OS X Server :: Blank Disk Images To Store Sensitive Data?
Dec 19, 2006
I created some blank disk images to store sensitive data in; with some I created my own password and with others I had the system do it. I also made the mistake of instructing the system to remember the passwords. Remembering the passwords kind of defeats the purpose as it automatically opens the folders. I want to be prompted for a password and never have been. I want to delete the blank disk image folders, but have not found a way of doing this and then I will create them again and instruct it not to remember the passwords. How to delete or change the password settings?
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Jan 3, 2010
I wanted to store files on a Time Capsule that is also a Time Machine target. Problem is that Time Machine eats up all the space with time.
Common workarounds are: a second USB drive attached to TC or open TC and re-partition the internal drive.
As a dirty hack, I created a disk image on TC's hard-disk and I mount it via an AppleScript. The concept is the same as Loopback devices in Linux or Solaris except for the fact that disk files cannot be shared among multiple users at the same time.
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Dec 4, 2014
This issue may have been present in Mavericks as well, but I have no first hand experience with Mavericks. I was recently updated to Yosemite at work and this is when my Mighty Mouse (wired, with a scroll wheel button on top, NOT MAGIC MOUSE) started going nuts.Â
I have my work settings matched exactly to the settings on my Mighty Mouse at home running on Mountain Lion. Horizontal scrolling is not an issue at all, but vertical scrolling is so incredible sensitive. I very slight scroll will send me to the op or bottom of a page in almost all applications. It is extremely annoying in my Adobe apps. I work in Illustrator moots the day and this scrolling issue has killed my production time. Â
I use my vertical and horizontal scrolling quite a lot in doing my work. The vertical again is fine and seems to match my scrolling at home, but any more than a single click of the scroll wheel since updating to Yosemite will send my cursor off of the artboard, which is sometimes very large. I t has too often centime to the edges of the pasteboard which than takes forever to try to scroll back into position. I simply use the Fit Artboard in Window key command to center my work on screen and then gently scroll to where I need to be. Â
To set my scrolling speed to slow will correct the vertical scrolling but will make my horizontal scrolling so heavy that I have to resort to using the hand tool to move around in my Illustrator app, which I have employed full-on at this point because it is the only consistent solution I have found.Â
Many people have suggested that I get rid of the Mighty Mouse and use the Magic Mouse. I have many reasons for not doing this (my 3D work needs a middle button for one), but I have also been reading that these Magic Mouse users are having their own scrolling issues.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Nov 13, 2009
Images of patents come up as blank since the 10.6 install Embedded images are TIFF
Firefox blinks a QT logo but no image
Is this a QT10 issue? A Safari issue?
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Apr 16, 2012
I have 1 tb data drive on server for student files but only using 40gb and says out of space. I cannot figure out where the space is located.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 1, 2012
I don't understand how it happened, but a school I work with has had the SUS rip through 80Gig in a few days (Snow Leopard Server 10.6.8). Same as with my home server (Lion Server 10.7.3).
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Feb 10, 2012
iTunes sees calendars we have set up in the office (those being shared, coming from iCal Server - Lion), but it will not sync that data to our iphones. I tried this at home where I have my personal computer's client iCal app get calendar data from our work server. It won't sync that either, though iTunes does see (in the sync list) the calendars.
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Aug 9, 2009
I have an imac, running 10.4.11. Suddenly I'm having a problem viewing images I've loaded onto the computer. I get the following error - "Couldn't open the file. It may be corrupt or a file format that Preview doesn't recognize." It's very random though. Initially I may be able to view the file (typically a .jpeg), then later I can't, or some of it appears but it's corrupted.
I've tried this using pictures from several different digital cameras/memory cards, so I don't think it's a fault on that end. Also, I've had some problems merely opening up screenshots, and TextEdit files - though again, this seems random. Thinking there might be cache issues, I cleared the history folder, but that didn't help.
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May 27, 2012
I can't seem to get the App Store to sell me Lion Server for my Snow Leopard Server.I'm trying to remain positive about this but I'm getting really that money isn't enough to make this happen.My experiencewith the App Store and Apple policies in general is its almost time to dump OS X and head back to Open Source.I put money in my iTunes account.I've done the 15 logins it takes to satisfy AppleID my account is complete and up-to-date in the store and the Support Communities.How do I buy the software and actually download and install it?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), upgrade to Lion
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Feb 22, 2010
This has happened to me twice in a week on two separate machines, with two separate discs. When inserted into the Mac, the "blank disc" window comes up, even though the disc is full of files. The "get info" window shows 8k of space taken up on the disc.
