sleep) and go away. Can I damage my MB doing that?

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MacBook Pro :: System Shutdown With No Reason / No Warring Message

Sep 5, 2014

i was working on my macbook pro and it shutdown for no reasoned, no warring message. the power cord was more hot than usual. When i restart my computer  the time was rest in 2000. i had reprove some only permission. google chrome don't let me surf the web your connection is not private. And i have some stange  warring to in safari  like it can be fake website.i try to instal Security Update 2011-003 but it tel me you need 10.6.7 to install  you can not instal it  but i have 10.6.8. Did i have ben hackor my powercord just heat up and my computer just shutdown for security, and have damage some setting that i need to restart. macbook pro, 2.4ghz intel core i5, 8gbmac os 10.6.8

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Stops Receiving Mail From Exchange Server?

Apr 12, 2010

I am running OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 and periodically Mail.App will stop updating my new emails. I am connected to an Exchange 2007 system. When it is not able to update, clicking the "Get Mail" button will not do anything but I am still able to send mail.

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MacBook Pro :: Sudden Shutdown Without Warning - General System Error

Apr 23, 2010

I've had my MBP since Oct of 2007. About 2 weeks ago it would not turn on so I had the logic board replaced. After I got it back it would randomly shut down, the only solution I could do is take out the battery and work at the lower clockspeed but it still shut down without warning, just less frequently. I thought it might be the power cord or the battery so I got those replaced but it is still happening. The first day I had the battery (yesterday) it worked fine, no random shutdowns, I calibrated the battery per apple instructions and today it worked great (during charge up and plugged in at full charge) for about 5 hours, then it shut down, I turned it back on and it shut down shortly after, I reset the SMC by taking out the battery and holding down the power button and putting it back in and it shut down again.

Then I tried to run the hardware test and it shut down again so now I am posting this out of frustration. I also reset the pram and it shut down again. Now it won't stay on for more than getting through the login screen. I don't have applecare but they replaced the logic board for no cost (which I don't fully understand), I'd rather not take it back but I will if you guys have no ideas. I looked up (with difficulty) the previous shutdown code: -2 ( and it said it was a "General System Error (VBL Mgr, Queue) -2 vTypErr invalid queue element" but I have no idea what that means.

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OS X :: Mac Crashed Installed Again - Now Have Previous System Folder

Mar 30, 2009

I was ripping a DVD last night and also surfing web and a couple other things all at same time (have 4gb memory) and the macbook crashed and was just stuck. It stayed that way for a long time, so I held down the power button and turned it off. After that, I couldn't get it to book back up. It would just stay stuck at the grey screen with the spinning wheel.

So I got out my original DVD disk and reinstalled. I do not remember how it worded it, but I did the option where it kept my previous system information. I now have Leopard installed again and I have a folder called "previous system" and I can view my old desktop files, applications, etc.

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OS X :: Software Update Crashed System - CD Stuck

Oct 11, 2009

My old iMac desktop with Tiger OS installed crashed. I couldn't reboot. I tried the Hardware checkout I got with my MacBook and everything passed. I tried to start-up from the Tiger install disk--but couldn't. So, I went to my old 9.2 OS install disk and was able to startup. Problem is that it didn't let me do anything. I couldn't see my hard drive or attempt any kind of repair. I also can now not eject the system disk. What do I do to first get the 9.2 OS install disk out of my computer and then how do I retrieve my system? I thought I would try rebooting from my MacBook OS X install disk, which I probably should have tried before the 9.2 OS.

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Software :: Unable To Open Mac Mail - Crashed

May 30, 2009

When I click on the stamp icon to open mac mail it bounces one time and then stops. The console log says:

===== Saturday, May 30, 2009 4:59:19 PM US/Pacific =====
dyld: Symbol not found: _SEC_OctetStringTemplate
Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/Message.framework/Versions/B/Message
Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
May 30 16:59:28 Macintosh crashdump[988]: Mail crashed
May 30 16:59:28 Macintosh crashdump[988]: crash report written to: /Users/EJones/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Mail.crash.log

But I can't find the crash log either. Running OS X10.4 on iMac G4? Can't open the system profiler either.

