MacBook Pro :: The System Bootstrapper Has Been Crashed

Mar 23, 2012

when i was updating osx 10.7.2 to 10.7.3 the system has been crash so what can i do?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: OS X (10.7.5) System Bootstrapper Has Crashed

Sep 9, 2014

I have a boot issue that I've investigated the best I could :- CMD + ALT + P + R didn't fix it

- SHIFT + Power didn't fix it- Power + S in Verbose mode didn't fix it- Even restarting with the ALT key to choose the Recovery partition and reinstalling OSX Mavericks (successfully) didn't fix anything
- Of course, Permission Repair and Disk Repair (I did it more than 10 times) didn't fix anything as well. 

The Hard Drive is working fine, as I've mounted it in USB as a Target Disk and I can access all its files and datas, everything's good.

So it's definitely and solely a Boot issue. When I start in Verbose (Power + V) mode, I have these last 5 lines that are the only clues I have on this issue :

BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCache.playlist: 2 No such file or directory
BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser/Merged.playlist: 2 No such file or directory
BootCacheControl : Unable to open /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser/Login.playlist: 2 No such file or director
BootCacheControl : Added 32-bit shared cache to the low priority batch

And finally, it says:  1  2  The system bootstrapper has crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
I don't want to Format + Reinstall. I want to fix it!

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), 16 Gb of DDR3, 1Tb HDD.

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MacBook Pro :: System Bootstrapper Crashed On Restart After ITunes Update Download

Feb 20, 2012

While trying to restart after downloading an iTunes update, my computer won't go past the grey screen with the apple and loading bar. When I hit command+s it says my system bootstrapper crashed. I've repaired the disk and disk permissions and it still won't load.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Why Getting Bootstrapper Crashed Error

May 20, 2012

My 2010 macbook pro will not boot properly, I am getting the bootstrapper crashed error. I have tried starting by holding down the option button but it only gives me one hard drive to boot from, that is I only have one option to boot from.

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MacBook Pro :: Mail App Crashed And Stops To Shutdown System

Aug 28, 2014

i had just made settings for my gmail in the mail app, it crashed. then i deleted the gmail account as not to use it. now it sops me from shuttingdown the system. saying first close your mail app then shutdown.

MacBook Pro, Other OS, os x 10.9.4

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OS X :: Mac Crashed Installed Again - Now Have Previous System Folder

Mar 30, 2009

I was ripping a DVD last night and also surfing web and a couple other things all at same time (have 4gb memory) and the macbook crashed and was just stuck. It stayed that way for a long time, so I held down the power button and turned it off. After that, I couldn't get it to book back up. It would just stay stuck at the grey screen with the spinning wheel.

So I got out my original DVD disk and reinstalled. I do not remember how it worded it, but I did the option where it kept my previous system information. I now have Leopard installed again and I have a folder called "previous system" and I can view my old desktop files, applications, etc.

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OS X :: Software Update Crashed System - CD Stuck

Oct 11, 2009

My old iMac desktop with Tiger OS installed crashed. I couldn't reboot. I tried the Hardware checkout I got with my MacBook and everything passed. I tried to start-up from the Tiger install disk--but couldn't. So, I went to my old 9.2 OS install disk and was able to startup. Problem is that it didn't let me do anything. I couldn't see my hard drive or attempt any kind of repair. I also can now not eject the system disk. What do I do to first get the 9.2 OS install disk out of my computer and then how do I retrieve my system? I thought I would try rebooting from my MacBook OS X install disk, which I probably should have tried before the 9.2 OS.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Failed To Install / Graphics Card Failed / System Crashed Had To Reinstall?

Oct 1, 2010

So I have a macbook pro old model.Recent Problems:graphics card failedsystem crashed had to reinstall system crashed again and would be stuck on apple logo
now after i reinstalled SL after the stuck on logo problem my mac was fine.3 weeks later which is now it started to lag,slow,unresponsive.So i tried repairing disk utility and FAILED then i tried reinstalling osx FAILEDthen i had to delete my whole harddrive :*( and reformated the harddrive.FAILED AGAIN.calling apple is a no because i already called alot before so now they want to charge.So did i reformat wrong? something?