How can this be, and what can I do to fix it?
Both machines are running Leopard.
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Apr 2, 2012
Thinking about trying the new app store feature with lion 10.7.Will I end up with a disc image in my downloads folder?I'm assuming I'll get the install package in some way that I can use at my convenience offline. Is this correct? What I want to make sure to avoid is anything that's a one time use or requires being online.
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Aug 5, 2010
I burned several Data DVD's on MacBook Pro 2009, they mount and are readable on MacBook Pro. On iMac and HP PC they mount as Blank disc's I burned the using Disco and OS X Finder
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Mar 23, 2012
Point me in the right direction for deploying Leopard images from a lion server. I want to know if there is a way that I can create an image from a iMac that runs Leopard but then be able to deploy it from a lion server onto other iMacs.
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Feb 25, 2012
Suddenly (as of this AM) my iTunes App Store pages are blank. Never had this problem before. [I'm running a MBA under 10.7.3, with latest iTunes (10.5.3).]Â Symptoms: The Home Page is completely blank except for right panels (Quick Links, Top Charts) and iTunes Store footer; all other tabs on top do the same, except for App Store page, which is completely blank.Connection to Store is fine--iPhone syncs w/o a problem, and I can see my apps, music, updates, etc., can even access my Wish List.Updates download w/o problems, but if I try to view page for an app, only the top part of the page loads, down to "What's New in version xxx". Everything below is blank--no views of app, no Reviews, etc.Category pages will load, but without any Thumbnails, only text, but Purchase buttons work.My iPhone connects and appears as it should--no problems at all.
What I've Tried:reloading iTunes page--several times--no help.Reopening iTunes--several times--no help.Rebooting Mac--dittoRemoving iTunes.rsrc from iTunes [Package Contents/Resources] folder--relaunching iTunes-->didn't help, made it worse-->put it back...same issueOn iPhone:App Store seems to work fine.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13", 256 GB, 1.7 Core i5; Time Mach
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Apr 12, 2012
I bought the Lion Server and downloaded it.I ran the installer. A window appeared saying "Your Mac needs additional server software. Click Continue to download and install the software and finish configuration."It then shows a progress bar and proceeds to download, but stops with the error message: "Can't install Server Essentials because it is not currently available from the Software Update server." There is only an "OK" button that cancels the installer.I wasted hours with phone calls and support chat but they didn't know anything. it really seems like Apple has expanded to the point of incompetency.
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 1983 biodiesel Vanagon
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Dec 10, 2014
Entire email folders of mine seem to have lost all the content in them - all that remains is the heading detail on the individual emails.Â
It happens without much consistency -Sometimes I will use the folder, move messages to it and they will be fine, as normal,Then later on I will discover that ALL of the messages in this folder will seemingly have lost their data and gone blank.It makes no difference whether viewing in the mac mail pane or opening the message up directly.It wont happen to all folders or all subfoldersÂ
Is there a safe way of getting the messages back and preventing it happening any more?
I say 'safe' as reading through other similar threads years ago I saw suggestions about rebuilding mail boxes which others then mentioned that it completely wiped their entire mail boxes - the thought of that fills me with fear.Â
Im running an 2.8 Ghz i5 27" Desktop on Yosemite 10.10.1 - but it has been happening since Mountain Lion at least - Ive had this issue a few times but it seemed to be very limited and isolated, but in the last 6 months Ive noticed it happening to entire folders and I cannot let my records just evaporate like this!
OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 27, 2007
I have a Powerbook G4. Every time I insert a movie into my drive lately, instead of opening into DVD player (like it used to) I have been getting a message that asks me what I would like to do with the blank DVD.
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Jun 6, 2012
I have an up to date Lion server that I have created a 10.7.3 netboot image with. The issue I am having is that in Server Admin, the netboot image shows in the images list, but does not show up on any client machine. I have tried re-creating the image using the same hard drive, as well as creating an entirely new image. The images just will not show on client machines
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 6, 2014
It turns out that I cannot access the store at all, the iTunes window is just blank.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 21, 2014
I am unable to access the iTunes Store on my Macbook. I open iTunes and try to go to the iTunes Store. All that is there is a blank screen. When I try to search for something, it stays on the blank screen. I have completely updated the iTunes software and am still experiencing the same issues.