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OS X :: Shutdown Time And System Log

Apr 10, 2008

It used to be that shutdown was "instantaneous" (2, 3 seconds or so). So when all of a sudden my shutdown time became 20 seconds I got interested. Why the wait? Questions: What is your shutdown time? According to the system.log from yesterday's shutdown (other shutdowns are similar):
Apr 9 22:57:38 Fiona shutdown[431]: halt by ...:
Apr 9 22:57:38 Fiona shutdown[431]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1207774658 599340
Apr 9 22:57:38 Fiona[36]: Shutdown NOW!
Apr 9 22:57:38 Fiona[36]: System shutdown time has arrived^G^G
Apr 9 22:57:46 Fiona mds[35]: (Error) Import: importer:0x87dc00 Importer start failed for 501 (kr:268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port)
Apr 9 22:57:46 Fiona mds[35]: (Fatal) Server: Assertion failure in -[MDSServiceUtil machPortForBootstrapName:targetClassName:andUid:usingRosetta:] (/SourceCache/Spotlight/Spotlight-398.8/server/MDSWorkerProcess/MDSServiceUtil.m:98) -- Mach error 1105: unknown error code
Apr 9 22:57:46 Fiona[1] ([35]): Exited abnormally: Illegal instruction
Apr 9 22:57:58 Fiona[1] ([31]): Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing.
Apr 9 22:57:58 Fiona[1] ([31]): Exited: Killed

Interesting, Illegal instructions, Unknown error code. Why is Spotlight always working at the moment of shutdown? What is happening in the unshown 10 seconds?

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Hardware :: Keyboard Stops Working / Printer Is Not Recognized By System

Dec 4, 2008

I purchased a new iMac a month ago. Often, the keyboard just stops working and the computer has to be restarted for the keyboard to work again. Another problem: Unless I plug my printer in with a USB, the Mac does not pick it up. The printer is a fairly new HP Officejet J5780.

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OS X :: Front Row System Shutdown / Sleep

Jun 12, 2006

I am new to macs just got my first intel dua 20" iMac 3 months back and added a macbook pro last week. My questions is...Is there a way to shutdown or turn off the computer (iMac) with the Front Row remote either in front row or while back at the desktop. I keep my iMac in my bedroom and it serves as the computer as well as the dvd player/pvr/satellite receiver and I would love to be able to watch the directv or dvd and turn off the system without getting out of bed using the remote. It seems that Apple could ad a little icon at the bottom of the front row screen with a shutdown option or if someone created a small app that ran in the background so when you came to the desktop you could use the remote to shutdown the system.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail App Stops Receiving Emails After A While

Jul 4, 2012

I have massive problems with Mail. I use mail at work and have 3 accounts running:
1. Mac. mail account
2. Gmail mail account
3. Exchange Server

I have quite a few folders in my accounts where I have to archive my emails to. Often very often or lets say annoyingly too often mail stops working.
- Stops receiving emails
- Emails I have put away in folders disappear in my inbox again
- If I try to quite Mail it won't I have to force it and then when I open it again all my emails I was working on open again even so I have sent them already. Also all the emails I have folded away are back in my inbox.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), iOS 5.0.1

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OS X Technologies :: Time Machine Stops Backing Up To External Disk - System Freezes

Feb 27, 2012

I have used Time Machine to backup my data on an external hard drive with ample space for the past year. However, for the past month or so when plug in my hard drive and try to back up my files using Time Machine, it completely freezes my computer, to the point where I need to hold down the power button for 10+ seconds and completely restart. At first I thought this might be due to not enough RAM, but discovered it does this even if all other programs are closed.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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OS X :: Shutdown / Restart System - Stuck On Showing Desktop

Mar 8, 2008

I'm a rather new Mac user (it's been about 6 months since I bought my new aluminum iMac). Lately, I've been experiencing difficulties in shutting down my system, or even restarting it. I should probably note that I'm using 10.5.2 Sometimes, when I try to perform a system shutdown/restart, the OS gets to a point where only my desktop is shown but nothing happens (occasionally the beach ball keeps rolling, but not always).

At that point, (as far as I know) there's nothing I can do to restart/shutdown the system, besides pressing the "power" button for several seconds until the power goes down. When similar things happened on my old XP machine, I would just use CTRL ALT DEL and force quit all applications - until shutdown succeeds. There was never a scenario where I needed to cut the power in order to get the system to shut down. On OS X when this situation occurs, the CMD ALT ESC combo doesn't seem to work.

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OS X :: Had To Force Shutdown After System Freeze - Any Maintenance Necessary Upon Restart?

May 14, 2010

I have a MBP running Snow Leopard. The keyboard and trackpad became unresponsive, even though music was still streaming through Google Chrome. So I held down the power button to force shutdown. When something like this occurs, is there anything that should be done upon restarting the system again? Any general maintenance, system checks, etc? From my experience with Windows, not infrequently after similar scenarios, forced shutdown or crash, upon restart it'll automatically go into some type of disc scan. I wonder if anything similar occurs or is necessary with OSX. And lastly, when the system freezes like in my instance, if that's considered a freeze even though music was streaming all the while, is holding down the power button the only resolution? Are there no other safer alternatives to attempt first?