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MacBook Pro :: Crashed Hdd During Swap?

Jul 22, 2009

I had an Apple "Genius" swap a hard drive from a MacBook 13" to a MacBook Pro 13". When I got it back, the hard drive was unreadable. The "Genius" said that he did nothing wrong and the problem was that the Hitachi hard drive from the MacBook was incompatible with the new MacBook Pro. My original MacBook was purchased in May 2009 and exchanged for the MacBook Pro in July 2009. When I booted the MacBook Pro from the installer disk, and launched Disk Utilities, my internal hard drive was blank/unformatted. How could the Genius destroy my hard drive just by swapping from one MacBook to another?

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MacBook Air :: HDD Scan On Mac Air - IMac's HDD Crashed?

Jan 4, 2010

is there a way to run Drive Genius on Mac Air? The MA is getting slower by the day and I saw the same symptoms right before my iMac's HDD crashed. I want to run a HDD scan but Drive Genius requires that I scan a non boot drive. Since Target mode is not an option, I am out of ideas.

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MacBook :: HDD Crashed - Need To Get All Info And Stuff?

May 5, 2010

My MacBook HDD crashed and I just had some questions. This is still in the middle of the quarter and thankfully my midterms are already over so I'm free till finals, besides papers. The problem is I was walking around my apartment and tripped over my chair, which caused the macbook to fall and the hdd to fail. I took it over to the bookstore for them to check it out and they said they could see the hdd but not the partition. I'm not exactly sure what this means but I need 3-5 folders out of my documents folder and the entirety of my pictures folder (completely forgot to back it up). I also needs my bookmarks from firefox and calendar/mail stuff (not sure if that's possible) What are the chances of this happening? I'm giving my mac to a buddy of mine who has a good friend that's a genius at the apple store in OC. I'm just wondering if I can get my information back... or I'm screwed for finals pretty much? On a side note I did order a new MBP so I guess I'll have half the quarter's notes.

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MacBook Pro :: Figure Out What To Get Because Mine Crashed?

Apr 24, 2012

trying to figure out what to get because mine crashed.  any suggestions?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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MacBook Pro :: IPhoto Has Been Crashed - Could Not Access

Jul 6, 2012

My iPhoto has been crashed and I could not access. How can I use iPhoto?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Crashed And Won't Turn Back On?

Dec 8, 2014

Afrer finishing a 15 page paper my computer crashed. The charger would not light up when I plugged it in and now the light is very faint. The computer will not turn on at all it has made no noise and there is no light coming from it.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 8.1

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Just Crashed While Partitioning In BootCamp

Jan 8, 2011

I was trying to setup a partition via bootcamp to install windows 7 and I got the error msg that is grey and all different languages that says to shut down. I was so scared I would loose my data b/c I haven't back up in like 6 months.

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MacBook Pro :: OS X Partition Crashed - All Data Lost?

Sep 30, 2009

So not even a year into owning my shiny MBP 15.4, the OSX partition crashed and I lost everything. Lesson learned, I need to buy a nice external HD to backup my stuff. So here are my questions for you guys. What is a nice portable small external HD... one I don't need to plug into the wall and the computer, pref around 320GB. Also I am going to freshly install OSX 10.6 so I think its time to go from 2GB to 4GB, what is the best RAM for my MBP 15.4 2.4GHz Unibody and where should I pick that up from?

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Freezes And Computer Crashed

Feb 1, 2010

I have a 2.2 GHz MacBook Pro, one of the Santa Rosa models with the 8600M GT. It's run perfectly for nearly two years - up until about two weeks ago. Since then, it's experienced three pretty drastic system-wide crashes. Each time, the screen flashes white three times and freezes, requiring a hard reset - the mouse still moves, but the computer doesn't recognize any input. Curiously, each time I've reset, the computer has had an instant kernel panic at the white boot screen with the Apple logo, requiring another hard reset. After this it's booted fine.