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Aug 3, 2010
One of my drives is showing issues that Disk Utility isn't catching or can't find. I've heard about Diskwarrior, iDefrag, Drive Genius, etc... but which one is the most comprehensive, is there a "best of breed" disk app out there or one that does more than the others?
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Jun 17, 2014
Upgraded to ITunes 11.2.2, the latest, using 10.6.8 OS on an Imac and first I noticed no images in my Wishlist. Just a blank screen, with the ability to sort by name ,etc tab.  Now when I do a search for an artist or an album on the store, I get a blank screen also for results, i see the text for showing the options of Aps, Music, Movies, but no images of search results.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 1, 2010
Well, after using Monolingual on my iBook G4 late '04 1.2GHZ running Tiger 10.4.11 I tried to install an app from a dmg file and the image mounts but when clicked Finder relaunches (or at least seems to because it blinks off then back on as when relaunching) and the image does not open. Did I mess up the architectures? I left the architectures as marked by Monolingual and proceeded with the deletion.
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Jul 10, 2010
I have accidentally deleted a couple of DMGs that I would like to get back. I dragged them to trash and emptied the trash, but notvia "secure empty". I have FileSalvage and a trial version of DataRescue, but I can't seem to get either to recover any DMG/Disk image files.
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Mar 9, 2012
I just got a new MacBook Pro at work, and it is running Lion 10.7.2. So far, the system will not mount any disk images, although all programs are also brand new. Neither .iso nor .dmg works. The warning message I receive each time says "Warning: The following disk images couldn't be opened ... Reason: not recognized"Â Disk Utility is also unable to mount the files.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 14, 2012
I am having this problem with disk images (no matter if they are .dmgs or isos or whatever) in a Lion 10.7.3 fully updated iMac: when openning one of these from the desktop or a Finder window, the disk utility helper starts opening and checking the image, and then it gets to a point where a window opens as a result with the message "image could not be opened, file system not allowed" (or so, I'm translating the message from Spanish).Â
And after that, no image I ever click even shows even theprogress dialog. Just nothing happens. I still see the process in Activity Monitor, and force quitting it allows the helper to work again, but I never get a .dmg to open up (so I cannot install anything...). The same images work perfectly in other computers and systems..
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 23, 2012
I'm trying to setup a Lion Server as an internet server - not as a web server - I need access to a different port. When I use the Server UI to go to Web, I can select to edit my domain name but then in the edit window, the Domain Name field is blank, and I can't change anything such as the port, SSL Cert, etc. As best I can tell, I have the DNS setup but I'm not sure I've done it correctly. I can add a second domain name and can edit the details for that. I'd hoped I could delete the first one or swap them but no luck. I can't access the domain name from outside the LAN but it may have just not propagated yet. I can access the IP address and do see the default home page.
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Mar 21, 2012
I inserted a blank disc into my macbookpro, hoping to upload songs to it. I hit open it iTunes, and now i can not eject the disc from finder or from iTunes. What should I do.
MacBook Pro
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Dec 6, 2014
In the middle of watching an educational DVD, I got an error message. After ejecting and trying again, I got a message that the disk was blank. I tried other disks with same result. Is the drive shot? Do I need to just get an external DVD drive?Â
My computer is using OS X 10.6.8. Model Name: MacBook Model Identifier: MacBook3,1 Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed: 2.2 GHz Number Of Processors: 1 Total Number Of Cores: 2 L2 Cache: 4 MB Memory: 4 GB Bus Speed: 800 MHz Boot ROM Version: MB31.008E.B02 SMC Version (system): 1.24f3 Serial Number (system): Hardware UUID: C1E4F6A0-1A17-5A33-8A87-7D3ED577FACA Sudden Motion Sensor: State: Enabled
MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari 5.1.10
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Oct 31, 2009
I want to install a file " divxinstaller.dmg" but I get a warning pop up window that says "the following disk images failed to mount....no mountable file system". I have a imac g5, with os x 10.3.9. I am only installing this divx.dmg program because I was told that it would fix a problem I have with my quicktime player. When I try to play avi files that I have. All I get is the quicktime player opened with the correct movie time code and viewing format size but I get no sound and no image, just a white screen.
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