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IMac (Intel) :: What To Do When Operating System Doesn't Shutdown By Itself

Jun 4, 2014

Usually when I shut down the system using the software "shut down" command, the system shuts down. Lately, I have had to use the shut down button which resuts in an improper shut down when I restart the computer. So, there is a software glitch. Is there anyway to correct this?

iMac (24-inch), iOS 7.1.1

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Apple Mail Stops Sync With MS Exchange After A While

May 24, 2012

I have to quit Mail and restart it to start getting emails again. Plus all the messages I had deleted come back again and those moved elsewhere are back in the inbox. My company IT says the problem is that they are using an older version of MS Exchange server software and that Apple is not fully compatible. Is there a way to improve Apple Mail performance on my end?

Info:Apple Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Mail Inexplicably Stops Retrieving Email?

Sep 3, 2014

It doesn't matter if I set the preferences to check automatically, every 1 minute, every 5 minutes, etc. Mail just stops retrieving, and even more aggravating is the fact that the Activity monitor runs at the specified interval, implying that my mail is being checked. And yet, if not for checking my email on my iPhone, I'd think everything was fine, it's just a particularly slow day. When I see that in fact I've gotten a number of emails, I check my Mavericks Mail manually, and still nothing comes in. It's only upon deactivating all my accounts and then reactivating, or quitting the app and then restarting that I get all the mail I've already gotten on my iPhone. This is pretty infuriating, as I get caught up in my work and forget that my Mac Mail is "moody." 

I'm running Mavericks 10.9.4 and Mail 7.3.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Mail 7.3

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail Won't Shutdown

Jun 13, 2012

Mail won't shutdown

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OS X Mavericks :: Mail Sound Stops Working - Restart Fixes For A While

Jun 25, 2014

I am on Mavericks 10.9.3 (brand new MB Air 13.3).  I configured Mail with my IMAP accounts and it is able to send and receive mail.  The problem is that the sound stops working after a while.  When I sleep and wake the computer, at some point, it no longer makes the whoosh when sending a message.  None of the other sounds work either. I have updated everything very recently.

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Intel Mac :: Can't Shutdown Mail, Contacts

Apr 21, 2012

How do you shutdown mal, contacts & calendars if theres no red X to shut down?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)

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OS X :: Command+tab Switching Stops Functioning / Shortcuts Stops Working

Nov 22, 2009

On a day-to-day basis I run: Adobe PS, INDD, and AI, Microsoft Entourage, Firefox and iTunes. Just recently, after an upgrade to Leopard, I added Things and Simplify Media to the list.The problem that happens before (on Tiger) and now (on Leopard) is command+tab switching stops functioning and Expose hot corners and shortcuts stop working.

I'm pretty sure this isn't a Finder crash because before, on Tiger, I could quit+restart Firefox and everything would be back to normal. Almost as if some shortcut had causes the system to act differently or there was some app dissonance?

But now, with Leopard, nothing I quit will cause these two features to act properly until I do a restart. Both features (command+tab switching and expose) are very necessary for my work flow. I have checked SysPref to make sure keyboard shortcuts are default and Univeral Access to make sure assisted devices is turned off.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mail Stops Displaying Messages In Viewer Window

Mar 29, 2012

Mail [snow leop] stops displaying messages in viewer window until I open a new viewer window. That is the message text in the right window section does not show. I have looked for an item in Preferences and find nothing relating to this. This is an issue that occurs more often now. What need I do?

iMac (20-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Failed To Install / Graphics Card Failed / System Crashed Had To Reinstall?

Oct 1, 2010

So I have a macbook pro old model.Recent Problems:graphics card failedsystem crashed had to reinstall system crashed again and would be stuck on apple logo
now after i reinstalled SL after the stuck on logo problem my mac was fine.3 weeks later which is now it started to lag,slow,unresponsive.So i tried repairing disk utility and FAILED then i tried reinstalling osx FAILEDthen i had to delete my whole harddrive :*( and reformated the harddrive.FAILED AGAIN.calling apple is a no because i already called alot before so now they want to charge.So did i reformat wrong? something?

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Applications :: Mail Canceled Shutdown - Need OS X Update?

Jun 6, 2010

Whenever - or at least 90% of the time - I try to shutdown my MacBook Pro, I get the message "Application Mail canceled shutdown" and so it is, my Laptop won't shut down. Whats wrong with that? (I searched the forum and found this thread , but it actually only explains how to shut OSX down but not how to avoid the problem) I read on the net that several people had this problem with a prog called "uTorrent", and the solution found on the net was to update your OSX to 10.5.x or later. I'm on 10.0.3 so?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Force Quit Mac Mail To Shutdown?

Mar 28, 2012

Every time I want to shut down my late 2011 MacBook Pro, Mac Mail cancels the shut down & I have to force quit mail.  I was having this problem on my old 2008 MacBook before I upgraded to the Pro (but it only started after I upgraded to Lion OSX).  So what's wrong w/ Mac Mail? And is there some setting I can change?  This is an annoying time suck. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), late 2011

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