Each time I've had a reasonable amount of stuff running - Safari with, say, 15 tabs, Quicksilver, Ableton Live 8, Newsfire, iTunes, iCal - but nothing excessive. I can't really make head or tail of the panic logs, but each of them seem similar, and all mention kernel extensions and repeatedly. I've also had a couple other occasions where vertical lines have flashed down the screen momentarily. Am I right in thinking this is all most likely related to the graphics card starting to die?

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MacBook :: Unibody Has Crashed 3 Times In 2 Days?

Jul 11, 2010

Friday night I was on my computer on hulu watching some show. All of a sudden the screen goes black and nothing happens. I turn turning it back on it makes like a beep noise and doesn't start up. After about 3 try's it boots up and everything is ok. So I go back to hulu and I'm watching a show and then it crashes again. Try the same process works but I give up and just shut my computer and say Ill take it to the apple store in the morning. Well It was fine all day Saturday until about 11PM. I try same process and it works eventually. I've made sure that the battery is ok by doing the utilities then power battery condition was good.

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Software :: Continued Errors With Crashed Macbook

Oct 13, 2010

recently I asked a tech about my crash macbook. [URL] I didn't have an external hard drive, and by the time I bought one, the support chat thing had expired. But I finally have one now. Anyway, I'm trying to save my files using the external hard drive and the instructions that the tech gave me. "Don't give up on your files, yet! If you don't have a backup of those files, then you should attempt to get those files.
Here's what I would do: Get an external hard drive. Boot to your OS X installer DVD. Run Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. click on your hard drive, and click the Restore tab. drag your internal hard drive to the Source line. Drag your external hard drive to the destination line, then click the Restore button. That might back up your files all in one step. You may need to wait for several hours for that to finish."

I just tried that, and it worked fine until I tried to drag my external hard drive to the destination line. It dragged it over and then let it go on the destination line, but nothing appeared. I was wondering, why might this be?

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Crashed During Software Update

Feb 22, 2012

Currently using OS X Lion, started the latest software update and computer crashed during the update. I forced the computer to turn off, but when I turn it on, it returns to the same "crashed" condition (grey screen with an apple logo in the center, plus the time symbol spinning). 

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MacBook Pro :: Crashed Severely After OS Update - Now Will Not Boot Up

Jun 12, 2012

Just did Software Update from Apple and it crashed severely. Now it will not boot-up. I had the fading down screen with a message saying to hold down the on Button to reboot but it will not, it starts up with the same massage. It also comes up with some and more of the info below, whatever it means?

Panic CPU 0 <Panic>
Unable to find perform text scan:
Debugger called <Panic>
Can't perform text scan:
SD process name corresponding to correct thread
MAC OS Version: Not yet set.

I also updated a Mac Mini and iMac with no problems.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: IMovie 09 Crashed When Try To Save A Movie

Sep 7, 2014

I am running Mac OS 10.9.4 on my MacBook Pro. I am trying to share an iMovie on facebook and everytime I try to save my movie iMovie 09 crashes...everytime!

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Crashed And No Recovery Options Work

Aug 30, 2014

I was watching a show online when I got a black screen.  I rebooted to find that it boots straight to the recovery partition.  I've tried doing the Reinstall Mac OS X option, as well as Internet recovery.  Here's what happens. 

Reinstall Mac OS X - When I click to verify my computer's eligibility with Apple it says "An error occurred while preparing the installation.  Try running this application again.  I have done this probably 30-40 times with the same result. 

Internet Recovery - I have performed an internet recovery at least 5 times.  Every time it goes off without a hitch.  Bar fills all the way up, the computer restarts right back to the recovery partition.  If I hold option on boot, the only selectable boot option is "Recovery." 

I have cleared NVRAM, used disk utility to verify and repair the HDD multiple times, rand the hardware diagnostics with option+D (long tests everything passed), I completely deleted the OS partition that shows up in disk utility and recreated a partition and tried all these steps over again and still no luck. 

Could it be a bad HDD even though the tests passed? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Drive Crashed / Should Do 7 Pass Sweep?

Dec 28, 2010

My hard drive crashed so before I sell the laptop, I heard I should do a "7 pass sweep". I'm not sure how to do this from the OS install disk though

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OS X :: Recovering Files From Crashed Macbook On External Drive?

Jun 2, 2009

My macbook refuses to boot and freezes with either the blue or grey screen of death. I took my computer to the Genius Bar and the guy said my drive was dead but said I could possibly recover some of my files with an external hard drive. How exactly would I go about doing this? I've searched through posts but haven't really found anything specific. Do I go through Disk Utility or do I need a third party program like Data Rescue? He said to just boot from an external drive and then browse my old hard drive (which does show up in Disk Utility) and move things over.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Update Crashed MacBook Pro - Completely Hung Up

Feb 6, 2012

I was updating Lion and my computer was completely hung up for a long time. So I used the power button to turn it off and now it won't boot.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook :: Possible To Recover Data From Crashed Hard Drive?

May 29, 2012

My computer had frozen up so I had to restart it by holding down the power button. After I had done this, I kept getting a recurring kernel panic error. I had taken my MacBook the Apple Store and the tech who looked at it said that my hard drive was no longer good and that I would either have to replace it or purchase a new laptop. Regardless of whether I replace my hard drive or just purchase a new laptop, would there be any way to get my data that I lost off my old hard drive. I have some stuff backed up, but not recent data.


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MacBook Pro :: Can't Fix A Crashed Hard Drive - Impeding Circumstances

Jun 27, 2012

I have an early 2008 Macbook pro 15" 2.4ghz (T8300). Now when it attempts to startup I get the white screen with the spinning circle but it stays stalled at this screen indefinitely. While the icon continues spinning theres also a constant clicking sound coming from the hard drive. I have the Snow Leopard Install disc, but unfortunately the disc drive malfunctions ever since the laptop was dropped several years ago. (This happened a good year before the hard drive began failing) So booting from the disc wont work. 

I have an external usb drive that I thought I could boot from but would need to make a separate partition, thus losing over 2TB of music, movies, and documents. What I think I should do...?: Buy a small SSD to replace the failing hard drive. Using another mac, plug in the SSD via usb and install Snow leopard onto it. Then plug the SSD into the Macbook pro via usb and boot from it to make sure everything works. Then install the drive internally. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Transferring Data From Crashed Hard Drive To New One?

Sep 7, 2014

My trusty 6 year old mac book crashed.  Took it to apple, they couldn't recover.   Purchased new 15 mac book pro with 1TB. drive.   Removed my HD from the old mac book and trying to transfer files via sata cable to USB directly to my new mac.   Been successful with lots of files.  Problem is, new mac shows old file icons from Applications,  library, users, etc. but not contents.  I tried copying entire hard drive... Wont work.

Then went into users, from my main folder with most of my saved stuff.  The largest two folders I want to recover is the Documents folder and the Images folder. I cant open and see the files inside because for over 24 hours now it has been showing "Preparing to copy files". When I went to the images folder after about 6 hours it went from preparing, to copying with estimated time of 6 days to complete. If I could see the contents in the folders, I could simply just transfer the main Items needed? 

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Can Save Files From A Crashed 13-inch Mid 2012

Dec 3, 2014

I have booted the macbook pro using my desktop computer but I want to know if I can go in and transfer files over.  Currently I am on the OS X Utilities page and I can't get any further (I don't know what to do from here).  I have tried to repair the disk but it says that it can't repair the I out of luck for my unsaved files or is there anyway to get them?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)

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